Love Accidental

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Love Accidental Page 56

by Tia Siren

  We kissed hungrily before he lifted me to carry me to the bedroom, stripping me methodically before I dropped down to my knees. I pulled his pants down and took him in my mouth as Ryan gripped my hair, moaning my name. I made him come deep in my throat before he pulled me up.

  “On the bed,” Ryan told me. I dropped onto my back and scooted against the pillows. I was slick with need. Ryan kicked off his remaining clothes and crawled between my legs. He asked me if I was feeling okay before he kissed my folds, watching me nod.

  I was so horny for him that I was ready to cry when he licked me firmly. I wept with the sensations rushing through me as he licked and sucked me slowly. He brought me close to the edge before pulling away and reaching down to stroke himself slowly. I watched as he moved to position himself above me, sliding in for the first time of many as I cried out his name.



  I turned my head to see Brea stirring beside me in her bed, smiling as she blinked at me. “Did you have a nice nap?” I asked. She giggled and nodded.

  I couldn’t believe she was already twelve weeks along. Brea had a small bump that I could only see when she was naked, but other than that, she wasn’t showing much yet. Her breasts were full and round, though, and I could not get enough of them.

  Since the first night we’d slept together again, I couldn’t stop sucking on them and cupping them in my hands. She was more sensitive than before as well and came from just my teeth on her skin. She came easier now, and I loved bringing her to release every way I could.

  She was also glowing beautifully from the pregnancy, and I felt myself falling for her more every day. I didn’t say anything though, just spent time with her out here in Brooklyn.

  My father had too much of a presence in Manhattan, and I got some peace out here. We hung out and watched TV in the living room or her bedroom, spent quality time in her bed, and made a lot of food. She seemed to be craving something different every day. I loved being a part of this process.

  I leaned over to kiss her softly as she snuggled closer to me, murmuring my name.

  “Want to go out tonight and get some food?” I asked as she pressed closer to me, her hard nipples distracting me from my plan.

  “Where?” Brea asked. I thought for a moment, finding it hard not to turn her on her back and take her again.

  “Let’s go to the pub and eat,” I suggested. She pushed up to go to the bathroom. I watched unabashedly, thinking about how sexy she was while carrying my baby. It filled her out in all the right places.

  “I’ve been craving their burgers. That sounds great,” Brea called from her bathroom as I grinned. My phone chimed on the table beside the bed, and I glanced over and grabbed it.

  Lewis: Where are you at?

  Me: Brea’s. What’s up?

  Lewis: You’ve been there a lot. Is it getting serious?

  Me: Nah. Just a break from Manhattan is all. There’s a great vibe here.

  Lewis: I’ll give you that. I’m at Lucy’s and we were thinking of heading to the pub. Want to come?

  I laughed and told him that we were headed there too. I didn’t see him alone as much now—being here with Brea took up my time—but we tended to hang out with him and Lucy more. It worked out, but I knew he missed our guy time. It was getting harder to hide what was happening with Brea and me, and we were going to tell everyone about the baby soon.

  We thought that under the circumstances, we should wait the standard three months to make sure it was going to be a healthy pregnancy. Like it or not, the media would catch on to the baby, and we just needed to keep quiet about things as much as possible.

  Brea was feeling good despite a bit of remaining morning sickness and some aches and pains. Everything was going great. She turned on the shower, and I pushed myself off the bed to join her. I reached around to stroke her nipples as I stepped behind her and under the water. Brea giggled and leaned back against me as she closed her eyes.

  “Don’t you ever get enough?”

  “Not of you.” I slipped my hands over her small bump and stroked it as she sighed against me. We made love slowly in the shower even though she protested that she was too big. I laughed. She could never be too big for me to want her. Brea dressed in some stretchy jeans and an oversized Brooklyn long-sleeved shirt before she pulled her hair back in a loose bun. She didn’t wear any makeup, and in my opinion, she didn’t need it.

