Seeds Volume 3

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Seeds Volume 3 Page 29

by M. M. Kin

  As he stepped forward, he felt something grab hold of his right ankle. He looked down, and was shocked to see that it was a shadowy tentacle. What the...

  His left ankle became restrained in a similar manner, and when he raised his right arm, another tentacle wrapped itself around his wrist, and he was lifted into the air, a foot above the ground. How was this even possible?

  “Persephone?” His remaining free limb was quickly bound as well.

  “Yes, my darling?” Her voice purred out from behind him, and he twisted his neck to look over his shoulder. Again, he saw nothing. If she was able to summon these shadow-tentacles, was she able to conceal herself with shadows as well...?

  “Where are you?”

  “Right here.” She appeared to materialize out of the thin air. She casually strolled along the grass until she was directly in front of him, a faint smile on her lips.

  “Seph... you... how did you...” He tugged at the binds with his right wrist. They were slimmer than the tendrils he summoned himself, but their similarity was undeniable.

  “Oh, I discovered this while exploring my Gift, seeing what I was capable of...” She became invisible again, delighting in the surprised expression on his face before she reached out to undo the brooch that held up his cloak. Folding it loosely before setting it aside, she commenced to remove his tunic, running her hands along his muscled arms and chest and listening to the quiet groan of pleasure that escaped his lips.

  “Release me!” he asked as he twisted against his bindings. He was certain he could break free of them on his own, but he was curious about what would happen.

  “Oh, I will. In good time, that is...” Her hands slid down his belt, tugging it open before sliding his breeches down his legs, leaving the material pooled around his ankles. He was a handsome sight, bound and nearly naked. She could see why he enjoyed binding her and having his way with her. Well, turnabout was fair play, wasn't it...

  He arched towards her when he felt her rub his groin, massaging his private parts through his loincloth. He bit back a sudden gasp when his right nipple was tweaked, and he looked down as the invisible hand rolled the hardened nub between its fingers.

  “Persephone...” He twisted against his bonds, but they would not release him. Her name issued from his lips again in a heated whisper when he felt the unmistakable sensation of lips on his chest, licking and lightly biting his nipple, causing him to harden further, the loincloth feeling all too confining for him.

  Her hands slid along his body freely, and his eyes would follow the sensations, trying to see her despite the magic she had cast upon herself.

  “Enjoying this, Aidon?”

  “Perhaps...” He would not give in so easily.

  “We'll see about that...” He felt the tug on his loincloth, and let out a quiet, relieved sigh as his erection sprang free of its confines.

  “Is that all for me?” Persephone's whisper was velvety, and he nodded.

  “You know it is...” He shivered in his binds as her hand cupped his sac, massaging it. “Unbind me so I can ravage you good and proper...”

  “I don't think so, my love. Tonight... you are mine.” She became visible again and looked up at him, her gaze penetrating as she studied him. As much as Hades strained against his bindings, she was able to maintain her hold on him more easily than she had thought.

  She summoned several more shadow-tentacles, binding his limbs more firmly as well as his middle so that his weight was more evenly distributed, ensuring his comfort, because she intended to keep him like this for a while. Nobody would interrupt or stumble across them; she had made sure of that.

  “Put me down!” Hades demanded, trying to not laugh. Everyone else was afraid of him, so it was quite an experience to be bound and at someone's mercy.

  “Don't tell me what to do, or I'll bind your mouth too...”

  “You're enjoying this, aren't you?”

  “Perhaps.” She placed her hand on her hip, regarding him with an open grin. “The sight of you bound up like this is very arousing to me...” Lifting her hands, she removed her veil and crown, setting it on top of his discarded clothing. His pulse raced as she slowly undid her chiton, revealing a white tunic that barely ended below her upper thighs. The silk was so thin that her erect nipples were visible.

  “Mmm...” He gazed at her with open admiration. However, she did not remove her underwear, much to his disappointment.

