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Crave Page 2

by Felicia Fox

  “Now, I know that Bitch will be here soon. She is going to follow you here, and I am finally going to end her.” He hisses maniacally.

  “First, she gets on to the guard after I repeatedly told Caius what a mistake that was. She is a female and they have their place. She takes it upon herself to try to bring me in. That was never going to happen, but when she got her hands on you I could no longer be tolerant of her ways. I took Alex and tried to fix everything by eliminating her.”

  “Oh, you mean by trying to fuck her to death. Yeah that is really showing her, you big perverted psycho.” I was pissed off now. Screw this depressed ‘I want to die’ shit. Alexandria is the flame I always wished for in my life and together we make an inferno. I won’t let him extinguish her.

  “Do you understand what she has done to me? Do you not know what that bitch has taken? She took you, my most coveted prize, you. She then takes away the tool I would use to impregnate you so we could produce superior offspring. Felicity, you have so much light It would seem you were one of the...” He pauses for a moment, apparently weighing his words, “You would survive the pregnancy.”

  Oh. My. God. He can’t be serious. He wants me to be the mother of his little spawns. No, no, no, no. I don’t think so.

  “You’re crazy. Why would I want to have your children? I don’t even want to have kids.” Especially if it meant procreating with him I said to myself, no need for him to decorate the place with my blood. I’d already pondered the likelihood of having children with Alexandria, and I doubt they have adoption programs for incubus couples. And if what I have seen of this life is this chaotic, I can’t imagine raising a child in it safely.

  He grabs me and lifts me off the ground, spinning me around to stand by his side as the sound of boots hitting the stone floor echoes through the circular room.

  There are at least ten of the guard, and all of them look battered and bruised, including Alex and Caius. Did Marius really inflict this much damage on them? Whatever in the world he’s on makes him even more of a monster than I thought before. Every single guard member has eyes of burning crimson, their bodies poised to attack. Even if they are weary, all of them are ready.

  Damn! Looking at Alex is breathtaking, and this moment seems to freeze in time as I soak in the look and demeanor of my Lover, my Mate. She is magnificent in her fury. Her body primed for attack, her beautiful pin up curves obscured by her black guard suit and stance. Wisps of her golden hair are floating around her head on some non-existent ethereal wind. Alex’s skin glows with its pearlescent sheen, and her eyes are a terrible blood red. Her usual pouty, coral lips are pulled back in a vicious snarl as she eyes Marius. I want to reach out to her, run into Alex’s arms but that’s about as possible as ripping my own arm off to get away. I seriously contemplate the need for both appendages.

  Instead of the dramatics and overdone speeches I’d come to expect from Marius, they all bum rush him. I try my hardest to yank away from Marius, his grip on me is tightening to the point of pain. I’m jostled violently by the force coming after him, and for a second, I think he might break my arm to keep me by his side.

  Alexandria is like a whirlwind kicking out and punching him until his grip loosens. She gathers me in her arms and we settle against the wall. Alex does a full body scan on me. When she looks at my arms, her face twists into a look of utter fury. When I peer down, I can see why. My arms are covered with a spattering of blood and the beginnings of bruises from being pulled and yanked around by Marius. Her face boasts a busted lip, but it looks like she is on the mend. Good, now to just get the fuck out of nightmare town and into a damn psychiatric ward and pray they will hand me a pretty yellow happy pill.

  In the background I can hear grunting from the males trying to subdue Marius. I look over and see two guards on each arm and a pair of shackles being clamped to his ankles. Caius is holding another set in his hands, and I assume they are for his wrists. Curiously, they look awfully close to the ones Alexandria had once slapped on me when she was trying to calm herself down. Instead, she took that opportunity to go alpha female on me, making me realize how much I enjoy being submissive to my Mate when she is possessive of me.

  Marius stares at Alexandria, but her eyes are all for me. His gaze is locked on her, and it is murderous. “Couldn’t face me on your own?” he says to taunt her.

  “I wasn’t going to be a fool and come on my own. I let my pride almost kill me, but I would never put My Felicity in that position, ever.” She puts so much emphasis and ownership in the saying of my name, it thrills through me, regardless of the situation we’re in.

