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Vampiric Page 5

by J A Fielding

  His free hand massaged her hips and thighs before joining with hers. He clutching her fingers as he continued to probe and explore her hungry insides.

  “Prepare yourself for pleasure,” he growled. “Give yourself to me.”

  Just then he hit the spot; his fingers making delicious contact with Jess’s G-spot.

  The woman pitched her head back to howl with delight as her entire body exploded with the force of an explosive and scintillating orgasm. Awash from head to toe in a pounding sensation that both thrilled and satisfied her, Jess’s eyes flew wide as she fell back into Hathen’s waiting arms.

  “So that’s the secret of the incubus,” she hissed, regarding him with wide eyes and trembling outright.

  “The first of many.” Hathen kissed her lips. “And I plan to show you every last one of them.”

  Chapter 8

  In direct contrast to the night before, Jess enjoyed a full night of dreamless sleep that evening. A relaxing night, no doubt, brought on by the satisfying 'nightcap' she’d enjoyed in the arms of her vampire lover.

  Yet when she awoke the next morning, her mind was plagued by a shed load of unanswered questions. Queries that, while having no clear answer, she nonetheless felt compelled to consider.

  So she and Hathen had crossed the line, morphing quickly from friends and collaborators to lovers. Her mind told her this was a bad idea. Her heart and all other relevant body parts however, thought that everything was A-OK.

  “So you went to bed with a gorgeous, strong, sensitive, and painfully easy to please man who seemed eager to fulfill your every fantasy.” A voice that sounded suspiciously like one belonging to Gail Towne, her dearest but perhaps most irritating friend, burst through the bounds of her already troubled mind. “And the problem is?”

  “The problem is that we’re supposed to be working together, not sleeping together!” Jess said aloud; then stopped to ponder just how many of her neighbors had heard that bold, and perhaps inaccurate statement.

  After all, the explosive encounter she shared last night with Hathen was far too loving and intense to be classified as just sleeping together.

  For perhaps the first time in her life, Jess had made love.

  And it just had to be with some rogue immortal who plays an instrumental role in my current investigation. With a frustrated groan she buried her head in her pillow. Blast me!


  The morning sun was no friend to Hathen Noble, who left his home to venture into the golden rays of poison. His home was a modest, self-made cottage nestled deep in the woods that bordered Nightingale Park. He cloaked himself completely in a long black cloak, which shielded and protected him from the ultraviolet light.

  I tell ya, the dude or lady who invents sunblock for vampires is sure to be set for life, he thinks, ducking into a roadside subway stall that would shelter him from the light of day.

  He found it odd that his few happy childhood memories all involved the sun. He loved escaping the confines of his dark, troubled home for an occasional game of softball at the park, or perhaps just a walk in the forest. As a boy he’d enjoyed swimming and basketball, just like other kids. He relished the feel of tossing his head back and smelling the air of a fresh Florida morning, savoring even more the divine warmth of a newly born sun.

  Now even a moment spent in the target of sunlight burned and seared his skin. Which is why, on the rare occasions when he did venture out into daylight, he had to wear this concealing cloak that likened him to a monk.

  Such an odd contrast with who I am in real life, he debated in his mind, before realizing that sounded like something Jess would say.

  OK, that had to be the 10th time during the past half hour he’d thought about Jess Green. Surely that had to be some sort of record.

  Ah, but how can I resist? Stepping into the sanctity of a dark underground subway car, he slid into a seat at the car’s far corner. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.

  The contrast of Jess’s knowing dark eyes and her bright, cheery smile never failed to captivate him.

  Her smile is the closest thing to sunlight I have, he mused, sliding low in his seat to block out the light from an incoming window.

  Her laughter and kindness also warmed the coldness of his soul, and her soft and womanly figure made him downright hot.

  He spoke quietly to himself in the corner of the the train, as if his words could no longer be confined to his mind. “At the risk of sounding sprung, I may have met the woman of my dreams. The woman that I just might like to share my life with.” He sighed.

