Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series)

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Beers, Hens, and Irishmen (Warbler's Point Series) Page 2

by Quinn, Meghan

  “I’ve missed you lass. I want to see you again. Will ya give me another chance?” he asked while trailing kisses up and down her body.

  She felt herself go weak in the knees and as she was about to fall he scooped her up in his arms and brought her to her bed. He pulled his pants down, revealing the most impressive erection she had ever seen as he stretched his body across hers. He cupped her breast with his huge hand and kneaded it relentlessly.

  “Give me a chance lass, please let me prove to you the kind of man ya need.”

  Damn it all to hell.

  Chapter 2

  Booker watched as the third random girl he had over this week, gather her clothes, take one of his figurines off his shelves and leave. Whenever he had a girl over, they always seemed to grab something from his house, he figured it was some kind of constellation prize or memorabilia for sleeping with the great Booker James. He heard one of his buddies once call it a fuck-enier. Until then, he just assumed every girl he brought home was a kleptomaniac.

  He loved his job but his life was one big cluster fuck of people using and abusing his fame. After he won his first Oscar for directing his life changed from simple and easy to fast and chaotic. Everyone wanted a piece of him. Even when he just wanted to release some tension and try to get in a good fuck, girls stole from him.

  Shaking his head at what his life had come to, he got out of bed and went to his kitchen for a drink. It was early in the morning but it was never too early for a martini. As he walked to his kitchen he stopped at the hall mirror and looked at his reflection. Before his Oscar win, it was pretty much impossible for him to score a date, not that he was a bad looking man. He just didn’t show off his features. He liked to be incognito, not much help there now. He stroked his long golden beard and ran a hand threw his long tousled locks. He never wore any styled clothes or bothered to do his hair, he usually wore a fisherman cap in place of hair gel. He worked out every day but never showed off his muscles like the other guys in Los Angeles.

  He continued toward the kitchen and made himself a drink pondering about what his life had become. He couldn’t go anywhere without someone recognizing him or the paparazzi hounding him. He didn’t understand the fascination. Was it because he lived like a hermit that he was like a science project to the masses? He had a great deal of success and was currently Hollywood’s sought after director but he thought people like the Beckhams or the Pitt-Jolie’s were more fascinating than him. Why couldn’t everyone just leave him the hell alone?

  It’s not like he was some sort of anti-social nerd. He actually got along with people and was out-going when he wanted to be but by living in Hollywood he couldn’t tell who was sincere and who was being fake just to get ahead. The whole city drove him crazy with the bleach blondes, fake tits and gold-digging hussies. Weren’t there any genuine people in the world anymore?

  He thought about how he just needed a break, a break from the fame-whoring world he lived in. He needed to go somewhere simple, where people were kind just to be kind and didn’t want anything from him but friendship. He grabbed his phone and dialed his sister’s number, the only true person he could count on. After a couple of rings, she answered.

  “Hello?” Blaire said in a groggy voice.

  “Blaire, sweetheart. I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  “Uh, yeah. It’s six in the morning. What are you doing up?”

  He heard her rustling around most likely positioning her pillow so she could sit up in bed.

  “I couldn’t sleep. Another girl stole from me this morning.”

  “Ugh, Booker how many times have I told you not to bring girl’s back to your place, always go back to their place. What was it this time?”

  “Paper weight from my shelf. I think she thought it cost a lot but little does she know it was from Target.”

  “At least it wasn’t anything sentimental. So what’s going on? Why are you waking me up when you know I work twelve hour shifts at the hospital.”

  Booker felt bad for his sister. She was a nurse at the hospital in LA and was run ragged every day she went to work. He told her he had plenty of money to support the both of them but she said she could never leave her patients. Whenever he brought up the topic she just got mad at him and threatened to leave him, which he didn’t want because she was the one decent person in his life.

  “Sorry sweetie, I just wanted to run something by you and see what you thought.”

  “And this couldn’t wait?”

