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A Dragon's Clutch

Page 21

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

  Mizuchi smiled and showed me the camera he held.

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed the show.” I stood next to the happy dragon then blinked from the flash.

  “We’re still having dinner right? Come, Mizuchi, I want my picture taken with all the pretty circus people.”

  “Yes, we’ll be at dinner,” I said to his back. A woman glared at me. She was my height, her white hair pulled into a chignon that had a blue tinge to it. I sensed her dragon energy, but which one? “Kiyohime?”

  “I only came to make sure those two didn’t get into trouble or promise you anything the rest of us would object too.” She took a deep breath. “I will admit to being momentarily entertained by the show.”

  “Oh, well. Thank you.” I think. “I’m glad we were able to entertain you.”

  “Yes, well, it’s been a long time since I’ve come to Tokyo and seen a live show.” She turned and followed the other dragons. Her posture was so straight and stiff I wondered if she had a steel rod tucked into her kimono.

  A man with wheat blond hair wove through the crowd. His grace, power, and elegance made him unmistakable as a dancer. He must be Sasha’s teacher Vladimir.

  “Excuse me miss,” he said his Russian accent thick. “I am looking for Sasha.”

  “Vladimir?” I asked.

  He looked me over, as if trying to figure out who I was. “Yes.”

  “I’m Sapphire, a friend of Sasha’s. He told me you would be here tonight. He’s right over here.” I began to lead him through the crowd. “I hope you enjoyed the show.”

  “Very much. My Sasha is stunning, isn’t he?”

  I smiled as his pride wrapped around my empathic shield. “Yes, he is stunning. I am hoping he’ll teach me some ballet to strengthen my own performance.”

  Vladimir smiled, showing crooked stained teeth. “I am sure he could help you become ever more powerful and graceful than you are now. My Sasha.” Vladimir embraced him then began talking in Russian so I went to my spot behind the table and started signing programs.

  Sasha’s happiness buzzed through the room. I heard him making plans to meet with his teacher before we left Japan.

  “How’s it going?” Philip asked as he reached out to take a business card from a man who looked me over in a decidedly creepy way. The man bowed then scurried away.

  “Good. Did you like the show?” I smiled at the girl handing me her program. I squirmed, waiting for Philip’s answer.

  Philip smiled. “I thought it was amazing. You and Kayin were perfection.”


  “When you’re done signing, we are having dinner with your new friends, right?” Philip asked.

  He meant the dragons. “Yes, Zennyo Ryūō is very excited. Mizuchi is also here as is Kiyohime.”

  “Kiyohime wasn’t very welcoming, right?”

  I rolled my eyes. “That is putting it mildly. But she did say we managed to entertain her briefly so maybe she’s warming up to us.”

  “Sounds like high praise indeed. Is that Emiko?” Philip asked nodding to Taliesin who signed programs with one hand and his arm wrapped around her waist.


  Philip’s blue eyes narrowed. “I’m going to go and say hello.”

  “Be careful. She has a way of swaying people.”

  He squeezed my shoulder. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

  I wasn’t sure, but since a group of teenagers stood waiting with their programs, I couldn’t argue with him.

  Finally, the last of the audience had left. Tension had built in the bottom of my stomach ever since Philip had gone over to meet Emiko. What would happen now?

  Philip came over, a stern look on his face. “Where is everyone?”

  I glanced around the empty theater lobby, it seemed bigger without all the people in it. I pointed to the corner of the room. “The dragons are over there.” Zennyo Ryūō looked through the photos on his camera while Mizuchi smiled serenely and Kiyohime glared at the exuberant dragon.

  “Um, Michael and Nyota usually make sure everything is put away properly after each show. And Kayin, Sasha, and Shin went to go change.”

  “I should go,” Emiko said biting her lip. “Taliesin and Miu, why don’t you meet me at the restaurant?”

  “No,” said Philip. “Something is going on and I want to know what.”

  “Is something wrong?” Mizuchi asked.

  “Oh no, I thought…” Emiko began stepping back a little behind Miu and Taliesin.

  “A Kitsune,” sneered Kiyohime her eyes flashing from human brown into her yellow-green dragon eyes. “I hate fox demons more than I hate people.”

