Into the Ashes [The Arcadians 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Into the Ashes [The Arcadians 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 21

by Laurie Roma

  Now Raven just prayed that she could come through with what she had planned.

  She gritted her teeth as the males dragged them out of the small cave, down a long corridor into a huge cavern that was well lit by several large torches. The cavern also had a large hole in the ceiling that allowed her to see the stars twinkling in the dark-crimson sky.

  She looked around behind lowered lashes, careful not to give the secret of her glowing eyes away too soon and saw that Brynt and Selina’s brother Vadar was now present. Hatred burned so bright within her it took all of her control to try and stifle the need to lash out at all the sick, twisted males in the cavern.

  Raven instinctively lashed out and began struggling against the two captors holding her as she was hauled over to a crude stone altar, where she was chained down to the cold slab. There was nothing she could do as new manacles were secured to her wrists and ankles. God, she hoped she was right about what was going to happen soon or she was seriously screwed.

  “I always wanted to fuck a queen.” One of the males sneered down at her as he ran a hand up her leg, pulling her dress higher. He laughed mockingly as she tried to kick out at him, only to be held in place by the chains. “If you beg me like a good little whore, perhaps we will go easy on you.”

  Patience, Raven reminded herself and fought to contain her fear and get her breathing under control. She felt like she was a pinned-down butterfly about to be dissected and the feeling was absolutely horrifying. Once they were done securing her, the males stepped back. Raven heard Mila cry out and turned her head as the young female was roughly shoved to the ground in front of Vadar.

  “Kneel before me, you little bitch!” Vadar growled down at her. He ripped the rags off of Mila, baring her bruised body to everyone in the room. She tried rolling into the fetal position to cover herself and screamed out in pain as he started kicking her. Several more males entered the room, laughing and joking with each other as they leered at both Raven and Mila.

  Brynt placed a calming hand on Vadar’s shoulder. “Relax, brother. She will learn to obey. Kelgar, Samir, chain her up on the wall for later. I believe it is time to get to the main event.”

  Mila screamed again as one of the rogues pulled Mila up by her hair. Raven automatically strained against the bonds holding her to help the other woman, but she was held in place to watch helplessly as Mila was chained to the wall with her hands over her head.

  “You should never have betrayed us,” the one called Kelgar growled.

  “Please,” Mila pleaded, “Please, brother. Do not do this!”

  A wave of raw rage and disgust shot through Raven at hearing that. Studying their faces, she decided that Mila’s brothers would be the first to die, after Vadar, Brynt, and Selina that is.

  Brynt and Vadar stalked over to where Raven was laid out and she cringed as one of Vadar’s hands changed into claws. He ran the claws over her bare leg, leaving thin bloody lines in his wake. Raven struggled against the bonds holding her down, trying to get away from the sharp claws piercing her skin.

  “I like it when my females fight,” Vadar growled with sick anticipation.

  “Do not bloody her too much,” Brynt chided. “She needs to still be able to function. We have a lot of males waiting for a taste of her.”

  “Tear her to pieces,” Selina growled with glee where she was watching from the other end of the cavern. The crazy bitch was sitting on the lap of one of the rogues, still wearing Raven’s circlet.

  Vadar’s claw reached Raven’s upper thigh and tried to tear through her dress to bare her flesh to their perverted gaze.

  Only, the dress didn’t tear.

  Score one for the gift given to her by the Gods, but time had run out.

  Shit, shit, shit! Come on magic dragon powers!

  Raven tried to channel the pure power inside her to bring forth the change she knew was to come, but didn’t know how to complete it. Frustration and fear ate at her as she felt the burn of the manacles rubbing against her raw skin. She turned her head away from the brothers and saw that the sky was turning a lighter shade of pink as the dawn rapidly approached.

  Deep in the heart of the mountain, cut off from her mates, there was still hope.

  Suddenly, Raven calmed and slowly smiled. She just had to hold on a little longer then she would make these sick bastards pay for what they had done, not just to her but all the other females being held there in that cavern of horrors.