  “No, is there any chance you can come over later today so we can talk?”

  Booker could hear worry in her voice. “Is everything ok, Book?”

  “Everything is fine, I just need a change. You have today off, right?”

  “Yes, today and tomorrow.”

  “Great. Can you do me a favor before you come over?”

  “Sure what do you need?”

  “Can you do a little shopping for me?” He added quickly, “Before you say no, I don’t mean grocery shopping, I learned my lesson last time.”

  Booker asked Blaire to do some grocery shopping for him when he was too lazy to do it himself, blaming the crowds and fame for not wanting to go out. She came to his house with bags full of peanut butter and jelly, bread and spam. Not the kind of high class cooking he was looking for.

  “What kind of shopping?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Clothes shopping. I’m working on a new image and I need you to style me up.”

  He heard her voice brighten. “You mean you are going to let me pick out clothes for you? No more linen pants, denim shirts and fisherman caps?”

  “Nope those days are over. I need to look like a completely different man, I need some style in my life. I’m going to text you my measurements. I need jeans, shoes shirts, suits and some warm apparel. The whole works. I plan on going on a trip to a colder climate.”

  “Alright, oh this is going to be fun.”

  “Hey listen, nothing too…flamboyant. You hear me?”

  “Oh damn, so no rhinestone studded leather jacket?”

  “No! Just use the card I gave you for emergencies. I don’t care about prices, just make me look good. Also, while you are out, treat yourself to a couple of new outfits as well.”

  “Booker you know I can’t do that.”

  “Yes you can, it’s my payment for your help…please Blaire.”

  “Alright. There is this new pair of boots I’ve been eyeing. Well I better get up and going. I will be by your place a little after noon. I think that will give me plenty of time.”

  “Great, thanks oh and Blaire, don’t forget your scissors.”

  “Scissors?” She asked.

  “Yea, your salon scissors. I’m finally cashing in on that haircut you have been begging me to get.”

  “Booker, this just might be the greatest day of my life. I will see you in a bit.”

  He hung up the phone and was already starting to feel better. Now he just had to figure out where to go. He pulled out his laptop and looked up a map of the United States. He had been almost everywhere in the country and traveled quite a bit around the world. He didn’t want to leave the U.S so he looked at the states he had yet to visit. Alabama and Mississippi were not an option. It was going to be winter soon and he wanted to experience a white Christmas. That left Vermont and New Hampshire.

  He studied both states and found that Vermont was the place to go for the whole winter experience. He wanted to be gone for at least a couple of months, that would help him detox. He wanted a simple town but with activities to keep him busy. He never skied which seemed to be extremely popular in the state of Vermont so he looked up the best ski mountains and came across a little mountain named Warblers Peak. The name caught his attention because when his mom was still alive she was a bird watcher and always talked about the yellow warbler, it’s bright coloring and beautiful singing.

  In honor of his mother he chose the town Warblers Point and signed up for ski lessons at Ryan’s Ski Shop, after reading
great reviews about the owner’s instruction. Now all he needed was a place to stay. There weren’t many hotels in the area, he found there were only little bed and breakfasts or motels. He was not a motel kind of guy, especially for a couple of months. Maybe a bed and breakfast would be nice since they provided meals.

  A couple of hours later, he had a plane ticket purchased, rental car reserved and found a quaint little bed and breakfast that offered mini cabins to stay in that had a fridge and minimum kitchen supplies which he found accommodating so he didn’t have to eat out every meal. He didn’t realize what time it was until his sister came barging through the door carrying armfuls of shopping bags.

  Hopping off the sofa he ran to go help her out. “I guess when I tell you to shop, you really shop.”

  “I couldn’t help myself. You can return some stuff if you want but I really wanted to give you a change. I channeled Justin Timberlake when I was shopping.”

  Booker cringed at the mention of a boy band member. “Justin in the late 90’s or Justin now?”

  “What you don’t like a full on Denim Tuxedo?” she joked.

