global awakening and renewal
integration of Western and Indigenous mind-sets
new Maya identity
role of priests
Maya studies and scholarship
current and past scholars
first academic conference
focus on epigraphic texts
independent scholars
misunderstandings of Maya calendar
multilevel approach
treatment of 2012,
McFadden, Stephen
McKenna, Dennis
McKenna, Terence
cancer and death
on creativity of individual
on end-date event
Invisible Landscape
on return of West to sustainable values
Singularity concept
teleology concept
Time Wave Zero theory
True Hallucinations
McLaughlin, Corinne
Meeus, Jean
Men, Hunbatz
Menchú, Rigoberta
Mexico Mystique (Waters)
Meyer, Peter
Milbrath, Susan
Milky Way galaxy
Aquila constellation
ballcourt symbolism
galactic alignment in
galactic equator
Izapan symbols of
magnetic field effect
orbital oscillation around galactic plane
See also dark rift; galactic alignment theory; Galactic Center
Miller, Brent
Milton, Bente
Montejo, Victor
Baktunian movement
on Jacaltek Maya legend
Maya Intellectual Renaissance
on Mayanism
on new Maya identity
political activism and leadership
on religious leaders
“Road to Heaven,”
on role of 2012,
Montez, Amaurante
Morley, Sylvanus
Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids (Tompkins)
Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (Morton and Thomas)
Narcissus and Goldmund (Hesse)
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
destructive attitude toward
in Maya culture
in partnership versus dominator modes of culture
New Age
Bear & Company, publisher
discard of traditional ideas
interest in 2012,
misunderstanding of Maya concepts
search for spiritual meaning
sensationalization of 2012,
spiritual materialism
“New Age Appropriation of 2012, The” (Sitler)
Nibiru (Planet X)
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Norelli-Bachelet, Patrizia
Novelty Theory (Time Wave Zero theory)
Nuttall, Zelia
Obama, Barack
Olmec civilization
Omega Point
One Hunahpu
O’Neil, Lloyd
oracular scrying stones
Orion Mystery (Bauval and Gilbert)
Out on a Limb (MacLaine)
Parenti, Michael
Parker, Joy
Perennial Philosophy
Atlantis myth as metaphor for
Copernicus’s cosmology and
definition and concept of
direct experience of universal truth
dismissal of
Divine Ground
in Maya spirituality and teaching
nondual perspective
rationalism and pre/trans fallacy
as sacred science
as state of mind
symbolism and
wholeness and integration
writers on
Perennial Philosophy, The (Huxley)
Perry, John Weir
“2012 Phenomenon, The” (Sitler)
Photon Belt
Pinchbeck, Daniel
Plait, Phil
Planet Art Network
Planet X (Nibiru)
Pleiadian Agenda (Clow)
Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl)
Popol Vuh, The
absence of reference to end of world
accuracy of
applicability to any cycle ending
on first people
translations of
World Age doctrine in
See also Creation Myth
potbellied boy sculpture
precession of the equinoxes
in ancient mythological traditions
date stations
forward projections of
galactic alignment
Maya awareness of
See also galactic alignment theory
Prescott, William
Primordial Tradition. See Perennial Philosophy
prophecy. See 2012 prophecy
Prothero, Stevyn
Prouskouriakoff, Tatiana
psychoactive substances
Puleston, Dennis
Quetzalcoatl (Shearer)
rebirth. See sacrifice and renewal
Recherches Philosophiques sur les Américains (de Pauw)
Reed, Jim
Reel Bad Arabs (Shaheen)
Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán (de Landa)
renewal. See sacrifice and renewal
Renewing the Maya World (Cook)
Rice, Prudence
Ridinger, Mary Lou
“Road to Heaven, The” (Montejo)
Robertson, William
Rodriguez, Roberto
Rodríguez Bibanco, Diego
Rose, Sharron
Rosenwinkel, Hans
Roylance, James
Ruck, Carl
Rules of Engagement (Webb)
Sacred Calendar, The (Shearer)
sacred plants
sacred science
sacrifice and renewal
at cycle endings
fire ceremony
One Hunahpu
as shared human psychology
transcendence of ego
transformation through sacrifice
See also ego reorientation
Sahagún, Bernardino de
Salisbury, Stephen
Santillana, Giorgio de
Schaef, Anne Wilson
Schele, Linda
adoption of December 23 end date
on dark rift in Creation myths
on date of Hauberg Stela
on inscription from Tikal Stela
