Love Accidental

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Love Accidental Page 85

by Tia Siren

  I parked the car across the street and dashed to the front door. I rang the security buzzer for the front door. No answer. I rang again. No reply.

  I could tell she was there because the light was on. She was ignoring me and leaving me there on the street. I would make sure she opened the door for me today. I wasn’t going home until I had a chance to explain things to her properly.

  I stood back on the pavement, tilted my head back, and opened my mouth.

  “Piper!” I screamed.

  She did not come to the window. Again, I positioned myself.

  “Piper. Piper!”

  Piper opened the window. “Just go away, will you? You’re embarrassing me.”

  “Come on,” I called. “Let me in. I’ll explain it all to you.”

  Come on Piper; I’m causing a scene here.

  “You got it all wrong yesterday,” I said. “I promise. Just hear me out.”

  “I don’t believe you,” she replied.

  “Come on, open the door,” I said. “I’ll stand here all night making a scene until you listen to what I have to say.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you!”

  “Yes, you do,” I called. “This is important, and you know it.”

  “It will have to wait,” she said, looking pissed off. “I’m busy.”

  “Too busy for the truth?” I asked. “I don’t think so. Besides, I don’t think you’re busy at all. I think you’re making that up.”

  “There’s no way I’m letting you in,” she yelled. “Not after you betrayed me.”

  “Nothing happened between that woman and me,” I said. “You have to believe me.”

  “I don’t have to believe you,” she said. “I called you while you were with her, and you never answered.”

  “I was talking to her, but that’s it. I explained everything about you being exclusive.”

  Please let me in. People are starting to stare at me.

  She noticed the neighbors eyeing us. “Evan, just leave. Maybe I’ll think about it.”

  “Come on, Piper. I’m not leaving. You know I won’t. I just want to put it all behind us and make it right.”

  Put a hat on the sidewalk. You might earn some change giving such a show.

  “Fine,” she said, sighing so loud I could hear it all the way down on the street. “If you won’t leave, you better come on up.” She was really pissed at me, but I didn’t care.

  I walked to the door and waited by the intercom for it to ring. I heard the buzzer for the door. I quickly pulled on the door handle and ran up the stairs. Piper was in the doorway of her apartment waiting for me. Her arms were folded, and she had a stern look on her face. I could see she would be ready for another argument if I pushed the conversation in the wrong direction. I was going to ensure that I only spoke about what had to be said.

  “And what do you have to say for yourself?” she asked angrily.

  “Let me in, and I’ll tell you,” I panted.

  “Why are you panting?” she asked.

  “I’ve just sprinted up your damned stairs, that’s why,” I said, trying to make her see reason.

  “Fool,” she grinned.

  Piper turned her back on me, unfolded her arms, and walked into her apartment.

  “Just lock the door, and you can come inside.”

  I followed Piper into her apartment sheepishly. I had to play it cool, calm, and collected. I followed her in and closed the door.

  “Can I get a glass of water?” I asked.

  “Sure, help yourself,” she replied with her sarcastic tone.

  I walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with water. I returned to the living room, finally catching my breath. I sat on the couch and breathed deeply and slowly. I had no intention of starting the conversation. I wanted to see what Piper said, and I wanted it to be at her pace. Nothing was going to be rushed today.

  Just keep calm, and it will all be fine.

  “Come on,” she said. “What’s your excuse this time?”

  “Nothing happened yesterday,” I said.

  “You are kidding me,” Piper said. “I saw the way she looked. Like she’d just been fucked.”

  Not such a good start, if I do say so myself.

  I wanted her to feel in control of the situation. I made sure Piper was finished speaking before I responded. The last thing I wanted to do was interrupt her.

  “The woman was laughing, and she snorts like a horse. That’s why she was red-faced. I never touched her. Nobody got fucked yesterday.”

  Piper shook her head in disbelief. “I saw that girl. She sent you one of her pictures. She applied for your services.”

  “Yes, it’s true,” I said. “She wanted to hire me. I won’t deny it. But I only agreed to meet with her to deny her request. We just talked.”