  The guards all flash out, taking a roaring Marius along with them. Caius and Roderick stay behind, both of them searching through the contents of the room with nothing to show for it. I want to ask Alex how she is doing, where Gideon’s body is, instead I hold her hand and she responds by pulling me to her tightly, wrapping herself around me. Alex’s eyes shift back into the champagne iridescence that makes butterflies assault my stomach, but the look in them is painful. She is hurting and can’t talk for fear of showing weakness around her father.

  Caius clears his throat. Alex releases me, but I can still feel her firm grip on my hand. “We need to go back and question Marius. I am sure he has come down by now.” He sighs heavily. “Alex, I need you to go to The House and ask who he is getting it from.” Alex nods, and just like that we are flashing out. Instead of going back to the compound, Alex and I arrive in a location where night has already fallen.

  The alley we land in is made of a smooth cobblestone, and the air is a bit pungent with the decay of old food in the trash bins lining the street. I can hear the faint notes of a saxophone off in the distance. A trash lid bangs, the unexpected noise making me jump. I felt nervous, or even crazy, frightened. I grip Alexandria’s arm for balance as she moves us down the alley and onto the street. Still dizzy from the flashing, I swear I will never get used to it.

  “Where are we, Alex?”

  “Boston,” she says shortly, and I’m a little taken back by it. I look over at her. Her pace is quick, and we end up in front of a group of row houses, all brick red with black wrought iron fencing. Some have flags, others have potted plants on hooks, all colorful spots in the dark of night. The street lamps are prevalent in this area, casting eerie shadows and adding to my fear. We walk up to one that has a plaque saying “Morrison” over the door. Still holding my hand, Alex tugs me closer. She stares at the door for a moment, looking nervous. Her eye color is still champagne, and not the sapphire blue she wears when she is in public. I figure whoever we are about to see knows what she is. I want to tell her we don’t have to be here, or maybe we can just give this person a call. That is how uncomfortable she looks. Alex takes in a deep breath and rings the bell.

  “Just a minute,” A feminine voice comes muffled through the door.

  Suddenly, I feel like a burden, everything we seem to be going through is because I’m psycho candy. “Alex, sorry I’m so much trouble, wouldn’t blame you if you are tired of dealing with all of this.” I wave my hand around myself.

  She turns and looks at me, eyes flashing red. I try to step away from her and she holds on to my hand tighter, pulling me back to her. The door opens and what do you know, it’s another beautiful person. Long, platinum blonde hair cascades down in full, thick waves. Silver colored eyes set in a heart shape face above Cupid ’s bow red lips smile at us invitingly. She is dressed in an elegant red gown, cut low to accentuate her breasts, and a slit up high on the thigh to showcase nice, long legs. I know deep down I am going to not like her. She pegs my bitch-o-meter with her slight sneer and come-hither looks. She takes stock of us, eyes traveling over our bodies, seeming to note the blood and our disheveled appearance. Kind of embarrassing comparing myself to her sultry looks, but God damn it, I was just abducted and watched as poor Gideon fell prey to Marius’s knife.

  “Why hello, Alexandria.” her voice is smooth like silk as she draws out the words.

/>   Who the fuck is this? screams out in my head.

  “How can I help you?” She holds Alex in intense eye contact, disregarding me completely now, very freaking rude. “Are you here to… sample some product, or do you have another kind of vice in mind?” It rolls out of her mouth, all lusty, increasing my need to introduce my fist to her face.

  How fucking dare she? I’m not sure I understand all the details about being a Mate, but if this woman is a succubus then her ass should know Alex is mine. Alex freezes up at the woman’s words, and my stomach flips. Hold up a second, is it because she is considering the offer? Oh hell no!

  “Aurora, please…I need some information. May we come in and talk?” She speaks to her sternly, not a hint of subtle kindness in there anywhere, but it still worries me how she closes up at the woman’s offer.

  Aurora steps back from the doorway and motions us to follow. We cross the threshold and approach a set of pocket doors made of mahogany. She slides them open and my eyes bug out of my head. It’s like stepping through time and into a nineteen-twenty, Victorian style brothel.. Um…yeah, I really do not want to be here.

