Love Accidental

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Love Accidental Page 48

by Tia Siren

  I collapsed against his chest when the climax finally released me. I struggled to catch my breath. I could feel his hardness deep inside me and realized he still hadn’t come. I smiled, knowing I was going to be fucked hard once again.

  I pushed myself up and kissed him.

  “I’m not done yet,” he growled.

  “I know. That makes me happy,” I mumbled.

  He rocketed up, sitting face to face with me, his dick still buried deep inside me. He jerked forward, pushing into me as his butt slid across the bed. I had no idea where he was going, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on for what would be a thrilling ride. He stopped at the edge of the bed, his feet on the ground.

  “Get off,” he demanded.

  “Not yet,” I gasped, feeling another orgasm close but still out of reach.

  “Get off!” he said, pushing me backward.

  My feet hit the floor as my pussy released his dick. I instantly felt the absence and wanted to crawl back on his lap.

  He spun me around. “Now sit,” he demanded.

  I smiled and slowly sat on his lap, feeling the head of his cock probing my hole. He reached up and squeezed my sensitive breasts, gently massaging and tweaking my nipples as I seated myself on his lap, taking him deep inside me.

  “There you go. Bounce up and down on my dick,” he ordered.

  I slowly raised myself up before sliding back down. The position gave him full penetration, his dick rubbing over my clit with each stroke. My pussy was weeping, ready to come again.

  He moved one hand down my stomach, putting a finger to the place we were joined. I sat back against him, relishing in the feel of his cock deep inside me. I was stretched full, and every pulse of his heartbeat was throbbing inside me. His finger started to massage around his dick. He pressed against the hard nub and began to rub circles.

  My head dropped back to rest against his shoulder while he rubbed the sensitive area. I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t move as the orgasm started in my toes. Every muscle tensed to the point of pain as the sensation spiraled through my body and out to the tips of my fingers, my hair standing on end.

  A low keening sound escaped my slightly parted lips. I had no control over my body as he rubbed. Then he stopped right when I got close to fully succumbing to the climax.

  “Not yet,” he whispered in my ear.

  I made a move to slide up his dick, but he held me firmly in place.


  I whimpered, wanting the release that would ease the tension he had created in my muscles. His hand moved to my knee, opening my legs wide as I straddled his dick.

  His finger circled my pussy again, tickling the lips that were wrapped around his slick cock before he moved back to that extremely sensitive area and began rubbing again.

  I screamed as I finally found my release. He moved his finger and used both hands to grab my hips, forcing me up and down his dick. I felt like a ragdoll, helpless to participate as my body clenched and released his dick with one muscle spasm after another.

  I heard his yell and felt the hot liquid burst inside me as he found his own release. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly as he jerked into me. I went limp against him. He carefully stood, pulled the covers back, and crawled into bed, taking me with him. His body wrapped around mine as he held me close, his hands protectively clasped around my belly.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Tears welled in my eyes, and before I could stop them, they were spilling onto the sheets.

  “I love you too,” I told him.

  “I’ve loved you since we were kids, way back when.”

  “How come you never told me?” I asked.

  He chuckled, the sound vibrating against my back. “I was a chickenshit, I guess. We were in the friend zone. I didn’t want to violate the boundaries.”

  I laughed. “You could have told me. I loved you then; I love you now. We could have been together all this time.”

  “I know. I was a fool.”

  “You hurt me when you left that day. I was in love with you and you up and left me without a word,” I told him, needing him to know why I was so hesitant with him now.

  “I know. I mean, I didn’t know then, but I know now. I’m not good at telling people how I feel,” he muttered.

  “That’s true. I can’t believe you loved me and didn’t tell me. I should beat you,” I joked.

  He laughed. “Trust me, I’ve been beating myself up enough for both of us.”

  “Good. I guess that changes things, huh?”

  “Yes, it does. We have a lot to talk about, but right now I just want to make love to you until neither one of us can walk.”

  I laughed, not exactly thrilled with the idea of being sore down below when I had a long plane ride home.

  “I’m game.”

  “Good,” he said, nibbling at my shoulder. “I’m going to make you scream for mercy. You are going to be a hot, quivering mess by the time I’m done with you.”

  “I’m already a hot, quivering mess,” I reminded him.

  I felt his dick pressing against my butt and knew he was ready for more. I rolled to my back and reached down to grab his jutting penis, gently stroking it. His eyes were smoldering. I could see the passion in them and took a moment to thank my lucky stars for bringing this man back to me. I wanted to stay naked with him for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I had upheld my promise to fuck her until we were both walking funny. My dick was on the verge of being raw. I had never thought a man my age could fuck that much without the help of some little blue pill. Mia was better than any drug. She had me turned on to the point where I was beginning to wonder if I would be hard for the rest of my days with her. Room service had kept us alive the past twenty-four hours. That morning, I had to give the woman a break while she pushed through what she said was a temporary bout of morning sickness. I hated seeing her miserable and did everything I could to ease the suffering.

