Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4

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Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4 Page 1

by Janelle Peel



  A Clutch Mistress Book

  Janelle Peel

  Amazon Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2017 Janelle Peel

  Illustrated by Elaine Newsome

  To be notified when Janelle Peel’s next book is released, follow her online at

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  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations used for promotion or in reviews.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, businesses, locales or events is entirely coincidental.


  Natalie, an Alpha Wolf with magic, has been kidnapped in Europe by a rogue Pack of Cursed Shifters.

  As a result, she is Cursed right along with them and is unable to return home.

  A new enemy has arisen; answering long awaited questions of Nat’s origin. Unfortunately, their delusions of grandeur are forcing her to choose between the Clutch that has become her family… and her own kind.

  Can Nat break the Curse and save those she loves? Or, will she stay with the attractive Alpha that has her within his sights?

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  This is one rollercoaster of a ride!


  Dear reader,

  While this book can be read alone, it is highly recommended that you read the entire series, in order. Important events have been skimmed over, but not detailed. I have included a Glossary at the end of the book for your convenience.

  ~Happy reading,


  Chapter 1


  Excitement buzzed through my veins as I grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and deplaned.

  I couldn’t believe I was in Europe as an emissary for our Clutch! When Sora had first told me, I’d squealed like a ridiculous little girl. Sure, it sucked leaving Bex and Lila behind, but I needed this. I wanted to make my mark on the world, and this opportunity was too good to pass up.

  So far, I’d only spoken to the European Pack’s Alpha over the phone. He seemed cordial, but wary of the upcoming alliance with the Paris Clutch. I couldn’t really fault him, especially after experiencing firsthand the cruelty of the now destroyed Clutch back in LA.

  “Move Babe, you’re holding up the line. Again,” Viv quipped from behind me as I stopped to stare through the skywalk’s window.

  Rowe’s green eyes were wide as she bounced on the balls of her feet, “I haven’t been here before, either. It’s amazing!”

  “Leave them alone,” Sasha grinned. “It’s their first time on another continent.”

  My cheeks pinked as I eyed our party. Mel had insisted that Rowe come, and honestly, I was happy to have her company. Sasha had decided to come as well, so she could get out of the house. I couldn’t blame her one bit. She always put on a good show, but I knew Jake’s death had been hard on her. We were incredibly lucky that Sora’s grief ritual had worked.

  Turning, I addressed Viv, “Sorry, I’m just really impressed. Have you ever been to Europe?”

  Jackson poked her rear and rumbled disapprovingly, “No, she hasn’t; and this isn’t a game. I need you to be alert. There could be unknown dangers in the city.”

  Viv slapped his thick chest, “Don’t listen to him. He’s grumpy that we’re spending my birthday so far from home.”

  My brow lowered, “I didn’t know your birthday was coming up.”

  She shook her head, “My turning. Apparently, it’s a big deal or something.”

  Jackson growled, “For a Fledgling to make it past their first year is a very special occasion.”

  “It really is,” Sasha added with a nod.

  “Oh, okay.” I rolled a shoulder, “So what’s the plan? Check into the hotel, then what?”

  “We meet with the Clutch tomorrow morning. I have reserved the boardroom of our hotel. From there, we will make contact with the Pack. That is all we have planned as things usually go sideways,” his lips tipped into a frown.

  He was right, though. If anything bad was going to happen, it always seemed to follow our Clutch.

  A soft knocking on my hotel door drew me awake from a dream of the forest. Dammit, I sighed. Those were my favorite kind, having never been to one before. San Diego didn’t have the right climate.

  Grumbling, I wondered if Viv, Rowe, and Sasha were trying to sneak out again and hit the bar. Jackson had immediately nixed that idea the first time, though.

  Padding to the door, I peeked out through the peephole.

  No one was there.


  Check it out or not?

  Knowing I wouldn’t be able to sleep otherwise, I flipped the latch and slowly pulled it open.

  “Natalie?” A mountain of a man rumbled off to the left.

  Confusion flitted through me as I poked my head further into the hall, “Who wants to-”

  A fowl smelling rag was roughly slapped against my face. Struggling, I inhaled to scream as my legs dropped out from beneath me. My vision dimmed…

  “Move, we don’t have a lot of time,” a man’s voice said. “The rest of her Clutch is next door.”

  Darkness took me.

  Rolling over, I immediately smashed my nose into a concrete wall.

  What the hell? Rubbing the pain away, I sat up and looked around.

  Roughly poured ten by ten walls and a barred doorway greeted my gaze.

