Love Accidental

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Love Accidental Page 67

by Tia Siren

  Another thing I’d learned from my younger years and my adoption was, you didn’t have to know who your real parents were to have a successful life. I had no desire to settle down or have children. I didn’t need a family of my own. And really, I’d only ever loved one woman in my life, and that had not worked out the way I’d wanted. Her loss led me away from romance and set me on a road that led to sex. Yes, just pure unadulterated sex and lots of it, with no ridiculous, heartbreaking, strings attached.

  Susan straddled me and rubbed the tip of my cock against her soaking wet pussy. She lowered herself, and my hard cock slipped inside her like it was meant to be there. The warmth of her body enveloped me. It was perfect. Then she raised and lowered herself harder and faster onto me. She bowed her head forward and gazed into my eyes. She placed her lips on mine, and her long hair fell on me when she leaned lower. She shoved her tongue deep into my mouth and ran it around. She definitely wanted me.

  She pulled away and got lost in my eyes. Her hands grasped my chest, and she lowered her pussy down onto my manhood. I reached for her breasts and teased them. Pain ignited in my chest from where she dug her nails firmly into my skin.

  “Susan, can I just remind you of the no marking policy?” I asked.

  She continued writhing and shoved her hips down firmly on my dick. She was like a woman possessed.

  “Rules, rules,” she said playfully. “Don’t they say they’re meant to be broken? Oh, come on. Live a little. You need to let yourself go for once!”

  “Not going to happen,” I replied. “The rules are there for a reason. And we all stick to them, even me.” I pulled at her hard nipples and enjoyed the sound of her moaning loudly. She was such a good noise maker.

  I had concerns about Susan. Over our last few sessions, she’d become a little too much. Of all my current clients, she was the only one who wouldn’t get pregnant. I started to think she relied on this fact to take advantage of the situation. I’d tried to tell her that she had to stick to the rules. They helped everyone and offered a level playing field that benefited all parties involved. Including me.

  Susan refrained from digging her nails into me and continued to gyrate her hot pussy. Next, she rode my hard shaft like she was in a rodeo, riding a bucking bronco. Her back arched and her breasts heaved in front of her. Her breath was fast, and the noises she made were a real turn on.

  She enjoyed her encounters with me and was only supposed to have four meetings over a four-month period. This was her last one. If she didn’t become pregnant from this one, I’d have to service her, basically, at my own cost. I really had no intention of doing this. I wanted to put Susan down as a bad experience. This was unfortunate because I had to satisfy my clients until they actually became pregnant. It was one of my rules, and I would stick to it.

  Susan clenched her body and screamed, “Fuck me hard, I’m going to come.”

  I closed my eyes and thought of the one girl who’d gotten away…

  Piper Hogan. What a dream. What happened to you? More importantly, what happened to us? Piper had all the charisma in the world and had the most gorgeous blue eyes and long blonde hair. Her sophisticated charm and her girl-next-door attitude attracted me like a magnet to a refrigerator. She had me hooked big time, and a lot of my success as ‘The Baby Maker’ was because of her.

  She was the one I thought of when I was close to coming. And the clients had no idea my mind was somewhere else. Definitely in a better place; a nicer place where the woman was hotter and hornier than any of my clients. Even Susan Reynolds could not hold a candle to Piper. Not in this lifetime or even the next.

  The last I heard, Piper had gotten engaged. I guessed she had kids and a family of her own by now. I knew when I left that I’d broken her heart. I went to college, and then it was done.

  “Susan, come for me baby, this time, make it happen,” I said as I worked myself against her deeper. My engorged shaft pulsed and I knew we were almost home. Show me the money.

  I pinched her nipples. She went wild. She rocked her hips faster and harder; she bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair. Her body began to quiver. She screamed and moaned.

  “Oh, fuck, I am coming,” she roared.

  I imagined Piper and how we used to be…

  My cock thrust harder inside her eager pussy. She moaned and wriggled her hips. She rubbed her clit with her finger and let herself go, breathless and moaning my name.

  “Come for me Evan, fuck me, baby,” she said insatiably.

  “Come together,” I whispered. I held her hips and drove my cock up, deeper into her core.

  “Evan, I am, I am; god I’m coming,” Piper screamed.

  I thrust my hips up and drove my cock harder into my client. Deep inside her hungry pussy. Sexual desire filled me and shot through my spine. Then my balls tensed and my body released itself into her. Susan rolled from my body and breathed deeply. Her eyes were closed, and a satisfied smile washed over her face.

  I stared at the ceiling of my hotel suite. I considered it mine because I rented it out on a permanent basis so I could use it for my baby-making services. The rooms were finely furnished to make my clients comfortable, and it was set up for their enjoyment. The bed was king-sized, and the sheets were the finest Greek cotton. The living room had dark blue crushed velvet curtains, and the chairs were a dark blue leather.

  “I’m starving, shall we order something to eat?” Susan asked. She nuzzled her head against my chest.

  “That’s not part of the agreement,” I said plainly. “If I do it for one client, I have to do it for everyone.”

