Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter: The Trilogy

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Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter: The Trilogy Page 1

by Scarlett Skyes

  Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter: The Trilogy

  Scarlett Skyes

  Published by Scarlett Skyes at Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 Scarlett Skyes

  Discover other titles by Scarlett Skyes at Scarlett Skyes' Smashwords Profile

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

  Table of Contents

  Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter

  Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter 2

  Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter 3

  Other stories by Scarlett Skyes

  Breeding with the Reluctant Babysitter

  I knew something was wrong right from the moment I sat in the car so Mr Warren could drive me home at the end of the night. It had been an otherwise uneventful evening babysitting the Warren kids while their parents went out on a date, they’d gone to bed right on time and the older boy had only come out of his room once asking for some water. No problems.

  Mr Warren sat in the driver’s seat just looking at me for a while. I didn’t know what to say, he was clearly checking me out. I saw his eyes roam from the very tips of my toes, up my legs and pause for a long time at the bare skin below my short pleated skirt. It was a somewhat more risqué than conventional outfit for babysitting, but I had wanted to look sexy for my boyfriend who was supposed to be visiting me while the Warrens were out. He’d cancelled at the last moment though, much to my frustration.

  Mr Warren’s gaze continued its journey up my body, pausing once more at chest level. I looked downwards and saw that some of the gaps between the buttons of my shirt were gaping open, allowing him to see the lacy material of my a-cup bra. I crossed my arms over my chest self-consciously, I was shy about my breasts at the best of times, being a late bloomer they were still growing, but I didn’t want my employer looking at them, they were private.

  He looked at me with a knowing smile and I blushed, still not knowing how to react to his inappropriate attention. I was about to get out of the car when he reached out with his hand and put it on my thigh, his little finger just disappearing under the hem of my skirt.

  “Safety first, Sara, put your seatbelt on.”

  Before I could push his hand away he removed it himself and started the car. I was so confused, he had never done anything like this before. I wondered if I was misinterpreting his actions, he wouldn’t have taken his hand off my leg by himself if he was really coming on to me would he?

  “Uh… OK Mr Warren, of course.”

  I wrapped the seatbelt around the front of my body and buckled up as Mr Warren pulled out into the street and drove away from his house. The silence in the car was kind of awkward, so I reached towards the stereo.

  “Mind if we listen to something?” I asked.

  “Sure thing, Sara. I’ve got an audio book on cd in there at the moment, let’s listen to that.”


  I was a bit disappointed, I had wanted to listen to music rather than a short middle-part of some stupid book, but it was his car and his rules I supposed. I don’t know the title or author of the book Mr Warren had playing over his car stereo but it sure as hell didn’t help make things less awkward. The scene being read out by a young woman depicted a husband and wife who seduce their babysitter and graphically described all kinds of sex acts I hadn’t even dreamed of before.

  I squirmed in my seat, feeling a distinct dampness between my legs. I put it down to a combination of my boyfriend letting me down and how the narrator was moaning out her orgasmic dialogue in the audio book. There was no two ways about it, I was horny. I couldn’t wait to get home and masturbate, away from the prying eyes of Mr Warren.

  I’d lost my virginity to my boyfriend only a few weeks previous and we were still exploring our way around each other’s bodies. Our first time was really clumsy but it was getting better, I was so happy to be fumbling around and learning about sex with him. The thought of my boyfriend only turned me on more, I was getting desperate for the car journey to end. I snapped out of my daydreams when Mr Warren took an unexpected turn down a dark alley and pulled over.

  “What are you doing, Mr Warren?”

  “I just wanted to show you something, Sara. I think you’ll find it pretty interesting.”

  He reached forward and turned the volume knob down until the narrator’s voice could only just be heard but no words could be made out. Twisting around he grabbed something out of the pocket on the back of my seat, which turned out to be a tablet PC of some kind.

  “Have a look at this,” he said, pressing a few icons on the screen.

  A video began to play, I recognised it at once as Mr and Mrs Warren’s bedroom. I think my heart may have even stopped beating for a while when I saw who walked into frame. It was me, I recognised the shirt and skirt I’d worn the previous week when I babysat for the man in the driver’s seat. I also knew what was about to happen.

  In the video I looked around the room as if making sure the coast was clear, obviously missing wherever Mr Warren had hidden the camera, and made for the chest of drawers. It was clear from my actions that I knew what I was doing, I fished around in the third drawer from the top and brought out a small metal box. Opening the box I pulled out a wad of cash, counted some off, took it and replaced the money in the box before returning the whole thing to the drawer and leaving the room. When I turned around my face was clearly visible for a moment.

  Tears welled up in my eyes, how could I have been so stupid to think they wouldn’t miss a few hundred dollars? I was saving up for a car of my own and babysitting money was taking forever, now I didn’t even want to think about what the penalty would be for something like this… could I even go to jail?