  “Yeah, right. How many women walk into that hotel suite just to talk? Not many.”

  “That’s true,” I said. “But she was one of the few. I told her I was under an entirely exclusive agreement.”

  “A feeble excuse,” Piper said. “You had all day to think of something, and that’s the best you came up with?”

  “It’s true. I showed her the contract. Just the exclusivity clause. Nothing about your name or anything personal. And I had another reason to turn her down. And that has nothing to do with you and me.”

  “What reason is that?” she asked. Her face was still crunched up like a date.

  “She dated Tyler a while back. That’s an automatic red flag. Anyone who is close to someone I know is a definite ‘no’ in my book.”

  “Excuses, excuses, excuses. Evan, you just keep coming out with them.”

  “Well, it’s the truth,” I said. “That’s all I’ve got. The truth.” I continued to stay calm.

  “So why would you see her face to face just to tell her ‘no,’ Evan?”

  “She kept messaging me about my services, no matter how much I told her no. So, I agreed to meet with her in person, just to talk. It worked. She finally understood.”

  “It all sounds extremely goddamned suspicious to me!”

  “I’m telling the truth,” I said. “I wish you could trust me.”

  “Why should I believe you?” she asked, her face looking like it could change at any time.

  “Because it’s true, and you know it is,” I pressed. I wanted to hold her firm in my arms.

  “At the end of the day, it all comes back to that damned contract. God, I wish I’d never signed the fucking thing.”

  “Well, you did, unfortunately, and we can’t change that now,” I said.

  I sat on the couch and waited for her to think things over. I wasn’t going to let this conversation go the same way as the others. We’d been going back and forth too damn much. It was time to set things straight between us. A wedge had been eased into a slight crack, and if we were not careful, it would be driven in harder and divide us.

  “You’re full of so many answers,” I said, grinning at Piper.

  “Well, you know how it is!” she said.

  “I do know you won’t back down in a fight,” I said. “Because you’re the same as me.”

  “I’ll give as good as I get, even with you,” she replied. Her face wasn’t as conflicted as it was a few moments before.

  “You have such a smart mouth, and I’m just fed up with it!” I said, smiling.

  “You better find some way of shutting me up then. That is, if you can.” She winked at me.

  I stood in front of Piper and pulled her to me. I looked deep into her eyes. She gazed back up at me. I put my arm around her and lifted her up, slinging her over my broad shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, squealing.

  “I’m going to shut your smart mouth up!” I replied.

  I smacked Piper on the ass and walked slowly to her bedroom. She was out of breath.


  Chapter 32


  Evan carried me to the bedroom and threw me on my
bed. He had explained himself quite clearly. I was starting to believe that what he said was the truth. He seemed more demanding than normal, masculine and beastlike. He was on a mission, and I sensed I was his target.

  Evan slowly started to unbutton his shirt.

  “Come on, Piper, strip with me!” Evan said, sexily.

  Who was I to argue? I got to my knees and pushed my breasts out toward him. I popped open the buttons on my blouse. I slipped it from my shoulders and threw it at Evan.

  “Playful, are we?” he asked.

  “Well, you have to spice things up a bit, you know,” I said with a wink. “Relationships should never become stale.”

  Evan burst into laughter. “God, Piper, ours is anything but stale.”

  I stood on the bed and started to slip from my skirt. I caught my foot in the bed sheet and fell toward Evan. He threw out his arms and caught me easily.

  “As strong as ever,” I said.

  “You know I’d never let you fall,” he said.

  “Always there to look after me, well, apart from the past ten years!” I said, grinning.

  “Let’s not go there today,” he said, smiling back at me.

  I tugged at Evan’s belt. I whipped it from his pants and threw it across the room. I pulled his zipper down with my fingers. I got lost in his eyes and smiled. Evan finished unzipping my skirt. I let it slip from around my ass and it fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.

  I stepped free and turned my back to him. “Bra, please!”