  There are half naked men and women milling about, some with amber filled glasses, others with some kind of electronic cigarette. Their bodies shiver with every puff they inhale. I cling to Alex’s arm, hoping not a one of these people pay me any attention. We try to casually stroll through with the hussy in front of us, swaying her damn ass with a little too much enthusiasm if you ask me. Finally, we leave the open area and walk down a hall decorated with antique wallpaper in pristine condition. Clinging to the walls, sconces light our path, and the place seems to be infused with the smell of roses. Everything is set up like a Victorian masterpiece, and it suits the woman we are following. Aurora has us enter one of the rooms and she directs us to sit on a sofa across from a chaise lounge she decides appropriate to lay upon. I mentally roll my eyes at her behavior. She’s doing her best to be seductive and sly and for all I know, that might usually work. At the moment, I’m still shaking in my stilettos and blood splattered body, and I swear on all that is holy I will stab the next person to even think of taking me. I need a vacation from every one of these people.

  “How may I be of help to you, Alexandria?” Her silky voice makes my stomach churn and I unknowingly grip Alex’s hand harder, but she squeezes back, gently acknowledging my discomfort.

  “One, I would like you to please give this whole seduction act a break, I’m only here for information. Two, you are being disrespectful to my Mate with your behavior.” I want to give the bitch the bird, or at least stick my tongue out at her. I know, my maturity astounds me as well.

  “Well, I am sorry to have been so rude, but you Little Miss, used to come around quite often to sample some of our more exotic wares.” She’s getting pissy, and I have to say I like pissy better than the ‘I want to slut you up’ vibe she gives off.

  “Yes, that is why Caius sent me.” The mention of Caius shuts her up and takes the Ms. Prissy look off her face. I guess I’m not the only one the man scares. Alex’s father is a serious male. His commanding presence and age keep him ruling the Incubus nest on this continent. “Has Marius been staying here?”

  Aurora turns her head away from us. “He comes once a week. Never on the same day. Picks up what he needs and goes.” She’s visibly trembling, and if I have to guess, he does a lot more than pick up his much-needed fix. I feel bad for her in this moment; Marius is a piece of psychotic work.

  “You know we put a search out on him months ago, and still you didn’t come forward. Was he abusing you or your harem? Did he threaten you? We could have protected everyone here if you had given us a chance.” Alex explains this with a shared understanding, since she was once on the end of Marius’s brutality.

  Aurora scoffs at Alex, “You have no idea who you are dealing with, little girl, or the powers he possesses. Might as well consider him an Ancient, because he is. Damn it, the bastard is older than all of us, and you know I am right up there in age with your father.”

  Alex ignores Aurora’s outburst and continues on with her questioning, “He smelled of Demon Flower, how long has he been on it?”

  “For as long as I have known him, but it’s been almost a year now that he has been steadily relying on it. Ever since his run in with you,” she says pointedly, like it’s Alex’s fault he’s deranged. No, Marius is special all on his own.

  “He has an accomplice in the nest. Do you know who it is?”

  I myself wonder how someone could support Marius in this way. Who would have the guts to stand up to a nest of Incubi?


  “Aurora, do you know who it is?” Alex asks more stridently, leaning forward with a small show of aggression.

  “I said NO!” she bellows out, finished with Alex’s questions. “Now, if you aren’t going to buy or fuck, you need to leave.” Rising from the lounge, we did exactly that.

  “May we stay here for the evening?” I turn to look at her, praying I just heard her wrong, but Alex’s head was turned towards Aurora. I’m in shock to hear her ask to stay in this…place. I shake my head and tug on her arm, but she ignores me, gaze still on Aurora. The Pimp and Pusher raises an eyebrow in thought and tilts her head. The devious look in her eye, and Cheshire grin on her face is of cruel intent.

