Love Accidental

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Love Accidental Page 78

by Tia Siren

  I sat with my arms on my desk and smiled at Piper. I was in a dream world, a happy place.

  Piper snapped her fingers.

  “Hello? Earth calling Evan.” She laughed.

  “Oops, sorry,” I said. “I was miles away.”

  “You were staring at me like a little kid,” Piper replied.

  Damn, I’m feeling horny. I can see your ample cleavage, and I just want to bury my head in it.

  “Well?” Piper asked.

  “Well, what?” I asked back

  “Are you gonna let me see it?” she asked.

  Do you want to see my cock? My hardening cock?

  “See what?” I asked.

  “The agreement,” she said. “What else is there to see?”

  There is my cock, which is getting hard. You can see that if you like.

  “Sure, come around here and read it,” I said.

  Piper walked around the desk and started to run through the agreement. Then she leaned on the desk, and her skirt pulled tight against her sexy ass. I got hard just looking at her. The faint whiff of her perfume filled my nose. I felt like I was floating in a sea of tranquility. Just floating, albeit with a cock that was nearly rock hard.

  “Well, that looks okay,” Piper said as she stood up.

  “As long as you’re happy with it. You only have to sign the two copies, one for you and one for me.”

  “Do you have a pen?” Piper asked.

  “Sorry, not with it this morning,” I said laughing.

  “Too much office work, is it?” Piper replied.

  “No, it’s not that at all,” I replied.

  Piper signed the agreement and placed one copy in her bag.

  “So, now that’s all formalized, when do we start? When is the first session?”

  I pulled Piper onto my lap. My cock bulged through my pants. I could see the surprise in her eyes as she wriggled her hips.

  “Right now, is as good a time as any,” I said.

  Piper leaned forward, and I brushed her auburn hair from her face. She looked deep into my eyes and placed her lips on mine. Her tongue brushed against the warmth of my mouth. She flicked her tongue over me with passion.

  Piper flicked her tongue over my lips, and then she broke off our kiss. She stood and locked the office door. She kicked off her shoes and walked back around my desk. She pulled at the buckle on my belt, gazed with lust into my eyes, and slowly pulled at my zipper. My pants loosened, and she slid her hand inside. The warmth of her hand wrapped around my shaft. Then she freed my cock from the confines of my shorts.

  My cock continued to harden. She drew her hand back, and the head of my dick swelled. She got to her knees and began to slowly stroke my erection. My hands gripped the rests of the chair, and my knuckles whitened.

  Piper leaned forward. Her tongue teased the slit in my hardness. My body shuddered.

  Oh, fuck, that is so good.

  She used to want me just like this back at school. She held my dick and ran her tongue up the length of my shaft. Then she teased the tip, and her hand slowly caressed me. I glanced down and she dripped saliva onto the head of my cock. Her warm lips wrapped around the head. Her lips tightened, her tongue swirled, and she slid my shaft bit by bit into her mouth.

  Her tongue swirled, and her head lowered down the length of my shaft. I pulled firmly on the arms of the chair. Piper caressed my balls, and my hips wiggled. Her hot mouth enveloped me, and I could feel myself at the back of her throat, like always. Piper groaned and gagged. She held her head down to the base of my hard shaft. Her lips tightened, and her tongue swirled.

  She gazed into my eyes as her head bobbed. Her fingers wrapped tightly around the base of my shaft. My cock throbbed and ached, and her tongue danced and teased. I grabbed a fistful of her long auburn hair and pushed gently on her head.

  My cock slipped further to the back of her mouth. She gagged and moaned. I released my grip, and she gasped for air, saliva dripping from her lips.

  “Fuck, Evan, your cock is huge,” she cooed.

  “It’s you who makes me so hard and big,” I replied.

  Piper looked deep into my eyes. She smiled and swirled her tongue around the head of my cock.

  Again, she wrapped her lips around the head. She teased my slit, and her hand stroked the full length of my shaft. She bobbed her head and took an extra inch, her hand stroking faster and faster.