  “You really are a smooth talker. I think you could have been an expert conman in another life,” she said, shaking her head as we sat down in our first-class seats.

  I laughed. “Trust me, I know how to use my charm, but I only use it for good.”

  She gave me a look that said that better be true. I kissed her on the nose.

  “I can’t believe you’re coming home with me,” she whispered.

  “I am. I have to go back to LA in a couple days, but I need to look at the house. You’re going to come with me, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Now that I don’t have to go into the office, I am free to do a little house hunting. I can’t believe you put an offer in on a house you haven’t even seen. You’re brave.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I saw a lot of pictures, and I did hire an inspector to check it out.”

  “Still, you know what I mean. That’s crazy. I can’t believe you’ve been doing all this stuff and never told me!”

  I smiled. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Uh, you did.”

  “You didn’t tell me something kind of big either. Don’t forget that. I’m going to hold that against you for years to come,” I warned her.

  She giggled. “I think I made up for that yesterday, don’t you?”

  The blush on her face made me want to take her into the bathroom and join the mile-high club.

  “So, we’re both freelancers now, or work-from-home people or whatever you call it. I can’t believe you decided to take that leap. It’s kind of funny we both did the same thing without telling one another. From here on out, we have to be straightforward. I want to know everything, and I will tell you everything. No more secrets,” I said.

  She nodded. “I promise. I won’t keep anything from you.”

  She held out her hand, looking at the ring on her finger.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Of course I like it. It’s beautiful. What’d you do with the o
ther ring?” she asked.

  “I took it back. It had bad juju. I didn’t want to risk you turning me down again. I figured it was best to start fresh.”

  She smiled. “I can’t wait to show my mom. I know she’s going to be a little upset she didn’t get to see us get married, but she is going to be thrilled that we actually did it.”

  “Good. I know she’ll be glad I made an honest woman out of you.”

  She burst into laughter. “Oh yes, that’s the part that is going to make her happy.”

  “So, are you going to sell your condo?” I asked, hoping she would say yes.

  “I think I have to. I can’t let you buy that house on your own.”

  I shook my head. “No, you don’t have to do anything. I decided to buy the house. Don’t feel obligated.”

  “I don’t. We’re married. We’re sharing our lives together. It makes sense we share a home together. Unless you plan on me living in the city while you live out in the suburbs?” she asked, one eyebrow raised high.

  I grinned. “Hell no! I want you and my child with me under one roof.”

  “Good. Then maybe we can talk to your realtor and have him list my condo.”

  I smiled and nodded, leaning my head back against the seat. She grabbed my hand as the plane started the take-off.

  “I can’t believe you ever doubted this would work between us,” I mumbled.

  She giggled. “Well, it isn’t like I had a lot to work with. It’s hard to imagine a life with someone who hasn’t been in your life for eleven years.”

  I leaned over and kissed her. “But never again.”

  She nodded, and we both sat back and enjoyed the comfortable first-class seats I had managed to get. As soon as we got back to New York, Mia insisted we go see her mom. We dropped our luggage off at her place, freshened up a bit, and then made our way to her mom’s house. I insisted we stop and buy her flowers to help soften the marriage blow.

  Maria opened the door and had a big smile on her face. “Let me see the ring!” she said.

  I looked at Mia, wondering if she had already told her. She shook her head in response to my unasked question.

  “How did you know?” Mia asked.

  Maria chuckled and held the door open, motioning for us to go in.

  “I’m your mother, dear. I know these things. When I heard Brad was meeting you in Vegas, I just knew you two would find your way into a chapel.”

  “I’m sorry,” I told her, handing her the flowers. “It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I know you wanted to be there. We can have a real big wedding here in New York.”

  She waved a hand. “I don’t care about any of that. I’m excited for what the future holds,” she said with a wink.

  “I told him, Mom,” Mia said.

  “I know that too, dear.”

  “Of course you do,” she muttered.

  “Sit, sit. Tell me everything. What’s your plan? Will you be moving here?” she asked me.

  I nodded my head. “Yes. I have worked out an arrangement with my station. I have a studio I’ll be renting here. I get to keep my show and my audience while increasing my listeners.”

  “Very good. Where will you live?” she asked, not holding back.

  “Actually, I have an offer in on a house in Jericho. It’s a little out of the way, but it’s a nice neighborhood and the house is big enough for our family to grow,” I said with a smile.

  Maria clapped her hands together. “Yes! I’m so happy for you both. I always knew you two were meant to be together. I am only sorry it took you so long to figure it out. Better late than never, I suppose.”

  I laughed and agreed with her. “Your daughter is the stubborn one,” I teased.

  “You’re the one who couldn’t figure certain things out,” she shot back.

  “Well, I did. Let’s go look at the house. Maria, will you come with us?” I asked.

  Maria’s face lit up. “Are you sure? Maybe this is something you guys should do alone. I can see it later.”

  “No, Mom. Please, I want you to come. I need your opinion. If I don’t like it, you have to help me convince Brad to look for a different one.”