  “And they will,” a deep voice echoed in Raven’s mind, making her want to sob in relief.

  “Silas? Are you really there or am I just imagining you?” Raven asked as she saw Silas’ form shimmering a few feet away from her.

  “Breathe easy, little dragon warrior,” Silas said calmly. His body was transparent, as if he wasn’t really there in the cavern with her, but a sense of calm washed over her anyways. He may be bound by the power of the sun, but he had come to her aid at the first chance and she was eternally grateful.

  Their eyes met and she saw the dark fury burning bright in his glowing golden orbs. “You are not alone. Unleash your beast, Raven. Do what needs to be done. I have limited power here, but I will use what I have to shield the females. Let your magic free and finish this.”

  Raven gave a slight nod and embraced the power within her. Letting go of all restraint, she tapped into all the fury and fear she felt and let it merge with the fierce need for retribution that dwelled within her soul. A brutal joy swept through Raven as something deep inside her broke free.

  “What is that bitch smiling about?” Selina growled.

  “She will not be smiling for long.” Vadar tried again, raking his claw over her middle, but the dress remained intact. “What magic is this?” he snarled out.

  Raven’s heart began to race, pounding so fast she could almost feel it swelling in her chest. Rage surged through her, igniting a firestorm within and her body began to glow with a golden light.

  No longer afraid, she let the flood of power consume her.

  The males in the room froze and paled at the sound of her primal growl. Their eyes widened as they took in the sight of her glowing body. No longer hiding behind veiled lashes, Raven turned her head and let Vadar and Brynt see the anger burning in her glowing green eyes, wanting, needing them to see what they were up against.

  They had kidnapped a woman, but had unleashed a dragon…

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Get the hell away from me!” Raven growled out.

  She could smell the fear rolling off the males in waves, and it pleased her. Focusing predatory eyes on the males in the room, Raven let out another growl then saw the smile spread across Mila’s face when their eyes met. The younger female looked back at her with trust and respect shining from her glowing eyes and Raven knew she would destroy these monsters so no one would ever have to go through what Mila had experienced.

  The males had sealed their death warrant, and she was going to collect.

  “What in the name of the Gods is going on?” Mila’s brother Samir whispered, fear filling into his voice.

  “Nay, it cannot be!” Brynt gasped, taking an involuntary step back.

  “Oh, but it is,” Raven growled out. She let the magic flow from her and the manacles holding her and Mila opened and fell to the floor with a clatter. She sat up and swung her legs over the altar, sliding down to her feet. Vadar and Brynt skittered away from her now that she was free, but she slowly stalked forward, pacing them.

  Several of the males tried to make a run for it, but Raven held a hand up and blocked the exits with an unseen force. They clawed and pounded on the invisible barrier then turned to stare at her in terror.

  Good. It was their turn to know true fear…

  “What is this?” Vadar snarled out.

  “You wanted a fight,” Raven growled out, holding her arms out to her side mockingly. “I’m just giving you what you wanted.”

  A slow smile spread across Silas’ transparent face as he watched. He floated to th
e far end of the cave, positioning himself near where Mila was inching away from the others. Silas raised his hand and a shimmering protective halo appeared around the young woman.

  Trusting that Mila was safe, Raven felt a sharp pain as the change began, but used it to feed her fury. Her body shimmered into pure white light, and stars burst behind her eyelids, blinding her for a moment. Her body seemed to explode into a million tiny pieces as she let the power free and was terrified as agony devoured her alive.

  “Breathe,” Silas ordered softly in her mind. “Stop fighting it. Drop your guards and let the change come…”

  Raven took a deep breath and let go, embracing the change. Suddenly, the agony stopped. She felt an ancient power moving inside her, the dragon spirit merging with her soul, binding itself to her so they became one.

  It was like becoming power itself.

  She felt her body shift, growing into a magnificent dragon. The spirit of the dragon had no gender. It was simply a combination of knowledge and raw strength, an untapped source of unending power that made Raven more than she had ever imagined in her wildest dream.