on Maya astro-mythology
Maya Cosmos
resistance to ideas of
on three-hearthstone symbolism
Schieber de Lavarreda, Christa
Schieffer, Bob
scholarship. See Maya studies and scholarship
Scofield, Bruce
Secrets of Mayan Science and Religion (Men)
Sedat, David
self-sacrifice. See sacrifice and renewal
Serpent Series, The (Grofe)
Serpent Series almanac
Seven Macaw
Seven Macaw in modern society
Bush administration
destructive attitude toward nature
domination versus egalitarian
dominator style
ego as
to escape from
Obama administration
See also ego reorientation
7 Wind (Jenkins)
Shaeffer, Dave
Shaheen, Jack
Shearer, Tony
Short Count (13-Katun cycle)
Sigüenza y Góngora, Don Carlos de
Sitchin, Zecharia
Sitler, Robert
Six Months’ Residence and Travels in Mexico (Bullock)
Snow, Chet
solar flares and sunspots
Solar Mystery, The (Wasiutynski)
solstice-galaxy alignment. See galactic alignment theory
Sounds True Publishing
Source Code, The (Clow)
Spanish conquistadors
Spinden, Herbert
embrace of death and renewal
in Maya traditions and teachings
meditation practice
New Age search for meaning
sacred science
sensory isolation/LSD experience
260-day tzolkin calendar
use of sacred plants
Spretnak, Charlene
Starsparks, Steven
Stephens, John Lloyd
Stray, Geoff
Beyond 2012,
on calendars used for end-date calculations
on Chilam Balam prophecy cycles
Diagnosis 2012 website
on 2012 predictions
on solar system in relation to galactic midplane
on Tortuguero text translation
Streiber, Whitley
Strous, Louis
Stuart, David
Summers, Lawrence
sunspots and solar flares
Supreme Identity, The (Watts)
Survive 2012 website
Swimme, Brian
Taube, Karl
Tedlock, Barbara
correlation used by
day-keeper initiation
on Maya cosmology
on occurrence of Creation at celestial crossroads
on subjectivity in anthropological study
on survival of 260-day calendar in Guatemala
Time and the Highland Maya
Tedlock, Dennis
correlation used by
day-keeper initiation
on December 21 correlation
on morning star risings of Venus
on occurrence of Creation at celestial crossroads
on role of dark rift in Popol Vuh
13 B’aktun, El (González)
13-Baktun cycle
base-20 system
building dedications and
Coba date
end date
great cycle
Maya renaissance and
World Age doctrine and
zero date
See also correlation problem; Long Count
13-Katun cycle (Short Count)
Thomas, Cyrus
Thompson, Edward
Thompson, J. Eric S.
academic backlash against
correlation problem
glyph decipherment approach
as independent researcher
romanticized vision of Maya
3-11 Pik formula
three hearthstones
365-day haab
fractal model of time acceleration
Judeo-Christian versus cyclic time philosophy
subjective flow of
Time Wave Zero theory
Time and the Highland Maya (Tedlock)
Timms, Moira
Tol Chan, José María
Tompkins, Peter
Tonkin, Stephen
transformation. See ego reorientation; sacrifice and renewal
Transformative Vision, The (Argüelles)
tropical year
True Count
True Hallucinations (McKenna)
Trunga Rinpoche
Tsarion, Michael
2012: The Odyssey (Rose and Weidner/ Sacred Mysteries)
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Pinchbeck)
2012: The War of Souls (Streiber)
“2012” (Emmerich)
2012 prophecy
beginning of fulfillment in current culture
destruction of planet by egoism
integration of Western and Indigenous mind-sets
Maya views on
mind control and social engineering
Obama administration
return of partnership-style culture
Seven Macaw figures in modern culture
tasks for fulfillment of
dismissal as hoax
doomsday scenarios
early explorations of
as interdisciplinary synthesis
meaning and message in
misconceptions concerning
party planning
popular appeal of
questions for consideration
showmanship and exploitation
See also specific authors and works; specific issues
260-day tzolkin calendar
Tzolkin (Jenkins)
Unequal Protection (Hartmann)
Valenti, Jack
Valladares, Mark
Van Stone, Mark
Velasquez, Efrain Bamaca
Venus cycles
Villoldo, Alberto
Voices of the First Day (Lawlor)
von Dechend, Hertha
von Humbolt, Alexander
Voyage Around the World (Careri)
Waldeck, Jean-Frédéric Maximilien de
Warren, Kay
Wasiutynski, Jeremi
“Water, Mountain, Sky” (Aveni)
Waters, Frank
Watts, Alan
Webb, James
Weidner, Jay
What the Bleep!