  Both women burst into laughter. I was a little horrified at the thought.

  “I hope you like it,” I croaked out. “Hell, I hope I like it. I had to fork over some cash to hold it.”

  Mia laughed some more. “I’m sure it’s going to be lovely. Let’s go. I’m anxious to see this place.” She turned to her mother. “He wouldn’t even show me any pictures of it. He wants me to be completely surprised.”

  “Good. Then we will see it for the first time together.”

  I called a car service to pick us up at the corner café. Mia was hungry and insisted we eat before doing any house shopping. I had a feeling the next eight months were going to be like this. I didn’t mind at all. I couldn’t wait to run out to the store in the middle of the night to buy her pickles and ice cream.

  We ate a quick small meal while we waited for our ride. The drive out wasn’t too bad. The driver told us it was usually about a thirty-minute commute, sometimes longer depending on traffic. I figured I could handle that. With Mia working from home, she wouldn’t have to worry too much about commuting.

  The driver stopped in front of the address of the home I had fallen in love with from all the way across the country.

  “This one?” Mia said breathlessly.

  I nodded. “Yep, this is the one. Come on, let’s go check it out.”

  Another car pulled up. A man wearing a business suit climbed out. “Are you Brad Jones?” he asked.

  “I am, and this is my wife, Mia, and her mom, Maria.”

  It felt weird to call her my wife. I loved the way it rolled off my tongue.

  The realtor shook each of our hands and led us through the small gate that was attached to a white picket fence.

  “I cannot believe this. It actually has a picket fence,” Mia said, completely in awe.

  “I know. It’s what first caught my eye.”

  We walked inside, and I knew right away I was in love. Maria and Mia climbed the stairs to check out the rooms while I walked around the bottom floor with the realtor pointing out the many features. I was sold. Now I just had to convince Mia.

  When she and her mom came back downstairs, they were talking a mile a minute.

  “Did you want to see the kitchen?” the realtor asked. “I know the ladies feel that’s the most important room in the house.”

  Mia burst into laughter. “Not this lady, but yes, I would love to see the kitchen. I suppose I’ll have to learn to cook at some point.”

  Mia’s eyes lit up when we walked into the huge open kitchen with a center island.

  “This is gorgeous,” Maria said.

  Mia had tears in her eyes. “This house is amazing.”

  “Wait until you see the backyard,” I told her with a grin.

  We walked through the dining room and paused to look through the sliding glass doors. “Wow,” she and her mother said at the same time.

  The realtor slid open the doors and we walked onto the small patio. Beyond us was a lawn full of lush green grass, plus a beautiful maple tree that would provide plenty of shade.

  “This is gorgeous, Brad. You did a great job picking this place,” Maria said.

  “Thanks. Well, what do you think, Mia?”

  Her hand was over her mouth as she nodded her head. “Absolutely. I can almost see our baby out here playing.”

  “There’s enough room here for several babies,” Maria said with a smile.

  I nodded in agreement. “Yes, there is.”

  “Do you folks need a minute to talk it over?” the realtor asked.

  I looked to Mia, knowing my mind was made up.

  She didn’t hesitate for a moment. “Yes. I want this house. I want it now. How long before we can have the keys?”

  The realtor burst into laughter. “Well, your husband has the offer in. The buyers have until tomorrow
to counter or accept it. I would say a month or two if they accept the offer.”

  “Good. I want it. Brad, you pay what they want. I want this house. Now,” she said, turning back to the realtor, all business. “I’ll be needing my condo listed. Do you handle listings in the city?”

  The realtor lit up. “I sure do. Let’s talk specifics tomorrow.”

  Mia nodded her head. I loved that she had fallen in love with the house so quickly. When you knew, you knew. This house was ours. It was where we would raise our family and have backyard barbecues every weekend.

  Maria was watching it all and beaming.

  “Congratulations,” she said, hugging me close. “Welcome to the family.”



  Eight Months Later

  The nursery had finally been finished last week, and I was busy putting everything in its place. My mother and I had really upped our shopping game and had full wardrobes. I was convinced the babies would never wear the same thing twice.

  After my article about baby fashion, I had designers sending me clothes left and right. I had been inundated with some of the most beautiful baby gear and was thankful to have it. It had gotten to a point where I had to politely ask that nothing else be sent my way until we began our adventure into the toddler genre. The excess items had already been donated to charity.

  As I was bending over to put a stack of onesies into a drawer, I felt a sharp pain shoot around my middle, starting in my back. It wasn’t the same kind of pain I had felt with the false labor.

  “Brad!” I screamed his name as I made my way down the stairs, holding on to the handrail for support.

  Another sharp pain followed by a trickling sensation running down the inside of my leg had me pausing halfway down.

  “Brad!” I hollered again when he didn’t answer.

  He came out of his office and looked up at me. I was stuck a few steps from the bottom, the pain still cramping my stomach.

  “What? What’s wrong?” he asked, seeing the look on my face.


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