  I swung my legs out of the bed. She was starting to rile me up. I hated losing control in business. There was no getting too close to any of them, which left me feeling a little off if I let myself. It was better not to think about it at all.

  “I’m sure you can make an exception, just for little old me,” she said. She knelt on the bed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

  “One client deserves the same treatment as any other, no favors and no special treatment,” I stated and wrapped myself in a towel.

  Susan began to raise her voice, and it was evident she looked at these meetings as more than just a means to become pregnant.

  “Are you always this way?” she asked. “You know, with all your clients? Or is it just me you’re funny with?” She pouted her lips and started to sulk.

  “Susan, all of my clients receive the same treatment, and they all follow the rules. Just as they are laid out in the contract, no deviations.”

  I moved to the shower and turned on the faucet. This was going to get ugly fast. I could feel it. It had happened a few times in the past, which was understandable. Sex was a connector, an intimate bonding between two people, but that only made sense when you weren’t pulling your wallet out to pay for it.

  “Fucker, I’m sure you’re just saying that to get rid of me. I only wanted some company. You know how lonely it gets sometimes!”

  She jumped from the bed. Susan was pissed and had taken my responses as a personal insult to herself. But there was nothing personal, at all. To me, this was business. She’d let it become more than that for her, becoming clingy. Now, she wanted to step outside the confines of the contract she had signed.

  Susan stood before me and got dressed without taking a shower.

  Sorry, Susan, you are no different than all the other clients. In fact, you may be the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever had.

  Susan grabbed her coat and bag and stormed out from the suite, murmuring obscenities at me. I stood shaking my head at the way she’d started to behave. I grabbed my cell phone and called Trent, my attorney; the only other person who was involved in the baby maker venture.

  “Trent, has Susan Reynolds’ check cleared?” I asked.

  “It cleared this morning, so no problem,” he replied.

  “I have another client soon,” I replied, still pissed. “We’ll talk later.”

  I showered and eyed myself in
the mirror. I could see why they all came to me. I provided a service, and it was a service I was more than fucking good at. All thanks to Piper.

  Chapter 2


  Jules walked toward my table and slid herself onto the cream-colored bench across from me. I treated Jules to lunch quite often. Not just because she was my best friend, but also because she painted customized art pieces for my interior decorating business.

  This time, we met at Tokyo Joe’s. I’d already ordered the lunchtime special. Today, it happened to be a little bit of everything. The waiter brought our food out, and we opened each of the steamer baskets to delve into the contents that were inside. The delicious taste of the marinated prawn burst through the soft, doughy texture of the steamed dumplings.

  “How are the paintings coming along?” I asked.

  I bit into my honey-glazed pork. Jules signaled I had honey sauce running down my chin, and we both laughed.

  “They’re all nearly finished,” she said. “And then I have my exhibit which I am really stoked about. But I’m also a bit nervous about it, if you know what I mean.”

  She placed another prawn dumpling into her mouth, and her face changed to bliss. There was just something about good food that eased the soul.

  “I get it. It was the same for me on my first interior design gig. I was nervous as hell they wouldn’t like what I’d done.” She wiped at her mouth and let out a contented sigh. “I love this stuff.”

  “Me too.” I smiled and picked up my fork, going in for more. Food had healing powers. No matter how shitty I felt, a good dinner or lunch would help to get me back on my feet, or in the bed for a long nap. Either was good enough.

  We chatted some more about business and shopping and growing up in general. We’d both become quite successful in our own separate ways. Jules had become a much sought-after artist who was in the process of putting together her first major exhibition. My design business had really taken off in the last few years. I now had the opportunity to choose my own clients rather than knocking on doors and asking for business.

  A baby cried at the table next to ours, and my head turned in that direction. A loving mother bobbed the child up and down on her knee to calm her down.

  “Must be teething,” I said.

  “You do realize, if you decide to have a kid, you’ll have to go through all this,” Jules said with a giggle. “And our precious lunchtimes will never be the same again.”

  “Say what?” I asked, shocked at the idea. “I was just watching them over there.”

  “Kids. I was talking about kids. Piper, if you have one, that’s what you will be dealing with.” She laughed and shook her head. Our conversations on kids never went well.

  I decided to change the subject. “When did you have your hair done? It’s new, and those red tips are really funky. But mixed with brown, I’m not so sure.”

  Jules got lost in her mirror. “Who is the artist here, you or me?” she asked, examining her hair.

  “Well, you are, but some of your work is a bit strange, so you never know,” I said laughing.

  “Any more talk like that and you’ll be doing your own damned paintings!” She stuck her tongue out playfully.

  “You know I love you, really, but when you were talking about kids, I missed your meaning. The food was distracting me. And the baby!” The desire for a little one in my life was becoming almost overbearing. It was something I couldn’t deny wanting with everything inside of me.

  “Yeah, I know,” she said. “And I know what you were just looking. But you’ve been doing that every time there are kids around.”

  “Well, I’m in an excellent place right now. The business is well established and I don’t really have to worry much about a lot of things in life. I feel I’m at that stage where I want to take the next step.”

  “Why not follow the regular route and have a relationship? You know… date, get married, and have kids like a normal woman would do?”

