“Put your finger in it baby and taste it. Let daddy know what it taste like.” His voice was turning me on. I had been having the best sex of my life with Carlton. Each time we had sex, it got better and better. I’d never felt so much pleasure during penetration in my life. Carlton had me horny at all hours of the day.
My line clicked and I looked at the caller ID. Sorry, Stace. I’ll have to call you back later, my friend. If he only knew what I was doing, he’d be more than happy to be ignored.
“It tastes good, daddy. I’m throbbing and so wet. Use the code. Come in…hurry!” I was driving myself crazy, knowing that at any minute he would walk through my door.
“I’m in the elevator now. Don’t you cum. I’ll take care of that,” he demanded.
“I’m not cuming without you, baby. Hurry!” I pleaded as he walked through my bedroom door. He dropped his cell and keys on the dresser and pulled his shirt over his head in one full motion. The look on his face warmed the crevices of my soul. At that moment, I knew that I was going to stop being scared to love and be loved. If it worked out, great! If not, I would cross that bridge when I got to it.
I opened my arms for him and he came straight to me. I covered his lips with mine and a chill shot down my spine when our tongues touched. Carlton made love to my mouth so well that I could probably cum from his kisses. My cell phone began to ring on my nightstand and we ignored it. There was not one spot on my body that Carlton didn’t kiss and make feel special. He finally came up and put on a condom, but before he even entered me, I had already gone to another planet. I had never in my life felt anything like it before. The pleasure was indescribable.
“Open your eyes, Simone.” Carlton whispered in my ear as he entered me. He looked into my eyes while he moved deeper and deeper inside of me, keeping me present and in the moment. I got butterflies in my stomach, staring into his eyes. I began to experience a very warm sensation in the pit of my belly as I gyrated my hips, welcoming the flood of these newfound sensations.
“Tell me how it feels, Monie. Tell me how you like it.” He knew talking to me drove me crazy.
“I love it, Carlton, don’t stop, please,” I begged. I had never felt anything this good in my entire life. I could swear to it! When Carlton took my earlobe inside his mouth and began to lick it softly as he moved slowly back and forth in and out of my wet opening, I finally knew how it felt to truly enjoy sex.
Carlton was taking his time with me. He was in no rush. Moving methodically in and out, rotating his hips, doing everything that drove me crazy. There wasn’t one stroke identical to the next. He kissed my neck, ears, and breast as he sensually caressed my thighs, legs, feet, and arms. He held my hands, kissing all over my face. Even my eyelids didn’t go untouched. He made love to my mind, body, and soul. Our lips met and Carlton put his tongue in my mouth. I sucked on it softly as his speed gradually increased, and the heightening sensation that started in the pit of my belly began to escalate. I knew that I was about to have my first orgasm. The best feeling that I have ever felt before overtook my body. I shook uncontrollably as I yelled out Carlton’s name over and over, completely delirious with pleasure. It was everything that I hoped it would be and more. A couple of tears escaped my eyes and hopefully blended in with the sweat on my face. As Carlton slowed his pace, I was able to gather my composure. I was amazed that he was still rock hard and going strong. I couldn’t believe that at 27, I’d finally had my first orgasm!
I got on top of Carlton so I could feel him as deep inside me as possible. I rode his dick like I was a runaway slave on Massa’s stolen horse. I went from fast to slow from rotating my hips to sitting on it and taking in all eleven inches of him. By the time 10:00 a.m. rolled around, I had made up for 27 years with four orgasms! He kissed my neck and whispered I love you in my ear before we both passed out.
We slept the rest of the morning and went out on his boat that evening. We made love as we coasted over the water and drank Don Julio out of snifters in the between time. I’d never felt more content with a man in my whole life. I wanted it to feel like this forever. But no matter how caught up I got in my feelings, the fact of the matter still remained the same. He was married with kids and I could never have him completely. I could never forget that pertinent fact. I knew I had to take this relationship for what it was and be ready to walk away at a moment’s notice. He was someone else’s husband and I couldn’t forget that, no matter how hard I tried or how many times he made me cum!
