Accidental Princess: A Hidden Kingdom Novel

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Accidental Princess: A Hidden Kingdom Novel Page 18

by Lexi Whitlow

  “Freya didn’t want anything to do with being a royal,” I say.

  “No—that’s not exactly true. I study history, and I’m very respectful of the royal bloodlines in Europe. I find it fascinating. And—and I love Andreas.”

  “Tell us about your family, Freya,” Father says, ignoring what she’s just said. “You’re from the United States?”

  “Denver, Colorado to be exact,” Freya answers. “My father is a businessman and spends more time in his office than at home. And my mom… we have a rocky relationship.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Father tells her. “Have you told them about your marriage yet?”

  Freya shakes her head. “Not yet. My mother is obsessed with wealth and popularity, and I’m not quite ready to tell her,” she says honestly.

  “I can understand that, but you can’t keep it from her for forever,” Mother says. “When I heard about you and Andreas getting married, it hurt. Because he’s my son, my baby boy, and he didn’t even tell me that he’d gotten married. I had to hear it from a second-hand source and you two deprived me of a royal wedding. Can you see where I would be upset?” she asks.

  “Yes,” Freya says.

  “And we do want to have a wedding here. Freya and I thought it would be nice to have an official wedding at the end of summer, because we’re going back to Scotland for the fall when graduate school starts.”

  “Graduate school?” Father asks.

  I nod. “Freya is going to graduate school so that she can be a museum curator and believe it or not—she motivated me to go back to school too. I talked with Caelan, and I told him that I want to be a Global Ambassador for Bellecoaste after I graduate. Cambridge has a branch near Glasgow and I’ve enrolled there,” I say.

  My parents look between Freya and me, eyes wide.

  “You convinced him to go to school?”

  “I just got him talking about what he wants to do with his life. He’s smart, you know.”

  “I do,” my mother says.

  My parents are both quiet, but it’s a good quiet, I think. This news has pleased them and if they we’re on the fence about Freya before, she’s just won some major brownie points. They’ve been trying to get me to do something, anything, with my life for I don’t even know how long now. It’s took Freya less than a season to change my life.

  “Let us think upon it, and we’ll give you a decision after dinner,” Father says. “We’re having dinner with Caelan and Princess Isabella.”

  This should be interesting.

  Dinner is set in the informal dining room and even though it’s called informal, it’s nothing but. Oil paintings don the walls in various sizes, the long dining table is flanked by an oversized fireplace and mantle on one side and a bank of windows on the other. It could easily fit twenty or so people where as the formal dining room can seat two hundred.

  Princess Isabella is looking out the windows, standing next to a sullen Caelan. They’re both dressed for dinner in formal wear, as are Freya and me. Isabella is beautiful—utterly different from Allison, but still beautiful. Her bodyguard stands close to her—a little too close. And Caelan pays her no attention at all.

  When Freya walks in, Isabella and Caelan lose my attention.

  I almost have to pick up my jaw off the floor when Freya enters the room wearing a blue silk dress, the color of ice. It’s the first time I’ve really seen her formally dressed, and all I can think about now is ripping the silk from her perfect form and making her mine all over again.

  Caelan perks up when he sees us and makes a beeline to me. “Brother!” he says excitedly as he hugs me and then Freya. “Freya, so good to see you again.”

  Isabella comes over as well and politely waits to be introduced. She wears a red dress that’s cut low in the front and in the back as well. It’s strapless and she has a trio of gold bracelets dangling around her wrist. She looks far more nervous than she should be, almost sick with worry. Dark circles adorn Caelan’s eyes, and I can tell that neither of them are happy.

  “Allow me to introduce you to Princess Isabella Arconti from Aegis, a great friend of Bellecoaste. Isabella, this is my brother, Andreas whom you’ve already met many years ago, and his wife, Freya,” Caelan says to her.

  “Lovely to meet you, Freya,” Isabella says as she extends her hand. They shake hands, and then Isabella turns to greet me, still nervous. The tall, broad bodyguard watches Isabella as if she’s his property, and it’s strange to say the least.

  We’re saved by my parent’s entrance to the dining room.

  “Ah, I see you’ve already made introductions,” Mother says to Caelan.

  We all sit down and toast with red wine. Father and Mother sit at the head of the table and Freya and I are on one side, and Caelan and his princess are on the opposite side. It’s torture to even watch Caelan with Isabella, and I feel my gut wrench at the thought of the two of them being thrown together.

  “She seems nice,” Freya says, whispering to me.

  “She is, from what I understand. But Caelan—well, no one wants to be forced to get married,” I whisper as my parents chat with Isabella.

  “I’d rather get married entirely by accident,” Freya says.

  Dinner is served, and my parents fill me in on what I’ve missed from being away for so long—all normal, slightly boring stuff.

  “You know, I thought that Caelan would be the first one to tie the knot out of you two,” Father jokes.

  Caelan chokes a little on the bite he’s eating and takes a drink of wine to help.

  “You know I’m not one to follow the rule book,” I say to my father.

  “Don’t we know it,” Mother confirms.