  “Not really.”

  “Don’t worry, Book. I got you some sexy stuff. But first things first. What kind of trim are we talking here?”


  Booker watched his sister’s mouth drop open in astonishment. “Everything? This really might be my best day. Ok, go grab a towel and wet your hair. We will start with that, then we are chopping that massive beard off. No one is even going to be able to recognize you.”

  He smiled at his sister. “That’s the plan.”


  Finn cooked up some scrambled eggs, sausage and roasted some potatoes for breakfast. He made a little extra in case Murphy was staying for breakfast. He shook his head in amusement thinking about the predicament his sister put herself in. She could never resist that man and he couldn’t blame her. Finn and his brothers all had a man crush on Murphy, it was hard not to the guy was so damn charming. When Murphy and Fiona broke up, their parents were devastated because they would want nothing more than their only daughter to marry a true Irishman. FInn and his brothers were upset because they grew awfully close with the man. He hoped Fiona knew what she was exposing herself too by sleeping with Murphy again. If she wasn’t careful she was going to get everyone’s hopes up, even poor Bradon’s.

  Finally, Fiona and Murphy came down from the apartment, just in time to break into the hot breakfast he prepared for everyone. Bradon set up a table for all of them while Liam went over expenses and bills for the pub.

  “Ah, you decided to finally grace us with your presence.” Finn said with a grin.

  “Shut up” Fiona said with a go-to-hell stare.

  “Well, this looks mighty delicious, chap.” Murphy added. “Thanks for having me, tis morning.”

  “Anytime” chimed in Bradon as he sat next to Murphy. Finn laughed to himself. Out of all the boys, Bradon was the closest to Murphy and tried to keep his loyalty to Fiona when they broke up but everyone knew it was hard on him.

  “So what ya got goin’ on?” asked Murphy. “All-Hallows eve is comin’ up and I know ye O’Leary’s always have something fun planned.”

  Finn finished chewing his eggs, passed some juice over to Fiona and said, “We actually have a costume party planned as well as our traditional apple peel game for the ladies led by our one and only Fiona and then Liam has been heading up a trivia game, men versus women, banshees versus pookas.”

  “Aye, count me in. Sounds like it will be a merry old time.”

  “What were you planning on dressing as?” Finn asked Murphy.

  Finn watched his sister squirm in her seat, fidgeting with anything she could get her hands on. He could tell she was extremely uncomfortable and Murphy was not making it any easier on her. Finn found that quite amusing.

  Murphy put his arm around Fiona and said, “It’s up to tis old girl.”

  Bradon made kissing faces toward them and said, “Ooooo, couples costumes. How cute Fiona.”

  Fiona glared at Bradon, whispering death threats with her eyes. “We are not doing couples costumes.”

  “Aye, lassie we are. I’ve already got it planned. Ya can pick your costume up at the shop.”

  “Is that so? And what do you have planned for us?” Fiona asked sarcastically.

  Finn was glad Murphy was back in their lives because he really kept Fiona on her toes. He watched the exchange between them in delight. A part of him felt a little empty that he did not have anybody to spar with. Then again, did he really want to make a commitment to anyone? Liam seemed to be having a hard time making his marriage work. Bradon was a little too slutty for Finn’s liking. Something in between he thought would be nice but once again living in Warblers Point limited the options of the female selection. Maybe he will meet someone at the Halloween party, he thought.

  “That’s for me to know and for ya to find out.” Murphy got out of his chair, kissed Fiona on the head and thanked the guys for breakfast. Finn watched his sister watch Murphy exit the pub and then exhale a very long breath.

  “You got it bad, sis.” Finn said.

  “No I don’t” she said with a glare. “Ugh, why did I do that last night.” She put her head in her hands that rested on the table. “I’m so stupid. I really don’t want to start anything with him. He is not what I need.”

  “What’s there to need he doesn’t have.” Bradon advocated. “He’s handsome, Irish, a proprietor, and we all love him.”