  Evan fumbled with the back of my bra. “Oh crap, I can’t find the clasp,” he said, frustrated.

  “Silly me, it’s a front fastener,” I said, giggling.

  “How did you forget?” he asked, laughing.

  I turned to him. “You’re distracting,” I said. “Try again.”

  Evan moved his perfect fingers on the clasp and popped it open. He lifted me free from my bra. My large breasts pushed against his body, and I slipped my fingers into the elastic of his shorts. He wiggled his hips, and his pants went down and off, over his muscular backside. I dropped them to the floor and slipped down my panties.

  Evan stood close to me and pulled me closer to him, the warmth of his body against mine. He pushed me backward, and my back touched the wall. I bit my lip and looked at Evan. He leaned toward me and placed his lips closer. I stood on my toes and planted my warm lips on his. I trembled under his touch, and our tongues entwined together. He wrapped me in his strong, muscular arms.

  He brushed the hair from my shoulder and kissed my bare neck.

  “Why is makeup sex so good?” I murmured.

  “Just be quiet and enjoy it,” he said.

  “Yes, but why?” I asked.

  “Are you going to keep talking or enjoy yourself?” he asked.

  “I’m only joking,” I said with a flirty smile. “I like it when you’re angry. You become such an animal.”

  “Grr,” Evan said.

  “Come on, that was like a kitten,” I laughed.

  “Grr!” Evan roared.

  “Much better,” I said.

  I lowered my hand and rubbed it against Evan’s pulsing dick. His manhood stiffened at my touch. I caressed his cock, and it sprang to attention. Evan cupped my breasts, and my budding nipples tingled from the touch of his expert fingers.

  He lifted my breasts and dipped his head, his mouth firmly taking the whole of my breast. Next, he flicked his tongue over the tip of my hardened nipples. It sent shivers down to my belly.

  My hand caressed and squeezed his sack, his cock hardening even more. He lowered his hand and rubbed it across my belly. Then, like heaven, he let it drop to my moistening pussy. His hand pushed hard and eager against my sex.

  “I told you this was mine,” he groaned into my ear.

  “It has always been yours,” I whispered back.

  Evan slid a thick finger between my lips, and my pussy lit on fire. His finger brushed seductively over my clit, and my legs buckled. I believed Evan’s explanation of the previous day’s events. He had never cheated on me. I could understand why he got angry when I accused him of doing it.

  “Piper, you’re the only one,” he whispered in my ear. “You’ve always been the one.”

  That’s all I ever wanted to hear.

  Evan rubbed his finger over my throbbing clit. I gritted my teeth and embraced the firm touch of his fingers. My wet pussy yearned for more. He slid two fingers deep inside my opening, and I gasped. It was perfect. He thrust his hand harder inside me.

  Evan’s cock hardened. I wrapped my fingers firmly around his shaft and began drawing my hand back and forth. His cock became fully erect. I teased the slit in his cock with the tips of my fingers. I caressed his chest. He looked deeply into my eyes. I could see the animal inside of him rising. He looked so sexy. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall. He stepped closer, and his huge cock rubbed against my wetness.

  “God, that feels good,” I said. “I’ve missed it so much.”

  He took hold of his shaft and rubbed the swollen head against the wetness of my pussy. His dick slowly started to slide inside. I was moaning and breathless in the heat of his passion.

  He pushed his cock deep inside me, and my legs gave way. I bowed my head, and my long hair flowed over my face. I flicked my head, and my hair flew across my shoulder. Evan caressed my neck with his mouth. His manhood drove slowly inside me, keeping me pinned to the wall. His teeth gently sank into the soft skin of my bare neck.

  Evan tightened the grip of his teeth, he thrust himself harder and with gusto. His insatiable bite sent pulses of pain flooding through my body. I winced in pain and the sensations in my core heightened. I raised my legs and wrapped them around his waist; I gripped him hard as he took me.

  Evan released my wrists, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My hips gyrated as he slowly walked us toward the bed. He bent forward and laid me down on the edge of the bed. I released the grip of my legs and spread them wide. Next, Evan grabbed my heaving tits and pinched my hard nipples.