  “And what do I have to offer her? A small, dumpy house out in the woods, endless protection of the city she loves, and really good sex.” He trembled at the thought of their first encounter. “Make that really, really good sex.”

  So good, in fact, that he was tempted to get off at the next stop. One located in convenient proximity to the Clearview Police Department.

  In an effort to fight temptation he crossed and locked his knees, forcing his attention to the task at hand. The task of discovering the rogue vampire, who under the service of Scarlet, might be endangering his clan.

  He realized that it might be a mistake to trust those who’d loved and served him for years, but what choice did he have? They were his family members and trusted friends. The members of his den lived to serve and protect him, and none of them had ever given him reason to doubt them.

  So that leaves Sebastian. He stroked his chin, frowning in thought. Granted my trusted Alida sent him to me so he could learn the ways of the vampire. Even she admits though that she doesn’t know him fully. And I hate to tell her, but he’s not taking instruction all that well.

  All the same, the young firebrand had a good heart and strong leadership skills. He doesn't seem like the type that could be easily seduced and manipulated, even by a stunner like Scarlet.

  Unlike some people.

  Hathen felt uneasy as he deepened himself further into the cushioned seat. What if the rogue vampire was one of his own after all? A family member who’d fallen victim to Scarlet’s evil brand of mind control?

  Before he considered that troubling possibility further, Hathen decided to investigate Sebastian, the one newcomer to the group. With that in mind, he now stood from his subway seat as his carriage came to a halt.

  “Now stopping at Glendale Apartments, fourth street entrance.”

  With the subway conductor announcing his destination, Hathen hopped off the subway and climbed a set of stairs to the busy city street in front of Glendale Apartments. This is where Sebastian had just rented an expansive townhouse.

  The dude seems to have a lot of money at his disposal, Hathen thought. He ducked his head low, gritting his teeth as the battering rays of the Florida sunshine burned the surface of his cloak.

  Was it really the best idea in the world to start a vampire den in the dead center of the state known as sunny Florida? He made a move, quickening his pace as he headed for the building that housed Sebastian’s townhouse. I must speak to Alida sometime about that decision.

  Sighing relief as he made it to the entrance of a darkened apartment hall, he soon found himself standing straight in front of Unit 2A; the apartment Sebastian had identified as his own.

  Not wishing to frighten or agitate a sleeping vampire, his first knock was light and unobtrusive. It was also completely unanswered.

  I guess I should have known better. He tapped his feet. Trying to wake a vamp really is like trying to wake the dead.

  Again he knocked, more forcefully this time. Once again, his summons was met only with an irritating round of cool, dead silence.

  OK, I’m seriously hoping he gave me the right address. Hathen shook his head, delivering a final forceful knock that rattled the doorway. If not, then this does not bode well for any suspicions I might have about him. Not to mention his intentions toward my den.

  His troubled meditation was disrupted by the rough, abrupt opening of the door before him; a move t
hat revealed a full-figured woman with a plain, unassuming face.

  “Can I help you?” she greeted Hathen, gathering the folds of her terrycloth robe tight around her body.

  “I’m so sorry to disturb you Madame.” he said with an embarrassed smile. “I must have the wrong place.”

  “No, you’ve got the right place.”

  These words came not from the woman before him, but from a familiar looking man who appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  In direct contrast to the woman who seemed to be his lover, this tall, strapping man radiated with the force of masculine beauty. While he shared the same strong features as many a vampire male, his look was distinguished by a waist-length fall of red auburn hair.

  “Good morning Sebastian.” Hathen greeted the newcomer with a short nod and a sincere, friendly smile.

  Sebastian said nothing, only peering at Hathen as his fingers soothed the wavy strands of his long fiery hair.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you,” Hathen apologized as he realized that the muscular Sebastian stood nude behind his lover. Her generous form failed to obscure his bare shoulders and chest.

  “Is there some sort of an emergency, Hathen?” he asked finally, his eyes struggling to focus on his sheepish visitor as he cocked his tired head. “Because as you can see, I’m pretty busy here.”