  Mr Warren didn’t let me get any further than that, holding his hand up to silence me.

  “Let’s cut to the chase, Sara. With what I have here AND the other surveillance videos I have back home, you’d be looking at about a year behind bars. I’m a lawyer, as you know, so trust me on that.”

  I gulped… what else had he seen? I thought back over the past months babysitting for the Warrens and began to shake. A year? With something like that on my record, my life would be ruined… no going to college with my boyfriend, no decent jobs for the rest of my life, problems with credit so I could never buy a house to raise a family in. I saw my whole future being torn to shreds and began to cry as Mr Warren continued.

  “Just around the corner from here is the police station, and just around the other corner is the way to your house. It’s going to be up to you which way we go.”

  “My house, please Mr…”

  “No, it’s not that simple, Sara. I am willing to let this slide because you have something I want. If you give it to me then we can call it even and these videos get destroyed.”

  “What… do you want?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “I just want to touch your body a bit, Sara, you’re such a sexy little girl.”

  “That’s… that’s it?” I asked.

  “Yep, that’s it. Easy decision?”


ink of your future, Sara.”

  “I guess, Mr Warren… you can touch me…”

  I braced myself, hardly believing the choice that had been offered me. If you had asked me a few months ago whether there was any possible situation where I’d give the go ahead for a middle-aged man, even one in as good shape as Mr Warren was, to feel my firm teen body I’d have said you were crazy. Yet there I was in just such a man’s car, dressed essentially like a sexy little schoolgirl, waiting for him to grope me.

  “Take off that seatbelt, it will only get in the way now,” he said, putting the tablet PC back in the pocket and turning off the car.

  I did as he asked and sat very still with my head turned towards the window and my legs clamped shut, hoping it would all be over soon. I heard him undo his own seatbelt and shortly afterwards I felt his fingertips touch my thighs and delicately trace upwards under my skirt. I redoubled my efforts at squeezing my legs shut, there was no way I’d let him get between them. No way.

  He didn’t force the issue at that stage though, instead he reached all the way up my skirt until he touched my panties and rubbed back and forth across the little picture of a teddy bear holding a love heart that I knew was there. The soft cotton material of my underwear rubbed across my freshly shaved pubic area, I’d planned that little surprise for my boyfriend but now the first man to feel my bald mound was Mr Warren.

  I squeezed my eyes shut as he inhaled and hooked a finger over the elastic of my panties and rubbed the smooth area with his fingers as if trying to confirm what he had suspected he felt through my underwear. I still had my legs tightly shut so he couldn’t feel too low.

  “Are you completely shaved?” he asked.

  I nodded, still not looking at him as he continued to explore the area where my pubic hair had formerly been. After a while he extracted his hand from under my skirt and I felt him place it back on my lap, his nimble fingers now finding their way under the bottom of my shirt. My hands almost moved without thinking, reaching to my lap to push him away, but I forced myself to think about my future and with great effort returned them to my sides, letting Mr Warren do whatever he wanted.

  I turned my head from the window to look at him for a second, his mouth was parted slightly and he was looking at my body as if it was food and he would eat me all up. I turned back to the window, almost scared by that look as I felt his fingertips make contact with my bare skin again, this time on my flat and firm tummy. His touch was so light, slow and appreciative that it was difficult to reconcile it with the obvious lust on his face.

  His fingers traced a slow and lazy circle around my belly button and then continued upwards, as I knew they would, towards my small chest. He squeezed first one breast and then the other through my bra. My tits were sensitive and I often experienced a dull ache in them. My mother called it ‘growing pains’ when I asked and she said she had been a late bloomer just like me, also not really getting any boobs until she was eighteen. She sported a fine pair of c-cups now, I hoped I would be the same.

  The next thing I knew, his fingers had snaked around the top of a cup and pulled it downwards, exposing a nipple to his fingers, and he pinched it gently. Still, being extremely sensitive, the combined pain and pleasure jolted me and this time my hands really did push his arm away. My nipple was pulled outwards momentarily until it escaped his fingers and I gasped at the unexpected extra tug.

  “No Mr Warren! Over the underwear only… those are only for my boyfriend.”

  “Do you love him?”


  “Your boyfriend, do you love him?”


  “Then I suppose you’d probably like to feel his hands on you again, rather than pushing your tits up against the glass when he visits you in prison?”

  “Mr Warren, please!”

  “I say when enough is enough, not you Sara, do you understand?”

  “I… yes, Mr Warren.”

  “Say you’re sorry.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Tell me I can do whatever I want.”

  “You… you can do whatever you want.”

  “With what?”

  “With… uh… with my body. You can do whatever you want with my body.”

  “That’s a good little slut.”

  I opened my mouth in protest, I wasn’t a slut, I was a good girl! I closed it again when I realised how ludicrous that would sound under the circumstances. I was giving an older man free access to grope me because I’d been caught stealing money from him. I was ashamed of myself, maybe I was a slut after all.