  Jules was watching something else. I could tell she was distracted.

  “What are you looking at?” I asked quizzically.

  “Sorry, you look at kids, and I look around the inside of buildings for ideas for my paintings. Does it bother you, Mom?” Jules giggled.

  I ignored her sly comment. “I have to admit, this interior is a beautiful blend of gold and red. Very Chinese, but slightly more modern and dignified.”

  I took a photo with my phone. I knew I’d just tried to avoid the subject, but Jules knew me too well to let me off the hook that easily.

  She leaned closer to me over the table and stared at me with her dark brown eyes. “Feel free to answer the original question Piper,” Jules said.

  “Having a meaningful relationship is not really an option for me. I’ve dated too many dickheads who have cheated on me. Actually, all of them have, apart from one. And I’d rather forget him.”

  “Oh God, you’re gonna do it again. You’re gonna share that story with me about Evan. Heartbreak hotel, here we come.” She gave me a warning look. I knew I didn’t need to go there again, but fuck if I couldn’t help myself.

  “I know I’ve mentioned him a lot, but—” I started, but she cut me off. Evan was a topic I returned to a little too often.

  “A lot?” Jules asked, interrupting me. “God, it was over ten years ago, and you still talk about him as if it happened yesterday. Do you never get tired of talking about him?”

  I smiled at Jules. “You and I both know the answer to that one.”

  “Of course, you don’t get tired of talking about him. So, come on then, tell me all about it again. I’m sure once more won’t hurt.”

  My mind drifted back to Evan and how it had been before we broke up. I’d fallen in love with him, and I knew he’d fallen for me. If it hadn’t been for him leaving to go to college, we would probably still be together. We had broken up though, and I wasn’t so sure why it actually happened. I mean, he never wanted to talk about the reason, and then he left, gone from my life completely.

  Till now, he was the one guy who had treated me right. He never cheated and had never so much as looked at another girl in that way.

  I might have been young and naive at the time, but I had fallen madly in love with Evan. And this was what Jules could not understand.

  Evan, where are you now? I miss you.

  I spoke to Jules again. “At the time, I’d fallen for Evan. And not just a crush or anything like that. I’d fallen head over heels for him.”

  “Holy cow, Piper, you were just a kid then. Seriously, how could you fall in love with someone at that age?” She screwed up her face tightly.

  My face screwed up more. She just didn’t get it.

  “I’ll tell you what Piper, I’m not sure if it was actually love you were in. I think you were in love with the thought of being in love, you understand?”

  “I know what you mean, but you have it all wrong,” I said, changing my tone. “It was nothing like that. I can assure you.”

  Everyone had it wrong. No one could understand. And when I tried to explain the way it was, it seemed hopeless. I may have only been a sophomore at the time, but I knew my heart. I knew for certain that it wasn’t just the idea of being in love that I’d been attracted to. It had been a little over ten years since then, and I had not been able to forget Evan. That was the truth, and that’s how strongly I’d resonated with him.

  “I’m sure, but you need to stop using Evan as your yardstick to measure all your relationships by. I’m confident that you could meet someone who is nice and caring. Someone that not only meets your criteria but surpasses them.”

  “Well, all that’s behind me, so I’ll never know. And it doesn’t really matter that much, anyway. I’ve decided to do it all by my lonesome and just raise a kid by myself.”

  My words were unreasonable to a highly confused Jules. She wanted to understand me but couldn’t.

  “Have you spoken to your mother about your decision?” Jules asked directly.<
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  “To be perfectly honest, I haven’t even mentioned it to her. Jules, at the end of the day, if it was okay for her to raise a child on her own, I’m sure I can, too.” I shrugged. I was nervous as hell about the idea of it, but I knew what I wanted. A million other women raised kids. Why was I so damn different? Right. I wasn’t.

  “So, just because you don’t know who your father is and you were raised an only child, you think this is the way to go for you?” Jules asked.

  “Something along those lines, yes,” I said.

  My stomach was full from our meal. I just wanted to relax, but she was going to pull me through a psychological midfield over my decision to raise a family without a father figure. It’s not like I had men beating down the door. I was out of options.

  “Well, if you weren’t such a good friend, I would say you were damned crazy,” Jules said. “Actually, I think you are. But, whatever you choose, I will still support you.”

  Thank goodness. I was relieved that she’d finally admitted defeat in the conversation.

  “That’s what buddies are for,” I said. “We watch each other’s back in times like this.”

  Jules shook her head in disbelief. “I take it you have a plan, then? What is it? Um, let me guess… adoption?”

  “I’ve settled on having it myself because I want to experience having a child,” I explained as peace flooded over me. Most people wouldn’t understand the decision, or my reasoning, but it wasn’t their life. I’d do what the hell I pleased at the end of the day. I had been for the entirety of my life, and it was working just fine so far.

  “You mean like artificial insemination and all that stuff?” Jules asked.

  It was hilarious to watch her face contort in a grimace.

  “I’m not sure what other options there are for that sort of thing. I’ve looked at adoption, but like I said, I want the whole experience. Otherwise, I would be wondering all my life what it would be like.” I thought I’d explained it well.


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