  The magic flooded into her, altering her spirit to become one with the very essence of the land. Her senses went into overdrive as time slowed down. She heard every whisper of sound, from each frantic heartbeat in the room to the rush of wind outside the cavern walls. She saw colors she had never imagined, from the darkest shadow to the most vibrant luminescence in a single star high above. She felt the heart of the mountain beating as if it were synchronized with the one in her chest. Felt the flow of lava below her feet as if it were the blood flowing in her own veins.

  In her dragon form, she was a guardian, a protector, and defender of Arcadia.

  She was no longer Raven Sanchez, human woman taken from her home and brought to this alien planet. She was Raven Akira, Queen of the Palace of the Iron City and Dragon Warrior. She was the true form of what this race was meant to be.

  She was a true Arcadian.

  When the light faded, Raven was looking down at people in the cavern with ancient eyes that saw…everything. Razor-sharp talons snapped sharply against the ground of the cavern as her massive claws pawed the ground.

  She narrowed her eyes at the cowering males, puffing out trails of smoke as she snorted out a satisfied breath. The males screamed in terror, pounding at the invisible barrier blocking them from leaving the large cavern that was so much smaller now that Raven had turned into a massive dragon.

  “Kill it!” Selina screamed at her brothers as she stared at Raven in dragon form. “Save us all!”

  “You can’t kill me!” Raven’s voice boomed out, projecting so it echoed through the cavern as she took an aggressive step toward Selina and the males cowering against the rock wall. “What’s the matter, not so easy to fuck with me now, is it?”

  “We did not know,” Brynt cried out in terror.

  Raven snarled at him. “You didn’t know I was a dragon when you kidnapped me, planning to rape me and while you plotted to kill my mates? Sorry, you don’t get a pass. None of you do! For years the rogues have been a plague across this land. You prey upon the weak, taking what you want without any thought to the consequences, but this is the end!”

  “Let us go,” one of the males pleaded. “We will change!”

  “Lie!” Raven snarled, hearing the deception clear in his voice.

  “We surrender!” Vadar yelled. “Take us in and we will give you information about more rogue camps.”

  “Another lie,” Raven sneered. “I can hear the lie in your voice, you stupid fuckhead. You are stalling to find a way to escape. Well, there is none. You’re a stain on society, the very core of what is wrong with this world and I won’t let you go. You need to pay for what you’ve done!”

  Out of options, Vadar pointed at her and growled. “Kill the dragon! Kill the other female as well!”

  Mila screamed as two of the males reached for her, only to slam into the invisible barrier that protected her from everyone. The males snarled and crawled at the air, but it was no use. Mila stared at Raven with wide eyes sparkling with tears then she grinned as she realized she was safe.

  Five of the males rushed at Raven with claws extended, but she simply swatted them away with one massive claw. Raven didn’t even glance at them as they flew across the room and landed in a heap after they slammed into the wall.

  “Finish it…” Silas whispered in her head.

  She would. “No second chances,” Raven swore. “You have sealed your fate. No one threatens my mates and lives!”

  Trusting in Silas, who was watching with pride beaming from his glowing eyes, Raven became what she was meant to be. She was the right hand of justice. She was the defender of Arcadia and she would rid the world of anyone who betrayed their race.

  Her large wings fluttered, but there wasn’t enough room to spread them completely. She wanted this done. Breathing deep, the dragon released a plume of fire that filled the cavern with pure white flames, until nothing was left.

  * * * *

  Savitar pushed the hover-cycle he was flying to its limit.

  Savage rage heated his blood as he sped toward the mountain range a few miles outside of the Citadel. Shortly after Raven had left with Tirk, Savitar and his brothers had felt their bond with Raven go blank. Since they had bonded at the mating pool, she was always there in their minds. Even if she wasn’t completely open to them, they could feel her.