  Hathen’s gaze flew to the face of Sebastian’s silent lover. She showed no surprise at his words, expressing only pleasure as he nestled her neck and tightened his hold on her waist.

  “Yes, well, I can see that.” Hathen responded, starting to get a little irritated by the situation. “The only problem is, Sebastian, that a good vampire lord always puts the needs of his den before his own. No matter how... pressing those needs might be.” He arched his eyebrows. “And from what I understand, you would indeed like to become a top quality, high ranking vampire lord.”

  An unspoken question rang forth in his words, one that hung between them as Sebastian’s lover fixed Hathen with a curious gaze.

  “OK then,” Sebastian stepped back, reaching for a bathrobe hanging from a nearby coat rack as he waved his visitor through his front door. “Though from what I’ve heard, dude, you’re not supposed to invite a vampire into your house.”

  “Oh Sebastian.” Hathen winked at the woman, who met him with a sly smile before retreating into an adjoining room. “You’re a vampire yourself.”

  “Oh yeah.” Sebastian slipped on his robe as he gestured toward a nearby chair, a plush cushioned seat that Hathen claimed with a relieved sigh. “Make yourself comfortable then.”

  “Thanks. Sorry to interrupt your time with the wife.”

  His host smiled, displaying a row of flawless white teeth in the process.

  “She is a wife actually, but not mine.” He arched his eyebrows. “She’s one of my neighbors here at Glendale. Her husband works a lot, and I could feel her desire and frustration from five doors down.” He waggled his eyebrows, nudging Hathen with a knowing elbow. “You know we incubi can’t resist a good challenge.”

  Hathen said nothing at first, his mind returning to detective mode.

  “Is that what you want from my den, Sebastian?” He leaned forward in his chair. “A good challenge?”

  Sebastian’s smile abandoned his face just as quickly as it had arrived. He met Hathen’s gaze full on, and with an evident degree of competitiveness.

  “Look Hathen, I don’t exactly know why Alida sent me to ‘shadow’ your pack.” He took a seat beside his desk, resting his chin on his fist. “She was the woman who turned me, so I do what she says, when she says.” He put his arms up before him in what seemed a strong but protective gesture. “I’m only here to learn and observe, to learn the ropes so to speak. Then when I’m ready, I get my own den.”

  Hathen nodded.

  “May I ask why you want to be a den leader?” He attempted a casual tone.

  Sebastian shrugged.

  “For one thing, whenever I’m in a situation I pretty much like to control it.” He lifted his chin as if his very words made him stand that bit taller. “For another thing, I want to make sure that the vamps of this country stay on the right track.”


  “Meaning that we ‘children of the night’ have a pretty bad reputation. When I became a vampire, it was because I figured that one lifetime wasn’t long enough to do everything I wanted to do. Plus I savored the idea of having as much sex as humanly possible.”

  “That could indeed be considered a perk.” Hathen chuckled.

  “Totally.” Sebastian winked. “What is not a perk is the fact that we’re portrayed in the media as murderers, bloodsuckers and all around jerks. And all too often, too many of us live up to this rep.”

  “Much like Scarlet,” Hathen watched Sebastian, monitoring his reaction to his next words. “The woman who almost destroyed my den.”

  Sebastian nodded.

  “Yeah, I heard about her. I’m sorry Bro. Just know though, that Alida still has great confidence in you.” He graced Hathen with an affirming smile. “She sent me to learn from the best.”

  Hathen rose from his seat, engaging Sebastian in a warm handshake.

  “Thanks Bro.” He smiled. “I needed that.”

  Sebastian stood with him, walking toward the entryway of his apartment and opening his door for Hathen.

  “Is that everything?” Sebastian asked as Hathen took leave of his residence.

  “I believe so” Hathen nodded, throwing a warm glance over his shoulder as he put up the hood of his cloak and stepped into the hallway that fronted Sebastian’s apartment. “You’re all right Sebastian. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home and get some sleep before our den meeting tonight.”