  Shit, don’t come yet.

  I ran my fingers through her hair while her head bobbed. I gasped in appreciation. She pressured her lips and lowered her head.

  I wanted Piper, but I did not want to come this way.

  “Hang on Piper,” I said. “That’s just too good. Slow down. I want to feel myself inside you.”

  Piper stood and kissed me on the mouth. Her saliva covered lips planted firmly onto mine.

  “Take me on your desk!” she purred.

  Chapter 20


  I stood up from Evan’s lap and saliva streamed down my chin. I had deep throated him so hard I felt like I might choke. I’d gasped for breath and tears had run down my cheeks. But I’d loved every second of it. I needed him like that, intensely, seductively, perfectly.

  I wiped my mouth and stood before him.

  “That was the first session?” I asked.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” he replied.

  He explained that no session ever consisted of oral or anything when he did not finish in the client. That was just a waste of precious baby material.

  I wanted him to take me right there, and then on his dad’s old writing desk. He would be looking down and would be mighty proud or really pissed at Evan. I couldn’t really be sure. It was a hard one. Giving babies for charity. It was nice but weird at the same time.

  I tugged at Evan’s shirt and slipped out of my top. Then I pulled at the zipper on my tight skirt. His pants hit the floor, and my bra and panties followed just as quick. I pulled more at his shorts, and he stepped out from them. His hard cock still stood at attention and was ready for some real action.

  I leaned over his desk, and my breasts rested on the polished wood. Evan tapped my foot, and I spread my legs as wide as I could. His hand reached under me, and I could feel the lips of my pussy spread. Then like heaven, he slid his fingers inside the moistness of my bald pussy.

  His fingers drove deep inside me, and I sighed and bit my lip. He was always so perfect. The chemistry was sublime. It felt like we became one when we were together.

  “Evan, just fuck me, will you?” I asked, horny.

  “Sure,” he replied.

  I glanced over my shoulder. Evan stood behind me. I felt him grab my waist. Then he rocked his hips back and forth. I spread my arms on his desk. Pens and pencils flew and cascaded onto the floor. His cock felt so gorgeous in me. I needed only him. He was my world.

  “Sorry,” I whispered as the pens flew.

  “Fuck it,” he replied, and rammed his massive dick into me, filling my walls.

  My arms pushed against the desk, and I shoved my ass back toward Evan. My pussy swallowed the full length of his shaft. I closed my eyes, and my hips fell to the same rhythm. He pushed his cock harder and deeper inside. I thrust myself back toward him. I thought of unlimited access to his lovemaking and how soon it would be for me to conceive. I wanted it to both be quick and slow. Slow, so I could spend more sessions like this before it would all end. Then he might vanish into nowhere.

  I wanted his child more than anything and would do anything to have it. An agreement had been signed, and if that was the only way I could proceed to fulfill my dream, that is what I had to do. I could feel Evan’s cock hot as it twitched deep inside my sex. I wanted to look into his eyes the moment he came. That would make it special. His soul was bare, and he held nothing back with his emotions. I could see him as he really was, vulnerable and lonely.

  “Evan, take me normally,” I squealed.

  Evan stood back, and he slid from my pussy. I climbed onto the
edge of the desk and placed my legs over his shoulders. I waited with baited breath, and my hand touched my clit, sending shivers flooding through my body. A fire in his eyes swept over him. He looked like an animal about to take its prey.

  He approached me with his giant cock in his hand. He teased his cock and rubbed it between my moist lips. My clit stimulated and sent floods of sensations flying around my body. Then I raised my hips and the head of his cock finally started to slide into me again.

  He held my legs and shoved his cock deep into my tight pussy, like a man on a mission. I caressed my breasts and pinched my hardened nipples. I moaned and groaned, and Evan thrust himself harder and faster. I moaned out loud while he touched and lighted my core.

  He drilled his cock into me, and I continued to caress my breasts. He let go of my legs, and I placed my feet on the edge of the table. Then my hips wriggled and gyrated under the touch of his manhood. He leaned forward and put his hand on my breasts. He fumbled with my hard nipples, and his thumb teased my clit. He was breathless and groaned for me.