  She closed the distance between them, pressing her chest against his stomach. His erection was now flush against her stomach, and he brought his hips forward, making his desire clear.

  “Not so fast, Hades... what makes you think you can have your pleasure so soon?” She flashed an impish smile at him before backing away. With a flick of her wrist, the bindings widened and covered his entire body up to his neck in the same kind of shadow-suit that he had her in before. His head lolled back as he closed his eyes when the shadows started rubbing his cock and balls.

  A sudden hiss escaped his lips when he found his nipples vigorously rubbed, and it felt as if there were an hundred fingers teasing him all over his body, focusing on the sensitive areas that Persephone had discovered through her intimate sessions with him.

  “Seph...” He brought his head back up only to have it drop forward. Unconsciously, his hips were rolling forward, his manhood aching from the slow, steady pressure the shadows were applying to him. “Please...” He felt near bursting, but the slow treatment continued, the sensation of a finger rubbing the slit in his penis keeping him near the edge.

  “All's fair in love and war...” she commented glibly, massaging her breasts to tease him. Her hands slid down to her thighs, tugging up the hem of the tunic. Just as her womanhood was about to be revealed, she lifted her hands. The usually guarded and taciturn Lord of the Dead's face was an open book for her to read, frustration mixed with enjoyment and pleasure as he wiggled around in his confines.

  Well, no wonder Hades enjoys doing this to me! It was thrilling to hold her lover captive, to push him to the brink and tease and please him, and have him plead with her and moan her name in a way that aroused her even further. Her cunt ached, and she could feel the wetness against her inner thighs. As he watched, she lifted the hem again, this time revealing the thatch of dark red hair at the apex of her thighs as she started to finger herself.

  “Damnit, Seph... Can't you see... and feel how much I need you?”

  “Yes, I can.” She fingered herself slowly, not bothering to mask her pleasure as she lifted her chin and closed her eyes, whispering his name.

  “Let me go!” Hades demanded, feeling overwhelmed by all the touches, fighting against his bonds. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “Uh-huh, I warned you...” She flicked her free hand, and shadows crept up his throat to cover his mouth. “Now, I'm going to try a little something that Hekate told me about...” She turned her palm upward, wiggling her fingers. Hades let out a muffled moan and arched as he felt a 'finger' prodding his rear end, rubbing against his sphincter.

  It slid in, and was no thicker than Persephone's finger, but he wiggled furiously against this unexpected sensation. He knew of men taking other men or boys as lovers, but he had never explored such arrangements. It wasn't painful, but it definitely felt weird, and... Oh! He bucked in surprise as it pressed against an area in the front of his previously unexplored cavity, frissons of pleasure radiating from the area.

  “Women and men alike have two spots for pleasure – one on the outside, one on the inside. You are very familiar with both of mine...” Her head tilted to one side as she shot him a knowing smile, “but I have only been familiar with one of yours. That hardly seems fair now, does it?”

  Hades could only offer a stifled moan in reply as she started to massage that inner spot in a gentle way, compounding the pleasure gained from the attention to his private parts. After the initial shock, he realized that it did indeed feel nice, though at this point all he wanted was release. His sac felt
almost impossibly heavy, and he let out a whimper that was audible around his gag. Unconsciously, he was swaying his hips in response to all the touching to his nether-areas, and she smiled as she took note of this.

  She continued her treatment, delighting in the noises he made and the way he was twisting around. His gag disappeared, and he took a deep breath before moaning out her name.

  “Seph... Please.” This delightful torment seemed endless, and he was not sure of how long he had been like this until he looked up at the moon. It hung high in the sky.

  “Please what?”

  “I need you. Please, let me have my release. I ache for you...”

  “I know.” Her expression softened, and he found himself being lowered to the ground gently, facing upwards as she kept him spread-eagled. She leaned over him and placed her finger at his throat before tracing down his chest with it. The shadows opened up as if she were cutting it with her finger, revealing his chest and stomach. She continued downward, revealing his throbbing manhood. He could smell her, and his cock twitched as he caught a whiff of her arousal.