  “Yes, yes you may,” She says, and her voice is saccharine sweet. Aurora stands up and makes her way out of the room. It’s implied that we follow, and follow we do. Alex is a little leery and I’m bone crushingly tired. The three of us walk to a set of stairs in the back, but instead of going up them, there is a door hidden underneath. Stepping through, we find a long hallway lined in steel doors. Where the house up top was Victorian, the sub space down here is strangely like a confinement facility. Not creepy at all, right?! The walk is dimly lit as she leads us down to the very end and I watch Alex’s eyes narrow.

  Alex is starting to look haunted, breathing shallowly through her mouth in an almost quickening pant. “I think I would prefer other accommodations for Felicity and I.” It comes out breathless, and my anger begins to spike higher because this Bitch is making shit harder on Alex. Aurora knows what she’s doing, and is finding a quiet joy in Alex’s discomfort.

  “Yes, I am sure you would. Alas, I cannot accommodate unless you feel like booking one of our lovely little bunnies from upstairs.” She is so snotty and all I can picture in my head is turning the platinum locks of her hair into a damn noose to choke her ass out. She finally decides then to acknowledge me, and her sneer now makes me want to stab her with the heel of my stilettos. Wow, I am violent tonight.

  Alex delivers her a curtly, “No, thank you.”

  “Well then… enjoy your morning. I shall see you in the evening if you are still here.” She flounces her way out, and Alex stands at the door for a moment, looking as though she might burn her hand if she even grazes its surface. Taking a deep breath, she slides a panel on the door and punches in a code, her fingers shaking with each number she pushes.

  We walk in and her hesitancy baffles me. It’s like any other decadent room I have ever seen when with Alex.

  “What is so wrong, Alex? The way you’re acting, I was expecting to walk into a dungeon or a crack den.” But the moment I say crack den, she stiffens up. Damn… Not tonight. I can’t deal with anymore tonight, and I sure as hell don’t want to stay some place that is a trigger for her. “Alex, we can go to my place,” I say, tired as all hell.

  “No, I’ll be okay, I promise. I… this place holds memories.”

  “I assume not a very cheery ones at that.”

  “Yeah… Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and go to bed. I’m tired too.”

  We both strip down, and Alex turns the nozzles to get the water warm. Steam envelopes us as we step over the lip of the large stall shower. She washes me, and it’s all done caringly. I watch as the water turns from pink to clear as it flows to the drain, rinsing away the blood I was covered in. There is no sexual intent a
s Alex works her hands over my body with soap, and I am so very relieved. This is relaxing, and I feel myself wanting to doze off. Looking into Alex’s eyes, they are red rimmed and so sad. I wrap my arms around her and she shudders, trying to keep whatever emotion churning inside of her at bay.

  “I think I’m ready to get out of here, baby,” she whispers softly to me. I nod my head in agreement. We dry off, head over and slip into the bed naked, the silk sheets smooth and cool. Laying down, she pulls me close. I reach up to touch her face and my fingers come back moist. The room is dim, so I couldn’t tell she had been crying. I pull Alex to me, wrapping my arms around her and letting her break down, her hands tucked between our bodies. Cooing softly to her, “Talk to me Alex, please tell me what’s going on in this beautiful head of yours.”

  After a few hesitant and shaky breaths, she opens up to me. “Gideon was all I had for so long. He stuck by me when I was shunned by our kind for not being good enough offspring for someone such as Caius. I was just some half breed, and didn’t deserve to be in such high standing just because I was birthed.”

  “Gid found me here in this room one night, out of my mind on demon flower. I was so strung out, barely holding on to life and letting others abuse my body. He came in like a knight of old and helped me to slay my dragons. He detoxed me and trained with me. He was there to keep me focused. Gideon saved me.” Her warm tears slip down over my fingers. Alex is hurting now, and it’s my fault. Can I forgive myself for Gideon’s death, or the death of everyone Marius has gotten his filthy hands on?

  “I want the damn drug so bad right now just to numb the pain a little.” Alex whispers it so low I can’t believe I was able to hear it.

  “Watching the life slip away in his eyes, and then having to endure you being taken at that same time, it was the worst moment in my life. It’s been a rough day, but with everything Gideon did to save me I won’t ruin that now. The thought to get lost in the drug is there, and being in this room is a dirty reminder of how low I once fell, and who helped bring me back to life.”


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