  She looked beautiful.

  I pulled on my clean jeans and shirt before we slipped our feet into Converse and headed out. We walked slowly to the corner building, talking about the upcoming appointment when we would find out the baby’s gender.

  Brea had felt like it was a girl from the beginning, but a large part of me hoped for a boy so Dad would be happy. He didn’t feel that girls could run a company properly, and a daughter would only add fuel to his fire. I told her I wanted a boy, but deep down, I just wanted a healthy baby. I’d be happy with either, and the idea of seeing her holding our child made my body flush with affection.

  I looked over at her as she smiled and glanced back at me. We’d gotten along well the last few weeks since the dinner had faded from our minds. I knew I could be with her as more than just the father of her baby. I opened the door to the pub, and we greeted Lorraine as we made our way back to the usual table.

  It was empty, and I let Brea slide in first before joining her and ordering two lemonades. As much as she missed caffeine, Brea had given it up for the sake of the baby. I told her she was doing great all the time.

  She picked up a menu and read it, more out of habit than anything else. I read over her shoulder. I knew I would get the burger with mushrooms and she’d get the bacon cheeseburger, but we still looked as I draped a hand over her thigh.

  We ordered and looked up as Lewis led Lucy into the bar, both laughing. They slid into the booth across from us and grabbed menus. Lucy gave us a knowing smile.

  “How are you?” she asked as Brea sipped her drink with a smile.

  “Good. You?” She looked at her best friend curiously, and Lucy raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s just a fling, Brea. Get that look off your face,” Lucy warned as she shook her head. “I am not following in your footsteps.”

  She was still going with the idea that it was a one-night stand gone wrong, and I stiffened beside Brea.

  “Yeah. You two look pretty close to me. Are you sure it isn’t serious?” Lewis asked as Lorraine approached to take their drink order. They both ordered beers, and then Lewis looked back at me.

  “We’re just hanging out and taking it slow. Nothing serious,” I assured him, but I knew I was lying. I cared about Brea now, and spending all this time with her recently had made my feelings stronger. Lewis shot me a look that told me he didn’t fully believe me before he looked down at the menu.

  I thought the same about his relationship with Lucy but didn’t say anything, hoping they would eventually stop seeing one another and, more than that, not end up pregnant. I reminded myself that this thing between Brea and I was a different situation than probably anything else out there. This was just a planned, financial transaction. Or was it?

  Stacy had told Brea that she was moving out of the apartment to live with her boyfriend, and while I was glad she’d have room for the baby, I worried about her living alone. It wasn’t a bad area, but I still didn’t want my baby living alone in an apartment with low security. This was New York, after all.

  We ate dinner and discussed Lucy’s art. Her gallery showing had been a success, and she was getting some fans’ attention. Plus, a few art galleries wanted to feature her work. She was busy, but that was how Lucy worked best. She got completely manic about things, but I admired how she made it work for her.

  I was a workaholic, but now I was starting to enjoy spending time with Brea. I had never enjoyed people the way I did her. I knew I had made the right choice for the mother of my baby. She was so naturally compassionate that she’d be an amazing mom. I wo
uld have to remind her to take care of herself in the process more than likely. I didn’t want Brea to burn herself out.

  Parenting never stopped, and we were going to do it right. Lewis and Lucy both ordered more drinks, and I watched him sling an arm over her shoulder. He even seemed interested in her career, and I wondered how long this would last.

  We talked about some of the new movies coming out, and Brea told me she was craving popcorn, making Lucy giggle. They both knew I’d take her to get some.

  The other couple left the table, and Brea took a sip of her lemonade as we waited for her cake. She smiled as she glanced at me, making me raise an eyebrow.

  “We’re going to find out what the baby is in a few weeks. I can’t wait.”

  She blushed. “I’ve been looking at stuff online.”