  She stood up and pulled her tunic off over her head. Under the moonlight, her skin looked white. Without preamble, she straddled his face.

  “Before you can have your release, I need mine. You were so much fun to watch...”

  Hades obligingly stuck out his tongue as she lowered herself onto his waiting mouth, letting out a low sigh as she felt his tongue wiggle into her.

  “What a good husband you are...” she purred in approval as he continued to lavish her with his mouth, leaving nothing unattended. Since he could not use his hands, it took a little more time getting her off, but he continued his ministrations, feeling her grind against his face as she neared climax. He was rewarded with a mouthful of sweet, musky essence as she cried out his name, shuddering and continuing to grind around a bit. He wasted no time in cleaning her, his tongue probing her and causing several pleasant aftershocks to radiate upwards to her stomach and down her thighs.

  Finally, she climbed off him, panting quietly as he stared at her with satisfaction. She took several moments to collect herself before she climbed on top again, this time straddling his hips. She grasped his organ gently with one hand, holding it steady as she guided herself down it.

  He let out a contented hum, gazing up at her with a lazy grin as she started to rock herself in a slow, careful rhythm. Before he knew it, she had picked up the pace, and he was thrusting his hips upward, matching her fierce rhythm with his own. A primal growl escaped his throat as he neared his climax, and this only spurred her on, her breasts jiggling as she ground herself against him fiercely, her eyes glinting with pure desire.

  He gritted his teeth before letting out an impassioned roar, bucking upwards as he achieved his long-sought-after release, bucking around almost uncontrollably in the throes of his orgasm. She was nearly thrown off, but held onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her chest to his, savoring the feel of his release.

  She could feel his faint trembling, and nuzzled him lovingly as she placed kisses along the side of his face.

  “Mmph... would you please unbind me so I can hold you?”

  “Well... since you asked so nicely...” With a lazy wave of her arm, all of the shadows disappeared. He lifted his hands, running them along her back as he breathed in the scent of her hair.

  He didn't think he would enjoy this so much, but there was a certain sort of relief in letting someone else have control. For once, he didn't have to make decisions or be in charge of anything.

  She wiggled around as he reached down to playfully squeeze her buttocks. As she did, she became aware of the fact that he was aroused again.

  “Up so soon?” she teased.

  “Well, I am a god...” He rolled them over so that he was on top as he looked down at her.

  “That's not something I'll forget any time soon.”

  “Good, because I am far from done with you!”


  The couple lay in the grass, supine in the aftermath of their pleasure. Persephone idly plucked up a daffodil, running its petals along her face as she listened to Hades's breathing. Tonight had been like no other, the surface world adding a new set of background to her experiences. The night air had a certain quality to it that the Underworld atmosphere was lacking, with the scent of flowers and grass, and she also enjoyed the feel of grass against her skin as Hades pounded into her mercilessly, or when he had her propped against a tree, the bark rubbing against her nipples. She even teased him by binding him again and trailing flowers along his body, lightly stroking different areas with silken petals.

  Hades paced an arm across her middle as he dozed peacefully, eyes half-lidded as he looked at her. She touched his face, her fingers sliding along his features as she felt his breath on her throat.

  Being tuned to the earth's energy, Persephone sensed it waking just before the sun started to rise. She stroked his hair as the sky started to lighten. Hades stirred and sat up, starting to get dressed.

  “What's the rush?” Persephone asked languidly, stretching out.

  “Daytime is upon us.”

  “You're not afraid of a little bit of sun, are you?”

  “I gave you your wedding night as you wanted it. However, the night is over,” Hades replied, evading her question.