  I blushed when his fingers returned to my uncovered nipple and he began rolling it between his finger and thumb. My body betrayed me and the nipple hardened under his manipulations, confirming the fact that what he was doing was turning me on. Dammit! The combination of that sexy audiobook, the pent up sexual frustration of my boyfriend cancelling our date and Mr Warren’s skilled fingers was making me positively wet, I could feel my panties dampening between my legs.

  I’d discovered at an early age that if I squeezed and released my thigh muscles, shutting my legs and releasing, over and over again, I could give myself an orgasm without even so much as reaching between my legs with my hands. I’d felt so lucky the time I’d secretly brought myself off in class but that same fluke of anatomy was working against me as Mr Warren continued to tweak my nipple. With my legs squeezing together I was beginning to feel a familiar sensation of growing pleasure.

  Mr Warren eventually removed his hand from my tit and placed it on my thigh again, it was almost as if he could read my mind and knew my dilemma. I couldn’t open my legs and let him touch my pussy, that was really for my boyfriend only, no matter what Mr Warren said or did… and yet I couldn’t just cum right there in front of him. I bit my lip in silent panic as a tingly aura of ecstasy seemed to grow around my clit.

  Mr Warren pressed between my thighs with all his fingers, trying to force his hand between them. I was squirming in my seat, which didn’t help because I could feel the bottom of my panties squelching against my sopping pussy. Oh God, was I really going to cum in front of him? The sensation grew even stronger and I momentarily lost the strength in my legs, they quivered and Mr Warren seized the opportunity to firmly plant his hand between my thighs before they slapped together again, fixing his hand in place so he couldn’t move it towards my pussy.

  It was no use though, the quivering in my legs became more and more uncontrollable, each time I relaxed my muscles his hand snaked up another couple of inches before I could halt its progress until finally he was cupping my pussy through my drenched panties.

  “Holy shit, you’re wet!”

  He began to gently rub my underwear against me and then there was no holding back anymore, I came, and came hard. I ground my sex against his palm and squeezed both my breasts with my own hands, moaning and bucking in the car seat. At last my pleasure faded and I hung my head in shame, letting my hair fall over my face and hide me as I panted. I’d cum on Mr Warren’s hand, letting him feel my pussy through my panties when I wanted to save myself all for my boyfriend, it was so humiliating.

  I felt Mr Warren pull my panties aside and reach over with his other hand to rub my exposed pussy. I was too tired and defeated to fight him and I sat there limply letting him smear his hand with my pussy juices. The next thing I knew he had his hand on his cock, and I hadn’t even noticed him get it out, he must have done it while I was cumming, and he began jacking himself off using my own natural lubricants until his erection was hard and glistening.

  His first hand remained between my legs and I felt a finger hook around and slip inside my tight teen vagina and begin short thrusts that he matched with strokes on his cock, perhaps imagining having it inside me. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, there was no way it would fit inside me, at least I could be sure that would still be just for my boyfriend. Mr Warren noticed my stare and smiled.

  “Why don’t you suck it a bit?”

  “Mr Wa
rren! No!”

  “I see the way you’re looking at it, you know you want to find out what a real man tastes like.”

  “No I…”

  His finger slipped out of my pussy as quickly as it had slipped in and he grabbed me by my pony tail, wrapping his hand around it twice until he had a firm grip and complete control of my head. Then, inexorably, he began pushing my head towards his lap and aiming his cock at my face with the hand that had been stroking it. I braced my hands against his thighs and pushed back with all my might, but he was just too strong for me and the head of his erection got closer and closer until it was smearing pre-cum all over my lips.

  “Open up, baby, wrap your lips around that.”

  His hardness pressed my lips painfully against my teeth and I was forced to open my mouth. His huge manhood went straight in and came to rest on my tongue. My eyes bulged, I couldn’t believe how wide my jaws had to gape to allow this monster cock in. I recognised the faint flavour of my own juices mixed in with his pre-cum as I waited, not sure what Mr Warren would do next. A small voice inside of me stated, bluntly, that a ‘real man’ tasted pretty fucking good. I hushed it, ashamed that I could think that way about any man besides my boyfriend.

  After I’d had a moment to become accustomed to the huge invasion of my face Mr Warren pulled on my hair until just the tip was still inside and then pushed my head down again forcefully. His cock hit the back of my throat and I gagged, coughing and spluttering around the swollen head. My tongue tried to push it out of my mouth and I pushed with all my might on his thigh to try to retreat, but he was more than a match for my struggles, holding me in place as if it was easy.

  At last my gag reflex died down and Mr Warren pushed downwards again. I felt a faint popping sensation and realised the head of his cock was actually in my throat. I couldn’t believe it, I’d never dreamed that I would be able to deep throat and despite my obvious reluctance regarding the situation I felt a surge of pride and boldly impaled myself even further on his shaft.


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