  Alarmed, Kadan had bolted from his chair with Savitar and Tristan close behind him. They had found Tirk’s bloody body lying on the floor and the panic had turned to dark fury. Someone had taken their mate and they wouldn’t rest until she was found.

  Kadan had cursed himself for not going with her, but she should have been safe within the palace walls. They had locked down the palace, not letting anyone leave as they searched for some clue as to what had happened. The guards on Selina, Koreth and Vadar had reported that they had returned to their home before Raven had gone missing, but the ones searching for Brynt hadn’t found him.

  Savitar knew in his heart that she was still alive. He could feel her in his soul still. The Gods couldn’t be this cruel to bring her into their lives only to take her from them so soon.

  The kings had taken a group of warriors with them as they converged at Koreth, Vadar, Brynt and Selina’s home to find them gone and the elite guards barely alive. Tracking them through their blood bond, Damos told Kadan, Tristan and Savitar that he couldn’t get a read on Vadar, Brynt or Selina, but that Koreth was located right outside of the Citadel.

  When they caught up with him they discovered that Koreth had been lying in wait with a mass of rogues, waiting for the opportunity to storm the palace. Fueled by pure rage, the kings and their elite warriors had made quick work of the rogues, but left Koreth alive for questioning. Without hesitation, Savitar had sunk his fangs into Koreth, ruthlessly delving into the other male’s mind to search for where they were holding Raven. Once they had what they wanted from him, Savitar snapped Koreth’s neck and rushed to the hover-cycles, desperate with the need to find his mate.

  As the dawn approached, they rushed toward mountain range Koreth had unwillingly shown them where Raven was being held captive. Savitar, Kadan and Tristan were in the lead with their elite warriors racing behind them, all of them ready to battle for the safe return of their queen. When they were a mile away, an explosion rocked the land and a fireball burst from inside the heart of the mountain.

  “Nay! Raven!” Tristan’s cries were carried on the wind as they flew toward the blast.

  “She cannot be gone,” Kadan said through their bond. “I still feel her.”

  “As do I,” Savitar growled back. “They will pay for this. All of them will pay.”

  It was a vow that he swore with his very life.

  Their eyes widened as a large, dark mass flew out of the ash and flames, into the sky. The mass flew straight toward them and the kings pulled up short as a massive dragon landed right
in front of them, its large wings flapping lightly so the gentle breeze caressed them.

  Savitar’s jaw dropped as he stared at the majestic beast before him. Its body was covered in iridescent scales that shimmered from pearly white to a deep bronze surrounded by a golden glowing aura. Razor-sharp talons scraped the earth beneath its large claws. The dragon was a myth, a legend of the past that he never thought he would see with his own eyes, and yet here it was, right in front of him.

  Instead of fear, Savitar felt peace settle in his soul. Relief poured from the dragon in waves and his eyes widened as he took in the bright, glowing green eyes staring back at him…with love.

  This glorious dragon…a legend of his race, was their mate.

  Savitar, Kadan and Tristan got off their hover-cycles, slowly approaching the impressive beast.

  “My kings!” Kell cried out. “Get back!”

  The brothers ignored the warnings being shouted by their guards and approached the dragon, in awe of the her beauty and power. The dragon seemed to be waiting for something, watching for some sign. Through their bond, Savitar could feel Raven patiently waiting to see if they would reject her in her beast form and his heart melted.

  “Raven?” Kadan whispered.

  “Yes, it’s me,” Raven’s voice echoed out, making the guards gasp as they fell to their knees in homage to the legendary creature before them.

  “My love.” Savitar raised a hand and the dragon lowered its head and pressed its large nose against his palm, nuzzling into him as if seeking comfort. “You are so beautiful…”

  Tristan ran his hand over her side, stroking over the thick scales that covered her dragon’s body. “You are a miracle, Raven.”

  Kadan waited until the dragon turned so he could look his mate in the eyes. “You are our mate, in dragon form or not. Come back to us now so we can hold you and see if you are injured, sweetling.”


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