Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4)

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Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4) Page 65

by J. H. Croix

  Alex had been the backup goalkeeper for a bit until the bloody arse who used to be the starting goalkeeper finally pushed the limits too far with his partying and showing up hung over. Most of my mates, myself included, had been beyond pissed at how long that shit dragged out. My point was I didn’t mind Coach making us run extra for the sake of team spirit even if I bitched about it sometimes. I rested my palms on the cool tile wall and let the hot water pound over me. The shower echoed with occasional talking as we all washed away a few hours of sweat and grit.

  After I was showered and dressed and heading down the echoing hallway, I paused when I heard my name just after passing by Coach’s office. I took a few steps back and glanced in. At his wave, I stepped inside.

  “Should I close the door?’ I asked.

  Coach nodded. “Please do.”

  Coach often snagged us for little chats, so I didn’t think much of it. I figured he wanted to ask me about the new players. I closed the door behind him and sat down across from him, promptly catching the mini basketball he’d just tossed toward a hoop in the wall. It hit the rim and bounced right to me. He grinned when I tossed it back to him.

  Another throw and the ball swished through the hoop. Coach let it roll across the floor and faced me. He ran a hand through his typically mussed gray hair and eyed me for a beat, his blue gaze considering.

  “Rumor has it you’re dating Zoe Lawson,” he said calmly.

  My mouth fell open and then I snapped it shut. My mind started running through various machinations. If I weren’t worried about what Zoe might prefer me to say, I’d simply state the truth.

  Coach chuckled and rested his chin in his hand. “Ah, I see then.”

  “You see what?” I managed, hoping my usual manners would stave off any giveaway about what I might be thinking.

  “The look on your face tells me yes,” he added.

  Fuck. If Zoe wanted to keep things between us on the lowdown, I’d obviously blown it. I’d conveniently blocked out her initial worry about having anything to do with me. Hell, I’d blocked out all kinds of things when it came to her, including the disconcerting effect she had on me—namely, she’d pretty much taken up residence in my brain and body. I was beginning to suspect she might be on her way to stealing more than that, but I wasn’t quite ready to go there yet.

  I opened and closed my mouth, like a bloody fish, while I tried to sort out what to say to Coach.

  He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Ethan, I don’t care if you’re dating Ms. Lawson. I have to say, she doesn’t strike me as your type, but I think that might mean you’re maturing. The only thing I care about is making sure you resolve those silly charges. If you are involved with Ms. Lawson, I’m thinking it might be best if we speak with her about alternative representation for you.”

  I was shaking my head before he finished. He arched a brow.

  “You have a problem with that? From everything Ms. Lawson has shared with me, it’s a matter of formalities at this point. You were certainly in the wrong place at the wrong time and intoxicated enough to get yourself in a fix, but I don’t think this warrants a problem with changing attorneys.”

  My heart was pounding—hard enough it startled me—and my head was spinning. The thing was, I trusted Zoe completely. I didn’t want anyone else to handle anything to do with my stupid legal situation. It had to be her and only her. I stared over at Coach, my head shaking on its own again.

  Coach was quiet before he shook his head in return. “Look, obviously you can make your own decision on this. I suggested this more for Ms. Lawson’s sake than yours.”


  Coach’s perceptive gaze held mine for a few beats, and I got uncomfortable. Sometimes he was crazy smart about people, well most of the time as far as I could tell. I couldn’t say I enjoyed feeling like he was sussing me out.

  “I’m guessing Ms. Lawson might not appreciate the attention that comes with being involved with you. Particularly if she’s representing you. If the situation for your charges wasn’t simple, I’d be insisting.”

  I knew his point to be true. In the years I’d been in the public spotlight, I largely ignored the media attention. In fact, I found it mostly a source of amusement. The nicknames and the silliness of it all weren’t worth letting myself get bothered. Yet, I’d never had to worry about its effect on someone close to me. I’d watched Liam and Alex navigate this tricky field when they moved into the territory of serious relationships, as determined by the gossip media. It was fair to say I’d never even come close to a serious relationship, much less had any woman in my orbit who might care if they came under public scrutiny.

  I didn’t know how to define what was happening with Zoe. However, I knew beyond even a thread of doubt she would not want to deal with the glare of the media attention that might come if it became known we were involved. Every time I tried to wrap my brain around what she meant to me, it was like static. The sound of the basketball swishing through the hoop again cued me that I’d zoned out.

  I looked back over at Coach. Because he was a decent man, he’d let me be to spin the wheels uselessly in my brain. He glanced my way and arched a brow.

  “I’ll talk to her,” I finally said.

  He tossed the ball once again and spun to face me. “You do that.” He paused as if considering his words. “You seem a little off about the whole thing. If I were a betting man, I’d say Ms. Lawson might mean more to you than you considered. Don’t let that scare you off.”

  That static started up in my brain again. After a beat, I gave my head a shake. Unsure what to say, I fell back on something vague. “I’ll think about that.”

  Coach didn’t grin, but a gleam entered his eyes. “Fair enough. Let me know tomorrow after you speak with her.”