  I would soon be at the point of no return, and I was unsure how long Evan could hold out. It might be hard for him after I just sucked his cock for so long. His stamina was beastlike, and the sexual animal was fast in pursuit. His hands grabbed my hips and he pulled me in closer on the edge of the desk. The full length of his shaft filled my pussy.

  My legs trembled, and an ache started to appear in my belly. The fires within me were being unfolded, and the flames would soon be as high as they could be. Evan had always been able to lift my orgasm to another level. No man had ever made me come the way he had. His final thrusts brought me to finish, and my whole body went into a dream state and quivered.

  My pussy stretched around the large width of his cock. It filled the extent of my pussy. I bit my lip and gasped for air. Each thrust pushed me toward my finishing point.

  “Jesus, Evan,” I said.

  I raised my head and saw the concentration on his face. Perspiration ran down his forehead and face. He thrust on even harder, and my pussy prayed to his mighty strength.

  My hips gyrated and thrust. My pussy tried to draw the seed from his loins. My mind drifted to the agreement. I wondered what he would say once I had conceived. Would he think to proceed with the Baby Maker thing? Or would he actually look at this child as his own and finally bring the event to a close? I had no answer to that, and I was unsure that Evan would be able to answer that question himself, either.

  Come on, Piper. Make a baby. Come on.

  The cold wood from the desk sent a shiver down my spine. The perspiration from my back forced me to slide. Evan pulled me close to him and rammed his shaft inside the full extent of my sex. He was on fire, his breath building. He panted like a rabid animal and attacked my pussy with his enormous cock. I was in heaven, but the desk was starting to hurt my back.

  “Evan, change position,” I murmured.

  Again, he stood back and withdrew his cock from my pussy. My breasts rose and fell as I regained my breath. Evan panted like he’d been in a marathon and rested his hands on the desk.

  “Oh, fuck,” he said and wiped his brow on his shirt.

  “How do you want it now?” I asked.

  “I want you on top,” he replied.

  Evan climbed on the desk and laid on his back. His massive cock stood vertical above his groin. I threw my bare leg over his body and grabbed his dick. I stroked him and dribbled saliva onto the head.

  I inched forward and rubbed my clit with his swollen head. I guided it into the depths of my pussy. His erection started to slide deep into me, filling me and making me whole. I leaned forward, and my breasts hung beneath me. Evan raised his hands and pushed them together, and my hard nipples touched. Then he raised his head and teased them with his tongue.

  I rocked my hips and lowered myself onto the length of his huge penis. My back arched and my breasts lunged forward. The flames deep inside me sent warm juices of passion flowing from me. I rocked my hips, and my clit rubbed against the side of his shaft. I writhed and groaned in pleasure. I would soon feel his warm semen flooding inside me.

  I leaned forward and placed my hands on his hard chest. I dug my nails deep into his skin, and he raised his hips. Evan groaned and thrust upward harder. My pussy smashed down in pure lust onto his hard manhood.

  I closed my eyes and bowed my head. My hips rose and fell. My long hair cascaded over his face. Evan brushed it over my shoulder and caressed my neck. I opened my eyes and gazed deeply into his eyes. I could see his love for me as clear as day.

  Evan was going to be really confused once I’d conceived. It would be a decision that he had never had to make. All his other offspring had been with strangers, but this child would have been his dream until the day I got engaged. Evan reached forward and grabbed the cheeks of my ass. He pulled against me, and his cock drove perfectly inside me. I pulled against his grip, and he pulled me back harder.

  My breasts wobbled, and my hard nipples tingled. I cupped my breasts and fumbled my nipples with my fingers. My hips moved faster and faster, and my pussy got wetter and wetter. I was in the zone, and my coming wouldn’t be far behind. My hips rocked,and I thrust myself onto the fullness of his manhood.

  I gazed into his eyes. He looked back at me and waited for me to come.