  “I guess my fun is over.” Emiko smirked. “Oh, well.”

  “Why are you in this girl?” asked Mizuchi. His trim nails darkened and began to grow.

  “Who cares,” growled Kiyohime. “All fox demons should die.”

  “Oh you’re still not mad at me for stealing your human lover away are you?” Emiko pouted. “That was six, seven hundred years ago now. He would have died anyway.”

  Kiyohime’s rage slammed into me making me stumble. She lunged at Emiko, pushing aside Miu and Taliesin. Emiko danced away.

  “Miu, Taliesin save me,” Emiko called out. “My little tricksters, come help me.”

  Three little fox demon spirits ran into the room. They jumped on Kiyohime pulling her clothes, undoing her hair, and trying to trip her. Kiyohime’s snarls and growls made them yip happily.

  Philip grabbed Miu, pinning her arms. Mizuchi ran so fast he became a blur of color. His long nails slid along Miu’s neck and cut the necklace off. He crushed the moonstone bead. A wisp of red smoke came from the powdered stone. Miu fainted. Emiko gasped clutching her chest.

  Taliesin ran towards Emiko. Zennyo Ryūō rushed forward, grasping Taliesin and cutting his bracelet free with a long claw.

  “Wait,” Emiko said her eyes on Zennyo Ryūō. “I’ll take the other stone. Please, it’s my power, my magic you’re destroying.”

  Emiko stumbled as he crushed the other moonstone. Taliesin went limp. Zennyo Ryūō still held his wrist and lowered him to the floor.

  “Will they be okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said Mizuchi. “Once we remove her influence completely.”

  “Yes, I will rip out her heart with my bare hands,” Kiyohime hissed. Long dark claws curled from her fingertips. Emiko turned towards Kiyohime, her eyes wide with fear. Her little fox demons danced and yipped around her.

  This wasn’t Emiko’s fault. I moved in-between them. “St …” I began then screamed. Kiyohime had rushed forward intent on ripping out Emiko’s heart. Her long sharp claws pierced me instead. Burning pain tore through my arm.

  “Stop,” Zennyo Ryūō said, the power in his voice made me shiver. “Everyone will stop this right now.”

  “Hold still,” Kiyohime held my shoulder as she removed the tips of her claws from my upper arm.

  My eyes stayed focused on her hand. From the wrist to fingertips any trace of humanity was gone. White scales tipped with blue led to sharp curved claws which dripped with dark red blood. My blood.

  Philip ran to my side. Taking off his shirt it wrapped it around my arm. “I’ll take care of this properly as soon as this is settled.”

  “It hurts, but I’m okay.”

  Kiyohime still looked ready to kill. “Fox demon, you have lost.”

  “I still have the girl.” Emiko’s smile was cold. She took a step away.

  “Kitsune, I saved your life.” I turned to her. Her face went blank. “You owe me; your honor demands it.”

  The fox demon snarled, her little fox demons following.

  “I want you to leave Emiko, unharmed. I want you to remove your influence from Miu and Taliesin. I want you and your little friends to leave all of us alone. No more pranks, no more breaking things in the theater, and no more hair pulling,” I said. That should cover everything, right? Magical beings like this tend to be very literal and always looked for

  “So you’ll protect me from the dragons?” Kitsune asked.

  “No, I already protected you. I already saved your life. For that you owe me.” I pressed my hand against my upper arm, Philip’s shirt was wet with blood. I flexed my fingers. Why was my arm going numb?

  “Fine, but you should know it will take a few days for your friends to fully return to their true selves.” Kitsune’s cold and vicious smile twisted Emiko’s pretty face into something ugly. She sat on the floor. “The beauty of my magic is a tiny kernel of truth that can be warped and expanded until it is what I want it to be.”

  The fox demon left Emiko’s body. The girl’s eyes fluttered and she fell to the floor. Smoothing out her white kimono the fox demon curled her three long red bushy tails around herself. One tail had a shining moonstone attached to the tip.

  “I remember you,” I said. Feeling dizzy I grasped Philip’s arm. “We saw you downtown. We thought you were a cosplayer.”

