Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4)

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Play Me (Brit Boys Sports Romance Book 4) Page 71

by J. H. Croix

  “Hey Zo, okay, okay. Calm down. I didn’t mean to sound all mad. It’s just you haven’t…”

  “It’s okay, I’m…” I paused on a hiccup and to try to catch my breath. I felt like a blithering idiot, a feeling I wasn’t particularly familiar with.

  “Where are you?” he asked, his tone softer.

  “On the side of the road.”

  “Come again.”

  I took a breath and haltingly explained where I was.

  “Right then, I’ll come get you. Belle will want to come, and I don’t know if I can hold her off. Will you mind?”

  I started laughing. It was either that, or I’d start crying again.

  Ethan waited quietly until I managed to stop laughing.

  “It’s fine if Belle comes, but you’d better let her know I’m not usually a mess like this.”

  “You’re never a mess,” he said, his tone soft and laced with something I didn’t know how to interpret. It made my heart clench.

  Chapter 27


  The drive through the rainy night felt like forever even though it was only about an hour. Belle was chatty, as she always was. She insisted we bring Tristan along too.

  “Because it’ll be weird if it’s just me. I’m your sister, and you’ve never brought a woman to meet any of us. This is big, Ethan,” Belle explained as I drove.

  I had warned Zoe that Belle would want to come, but I hadn’t been thinking about how Belle might treat this. Since she’d declared I was in love, she couldn’t wait to meet Zoe. I was a bit relieved she’d wanted Tristan to come because he was a modulating influence on anyone. He knew all of my sisters pretty well and would keep Belle in check. Or so I hoped. Zoe didn’t sound well when we talked. She was always together, so I didn’t quite know what to do about her crying. Having four sisters meant I had some experience with crying, so it didn’t rattle me the way it did some blokes. I just hadn’t counted on my heart viscerally aching with concern over Zoe though.

  I kept on driving while Belle chattered. In an effort to get my mind off of worrying about Zoe, I looped back to a conversation I’d attempted to start earlier with Belle.

  “I know you’ll talk about my alleged love life all night, but how about a bit more detail on why you’re here? You’re always welcome, but usually you call,” I said, glancing in the rear view mirror. I caught Tristan’s grin out of the corner of my eye. He was up front since his legs were too long for him to be comfortable in the back seat.

  Belle caught my eyes in the mirror before looking away. In the two days she’d been here, she’d mostly camped out at our flat, but she’d also dashed off for coffee this morning and came back seeming out of sorts. I fixed my gaze on the rainy highway in front of me, the rain illuminated in the headlights as I drove along. After a moment of quiet, Belle sighed heavily. She muttered something to herself.

  “Come again?” I prompted.

  “I’m here to see someone,” she finally said.


  “Uh huh.”

  Finally. I had something to wonder about other than Zoe. “Who? And why don’t I know anything about this until now?”

  “Oh my God. Don’t get all big brother on me.”

  “Don’t show up out of nowhere then,” I returned. “Who are you here to see?”

  She mumbled again, leading Tristan to laugh under his breath.

  Belle swatted Tristan on the shoulder. “Oh stuff it. Fine. I’m here to see Mack.”

  “Mack? Mack Dawson?”

  Mack was a player on the Seattle Stars, one of the Americans who also happened to be from Seattle, so he was a local favorite. He was an offensive player and bloody good. I liked the guy. He was easy-going and funny. Right now though, I suddenly didn’t like him.

  “What the hell is he doing getting involved with you without me knowing about it?” I asked her, flicking my eyes to the mirror again, only to see Belle studiously staring out the side window.

  Tristan caught my eyes as I looked forward again and gave his head a little shake. I doubted he knew more than me, but seeing as I’d been irritable and distracted ever since Belle had been here, he probably had noticed more of how she was doing.

  Belle surprised me by answering. “He didn’t even know I was here until this morning, so don’t go thinking he was doing something behind your back.”