I took Shelly with me on our summer vacation to meet my family and Tyson, who was the new addition. If they liked her as much as I did, I knew it would be smooth sailing. I couldn’t wait to see Tyson. I missed him like crazy and was happy that he was adjusting well to his new home and family. I spoke with him everyday and let him know how much I loved him.
I always look forward to summer. It is the time of year when the whole family, Moms, Pops, little bro’, and I, go on vacation. This year will be even more special since we have Tyson and Shelly joining us. The Atlantis Resort and Spa in the Bahamas was a great choice of my mother’s. The previous year was the Fiji Islands, a choice of my little brother’s, which will be hard to top.
As we sat in the limo outside the airport, waiting for my parents to grab their luggage and head out to the car, I nibbled on Shelly’s ear.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” she said, trying to move away from me.
“I can finish it. Just not right now,” I laughed, pulling her in closer.
“That’s not fair, Deon. Let me go. You’re going to have me all hot and bothered and I have to meet your family. I’m already nervous enough,” she said pulling a small mirror out of her purse and checking her face.
“You look fine, Shell. There is no reason at all to be nervous about meeting my parents,” I assured her as I noticed the chauffer and my family heading toward the car.I jumped out, ran over, picked Tyson up, and swung him around. He had gotten taller and was looking more like his mother than he did before.
“Man, I missed you. Look how big you are.” I put him down and hugged the rest of my family with as much enthusiasm.
“Mom, Dad, everybody, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Shelly Preston.” My parents greeted her with hugs. Of course, my little brother, who considers himself a mack in the making, not only hugged, but kissed her on both cheeks.
“Where did you learn that from?” I laughed aloud. The older my little brother got, the more game he seemed to pick up. He was definitely the opposite of me at that age. I wasn’t anywhere near as smooth.
“Take notes, big bro’. Take notes.” He laughed and got inside the limo.
“You must be Tyson,” Shelly said, sticking out her hand for him to take.
“Wow, I didn’t know you were such a big boy. My goodness! How old are you? 12?” She asked, knowing he was only 10.
“In two years, I’ll be 12. But you know what?” he asked, still holding her hand.
“What’s that?” she asked smiling.
“I’m taller than a few 12 year olds I know. I’m the tallest in my class and I’m going to be able to dunk by the time I turn 12!” he said excitedly, making us all laugh.
“I’m sure you will. Hey, maybe even before 12. Who knows?” I said as Shell, Tyson, and I got inside the limo.
“Hey, Deon. Where’s Simone?” Tyson asked innocently once we were all seated and heading toward our destination.
“I’m not sure, Ty,” I answered honestly, looking over at Shelly for her response. She just smiled. There wasn’t any worry, doubt, or insecurity in her eyes, and I liked that.
“Can I call her, please?” Tyson asked.
“Yeah, but not tonight. Tomorrow, okay?” I said, hoping that, come tomorrow, he would forget.
“Cool. I want to tell her about my basketball team. I’m starting and I make the most points on the team!” Tyson began excitedly.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re always ball hoggin’,” my little brother,
JR, laughed.
“Well, they can’t play and every time I pass the ball to one of them, the other team takes it! I want to win!” We all laughed. I knew that I needed to spend more time with him and I’d have that problem knocked out in no time, if my father didn’t handle it before then.
After we all got checked in, we decided to have dinner. As we ate lobster, shrimp, fish, and an assortment of rice and vegetables, we talked nonstop. My mom and Shelly really seamed to be hitting it off. They talked and laughed as us guys talked about sports, of course. There was talk about my little brother going to the NFL after only being in college for a couple years, which I was completely against. I knew that it was his choice, but I thought he should get as much experience as he could on the college level first.
At 6’5” and 225 pounds, JR is a phenomenal quarterback with the speed of a young Jerry Rice. His build is similar to mine, but I’m still a couple of inches taller than him at 6’7”. I was 6’5” at his age, so he has a good chance to meet me at my height, if not, surpass me.
“You know you can’t get that Heisman if you leave now,” I said, trying to discourage him in any way that I could.
