“Me?” My tone is incredulous. “You didn’t even remember her until ten days ago! Who do you think has hurt her the most, Braveheart?” I am being scathingly condescending, but underneath it I can hear my own vulnerability and defensiveness.
“Enough, both of you!” Jeffrey’s voice rings with authority. “Aidan, we don’t know if she’s going to make it,” he addresses him. His resigned words send a chill through me.
“She has to,” he whimpers, “she has to be okay. I need to apologise; to explain. Oh God, what if she never wakes up?”
“We just have to pray for the best. Right now I think both of you should leave. The last thing Henry needs is you two at each other’s throats. Come back when you’ve calmed down,” he adds sympathetically.
I walk out of the room and stand just beyond the door. Aidan throws me one last dirty look before he turns on his heel and stalks outside. I hear them working over her inside and then it is quiet and still again.
“They’re going to kill each other,” Henry murmurs.
“They’re just grieving,” Jeffrey answers, and through the crack in the door I can see him holding Rebecca’s hand. “Tell me the truth, Henry,” he probes, and I can imagine his grey eyes, so similar to Rebecca’s, boring into Henry’s.
“Her organs are failing,” the doctor finally admits, and I am filled with dread, worse than anything I have ever felt. “I . . . I honestly don’t know, Jeffrey. I’m sorry.”
There is a long silence, broken by Rebecca’s father.
“How’s Sofia coping?” he asks and I selfishly wonder why he cares when Rebecca is dying.
“She’s okay,” Henry replies, taking Rebecca’s other hand and checking her pulse. “I think she always knew Aidan would remember eventually. I must say, I never realised how much he loves her.”
“They both do,” Jeffrey sighs. “God only knows what they’ll do if she doesn’t make it.”
“Or what they’ll do if she does,” Henry says and I cannot take any more, I push myself off the wall and streak out into the sunshine, running with no destination, no purpose, only the grief that threatens to overwhelm me when I think of the child I will never know, and how I will survive in a world without Rebecca.
The story continues in The Legend
Melissa Delport graduated from the University of South Africa with a degree in English Literature and now lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal.
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