  I had no fucking clue what to say to that. I was saved from this out of the blue conversation when Tristan gestured ahead. I looked to the side of the road ahead and saw a car halfway in the ditch off the highway. I didn’t actually know what kind of car Zoe drove, seeing as we’d walked just about everywhere we needed to go thus far. Tristan, of course, had made me ask Zoe for the GPS coordinates for where she was based on her phone maps. I should’ve known he’d have his phone out monitoring as we drove through the dark, rainy night. We’d exited off I-5 onto this smaller highway roughly a half hour ago. It was darker and narrower, and I didn’t like thinking about Zoe sitting in her car alone in the rain.

  I pulled up behind what I hoped like hell was Zoe’s car and climbed out quickly, instantly getting soaked by a passing car and the splash from its tires. I jogged to the driver’s side door and knocked on the window, relieved to see Zoe there. The dim light from the car’s interior light cast a soft glow on her through the blurry view. My heart clenched tightly and then set to pounding hard and fast.

  The last two days had been bloody hell for me. I was far past worrying about what it meant that I was in so deep. At the dim click of the door unlocking, I yanked it open and leaned inside. I meant to say something—hell if I know what. The second I saw her eyes and the intensity of feeling reflected there, I slid my hand into her hair and kissed her. She gasped and then tugged me closer, sliding her hand up around my neck. I didn’t care that I was getting soaked, didn’t care that this was the most awkward angle ever—what with me leaning into her car and almost falling into her—didn’t care that we were on the side of the highway with my sister and Tristan as our personal audience, all I cared about was Zoe wasn’t out of reach anymore. She was living, breathing here, and mine.

  I tore my lips from hers and dusted kisses all over her face, murmuring how much I’d missed her and so on. Somewhere in there, I murmured, “I love you.”

  It came out so easily, so naturally, that it didn’t give me pause. Zoe went still and drew back slightly, her eyes wide and luminous.

  “What did you say?” she asked, her voice low and breathy.

  I could feel her pulse fluttering wildly under my thumb brushing along the soft skin of her neck. Awareness hit me, and I went as still as she did. Uncertainty flashed through me. I had no fucking clue if she felt anything close to the way I did. For a moment, I wondered if I’d gone and lost my bloody mind. Then, a sense of certainty followed. I meant what I said, so there was no sense in equivocating.

  “I said I love you.”

  She kept staring at me, so long I started to wonder if I’d just gone and made the biggest fool of myself. Then, her hand slid down from my neck, coming to rest over my heart.

  “I got a little freaked out. I don’t usually bolt like that,” she said.

  I managed a nod because what the hell else was I supposed to do? In all my years, I’d always had the grace of the upper hand when it came to women. I’d never thought of it like that, but in this moment, I knew it to be true. I’d never been the one to hand my heart over like this. Because no one had ever, ever meant as much to me as Zoe did. Right here, right now, while I waited in the rain on the side of the road, she held my heart in her hands whether she knew it or not.

  All of the sudden, her eyes teared up, and she said something, but I couldn’t hear between the rain, the cars driving by and her crying.

  “Luv, come again?”

  Her eyes slammed to mine again. “I said I love you!”

  Well then. Bloody hell. All was right with the world.

  I dipped my head and kissed
her again.

  Just then, someone nudged my back. I straightened to find Tristan standing there.

  “If you don’t get back to the car, Belle will be sharing this moment with you,” he said with a wry grin. “Only reason she’s not here yet is it’s bloody awful out and she forgot her raincoat.”

  Zoe leaned around my shoulder. “Hey Tristan, thanks for coming to get me with Ethan.”

  He nodded, ever polite. “Of course. Give me a few, and I think we can get your car out of the ditch. Why don’t you two take your car, and I’ll follow with Belle?”

  I thanked the stars for Tristan. He was ever practical and always planning ahead. If he thought we could deal with Zoe’s car, we likely could.


