Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2)

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Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2) Page 7

by Casey Peeler

  “That sounds great,” I say as she hands me her card before shaking my hand.

  As soon as she’s gone, Jade squeals with excitement and I shush her. She covers her mouth to contain her excitement.

  “That’s awesome, Cadence!” she says as she pulls me in for a hug and begins to jump up and down.

  As we walk back to the dressing room, Jade is talking a mile a minute. I don’t really hear what she’s saying as my head is spinning with the thoughts of moving to Boston. The Boston Conservatory is amazing and I would be crazy not to check it out, but it’s in Boston and everyone I love is here. I consider texting Lauren to tell her about the competition and the recruiter but I decide to celebrate with my team instead.


  I wanted to surprise Cadence by coming to see her, but I didn’t want her to know until after she performed. I didn’t want to throw off her focus, but I wanted to see her in her element. Glancing at the stage door, I’m unable to sit still any longer, so I stand and prop myself against the wall. I know she has to be coming out soon.

  I see Regina and Ms. Mae and give them a wave, and that’s when I see Jade exiting the door with Cadence right behind her. Jade and Cadence spot me and I push off of the wall and walk toward them with a bouquet of flowers in my hand.

  “You came,” Cadence whispers as I stop in front of her.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Oh thanks, Bare!” Jade says, taking the flowers from my hands.

  I give her a dirty look. “These aren’t yours,” I say, handing them to Cadence.

  “Well dang,” she says with a laugh. “I’m going to go see if Mom loves me,” she says as she walks to where Mom is sitting.

  “They’re beautiful,” Cadence says as she reaches around and gives me a hug. “Come on,” she says, pulling me out the side door into the fresh air.

  The sun is bright and a warm breeze engulfs us. As I look at Cadence everything feels perfect.

  “What’s that smile for?” she says, looking at me with her head tilted to the left side.

  “Everything,” I say as she looks at me with confusion. “Watching you on stage, seeing your face when you realized I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, and being right here in the moment.”

  She smiles as she wraps her arms around my neck. “I think I really like you, Barrick Carpenter.”

  I let out a laugh because I think it’s a little more. Bending down I pick her up off the ground and spin her around. “I think I really like you too,” I say as I kiss her gently. “You better get back in there. Awards are being announced soon,” I say.

  She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you know so much about this dance stuff.”

  “That’s what being a dance bro is all about,” I say with a wink as she takes a step back, flowers in hand, and goes back inside to take her place on the stage for awards.

  I sit down beside my mom and she grins while getting her pen ready to write down all the scores. We listen as they go through all of the age categories, giving anything from gold to double platinum. They have yet to give out a crystal, but no sooner do I think it, one is given out. I’ve learned over the years to pay attention to the total number of double platinums and crystals given. Those will be the overall winners. As Cadence and Jade’s age division is announced, I look for them on the stage and then at Mom, who is patiently waiting to write down the scores.

  When they get to number sixty-five, I glance at Mom and then the stage. “Number sixty-five is awarded a… crystal,” the announcer states. We clap, yell, and holler at them as they take the crystal in their hands with excitement written all over their faces.

  Once all of the individual scores are given out, the overalls begin. It doesn’t take long for me to realize they are in the top two. Looking at both of them on stage, I’m a proud brother and boyfriend. I think boyfriend is the right word. That’s something we’re going to have to clear up.

  When the awards ceremony is over, Ms. Lyndsay takes the stage with them and they take pictures with her, the other teammates, and family.

  “Barrick! Did you see my Cade up there?” Ms. Mae asks as we make our way out of the auditorium.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say as I’m attacked by Cadence. “Hey beautiful,” I say as she smiles brightly. “Y’all did it!”

  “Yes we did. Gran what did you think?” she questions.

  “That music was different. I sure didn’t expect some of those moves. Do you think you can teach your Gran a thing or two? I need a few new moves for The Loft,” she says while shuffling her feet.

  “I’m sure I could,” Cadence says with a laugh.