  “Pink stuff?” I teased, and she hit my arm softly. I imagined a daughter and how much she’d get me wrapped around her little finger, but it would be better to have a boy and make everyone happy. Everything would fall into place and I could have another baby later in life.

  Would I want to do it with Brea? I loved the process already, but I didn’t know where we would end up.

  “Yeah. I want a girl to dress up and share my stuff with later. I think it’ll be fun,” she replied. She grinned widely. “My cake is here.” Then her face fell as she looked down at her stomach. “I hope I don’t get fat.”

  “You look beautiful,” I assured her. She shrugged.

  “I feel like I eat all the time.”

  “You’re feeding two,” I reminded her as Lorraine placed the cake in front of her. “Everything is going well though?”

  “Yeah. Dr. Perry thinks it’s going to be a good pregnancy overall and that the delivery will be easy. He’s always telling me to walk and keep active,” she said. I smirked.

  “You are too active,” I said. She smiled up at me. “But, I like your activity of choice, so don’t stop.”

  Brea laughed as she picked up her fork. “I think we need to walk more, especially in about a month.”

  Lewis and Lucy came back, looking like they’d had some time together in a closet. I teased him about the straw that was sticking out of his shirt. He tugged it out and laughed as Lucy blushed, making Brea shake her head.

  Lucy helped Brea with a couple bites of the cake before they started talking about what else to do. Lucy suggested hanging out at her apartment since Stacy was in the midst of packing boxes. Brea’s apartment was a bit of a mess, but it was worth staying there with her.

  I nodded, helped Brea stack the plates, and paid the bill, leaving a large tip. We walked over to Lucy’s place, and they had some more drinks while I got water for Brea and myself. Lewis looked at us and smirked as I asked him what he was thinking about. “You were both non-drinkers even before you knocked her up. That’s perfect.”

  “You know that we both have issues with it in our families,” Brea pointed out. He shrugged. Lewis was lucky with normal, caring parents who didn’t have many issues other than the fact that they spoiled him. He was a bit of a jerk at times and extremely entitled. It was a result of him getting anything he’d ever wanted. There were times when I’d considered not hanging out with him. He was sometimes too much for me. One of those times was when he had admitted to sleeping with my cousin.

  That had nearly killed out friendship, but Lucy had sat me down and assured me that they were both adults. She knew what she was doing and wouldn’t hesitate it to end it when she felt the urge to do so.

  Lucy found a new movie on one of her cable channels, and Brea settled against me on the couch as I pulled her closer to my side. We weren’t out in public now, and our friends understood what was going on.


  We could relax, so I let my mind drift ahead to when we went back to her place. I’d had her twice already, but pregnant Brea couldn’t get enough and was a little wild, so who was I to complain? I had known all along that I wanted to sleep with her again after that first time. I wished I hadn’t pulled away for those weeks before we knew she was pregnant. I hadn’t slept with any other women since I’d met Brea.

  That, more than anything, was telling.



  Ryan and Lucy spent twenty minutes arguing over who made the best popcorn. Finally, they both got up and disappeared into the kitchen. I felt the void as Lucy left with Ryan. She told Lewis that she’d bring him another beer and followed her cousin out of the room.

  The room started to shrink once Lewis and I were alone. I sat back against the cushions and stared at the entrance to the small den as Lewis leaned forward, scanning my body with his eyes. It wasn’t like the first time I’d met him when I’d shot him down easily.

  Tonight, he was looking at me like I was a steak.

  “You look good pregnant, Brea,” Lewis said in a low voice as I shifted in my seat.

  “Thanks,” I muttered. My stomach knotted up with the discomfort of the situation. How much longer would they be gone? It was only popcorn.

  Lewis stretched and stood up before he came over to sit beside me, making me jump. “Your tits are bigger. I’ll bet they’re sensitive, aren’t they? I could make you come just from playing with them alone.”

  I shot a dark look at him as I scooted away from him. “You’re here with Lucy, my best friend. I am here with your best friend. Do you really think this is okay?” I demanded as he casually shrugged.