  “I’ll be there.” Sebastian cast a wide-eyed gaze over his shoulder in the direction of his bedroom. “Just how well rested I’ll be though, remains to be seen.”

  Hathen laughed.

  “Have fun,” he beamed, adding more seriously, “I do suggest, though, that you come well prepared for this meeting. As the humans say, ‘It’s going to be a bumpy night.’”

  “Good.” Sebastian rubbed his hands together, extracting chuckles from his observer. “I quite like bumpy nights.”

  Hathen laughed.

  “Later Sebastian.”

  “Later.” Sebastian closed the door behind his guest, turning immediately for his bedroom.

  Time for some damage control. He considered the woman who awaited him in his room.

  Although their affair initially started in a haze of passion, one spurred by his lover’s intense degree of sexual frustration, Sebastian had really come to care for Rhonda, the neighbor who he’d been seeing for almost a month.

  Never had he tasted such passion from a woman. He enjoyed her kindness, humor, and intelligence in equal measure.

  If it wasn’t for me, she probably never would have cheated on her husband. He felt a twinge of guilt as he passed the threshold of his Victorian-style room.

  This feeling intensified as he saw her hunched over in the depths of the lavender silk sheets that covered his four poster bed. Her arms and legs locked tight, she sat on the bed with her head bowed and her hands folded before her.

  Fighting the urge to throw his arms around her and love away the hurt, Sebastian instead folded his arms before himself and stood beside the cherry wood draw set not too far away.

  “What is it babe?” he asked her.

  “What is it?” Rhonda repeated, her head shooting up in a fit of panic. “I’m betraying my husband and breaking my marriage vows for the sake of some nympho vampire.” She gestured broadly. “And for what?”

  “For this.” Sebastian whipped off his robe to reveal a sculpted, muscular body that could only be described by any woman as perfection.

  “I’m your slave Rhonda.” His voice was soft and hypnotic as he approached the bed. “I’ll do whatever it takes to please and satisfy you.”

  Eager to prove hims
elf, Sebastian held his lover’s gaze as he fell to his knees and crawled like an animal across the room.

  “Just relax,” he whispered, bowing before her to kiss his way up her long, sturdy legs. “Let me make you feel better.”

  Throwing her head back with a unsure sigh, Rhonda opened herself to her lover as he kissed his way up her hips and thighs, finally surging forward to plunge his head beneath her nightgown.

  The couple’s hands met and locked as he laid a long, firm lick across the surface of her vagina. Finally gaining the access he needed to give her total pleasure, he fixed his full lips around her throbbing clitoris and suckled her nice and slow. His intimate kiss sent shards of ecstasy hurtling through her body.

  Beads of sweat formed on Rhonda’s brow as pleasure engulfed every fiber of her being. Sebastian’s sinful lips drained her system of worry and tension, infusing her instead with a white hot tingly sensation that drove her insane.

  Leaning forward to intensify the feeling, her lover licked and nipped her clit in sweet, smooth motions; teasing her with the light scrape of his long, sharp fangs.

  With a last twisted lick and a smacking kiss, he sent her over the edge - treating her to a pulsating orgasm that made her shake from head to toe.

  But this wasn't the end. As Sebastian rose, their lips collided in a kiss of passion that mingled and stole her breath away. He once again pulled away, settling himself between Rhonda’s legs. He stripped the bathrobe from her shoulders, and tossed it on the floor beside them.

  Losing himself in her feminine curves, Sebastian buried his head in his lover’s neck as he caressed her full and tender breasts. He turned her nipples to hard peaks as his hips grated against hers.

  “Let me come inside, my darling,” he purred. “Let me remind you as to why you’re here.”

  “Yes,” she hissed, covering his face with sweet adoring kisses as her legs held in place his waist.

  Finally gaining the entrance he needed, Sebastian thrust his hard shaft to the depths of Rhonda’s wet pussy. Both groaned outright as he moved within her, his hands massaging her arms and back as their lips met again in a heated kiss.


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