  We all exit the auditorium, and enjoy a meal together before calling it a night. Tomorrow will be another day filled with dance, but it’s teams instead of individuals. I hate that I’ll have to miss it, but I’ve got too much to do at Ms. Mae’s. I give Cadence a kiss and wish her and Jade good luck for tomorrow before I leave for the night.

  Chapter 14


  Saturday morning I wake to the sound of my alarm. Thankfully we have a later arrival time for today and I was able to sleep in a little this morning, but I still have a few things to do before we leave again.

  Mom and Gran aren’t in the kitchen and I can only assume they are at the barn. I look out the window and see that Barrick is already here so I throw on some clothes, slide on my galoshes and pour Barrick a cup of sweet tea before making my way toward the barn.

  As I get ready to open the barn door, Mom and Gran walk out.

  “Good gracious, girl. I didn’t think we’d see you out here this morning,” Gran says as she places her hand over her heart and I giggle.

  “Well, the work’s not going to get done if I’m sleeping,” I say with a wink. They head to the house and I go in to check on Daisy and Barrick.

  Barrick is milking a set of cows so he doesn’t see me when I walk in. He’s in his own little world so I decide to watch him for a moment. Taking a step toward the milking station, I catch his eye.

  “Mornin’ beautiful,” he says with a smile as he continues to work.

  “Morning,” I chirp while taking a seat on the stool near him. “Thought you might be thirsty,” I say as I set the tea on a shelf.

  “Thanks,” he says as he finishes up. When I help him take the cows to the field, I see Daisy is in a stall at the end of the barn.

  “What is she doing in here?” I ask.

  “Just keeping an eye on her this morning. Got to check her after a while.”

  I shiver. “Can that wait until I leave?”

  “Of course,” he says as he goes to get his tea. As he lifts the glass and takes a big gulp, I can’t help but stare. He’s hot. When he lowers the glass from his lips, he looks up and catches me staring.

  “You want some?” he asks with a grin.

  “Nah, I’m going to go check on Daisy,” I say with a smirk as I walk away. I tell Daisy how great we did yesterday as she looks at me intently and takes it all in. I let her know I won’t see her again until tomorrow, but Barrick will be here. “No worries, I’ve got her,” he says as he stands beside me.

  We stand with Daisy a few minutes and then Barrick gets quiet. I look at him. “What’s up?” I ask.

  “So yesterday, I had this thought and I wasn’t sure of the answer.”


  “I was so proud of you and Jade. I mean, who wouldn’t have been?”

  “Thanks, Barrick but what is your question? Just spit it out.”

  “What are we?”

  “What do you want us to be?” I banter back to him with my hand on my hip.

  “Cadence, will you be my girlfriend?” he blurts out sweetly and his cheeks flush pink.

  “Why Barrick Carpenter, I’d be honored,” I say as I hug him and kiss him gently as Daisy moos in approval.

  We both break apart and laugh at her gesture. Who would have thought I’d enjoy sharing this moment with a freaking cow?

; Barrick

  After Cadence, Ms. Mae, and Regina leave for Showstopper’s, I text Jade to wish her good luck and then spend the rest of the morning working on the farm. I’m counting down the hours until they are home. I can’t wait to see my girl and hear how they did. My girl, I like the sound of that. They don’t have to compete tomorrow so I hope they are home in time to go to The Loft. I think they both could use a night off.

  After lunch, I take a break and text Cadence to see how their groups performed, but I don’t hear anything. I text my mom and she replies within minutes that they are doing great, and hopes that they will be home by ten.

  When I have nothing left to do at the farm, I head home, shower, and decide to ride to Aaron’s.

  “Hey! What you up to?” I ask as I see him walking toward his truck.

  “I was ‘bout to go fishin’. Wanna go?” he asks.

  “Heck yeah,” I say as I take a seat in his truck and we make our way to the pond.

  We stop at the gas station for a carton of worms, something to drink, and a grilled cheese from the grill.