  “I know that you guys haven’t been happy with the choices I’ve been making or the lack of a career other than being a playboy. I was trying to convince Freya that she should be with me but I realized then that aside from being a prince, I had nothing to offer her. I had no home of my own, no direction with my life. For the first time, it really bothered me. I wanted to be someone who she could count on and respect. Freya helped me decide that I wanted to go back to school. I needed someone to believe in me and she’s my biggest champion.”

  I look over to her and she’s wiping a tear from her eye. She mouths ‘Love you.’

  When I look back to my parents they’re silent. It’s my Father who breaks the silence.

  “I’m glad that you’ve finally found a path in life that suits you and that will let you work with this family. It’s been our hope for a long time that you would do this and we couldn’t be more pleased with you, Andreas.” He turns to Freya. “From the bottom of my heart, I would like to apologize for the bribery offer. After having met you and been able to see firsthand that your intentions are true and pure, it seems that we were wrong in judging you so soon and so harshly. I hope that you can accept this apology and that we can move forward from here in unison.”

  “Consider the slate wiped clean,” Freya answers.

  “When you become a parent, you will understand what it means to keep your children safe and taken care of. And in addition to being a parent, I also have the fortune to run an entire country on top of it, so there’s an extra amount of pressure. I’m sorry if I offended you in my pursuit of protecting those. Louisa and I want nothing but happiness for our children, so if Andreas is happy with you, then we fully approve your marriage,” he concludes.

  I couldn’t be more relieved when I hear his words. I pull Freya in for a hug and quick kiss. This was our biggest hurdle and we just sailed over it with flying colors.

  We celebrate with champagne and toast to our life together as husband and wife. Caelan drinks more than the rest of us and if anyone notices it, they’re not commenting on it.

  “You mentioned earlier that you we’re thinking of a later summer wedding?” Mother asks. “That only gives me two months to plan. Lucky for you I have an arsenal of staff ready to help.”

  Freya and my mother get lost in planning an
d discussing everything from dress style, to guest list, to color scheme for flowers. It’s immediately decided that our wedding will take place in Berin Chapel, a favorite for royals.

  By the time we excuse ourselves from the table it’s close to midnight and we’re both yawning.

  “Do you think that everyone else will be so welcoming?” Freya asks me when we get back to our room.

  “Yes. I love you, so everyone else will automatically love you,” I tell her as I pull her in and give her a kiss.

  She closes her eyes and kisses me back. “I was really thinking that today would be so much harder than it was. Those people today don’t even come close to the parents who offered me money over the phone.”

  “I’m glad that they came to their senses and apologized because it was incredibly rude and invasive on their part.”

  “Me too,” she agrees.



  What do you think, Al?”

  Allison gives me an appraising look and motions for me to twirl in front of the full length mirror in the back room of the Bellecoaste National Cathedral. I see myself, a full-skirted vision in white. For once, I’m enjoying the chance to be a little bit girly, maybe even a little excited. The dress has long, detailed sleeves with pearls embroidered down both arms. The scoop neckline accentuates my curves, and there are layers and layers of tulle beneath my skirt and train.

  Today is my wedding day—well my second wedding day to be more specific.

  “You look okay,” Ally says with a smile. She pats me on the arm, but there’s a faraway look in her face, like her mind and heart are somewhere else. But she’s a damn good maid of honor, and she hands me my bouquet and goes to work making sure every curl of my hair is in place, every bit of mascara lengthening my lashes.

  My flowers are light purple and coral colored with teal ribbon swirled throughout. Ally has a matching bouquet but on a smaller scale of course, and her silk teal dress is tea length. Her hair is curled and pinned up, and there are tears in her eyes that she wipes away quickly, trying to hid.

  She’s my only bridesmaid and the only one standing with me. Caelan is the best man. Our decorations are simple, understated, and elegant. Even though half the kingdom of Bellecoaste is in attendance, everything reflects who we really are—and who we want to become.

  Since the two months we’ve been here, I’ve taken a crash course on etiquette and the history of the royal family. I’ve still got a lot to learn but I feel comfortable enough to go through all the formalities of today. Andreas will be by my side to guide me.

  “You ready?”

  I nod, swallowing slightly. The thing I’m most nervous about is being with my parents today—I broke down and finally told them after the queen’s urging. We have legal documents in place that will not allow my mother to have access to the royal family or their wealth. Despite her rage, they’re both here today, and my father agreed to walk me down the aisle.

  “I think I’m ready,” I say.

  “At least you’ll be sober for this one,” Ally jokes as she finishes my last button on the back of my dress.

  I laugh because I am one hundred percent sober, which is what I want for today. “If I can’t remember tonight then something is seriously wrong with me.”

  “I wish I could have heard your guys’ vows that night. I can only imagine how funny they must have been since you two were wasted off your asses.”

  I laugh. “It was probably about food… and dancing. I have no clue.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  We’re dying of laughter when there’s a knock at the door. The wedding planner pops her head in and gives us a fifteen-minute warning before closing the door again.

  “So, tell me about this Princess Isabella Arconti,” Ally says.