  Sweatpoured from me. I thrust faster and faster. My pussy was satisfied and driven to a level of desire no other man could reach. Evan raised his hips. They banged against the wood of the desk. I felt like a kid doing the hula hoop, my sensations going around and around. I could feel myself building to the final crescendo. I pressed harder.

  Evan grabbed my hips and shoved his cock hard up into me to help me reach my pleasure. My body began its final preparation to let loose the full force of my orgasm.

  “Evan, I’m going to come,” I squealed.

  “Come for me baby. Come. I’m nearly there.”

  He pulled on my hips and thrust himself more. His breath going from long breaths to short and shallow. His body readied itself to release his Baby Maker seed.

  My pussy throbbed, and my clit ached. My belly filled with fiery emotions and sensations. A boiling pot of a decade of lust just wanted to explode. Evan screamed, and his body finally released from his balls and shot far and deep inside me.

  My body made its final thrusts, and my eyes rolled. Then I opened my mouth. The sensation flooded over and through my hot, sweaty body. I slumped over Evan, gasping for air. His belly rose and fell. He tried to regain his composure. My hair damped and straggled as I lifted my leg from over him. His breathing slowed to normal.

  I slumped into his large leather chair. I was spent, totally drained from our first legally-agreed session. There were many more of these to come, and I was very happy for as many as he could physically offer me. It was perfect, the man of my dreams impregnating me. Even if we could never be together forever. I would always have a little version of Evan. A boy or a girl who had his looks and charm. Right now, nothing else really mattered. I was lost in the whole idea of it all. I was totally lost in Evan, and the baby he would give me soon.

  “Jesus, Evan,” I said.

  “I know exactly what you’re thinking!” he replied.

  I’m not sure you do. Because I love you. I always have.

  Chapter 21


  We’d had a full week. I’d serviced Piper as much as I could over the previous week and through the weekend.

  More like we fucked like rabbits.

  Today, I sprung a surprise on Piper and told her we were going to the beach. I had a cozy beach house conveniently located right on the water, but I didn’t tell her about the house. That would be an extra surprise for later.

  We drove along the coast road. The ocean spread over the horizon, expansive and majestic. We’d set off early so we could watch the sunrise. The first shimmering beams of sunlight cascaded over the little ripples of the sea right around the time we approached the part of the beach where my h
ouse was located.

  “Wow, what an area this is,” Piper said, smiling. “It’s so peaceful.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” I replied.

  “It must be nice to have a house out here,” she said. “Whoever owns these are so lucky.”

  “I bet,” I said. “This area is quite exclusive.”

  I parked the car, and we got out. The sea breeze flowed into our faces.

  “Look at that house standing there by itself,” she said. “That’s so cool.” Her face beamed brightness in the fresh, salty air.

  “Which one?” I asked.

  “That one,” she said, pointing to mine. “The one on stilts.”

  I’d bought it a few years ago, and it had weathered well. I chose the one on stilts for obvious reasons. Sometimes, the sea level rose dramatically. The stilts would keep my house safe from that.

  The house itself was an off-white color with blue highlights which had now faded a lot. The center of the house had a large double window. When opened, it filled the house with a perfect beach feel. The kitchen and dining area connected to a large outside patio that had steps leading directly to the beach.

  The place was quiet and relaxing, somewhere to get away from it all. Where you could forget the world and just watch it pass by.

  Piper headed toward the beach and I walked to the front of the house.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, excitedly. “The beach is this way.”

  “Yeah, I know, but the door to my house is this way,” I replied, smiling.

  “You mean, this one is yours?” she asked.

  “It’s one of my pride and joys, yes.”

  “You kept that quiet,” she said. “I just thought we were hitting the beach for the day.”

  “Well, make the most of it,” I said. “And at least the sand won’t find its way up your ass!” I smiled as I teased her.

  Piper ran toward me as I opened the front door. She pulled back the curtains covering the large window, and morning light flooded into the house.

  “Fuck me, what a view,” she said and she slid open the doors.


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