  Not much later, I was driving north with Zoe sitting beside me. Belle had reluctantly agreed to ride back with Tristan in my car. I think the only reason she agreed was she could see I wanted to be alone with Zoe. She’d also gotten to chat with Zoe in my car while Tristan and I dealt with getting Zoe’s car out of the ditch. It wasn’t too hard. I volunteered to stay out in the rain and push it since I’d already gotten good and drenched.

  Zoe’s car was a compact something or other. I’d volunteered to drive, seeing as she looked weary, and I knew she’d already been driving for a few hours in the rain. Her easy agreement to that let me know how tired she was. I had my hand on her thigh because it was physically impossible for me not to touch her. Mere inches separated us between the seats, and it felt like way too much distance.

  The relief I felt at being back beside her was a bit much and had I been in my right mind, it would have bothered me. But it was Zoe and I hadn’t been sane ever since the first time I kissed her, so it didn’t bother me in the slightest. The only problem was the fact I was driving distracted with my cock so hard I had to keep shifting in my seat. I’d missed her and everything felt raw. Somehow being soaked from the rain added to the overall feeling.

  I glanced over, and my breath caught. She was so fucking beautiful. The headlights of passing cars illuminated her rich auburn hair. Her hair was damp and drying in wild waves around her shoulders. I felt myself drifting deeper into the need pounding through me. I needed to get some kind of grip, so I latched onto conversation.

  “I hope Belle didn’t badger you while we were getting your car dealt with,” I commented.

  Zoe looked to me, flashing a small smile. “Oh no. She was quite nice. I’m glad I got to meet her. She went on about what a great brother you are.”

  I chuckled. Of course Belle would do that.

  “Eh, did she then? Well, don’t listen to everything she says about me, especially any pranks I played on her when we were wee ones.”

  Zoe laughed softly and curled her hand over mine where it rested on her thigh to give it a squeeze. A wave of need slammed into me. I glanced to her, catching her eyes briefly. That only made it worse. Fuck me. I wasn’t up for waiting this forever drive. I’d already told Belle I’d be home in the morning. When she’d tried to say Zoe should come to my flat, Tristan had shut her up with one glance.

  I eyed an exit off the highway ahead and took it. Within seconds, we were on an unfamiliar side road in the rainy darkness.

  “Where are you going?” Zoe asked, her voice breathy in the quiet space of her car.

  “Here,” I said the moment I saw a sign for a park.

  I’d come to learn Washington State loved parks. They were all over the place. I kept my hand on the cool skin of Zoe’s thigh and steered down a short road that ended in a parking lot—a completely deserted parking lot encircled by trees. I came to an abrupt stop and turned to her.

  Whatever she’d been thinking, she appeared to have tuned into my channel. Her eyes flashed with desire in the soft illumination cast from the single light in the corner of the small parking area. I didn’t feel much like talking. I slid my hand between her knees, reminded yet again that I bloody loved her penchant for skirts. Even on this cool rainy evening, she had a skirt on, one of her usual proper skirts. Perfect for me to shove up out of the way and slide a finger over the silk at the apex of her thighs.

  It was hot and wet. At her gasp, I tugged her to me. It was messy and not the least bit smooth, but she ended up sitting astride me and laughing softly. Once the upheaval of getting her into my lap was over, I looked up at her. Our eyes caught, and she went quiet. She settled down on me, and I could feel her damp heat against my cock through my jeans.

  My heart felt as if it might explode, but it felt so good to be here with her, I didn’t worry about it. The air around us felt hot, electric and weighted with a depth of feeling I’d never experienced. I sucked in a breath and dipped my head to taste her. Her skin was salty and sweet with a hint of the cool rain outside. I made my way up her neck with kisses, licks and nips. The second our lips met, any semblance of control I had was lost. I poured everything I felt into our kiss—days of longing and need, of missing her, and of not really knowing what to do with how I felt.