  I managed to politely excuse myself from his office and headed to my flat. I had to hold back from the urge to turn down the side street that led to Zoe’s flat. I walked into the flat I shared with Tristan, wondering if he happened to be around. I was in luck. He was standing in front of the refrigerator, staring inside.

  “Hey mate,” he called over his shoulder as he let the refrigerator door fall closed and turned to face me. He took a few steps and hooked his foot on a stool by the counter as he sat down.

  “I’m probably calling out for pizza. Want some?” he asked

  “Perfect. I forgot our grocery run this week.”

  Tristan arched a brow and grinned. “I noticed. You’ve forgotten a lot the last few weeks.”

  Before I had a chance to argue the point, he was tapping his phone screen and ordering pizza. I kicked off my shoes and threw myself down on the couch. After he hung up, Tristan meandered over and joined me, handing me a bottle of water when he sat down.

  He knew I tended to guzzle several after practice. I made quick work of the water and then set the bottle on the coffee table before eyeing him. “What the hell do you mean I’ve forgotten a lot the last few weeks?”

  Tristan met my gaze steadily. “Exactly that. If you ask me, Zoe’s got you tied up in knots. Not a bad thing though.”

  My heart gave a funny little kick as I stared back at him. “I’m not tied up in knots. I’m just…”

  My words ran out because I didn’t know what to say next. I didn’t want to admit it, but he’d zeroed in on precisely what was bothering me. I’d never in my life worried about a woman and what she meant to me. I was the king of casual hook ups. I wasn’t an arse, not like so many other guys, who treated women like crap and used them. But I definitely toed the line of lighthearted and casual. I made that perfectly clear and backed off fast if I sensed someone wanted more than that from me.

  This thing with Zoe had snuck up on me. It had started simply enough—she was fucking gorgeous and all uptight and I just wanted to rattle her. Back when I’d first met her briefly when she was dealing with Alex’s mess, I hadn’t thought much beyond the fact I wanted her. She’d represented a challenge, one
I wanted to win. Yet, back then, my interactions with her had been so brief and transitory, I hadn’t had much chance to think beyond that. I couldn’t have known getting close to her would send me into a tailspin like this.

  Tristan cut into my rambling train of thought. “Stop thinking about it so much. You obviously like her. Why not just enjoy it?”

  I eyed him and shrugged, internally restless and irritated. “You’re one to give me romance advice,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

  He returned my shrug. “Hey mate, it’s not my thing. I prefer my sanity. Sex is just that. No need to worry about anything more. I can see Zoe’s getting to you because I’m not you. Objectivity is impossible in your own head.”

  My irritation faded because I knew I was more annoyed with my situation than with Tristan. “Of course. Maybe I do like her, but it doesn’t mean I’m tied in knots.”

  He flashed a grin, standing the moment our door buzzer sounded. “Whatever you say, mate.”

  I elected to let the topic drop. Tristan’s accuracy was too close for comfort at the moment. We inhaled our pizza and then he pulled out his laptop and buried his nose in studying.

  I toyed with staying home for the night, but I was restless to go ahead and talk to Zoe, so I texted her and headed to her office.

  Chapter 18


  “Let me check my calendar,” I said, turning to glance at my computer.

  I was just finishing up a meeting with another attorney, Mark Smithson. He’d asked me for consultation and representation in a domestic dispute case with his ex. Mark was a high-profile corporate lawyer in Seattle. He likely made more money in a week than I did all year. I’d been surprised when he called. I hadn’t agreed to take the case yet and would be reviewing the legal documents before I made a decision.

  “How about next Wednesday at ten?” I asked, glancing back at him.

  Mark was the epitome of suave. He wore black suits that probably cost a small fortune. He had straight dark hair and dark eyes. I could objectively notice he was handsome, but he didn’t do a thing for me. He was too polished and carried himself as if he expected women to notice him. He’d been all compliments when he arrived today, declaring he’d heard great things about my work. I appreciated that, but it was also pointless. I had a thread of unease about him, and I couldn’t put my finger on why.

  Mark glanced at his phone and tapped the screen a few times. “I’ll make it work,” he replied with a smile.

  I surmised the smile was intended to make me feel special. He had a way of maintaining eye contact that felt too purposeful. For a flash, it made me think of Ethan. He had an intense, direct way of looking at you. Yet, with Ethan, it didn’t feel calculated. It was just how he was. He approached everything quite directly. I shook him out of my head and nodded at Mark before standing to walk him out.

  As I opened my office door, I heard Ethan’s voice—that distinct British accent of his with the teasing underlay. My belly fluttered and heat rolled through me, along with a little buzz of joy. I shouldn’t have gotten so excited he was here, but should and shouldn’t ideas only seemed to amp up everything I felt about Ethan. Distracted, I didn’t notice Mark had stepped a little too close for comfort as we walked to the reception area.

  Ethan glanced over just as Mark slid his hand around my waist and dropped a kiss on my cheek. I was so surprised, my body jerked away.

  Mark, ever smooth and polished, merely smiled. “I’ll hear from you soon. Thank you, Zoe.”