  “She’s nice…” I start. “She seems confused. Caelan doesn’t even talk to her when she’s around. And she doesn’t… talk to him.”

  “So, we don’t hate her?” Ally screws up her face.

  “No, she’s just… she’s a piece in their game. The king and queen don’t treat me that way because Andreas isn’t the heir. He’s the rogue playboy who finally settled down. But Caelan and Isabella are important to them. The union for them makes for an important political statement.”

  I watch as Ally’s face falls. “That’s fine. That’s all… just fine. I guess. So they’re engaged?”

  “Not officially, I don’t think. But that hasn’t stopped the queen from planning the wedding… even if neither of them consent to it. It’s… not great. I don’t think. Caelan won’t go into detail about it. I’ve tried to ask him, but he just… won’t talk.”

  “That is… no fun at all, Frey. I thought you’d give me some dirt.”

  “Not much to give except there are two unhappy people, and Bellecoaste is depending on them for politics and entertainment.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ll keep myself out of it.” She nervously smoothes her dress and looks in the mirror at her makeup again.

  “Have you talked to Caelan since you’ve gotten here?” I ask her.

  “No,” she answers shaking her head. “We haven’t talked for quite a while, actually. I don’t even know what I would say to him if we did. It’s probably best if we didn’t, actually. It would only stir up emotions and that’s the last thing I want today.” She pauses. “Not for me. Not for him.”

  “I know. I wish I could help,” I say. “I wish you could be with him.”

  “That’s a great plan… except for the fact that I’m not a royal.”

  “Well there is that part. But I’m not a royal and yet here we are. I’m getting ready to marry Prince Andreas, Duke of Mount Vail. If they can tolerate one American who’s to say they can’t handle two?” I say. I know it’s useless. I know there’s even more going on behind the scenes than she could possibly know about—but I feel like I have to say something.

  “Thanks for saying that. But I kinda doubt they want an American queen.”

  “Stranger things have happened,” I say.

  “Let’s not talk about Caelan anymore. Today is your day and I want to enjoy seeing you so happy, Frey.”

  “I’ve missed you so much, Ally,” I say as I give her a hug. “But if you make me cry and ruin two hours’ worth of makeup, then I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “Duly noted,” she laughs.

  When we arrive at the doors to the cathedral, everything goes according to plan. Before I know it I’m walking down the aisle to Andreas who’s standing there looking more dashing than anyone has a right to.

  His tuxedo is formal and represents his status as Prince. I can’t wait for tonight when I get to take it off and worship every inch of him like he deserves to be worshiped.

  Ally stands in her spot on my side, and Caelan stands next to Andreas but he only has eyes for Ally.

  We stand hand in hand, smiling lovingly at each other.

  The priest starts the ceremony with a prayer and passage about unconditional love and commitment. “Freya, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Andreas in marriage? If so, please answer, ‘I do.’”

  “I do.”

  “Andreas, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Freya in marriage? If so, please answer, ‘I do’.”

  “I do,” Andreas answers.

  “We will now speak the vows,” the priest says to the crowd. “Freya, you may begin.”

  I swallow and then speak from the heart. “I, Freya, promise to you Andreas, to love you, cherish you and respect you. In times of sickness and health, I’ll be by your side. I vow to support you and your dreams, doing my best to help you make them come true. I’ll make you laugh and remind you to enjoy life as it comes. I promise to grow old with you and grow with you as well. Here and now, I commit my life to you,” I say with tears in my eyes.

  The priest turns to Andreas. “You may now speak your vows.”

  “I, Andreas, pledge my love to you, Freya, for a
s long as I shall live. I promise to protect and shelter you, to comfort and tend to you, to keep you and hold you for all the remaining days of my life. Everything that I possess, I give to you freely and openly. Here and now, I commit my life to you,” Andreas vows.

  “Now for the rings,” the priest says as Caelan hands him the rings. He gives each of us a ring to hold. “Andreas please take Freya’s hand and repeat after me.”

  Andreas takes my hand and repeats the priest’s words. “Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is unbreakable, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I take you to be my trusted partner for life.”

  “You may now place the ring upon Freya’s finger.”

  Andreas slips the ring he chose for me on my finger and it still makes me smile like an idiot every time I see it. It’s too big for my taste but he wanted everyone in the world to know the size of his love for me and this ring was just one way to show everyone that.

  “Freya, will you please take Andreas’ hand and repeat after me,” the priest says.

  I nod and place Andreas’ hand in my own and wait until the priest is done reciting his words. “Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is unbreakable, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I take you to be my trusted partner for life,” I repeat back.

  “You may place the ring upon Andreas’ finger now,” he directs.

  The ring I picked out for Andreas is drab compared to mine but it’s what he told me he wanted so I went with it.

  “With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Andreas pulls me close and it’s the perfect kiss. Sweet and passionate but not too heated for his family who’s watching.

  “I now present you the duke and duchess of Mount Vail.” The large crowd begins cheering as we turn to face them.

  Any of the reservations I had about his country not liking me are completely gone when we ride in a carriage to the reception hall. Everyone is smiling and waving, holding signs and taking pictures with their phones as we pass. Everything still feels like a dream to me, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.


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