  “Then why don’t you marry him?” Fiona lashed out and left, slamming her chair into the table. Finn’s brothers looked at him confused. He just waved them off and went after her.

  He caught up to her when she was in the stairway headed up to their apartments.

  “Fiona, wait!”

  She turned around to face him with tears in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back trying to sooth her.

  “What’s going on sis?”

  “I can’t go through another relationship with that man. The first one was hard enough, I couldn’t do it again.”

  “I know, I know. But maybe this time it will last. He seems like he is really interested.”

  “All he wants is sex.”

  Thinking about his little sister having a sex craved relationship made him cringe. Hearing them last night was almost deafening. He was closest with Fiona and knew the main reason she broke it off with Murphy was because they didn’t have an emotional connection and that was important to her.

  “Maybe not this time. Maybe you can play it by ear and see what happens. Just be very cautious, don’t throw your heart in it quite yet.”

  “It’s hard not to. You’ve seen the work he does. He can charm the pants off da and that is not an easy feat.”

  Finn nodded his head in agreement thinking about the first time Fiona brought Murphy to a family function. Their da instantly took a liking to him and treated him just like the other O’Leary boys.

  Finn led her back up to her apartment. Pushing the door open, he led her to her couch and made her sit down.

  “Listen, right now, take it one day at a time. Give him a chance, you never know something great might come of it.”

  “One day at a time? I can do that.” She blew out another breath. “Thanks Finn.”

  “Anytime lass. So what did he say you two were going to be for All-Hallows Eve? I drifted off when you two were talking about it.”

  She rolled her eyes and said, “A Yager-bomb.”

  Laughing Finn replied, “A Yager-bomb? I can’t wait to see what he has planned.”

  “Some short number for me, I’m sure. What are you three boys going to be?”

  “Bradon came up with it. How did he put it? Um sexy Alvin and the chipmunks. Guess who gets to be Theadore?”

  Fiona busted out laughing, a little too hard for his liking. When Bradon came up with the idea, Liam and Finn just laughed at him but as he explained the costumes it didn’t seem lik
e too bad of an idea. They got to wear tight shirts to show off their muscles and what girl didn’t like a guy wearing chipmunk ears.

  “Please tell me you are wearing a fat suit.” Fiona asked still in hysterics.

  “Very funny.” Finn got up and slammed a pillow down on his giggling sister and left her to herself. He didn’t have to put up with her ridicule.

  Chapter 3

  Booker stepped off the little puddle jumper he took to the small airport located near Warblers Point. He breathed in the fresh, crisp, fall air which was completely different than the smog infested air back in LA. He felt like an entirely different person. His face felt completely naked and his hair was much lighter, he didn’t feel like his head was being weighted down. Booker had to give credit to Blaire for her shopping and haircut. He looked like one of the actors that could star in his movie, rather than the frumpy director.

  He found the jeans she bought him a little tight in the legs but comfortable, the shirts also tailored but he still had room to maneuver and the bomber jacket she got him was his favorite article of clothing. He grabbed his suitcases that were placed under the plane and went to go pick up his rental car.

  The people seemed much nicer in Vermont than LA, more accommodating. He requested an SUV since he never drove in the snow before and ended up with a nice Jeep Grand Cherokee. After gathering all the papers he needed and inspecting the car, he was on his way. He plugged the address in for the bed and breakfast he was staying at in the GPS, thankfully he requested one for the car.

  Even though he arrived at the end of the fall foliage spectacular, he still found the scenery and foliage breath taking. All different hues of red, orange and yellow painted the landscape as he drove down the country roads. He passed a sign that said “Welcome to Warblers Point” and was impressed with the little town. It was a strip of road that gradually went up a hill with little antique stores, restaurants and ski shops occupying either side of the road. He passed the general store which looked like something out of a western movie and a very intriguing Irish pub. He made a mental note to check out the establishment later since it seemed like the only bar on the strip.


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