  I writhed in pain and pleasure, wriggled my hips, and squealed. The bedsheet twisted in my gripping fingers. I grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head; Evan stood between my legs and smiled at me. He ran his hands over my slender legs and stepped closer to the edge of the bed.

  Next, he pushed my legs apart and reached for his hardened manhood; the head slid through the lips of my pussy. The firm pressure against my clit sent my sensations soaring. The large head of his cock parted my wet lips. He pushed himself slowly inside my pussy. I bucked my hips forward, wanting him to fill me. It was so erotic how he took it slow.

  I spread my legs wide and raised my head; I could see Evan’s ripped body as he increased the force of his thrusts. The light caught the perspiration on his body, and his defined stomach glistened. His arms tensed as he gripped my thighs in lust. My legs widened, and he stood closer, his masculine body slamming against my hips. His huge manhood stirred the sensations deep within me, my mind alive with the thoughts of us.

  I’m so glad we have sorted things out. I couldn’t have lasted much longer.

  My hair laid spread over the pillow as I raised my head. I reached and caressed my hard nipple. My taut arousal stretched, and I teased my breast with my fingers. My other hand ran across my belly. I reached down and extended my middle finger. My clit hardened and throbbed. My finger waved from side to side, and my body ached from the firm pressure of my finger to my clitoris. Evan increased his tempo, and I rubbed harder.

  The width of Evan’s cock fully satisfied my pussy. He drove himself into me, and I murmured and moaned.

  Holy mother of God, I’m on fire.

  “Roll over,” Evan said as he withdrew his shaft.

  I rolled onto my belly and slid my legs over. He spread my feet and placed them on the floor. I grabbed the bedsheets, and Evan stood closer and rubbed the head of his cock against the mound of my aching pussy. He started to slide inside me again, parting my lips. I spread my le
gs wide. Evan grabbed hold of my hips with his firm grasp. He thrust himself hard inside my wet and hungry sex.

  His dick stimulated my pleasure zones, and sensations welled up inside my belly. I twisted my hands in the bedsheets and pushed my face hard into the pillow. My breasts shuddered beneath me, rocked from the force of Evan’s thrusts. I panted hard. He pushed himself and became one with me, pinning my hips against the edge of the bed.

  I was so close. I could feel the force of his fingers on my hips as he gripped me tight. It was pure heaven. My juices flowed, stirred by his large manhood. I bit the pillow and muffled my pleasure, the faint sounds filling the bedroom.

  Oh, God, this is fantastic. I could do this for the rest of my life. Oh, Evan.

  My body rubbed against the warm sheets of the bed, the wrinkles pushing against my ravaged body. Our bodies rocked together, driving us toward our final moments. Sensations flooded through our bodies. The heat inside me spread, my belly alive with a shower of pleasure from our lovemaking.

  Evan’s grip hardened as he readied himself for his moment. His fingers drove deep into my hips, and his cock twitched and writhed. My belly quivered, my legs weakened, and the passion rose inside me. I raised my head from the pillow, and the warmth washed. It was more than sublime.

  My body shuddered and finally released in a tidal wave of sensations. I felt like I was the sexiest woman alive in that very moment.

  Evan thrust shorter and sharper, and he groaned when he let go. He called my name, delighting me. His ejaculation moved into me.

  Our bodies slumped together, the height of our passion slowly fading, bringing now the feeling of warmth and euphoria. Evan laid on his back and I nuzzled my head against his chest. His arm held me close, and I caressed his firm chest with my fingers. He was my perfect man. He always had been.

  “I’ve given it all up, you know,” Evan whispered.

  “Given what up?” I asked

  “All of it, the whole show,” he replied, smiling.

  “You mean Baby Maker?” I asked. I sat up, shocked.

  “Yeah, you’re all I want from life,” he said, turning to face me. “Piper, you’re all I have ever wanted.”

  There is a God!


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