  When we get to the pond, we take our things and set up on the bank. Within a few minutes we have a bite or two, but no takers. We sit quietly and enjoy the peacefulness around us. Suddenly, my phone starts to chirp. It’s a text from Cadence.

  Cadence: Hey boyfriend! Hip hop killed it! Double platinum!

  I shake my head as I envision Cadence’s body moving to that music because I know what that routine entails, and I don’t know if I could handle it.

  Me: Awesome! What about large group?

  Cadence: That’s not until later tonight & they’re behind schedule. What you doing?

  Me: Fishing with Aaron

  Cadence: I’ve never been fishing.

  Me: We’re going to have to fix that. Now go knock ‘em dead!

  I put my phone in my pocket and Aaron gives me a goofy look.


  “You got it bad,” he says, shaking his head.

  “And you don’t?”

  “Good point,” he admits.

  “So you want to go to The Loft tonight?”

  “Sure. I have a feeling they’re going to be late tonight,” he says as he casts his line back into the water.

  Aaron and I don’t catch a dang thing so we head back to his house for dinner. We clean up and then make a frozen pizza before leaving for The Loft.

  The parking lot is already packed when we pull in. I send Cadence a quick text to let her know what’s going on and wish her luck one more time.

  “Put that dang thing away,” Aaron says. “I’ve never seen you so attached to that thing.”

  “Shut up!” I say as we walk in, but he’s telling the truth. I couldn’t have cared less if I had a phone before, but now I catch myself checking my texts and her Twitter and Instagram accounts for updates.

  Aaron and I see an open pool table and hit it up. Within another twenty minutes a few other guys arrive and hang out with us as the girls start to wander over. I don’t give them the time of day, but one can’t take the hint. Aaron, on the other hand, talks to everyone, and I’m keeping my eyes on him. He better not do anything to hurt my sister. When one starts to get a little too close to him, he takes a step back. Good boy. He looks my way and politely tells her he’s not single and introduces her to Kyle.

  “Dang, those girls can’t take a hint, can they?” he questions as he hits the last striped ball into the pocket.

  “Nope. I think once they know you’re taken they try harder.”

  “It seems that way for sure,” he says as we reset the table for the next group and then make our way to his truck.

  It’s almost eleven when we get back to his house and I haven’t heard from anyone. I hop in my truck and head home. Once I throw on some athletic shorts and a t-shirt, I call Mom and she lets me know they are on the way home. Then I text Cadence to let her know I can’t wait to hear all about the competition and to call me when she gets home.

  I sit and watch the latest episode of Driven TV while I wait for them and yell that I’m in the living room when I hear the door open.

  A set of hands covers my eyes and I hear, “Guess who?” whispered in my ear. Cadence.

  “Mom?” I say.

  “Really?” she says, removing her hands and looking around at me like I’m crazy.

  “Nah, I knew it was you,” I say as I grab her and pull her over the couch as she begins to giggle uncontrollably.

  “Okay, you two,” Jade says, taking a seat across from us.

  I give Jade a dirty look and then look at Cadence. “So how did you get to come over?” I question, realizing this is the first time she’s ever stepped foot in my house.

  “I told Gran and Mom I wanted to let you know how we did,” she says.


  “Let’s just say four double platinums and a crystal make for a great weekend.”

  “Awesome, so y’all are for sure going to nationals.” She nods her head and I’m so proud of both of them as I give Cadence a hug and then stand to do the same to Jade. I can tell this season is going to be amazing for both of them.

  Cadence, Jade, and I talk for a few more minutes and then I take her home. I’m so glad my girlfriend came to tell me in person; it made my night.

  Chapter 15


  I’ve watched Cadence for the past three weeks and I’m amazed at how she can keep going. It’s obvious she’s exhausted from working on the farm, school, and dance, but it’s almost as if she’s accustomed to it.