  “Yes. It’s wonderful to be able to walk around in my true form. It’s so strange how the world has changed. At one time the peoples of Nippon feared regular foxes because of me. Now they dress like me.” She laughed and took a step away.

  I blinked, my vision blurry. Sweat beaded on my forehead. “Why did you do this?”

  Kitsune tilted her head and gave a canine grin. Her black lips exposed sharp white teeth. “Are you kidding? A chance to mess with a prissy unicorn and a group of high and mighty Phoenixes. I had to, once I saw the unicorn under the spell of Emiko’s innocence. It’s their downfall you know. No unicorn can resist innocence. It was easy. Slip into the human girl and as long as I kept him drunk on her innocence, I was able to weave in my own magic and control him.” She stroked her bushy red tails. “I haven’t had such fun in decades.”

  Kiyohime snarled. “It is the last fun you will ever have.”

  The little fox demons yipped, wanting to protect their mistress.

  “What’s wrong with Sapphire?” Philip asked helping me to the floor.

  “I used my poison,” Kiyohime said.

  Kitsune laughed. “Perfect. I’ll be leaving now. Come along little ones our fun here is done. I can’t wait to hear about all the mischief you caused.” She took a step back.

  Kiyohime moved to follow her.

  “No,” said Mizuchi. “You must first heal the Jewel.”

  “Enjoy your head start. I will find you,” Kiyohime said then knelt in front of me.

  “I will. And remember, Phoenix Jewel, everything they said and did while under my control came from a truth buried within themselves.” The fox demon turned and ran, her little ones following behind her.

  Tears filled my eyes. I had so hoped Miu and Taliesin hadn’t meant any of the things they said.

  “Jewel, stop,” said Kiyohime. She unwound Philip’s shirt from my arm and used a claw to cut away my costume. “Her words are filled with lies and tricks. Do not believe her. Now this is going to hurt.”

  She held up her claws now covered in a shining clear liquid. I clenched my teeth as she slid her claws back into the wounds. The burning increased. My body trembled.

  “I’m almost done. I have to get all the poison. Zennyo Ryūō will kill me if I don’t save you. You’re his favorite human in over a hundred years.”

  I smiled then hissed as she pulled her claws out. I looked away from the long dark nails dripping blood.

  “Now, I’m going to go kill her.” Kiyohime ran out of the building. Mizuchi and Zennyo Ryūō shrugged. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to try and stop her either.

  “Are you guys still talking?” Shin called out the doors from the theater swinging shut behind him. “Wait, what the hell is going on?”

  “Sapphire?” Kayin and Sasha yelled.

  “Kayin come here and help Sapphire,” Philip said. He wrapped his shirt around my arm again. I flinched as he tied it in place.

  Kayin sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders supporting me.

  “Sasha, Shin, please see to Miu and Taliesin,” Philip said.

  “Are the others okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, they’re waking up,” Sasha said.

  “I have water for them,” Mizuchi said, taking bottles from our stash behind the signing tables.

  Philip squeezed my hand. “I’m going to go and check on them.” Philip grabbed a bottle of pain reliever. “Shin, let’s help them to the couch.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Shin said. Miu and Taliesin muttered trying to ask questions, but they didn’t make any sense yet.

  “I’ll explain everything in a minute,” Philip said to them. The muttering stopped.

  I leaned against Kayin letting his spicy citrus scent ground me.

  “What’s going on?” Emiko asked. Her eyes filled with fear as she looked around the room. Sitting she pressed a hand against her head. “Why does my head hurt?”

  “What do you remember?” I asked.

  “It’s weird. Bits and pieces. Like I remember watching the show, but then nothing.”

  “There was an issue with a fox demon,” Mizuchi said. He handed Emiko a bottle of water. “Would you like some medicine for your pain?”

  “Oh, yes, and thank you very much.” Emiko bowed her head to Mizuchi. “I am sorry to have caused so much trouble.”

  “You’re no trouble.” Philip took her arm and helped Emiko to the couch where Miu wrapped her arms around her.

  “Does she not remember anything?” I asked.

  “No,” said Zennyo Ryūō. “But that is a good thing. She is a victim too.”