Whitehead, Alfred North
Whorf, Benjamin
Wikman, Monika
Wilber, Ken
Wilcock, David
World Age doctrine
acceleration of time with restriction of consciousness
13-Baktun cycle and
Creation Myth (Popol Vuh) and
cycle of time in
Heaven and Hell periods
Izapan ballcourt symbolism
in Izapan civilization
lack of reference to end of world
precession in
succession of ages
transformation of humanity at cycle endings
World Cataclysm in 2012 (Geryl)
Ximénez, Francisco
Yaxkin, Aluna Joy
Year Bearers
year drift formula
Zap, Jonathan
zero date
Zerzan, John
Zinn, Howard
My heartfelt thanks go to Mitch Horowitz and Gabrielle Moss at Tarcher, for embracing the need for this book, working hard on a turbocharged schedule, and for helping fine-tune the clear expression of my ideas. Thanks also to Brianna Yamashita for helping to lasso important publicity opportunities and events. Books don’t manifest themselves without the help of designers, editors, proofreaders, and innumerable others. My gratitude is extended to everyone involved. Thanks are due to Jim Reed for help with graphics; to Michael Grofe, Larraine Tennison, and Robert Palmer for reading and commenting on various sections of the evolving book; and to Robert Sitler for graciously giving permission to reproduce the Maya comments on 2012 he collected on his field trips. The multidimensional help and humor from my friend Curt Joy are always appreciated. Thank you to Barb MacLeod for permission to use her Cycle 7 drawing; to Francis Robicsek; to Jacquelyn Sundstrand in the Special Collections Department of the University of Nevada, Reno; to Coleman Barks for the excerpt from Rumi’s “Sheba’ s Throne”; and to Stan Grof for kind words and support. Geoff Stray’s eagle-eye analyses of so many 2012 manifestations have been incredibly helpful—one could not ask for a better colleague. My sincere love and gratitude goes to my extended family and especially to my wife, Ellen, for patiently enduring the time-consuming creative demands of this book and the many ongo
ing challenges of my career. Finally, I offer my deep respect and humble thanks to the ancient Maya nik wak’inel (those who “gazed into the center”), and to the modem Maya leaders and spiritual guides who preserve and practice the essential teachings.
John Major Jenkins is a pioneer of the modern 2012 movement. The author of nine previous books on the subject, he has worked to clarify misconceptions and is credited with showing how a rare “galactic alignment” underlies the 2012 cycle-ending date, and is a concept deeply embedded within Maya traditions. As a visiting scholar, Jenkins has taught classes at the Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, the Esalen Institute, Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He is the director of The Center for 2012 Studies and moderates the social networking information portal. He lives in Colorado.
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Photo of Joseph T. Goodman used with permission from Special Collections, University of Nevada-Reno Library; quotes from Maya leaders in Chapter 11 courtesy of Robert Sitler; “Sheba’s Throne” by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks, is reprinted courtesy of Maypop Books, Athens GA, 1995; figure 6, originally published as “Geographical distribution of early script traditions, overlying distribution of ca. 1600 BC pottery traditions, Locona (stippled area) and red-on-buff to the west (after Clark 1991: fig. 8; Flannery and Marcus 2000: fig. 3)” in Maya Calendar Origins: Monuments, Mythistory, and the Materialization of Time by Prudence M. Rice, © 2007, is reprinted courtesy of University of Texas Press.
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