  She’s impressed me with how much she’s taken over Daisy’s care. She’s not doing the internal exams, but she watches Daisy and informs me if she notices changes in her demeanor. She also wants to know more about each stage and her ability to take care of Daisy is amazing. I’ve watched their interactions and I know she was right when she said Daisy gets her. It’s almost as if she listens to everything Cadence tells her. I have to be honest, I’ve caught myself listening to their conversations and it’s obvious she has a major bond with Daisy and her soon-to-be-born calf.

  I go into town on Thursday for Ms. Mae and take care of some business for her. Then I make a special stop at the mall. I am on a mission. Cadence’s birthday is this Saturday, and I’m almost positive she thinks everyone has forgotten. It has been fun acting as if there’s nothing special about this weekend with her. She keeps dropping hints about the weekend, but I keep playing them off. I want to surprise her with what I have planned. I know exactly what I’m going to buy her but I’m not sure how she’s going to take it. I want Saturday to be perfect and I’ve enlisted help from Ms. Mae, Regina, and Jade. I think we are going to make this an epic eighteenth birthday for her.


  It’s my birthday eve and after a late practice, I get the best birthday present ever from Ms. Lyndsay. No practice on Saturday! I am so excited that I can just enjoy the day.

  Jade drives me home from the studio and when I walk in the house, all the lights are on but Mom and Gran are nowhere to be found. I drop my bag off in my room and grab fresh fruit from the refrigerator. I wonder where they might be? Glancing out the window, I see that Barrick’s truck isn’t at the barn either. I send him a text letting him know that I’m home from practice and that I am going to check on my favorite cow.

  While I’m checking on Daisy, I get a text from Barrick asking what I’m going to do the rest of the night. I quickly reply that I hope I’m spending time with him. He tells me he’ll be over soon, so I talk with Daisy for a few more minutes before I take a quick shower.

  As I’m toweling off my hair, I hear a knock at the door. I hurry to the front door in my lounge clothes and see Barrick standing in the doorway, handsome as ever. He greets me with a smile and I hurry back to my room to get ready. Wonder what we’re going to do.

  “Hey Barrick, what are we doing?” I yell from my room.

  “Whatever you want to do is fine by me,” he replies. I slide on a pair of skinn
y jeans with a cute tank and ankle boots. The weather, this time of year, still has a little chill in the air at night. I toss my hair into a messy bun, then apply my makeup and add accessories before making my way back to the living room.

  I find him on the couch scanning the channels, but when he sees me, he quickly hits the power button, stands, and walks toward me. We wrap our arms around each other and it feels oh so good.


  Holding Cadence in my arms makes time stand still. I look down at her and see how perfect she is right now and I don’t want this moment to end. I may have just lost my man card in admitting that but I really don’t care. I just can’t get enough of her. I gently kiss her forehead, and then look her in the eyes.

  “So what’s the plan?” I ask her.

  “I don’t care as long as I get to spend time with you,” she says with a smile.

  “There’s a bonfire at Aaron’s tonight if you’re up for it or we can hang around here.”

  “Bonfire? Are they going to dance around it too? Oh no, not more country music?” She laughs when she sees the expression on my face. “Dear Lord! I’m right, aren’t I?” I smile and kiss her lips.

  “So you wanna check it out?”

  “Might as well,” she says as I weave my hands through hers and we make our way to Aaron’s.

  There are trucks and four-wheel drive vehicles everywhere when we pull up to Aaron’s. I’m pretty sure every teenager in Delight is here. I look at Cadence and her face is priceless.

  “Where did all these people come from?” she questions.

  “Use the word bonfire and people come out of the woodwork. Let’s just say we know how to get down on the farm,” I say before I walk around to help her from the truck.

  We walk down the gravel road toward the back of the barn. As we round the corner, the flames come into view and it’s breathtaking. There is something so peaceful about a fire and how it continues to burn, but that soon changes when I hear Aaron holler from a distance.

  Jade greets us and steals Cadence away for a few minutes. Aaron and I talk while I watch Cadence make her rounds with Jade. She doesn’t say much, and as someone offers her a glass jar full of liquid, I’m curious if she’ll take it. I’m shocked when she doesn’t, but talks for a few more minutes and then moves on.


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