  It was hot, messy, and wild. She rolled her hips against me, little moans and gasps coming from her into my mouth, until I thought I would explode if I couldn’t be inside of her. I reached between us and shoved her panties out of the way. Her slick folds were soaked. I sank two fingers into her at once, groaning when she tore her lips from mine and cried out. In a fumble, she reached between us and yanked at the buttons of my jeans. I wanted to savor this, but I needed her too fiercely.

  My need for her was raw and unrelenting, ferocious in its depth. In seconds, she freed my cock, pushing my briefs out of the way. She stroked once, but I couldn’t wait and reached between us, lifting her hips with one hand and positioning my cock at her entrance with the other. Her wet heat kissed my cock, and I glanced up, needing to see her.

  She shifted impatiently.

  “Zoe,” I murmured. It was a bloody miracle I managed to speak over the rushed beat of my heart and the need coursing through me.

  She opened her eyes and met mine. I held still, though it took every last ounce of discipline I had.

  Everything narrowed to this moment. With nothing but the sound of the rain falling outside and drumming on the roof of the car, it was as if we were alone in the universe. My heart thudded and need lashed at me, but I held still.

  “I meant what I said.”

  She bit her lip and angled her head to the side. “What?”

  “I love you.”

  She took a shuddering breath before nodding. “Me too.”

  The frayed thread I’d been hanging onto snapped. I arched my hips and brought her down at once, surging into her. She cried out, her head falling forward to bring her forehead to mine. With our breath mingling, we started rocking into each other. Her channel pulsed around me—a wet, velvet clench made to drive me mad.

  It wasn’t smooth. It was rough, hot, wet, and messy. Inside of a few seconds, she was crying out, her core throbbing around me. My release came as a sharp lash of pleasure, whipsawing through me. I spent myself inside of her and leaned my head back when hers fell to my shoulder. I held her close against me and simply breathed her in, absorbing the scent and feel of her. We ungracefully untangled ourselves after we caught our breath.

  A bit later, I came out of the bathroom at Zoe’s flat, warm and dry after a steamy hot shower. She was standing in the kitchen and turned to face me with two mugs in hand.

  “Hot chocolate,” she announced before herding me onto the couch.

  We watched something on the telly. I have no idea what, but it involved Zoe’s legs hooked over my lap, so all was good. I fell asleep with her warm against me and finally able to relax for the first time in days.

  Epilogue - Zoe

  I stood in the hallway at the stadium, listening to the distant sounds of the crowd filtering out gradually. The Stars had won tonight. This was only my second season of watching them play regularly, and it was a bit bumpier than last year. They had two injured starters and the backups couldn’t qu
ite make up the difference. As it was, they hadn’t been expected to win tonight. Ethan had played a stellar game, but then I was of the opinion he always did.

  I heard his voice teasing Liam about something. A smile bloomed from my heart straight to my toes. It was that bad. I kept thinking the thrill would wear off with him, but it hadn’t yet.

  He rounded the corner and grinned when he saw me. I still thought he was too handsome for me. I mean, my God, it was ridiculous. He walked with that easy swagger that he didn’t even realize was a swagger. Women still swooned just looking at him. He reached me and swept me up in his arms.

  I laughed and glanced down. It was silly for him to pick me up, seeing as I was almost as tall as him, but he did it anyway. I met his teasing green gaze, the one I’d used to think insouciant, but now all it did was make me wet.

  “Nice game,” I murmured as he threaded a hand in my hair and pulled me close.

  “Mmm. What do I get for it?” he replied with his lips moving against mine.

  He didn’t give me a chance to answer and proceeded to kiss me senseless right there in front of everyone walking by.

  Epilogue - Ethan

  Zoe stood by the railing, her hair blowing in a swirl from the wind, and looked out over the ocean. She’d insisted I needed to visit the islands in Puget Sound, so we were headed out to San Juan Island for a long weekend at an inn. I had a bloody perfect plan to propose, but I was suddenly impatient. Against the slightly overcast sky, her hair was so bright and she was so fucking beautiful, I threw my plan into the wind.


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