  “We’re all casual. We’re all just fucking. Why not try each other? It’s not like you’re worried about getting pregnant or anything.” Lewis was so flippant with his words that my mouth dropped open in shock.

  I had never felt like I’d just fucked Ryan, even though we had hardly been together to begin with. “I’m not like that,” I protested, and he chuckled.

  “You’re having Ryan’s baby after a one-nighter. How are you not like that, Brea? You hadn’t known each other that long to begin with,” he said.

  I looked back at the door. The sound of popcorn and laughter filtered into the room as I moved farther away from Lewis. Our situation did look casual from the outside, but it wasn’t. I fought the urge to break my promise to Ryan’s father and tell Lewis the truth right there. I knew Lewis would run with that gossip and Ryan would be left with nothing. He wouldn’t care about his best friend if it meant a chance to spread the rumor.

  Why the hell was Ryan so close to this guy to begin with? Lewis leaned closer and placed his hand on my thigh as I crawled back.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “I’m not good enough for you? I’ll bet I could fuck you good, Brea.”

  “No,” I protested as I moved back and stood up on shaking legs.

  “I’ve shared girls with Ryan before. This wouldn’t be the first time, but we’d have no worries with you. You know who the baby daddy is, so relax a little. Have some fucking fun, Brea.”

  The words cut through me like a knife, and I stumbled backward. I could only think to leave, and I grabbed my purse from the table and ran to the front door, opened it, and ran out into the night.

  Ryan and Lewis shared women. I didn’t care whether it was at the same time or not. It was just so disgusting. Lewis seemed like the kind of man to do it with any woman, but I had thought Ryan was better than that. I had thought I’d made a good choice with him.

  I cried as I turned right instead of left, taking a different way home so he wouldn’t find me. I was a little worried being out here all alone, but the streets were crowded with people hitting restaurants and bars as I hurried past them. A few called out to ask if I was okay, but I just kept running.

  My phone rang in my purse, but I just needed to be home. Stacy was supposed to be clearing out some space at her boyfriend’s apartment, so I would be alone there. I could figure this whole thing out by myself.

  I turned down another street and headed to my apartment as my phone chimed with a text. I couldn’t see it, but I assumed it was Ryan or Lucy asking why I had left. I doubte
d Lewis would admit to his part in things, and I cried a little harder as I took the last turn.

  When I ran up to my building, someone stepped out of the shadows, and I screamed.

  “Brea! What happened?” I heard Ryan’s voice and dropped back against the building as I took a deep breath and started sobbing. “What’s wrong?”

  “Get away from me!” I screamed as I tried to pass him to get to my door.

  “What the fuck happened back there, Brea?” he demanded. He grabbed my arm to hold me still.

  “I just want to go home,” I pleaded with him as I tried to pull away. “Please let me go.”

  I felt nausea rising in my stomach as I fought him. Ryan pulled me against him and stared into my eyes. I started to cry again, so he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “What. Happened?” he asked me as he walked us toward my door, making me fight him as my phone rang again.

  “That’s Lucy. She’s worried sick about you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she shows up here as well. Did Lewis pull some shit with you? In that short time, it’s the only thing I can see happening.”

  I collapsed against him and cried weakly. Ryan lifted me and took me to the door, unlocking it after he got my keys from me. He closed it and locked it before carrying me to bed and sitting down with me.

  I rolled away from him and took several deep breaths as I forced myself to calm down. I wouldn’t make any sense if I was hysterical. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand on my back. It reminded me of the way Lewis had been touching me, and I shivered violently as he sucked in his breath.

  “Why did you leave?” Ryan asked me softly as he handed me a tissue.

  “It was the way he was looking at me,” I said as I dropped back against my pillows and closed my eyes.

  “Lewis?” he asked, and I nodded slowly. “What did he do?”

  “He told me that I looked good. He told me that he wanted to—” I covered my face with my hands.


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