  I nodded. She was a victim, but it would be very difficult to remember.

  “I guess this means we aren’t going out to dinner tonight,” Zennyo Ryūō said, his lower lip out in a small pout.

  “I think we’ll have to eat at the ryokan tonight.” Philip looked over Emiko, Miu, and Taliesin who still hadn’t spoken.

  “We’ll meet you tomorrow morning on the train to Kyoto.” Mizuchi bowed. “Goodnight.”

  I bowed back, as did most of the others.

  “I didn’t get a picture with them,” Zennyo Ryūō said as they walked away.

  Mizuchi sighed. “We will have the next several days together. I am sure you can take lots of pictures with them.”

  They’d walked out the door so I didn’t hear what Zennyo Ryūō said. I shook my head and turned to Philip. “Now what?”

  “Triage. How are your wounds? Are they still bleeding?”

  “They hurt and my head is a little fuzzy.” I pulled back the shirt. The puncture wounds turning red and puffy. “Nope, I’m not bleeding.”

  “Okay. Emiko, how is your head?” Philip asked.

  “Better, it still aches. Sapphire, what happened to you?” She looked around the room. “Where is Hiroshi? Didn’t he want to meet the dragons?”

  Miu turned away her guilt felt cold and thick against my shields. “He got into trouble the other day. And before you ask, my headache is fading I think some water and food will fix it.”

  “Taliesin?” Philip knelt in front of him. “How can I help you?”

  “My head is a mess,” Taliesin said. “All of these memories, but they can’t be right. That can’t have been me. I want to go back to the inn and be alone. Try and sort things out.”

  “We’ll get there, but first we need to talk,” Philip said. “Sapphire, why don’t you go get cleaned up while I fill everyone else in on what happened.”

  “I’ll go with her,” Kayin said as he helped me stand. “I don’t want her alone.”

  “I can fill you in.” I started to walk but Kayin scooped me up and carried me. I relaxed into his arms, hiding my face in his shoulder.

  “Come on. It’ll be okay,” he said.

  Tears filled my eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  “I have faith in us.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I used the last of the bath stuff Miu had made for me. I sighed with relief as the thick makeup and sweat from the show came off my ski
n, along with of all the emotions stuck to me.

  “Are you drinking?” Kayin asked as he had every two minutes.

  I rolled my eyes and picked up the bottle of Recharge. “Yes, I’m drinking.” Kayin had been panicked by the time we reached the showers. I’d stumbled several times, and clung to him as dizzy spells washed over me. I just needed a shower. Kayin insisted I needed fluids and electrolytes. My drinking in the shower was our strange and kind of gross compromise. Next time I’ll drink the stupid thing before I get in the shower.

  “I’m done. You need to turn your back.”

  “Of course,” Kayin said.

  I stepped out of the shower and patted dry the puncture wounds. “These are going to scar.”

  “Do you want help with them?”

  “Yeah, give me a minute.” I pulled on everything but my shirt, grateful my bra was solid black and not see-through lace. “Okay.”

  Kayin put on latex gloves then slathered on antibiotic ointment then bandaged my arm.

  I was surprised the bandage stuck to me with all the ointment. Wincing, I pulled on my shirt. “Okay, let’s go.”

  Kayin took my arm and my bag as we walked back to the others. Miu and Emiko’s eyes were red and puffy. Taliesin was curled in on himself hiding his face in his hands. His long white hair hung around him like a curtain. Reaching up I touched my short locks, missing the ability to hide from the world. Sasha and Shin leaned against a wall away from the others but watching them as if they might go crazy at any moment.

  “How are you?” Philip asked.

  “I’m good.” Miu, Emiko, and Taliesin flinched at my voice. “We’ll need some more antibiotic cream. Kayin used a whole bottle on me.” I wanted to lighten the mood a bit. Their guilt and pain was suffocating.

  Emiko stood. Her hands shook but she bowed deeply. “I am so sorry. Philip says it is not my fault, that I couldn’t have fought off the fox demon, but what happened was because of me.”

  I wanted to hate her. I hated her this morning. Right now she looked devastated and fragile, not sinister.


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