“I don’t need no Heisman if I go to the league. I may never make it to the league if I get hurt. College ain’t goin’ nowhere. I can go back to college at 40 and complete my degree. I can’t go to the NFL at that age,” he huffed, trying to make us see his point.
“Ultimately, the decision is up to you, lil’ bro’. You know I’ll support you in any way possible, but you can’t replace your college years by going back to college at 40. Those were some of my best years. You can get your game even tighter these next couple of years in college, win that Heisman, and be one of the highest paid in the league. Come on, man. Just think about what I’m saying.”
“Yeah, I hear you. You know Pops tells me the same things. I have some time to think about it.”
“That’s all we ask, that you think about it,” Pops said, popping a piece of lobster in his mouth.
I watched my mother and Shelly as they talked and laughed for a couple of minutes. I looked over at Tyson sitting next to me, who was stuffing shrimp in his mouth and, finally, looking across the table at my brother and my father. Sitting at this table with my family and Shelly, I felt content with the picture I was looking at and hoped it could stay this way.
I awoke yesterday morning and the first two thoughts that came to my mind was the fact that Malachi was coming home tomorrow, and my period was late — very late. I immediately went to Rite Aid on the corner of Sunset and Fairfax and bought two home pregnancy tests and a bottle of water. By the time I got home, I had drunk all of the water and was ready to get my EPT on. I opened the first box, which had two individually wrapped tests, and unwrapped them both. I unbuttoned my pants, sat on the toilet, and proceeded to take both tests. Waiting for the pink line to show up, or not, was the longest three minutes of my life. But when that pink line began to emerge on both of the tests simultaneously, I couldn’t believe it. I opened up my back up box and took the other two tests, praying for urine to come. They were both positive as well.
I begged my doctor’s receptionist to squeeze me in that same day so I could confirm the positive results. Although I knew there was no way four tests could be wrong, I just needed my doctor’s confirmation. After peeing in a cup and a quick vaginal exam, the doc confirmed that I was preggers. I really didn’t know how to feel as I numbly left her office and headed home to return to my bed. I had to figure out how I was going to tell Malachi. I really didn’t know how he would react. Just getting out of rehab and me throwing this on him, didn’t seem to be the right thing to do. I was debating on not telling him until he was home at least a week so I could feel him out, but didn’t know if I’d be able to keep this from him.
When I awoke the next morning, after lying in bed all of yesterday, I felt invigorated. Nothing could overshadow the happiness I felt knowing that I was going to see Malachi today. I rented a limo to pick him up and had a wonderful weekend planned for us out in Santa Barbara. He always seemed to be the most relaxed when he was at his beach house. As I sat in the back of the limo on the hour and a half drive to pick him up, I knew that there was no way I’d be able to keep my pregnancy from him for any amount of days. Whether he was okay with it or not, I knew it needed to be discussed sooner rather than later.
When we pulled into the driveway of the treatment center and the limo came to a complete stop, I jumped out of the car and tried not to run toward the entrance. As I made my way up the porch, Malachi walked out looking like a breath of fresh air. The butterflies in my stomach stopped me cold as they began fluttering uncontrollably. I found myself stuck in the spot where I was standing, just watching him as he approached me. When we were finally face-to-face, he picked me up by the waist and held me as he placed kisses all over my face and neck. Neither of us said a word nor unlocked our embrace as we took in the scent and feel of each other. My heart felt light and my eyes began to tear. I was so happy. In Malachi’s arms, everything was okay.
“I missed you so much, Tali. You have no idea,” Malachi whispered in my ear. I couldn’t do or say anything. I just cried silently and held onto my man.
“I love you,” I whispered when I finally got my voice.
“I love you more,” he said and brought his lips to mine, kissing me softly over and over.
“Talise Miles, I can’t wait for you to be my wife!” He all but shouted as we walked hand and hand toward the limo, where the driver waited with the door open.
“Where’re we going? Not that I care. We can ride in the back of this limo for the next 24 hours and I wouldn’t even notice,” Malachi laughed after the limo took off.