  “When was the last time you saw a sunrise?” she challenged as she wrapped her chiton around herself loosely before she walked off, climbing up the small slope to be greeted by a view of the beach and sea. He trudged after her and saw the ocean illuminated by the light of dawn. He looked down at her, seeing how entranced she was as she sat there in the swaying grass, leaning back against a tree. He smelled the ocean, noting a briny tone that was lacking from the Eternal Sea. It was almost overwhelming, all these odors in the air, trees, flowers, the wet sand...

  He took a sharp breath when the sun peeked above the horizon, a sliver of light startling him. It had been at least several decades since his last sunrise. He shielded his eyes, dazzled by the sun's reflection on the ocean even as it climbed higher, the sky brightening further.

  He felt her hand on his, and he allowed her to tug him down to the grass. The light prickle of grass blades was an unfamiliar sensation to him, and he ran his palm across the living carpet. His skin looked white under the sunlight, and he turned to look at her, seeing how the sun illuminated a pale tan. Her eyes sparkled, and Hades found the contrast of illumination and shadow on her body to be fascinating. The colors surrounding her were so vivid...

  Hades leaned down to place a kiss on her lips, and felt her hand slide up his throat to hook around the back of his neck.

  “You truly are the Goddess of Spring,” he whispered as he looked down at her. Even with the black cloth wrapped around her middle, there was an undeniable glow around her that did not come from just the sun.

  “It gladdens me that we could come to such an agreement.”

  “I fell in love with the Goddess of Spring. I am loath to lose her,” he admitted before he leaned in for another kiss. As she leaned into his embrace, he stood up as he slung her over his shoulder.

  “Unhand me, you brute!” she cried out in mock dismay, lightly flailing her fists against his back. He walked to his chariot, flicking his hand and using shadows to pick up their discarded clothing and accessories off the grass.

  “I think not, my love. You had your time in this world, now it is time for mine.” He gently released her, and she slid down his front as she landed on her feet. He let out a yawn before taking hold of the reins. Persephone was just as passionate as he was, and he could not deny the fact that she had given him a thorough working-over. Not that he was going to complain, of course...


  “Would you like a bath, or do you just want to go to bed?” Hades asked as he carried her up the steps to his Palace.

  “Mmm... Bed.” Right now all she wanted to do was recover from their long, passionate night.

��As the lady wishes.” He approached the bed and lightly tossed her onto it before climbing in the bed after her.

  “Welcome home, wife,” he whispered contentedly as he rested his head against her shoulder. She gave out a sigh of approval at these words as he cuddled up against her. She stroked his hair, studying him through half-lidded eyes. It had been an interesting – and at times, tumultuous – journey to become the bride of the Dark One. However, she was pleased with the end result.

  “Home sweet home, indeed. Sleep well, Aidon.” She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of his body.



  Though Persephone was content in her dual role as the Goddess of Spring and the Queen of the Underworld, there were still a few things to be looked after.

  She looked around the forest, seeing how vibrant it was, with the scent of greenery and flora wafting through the air in a natural, invigorating perfume. It was not yet summer, but even in the shade, the air was warm. After being in the Underworld, this setting almost felt too hot for her.

  The pond where Hades had snatched her had changed very little, the grass around the edges now more overgrown than before. It was thick under her bare feet as she padded to the water's edge and knelt down. As she contemplated what happened here the year before, her gaze dropped, seeing her reflection in its tranquil surface.

  Cyane had been her best friend since Mother brought her here to the island in what almost seemed like another lifetime. She knew many things about the world and often was candid, subverting Demeter's gag order on certain subjects to quell Persephone's curiosity – out of the older goddess' earshot, of course. To leave her friend formless like this, simply because she had tried to help a friend who was being kidnapped in front of her, would be doing this loyal nymph a grave disservice.

  “Cyane?” Persephone whispered. Having known the Naiad for so long, she immediately recognized the nymph's presence. Yet no form appeared, and the only response she got was a rippling of the pond's surface. How could she forget how she had seen Cyane's body melt away, flesh quickly liquefying until it was indistinguishable from the water?


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