  The familiarity and warmth to his tone grated on me and confused me. I didn’t know what he meant, but I didn’t particularly like it. I was tempted right then and there to tell him I wouldn’t take his case, but I forced myself to stay quiet. The last thing I needed was to piss off a lawyer who could send rumblings around about my work. I’d find a professional reason to turn his case down and calmly explain over the phone.

  Ethan’s eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened as he flicked his gaze from me to Mark. He stayed where he was by Jana’s desk. Jana glanced our way as well, a flash of annoyance flickering in her eyes. She’d immediately informed me she thought Mark was an arrogant prick before she escorted him into my office for his appointment. I knew she’d notice his too close for comfort touch and get protective. Before anything else could happen, I stepped away from Mark to the desk.

  Feigning a focus on the calendar on Jana’s desk, I spoke over my shoulder. “Thank you, Mark. I’ll take a look and let you know what I think,” I managed to say.

  He left the office. A few seconds passed after the outer door shut behind him before Jana spoke. “Oh my God. What the fuck was that about?” she demanded, rapidly flipping a pen back and forth between her fingers.

  “I have no idea. He startled me,” I muttered with a shrug.

  Jana looked over at Ethan and then back to me. The air was tense, and I didn’t quite know what to do about it.

  “You’re not taking his case, right?” Jana asked.

  I shook my head fervently. “Definitely not. I just need to find a reason to say no that won’t piss him off.”

  I finally looked back to Ethan. His eyes were dark and he was unusually still. A thread of unease slid through me. “Hey, I didn’t know you were stopping by,” I said, aiming for a light tone.

  “I texted, but it looks like you were busy. Can we talk?” he said abruptly.

  Before I had a chance to reply, Jana was standing up. “You two chat, but I’m taking off. I promised myself I wouldn’t blow off my workout today.” She grabbed her purse and jacket before all but running out the main door. “I’ll lock up since it’s after six,” she said quickly as she whirled away.

  The door bolt clicked audibly behind Jana. I was standing at the corner of her desk with Ethan a few feet away in front of it. He stared at me, a muscle in his jaw visibly clenching. The air felt heavy, taut with something I didn’t quite recognize. It mingled with the usual hum between us. I couldn’t seem to be anywhere near Ethan without my body feeling alive with need.

  After a few beats, he spoke. “Who was that?”

  “Mark Smithson. He’s a big deal corporate lawyer who asked me to consider representing him in a domestic dispute. I’ve never met him until today. I won’t be taking his case because… Well, he makes me uncomfortable. I just need to give him a decent reason for saying no. I can’t really tell him I’m turning his case down because he makes me feel weird.”

  Ethan nodded tightly. After another heavy silence, he closed the distance between us. I could feel the heat and strength of him once he was directly in front of me. His eyes coasted over my face and dipped down. It was as if he was actually touching me. Everywhere his eyes landed, sparks skittered under the surface of my skin. After a moment, he lifted a hand and caught the ends of my hair in his fingers, idly twirling it.

  I’d taken to wearing it down more often than I used to. I didn’t quite want to admit to myself it was because Ethan asked me to, but that was the reason.

  “I stand corrected,” he said gruffly.

  “About what?”

  “It’s not fair for me to say it, but I don’t want you to wear your hair down. I’m not usually a selfish man, but when it comes to you it seems I am.”

  “Oh,” was all I could manage. I should’ve thought it was ridiculous he cared who saw my hair down, but I didn’t. Instead, thinking of it sent liquid need spinning through my veins.

  His gaze darkened and he slid his fingers into my hair to cup the nape of my neck. A prickle of awareness ran down my spine. I opened my mouth to say something—nothing sensible—and then his mouth slammed against mine.

  His kiss was hard, hot and overpowering. His tongue tangled roughly with mine as he stepped closer, bumping me into the desk behind us. He tore his lips free and blazed a hot wet trail down the side of my neck, kissing, licking and nipping his way down into the valley between my breasts. Everything he did was rougher than usual, and I loved it. He yanked at my shirt, tearing the
flimsy cotton at the corner of where it buttoned.

  He paused for a beat, dragging his lips off of my skin and lifting his head. His eyes flicked to mine and then back down. My nipples were already so tight they ached. He loosened his hand from my hair and trailed his forefinger down my neck to circle one nipple and then the other. A fractured moan broke from me. I was already soaking wet, the silk between my thighs damp, and I wanted him inside of me. Now.

  Though I might’ve been a virgin before Ethan, I wasn’t completely inexperienced. I’d dated and made out often enough in college to know that, until Ethan, not one single man could work me up like he did. It had only been minutes since Jana locked the door behind her. Sex hadn’t even been on my radar before that. Now, it wasn’t enough for him to close his lips over a nipple, wetting the thin silk and driving me wild. My hips were rocking against him, restless for the hard heat of his cock to fill me.

  “Ethan, don’t…”

  Whatever I meant to say got lost in a low keening moan when he sucked a nipple into his mouth and scored it lightly with his teeth. He drew back and lifted his head.


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