Malachi pushed the button to raise the partition so we could have some privacy.
“Come here, baby,” he said, bringing his face to mine. Then we kissed like teenagers in heat. I missed every inch of this man. I never wanted to be without him again and I told him just that.
“Tell me about it. I missed you like crazy. You got me through that, babe. Although it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be,” he said, kissing my forehead.
“That’s because you have a very strong mind and wanted to stop. Oh, we’re going to your house in Santa Barbara, to answer your earlier question,” I smiled at him. By this time, I was sitting on his lap with my hands clasped behind his neck.
“That’s a perfect idea, but I have a better one for now,” Malachi whispered into my ear. He began kissing me gently around my neck and ears, which he knew were two of my many spots.
I removed myself from his lap and got on my knees in front of him. I took my clothes off piece by piece, taking my time. I wanted him to sit back, relax, and watch until I was completely naked, aside from the yellow lace, thong panties I wore. I rubbed his hardness through his pants and knew that he was ready for me. I unzipped his pants, pulled out what was all mine, and worshipped him like this was my last time. I had missed him so much that even the taste of him, the feel of his skin in my mouth drove me crazy — I couldn’t take it anymore. I sat on top of him and eased him inside of me slowly. I took my time, savoring, remembering, and becoming reacquainted with him. I had never loved a man so deeply. I trusted Malachi with my life, and I felt safe knowing that he held my heart in the palm of his gentle hands. I knew he would never cause me harm.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” I said over and over again in his ear. His hands went from squeezing tightly around my ass to fondling my breast and caressing my back. His touch felt so good. His breath on my neck sent chills through my body. I knew that I was on the verge of cumming.
“Cum for me, Talise,” Malachi whispered in my ear. He could tell that I was ready. He could always tell.
“I want you to cum with me,” I replied, increasing my pace. He grabbed my ass with both hands and rammed his hardness into me. He knew I loved it when he was rough. He also knew that would make me cum faster than it would
make him. My body began trembling and I let go. I knew that the driver had to hear my moans, so to save the man some embarrassment, I turned up the radio loudly to muffle our remaining sounds because Malachi wasn’t done with me yet.
He turned me around — my knees on the floor, my breast pressed into the leather of the seat, and my ass in the air — and entered me from behind. Doggy style was one of his favorite positions, and I loved obliging. I worked my hips round and round matching him stroke for stroke. I enjoyed the feel of him going in and out of my wetness. He fit perfectly and I welcomed all of what he had, which was a lot. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came, and I wanted to cum with him. As his pace slowed down and then began to increase, I knew the time was near. I worked my hips like I was hula hooping, and we came together.
I rested in his arms the rest of the way to Santa Barbara, inhaling his scent and listening to his heartbeat. There was no heaviness in my body whatsoever. I felt so light that I could have flown. I was soaring on love!
Sittin’ in first class on a Delta Airlines flight, headin’ to Las Vegas to meet Tyron, I questioned my sanity. I didn’t know if I could give myself a rational explanation for leaving the state to be with him, so I won’t even try to give you one. It’s probably just as simple, or complex, as me not wantin' to let him go.
It has been only two days since I discovered that Tyron and Banks were fuck buddies, and to tell you the truth, I wasn’t dealin' with it. I had my proof in a safe deposit box securely tucked away within the iron confines of Bank of America. Whenever I even think about that video and what I saw, I feel like throwin' up. To help myself deal with it, I tried not to think about it at all. This was very difficult because every time I turned on the damned radio or the TV, I saw Banks’ face or heard his damned voice. Man, I can’t stand that motherfucker! If I had to let his ass know that I knew what was up, I was fine with that. But he would not get Tyron. Especially fuckin’ my best friend! He can’t have them both. Once I tell Simone, he won’t have her at all, but I can’t even bring myself to tell her yet. Since he left to go on tour, I felt a little less guilty about not telling her immediately. I did call her the next mornin', but she didn’t answer. So she can’t say I didn’t try, although I know could’ve tried harder.
This Can't be Life Page 26