  No, no, no, my mind screeched. I couldn’t be back there. Not with them. Images of Master Zane’s face flashed before my eyes as I sat up and began rocking myself on the small cot.

  Wait, wasn’t I supposed to be in Europe? My mind spun, frantically trying to connect the dots while my veins iced over in panic.

  Spurred by instinct, my skin pebbled. Fur sprouted from every pore and my knees cracked as they bent backwards. My elongated jaw let loose a roar of pure rage as the metal frame beneath me screamed at the added weight. I was not that frightened little girl anymore.

  A scraping noise met my ears followed by a man’s shout from beyond my cell door, “Holy fuck! Get Kane, she fused!”

  My upper lip lifted to reveal every razor-sharp tooth. Fast as lighting, I slammed against the steel bars; denting them outward with the full force of my girth.

  The man stumbled back with a shocked expression. Lifting his hands, he begged, “Please, hold on. It’s not what it looks like, I swear!”

  Meeting his panicked expression, my words slurred through my enlarged maw, “Ofen dis door, noow!”

  His blue eyes flickered to amber as his Wolf took over their shared body to obey my command. Robotically, he moved from the wall and reached into his pocket. Producing a set keys, he stepped up to the gate with his hand trembling.

  My throat vibrated with a low growl, impatient as his human half fought his animal soul for control.

  The key rattled into the lock. Slowly, he began to turn it as sweat began to bead on his brow.

  “Stop!” Another man’s voice boomed from further down the hall. Immediately, the lower ranking Wolf dropped to the floor and shifted.

  The heavy tread of boots met my pricked ears as the man prowled toward my cage.

  Crouching low to the ground, I waited for my kidnapper with my claws hooked to rend the flesh from his body.

  No one would ever cage me again.

  Thick, muscular thighs stretched the limits of his faded jeans as he prowled into my line of sight. His narrow hips led up to a hulking torso. Raven hair brushed the collar of his white tee. The nostrils of his nose flared as he took in the damage to my cell. His emerald eyes tightened at the corners while he shook his head at the small Wolf cowering on the floor. “Leave us,” he rumbled in a deep bass.

  Tail tucked, the grey Wolf bolted down the hall without a backward glance.

  Without meeting my glare, he righted the stool that the other Wolf had knocked over in his haste to sound the alarm. Sighing, he sat.

  A challenge rumbled from deep inside my chest. I wanted out, NOW!

  He stared at the concrete floor for a moment, “Our Mage is just down the hall. I suggest you take a moment to compose yourself so we can talk.”

  Why was his voice familiar? Deciding it didn’t matter, I straightened to my full height and called to my well. Silver flames broke out along the tips of my black fur with the sudden influx of magic. His sculpted cheekbones shadowed with their brilliance. Hooking my claws on the bars, my palms heated; instantly softening the metal as I slowly began to pull them apart.

  Shaking his head again, he reached to the small of his back. “I wouldn’t,” he rumbled, pulling out a matte black gun. “This,” he tapped the barrel against his thigh, “is a tranquilizer gun. Don’t let its small size fool you. One dart will drop a Shifter.” Relaxing back against the wall, his chin lifted to meet my gaze.

  I roared, “Ofen dis door!”

  The corner of his lip lifted into a smirk while his Wolf shook off my command with ease.

  Frustration churned through my stomach as I funneled more magic to my hands. My biceps bulged as I pulled again on the bars. The metal screeched like a dying animal as they bent a few more inches.

  Faster than I could track, he lifted the gun. It bucked as he pulled the trigger. The dart embedded itself into the thick muscle of my shoulder.

  Shock coursed through me as my magic cut off to a trickle. What the hell?

  His brow furrowed in confusion. Rolling a shoulder, he rumbled, “Do you want another?”

  My magic, where was it? Closing my eyes, I searched for the flickering silver flames and found… nothing. Despair racked my core as I opened my mouth and let loose a mournful howl that echoed out in one massive wave.

  An eerie chorus answered back; sharing in my loss as multiple Wolves took up the call. The sound of sharp nails scrabbled on the rough floor from beyond my line of sight.

  My captor’s eyes glowed like green spotlights as they widened in disbelief and took in the scene.

  Pressing my face through the small opening, I caught my first glimpse of what was coming. Four large Wolves rushed down the hall, snapping and snarling at each other in a bid to reach my cell.

  A second poof met my furred ears as another dart hit my side. I growled in outrage as my knees gave out and I slid down the cell door.

  The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was a massive wave of Wolves tearing into one another to reach me.


  Standing his full height, he shouted, “Enough!”

  The snarls and growls cut off immediately as his Pack ceased their forward momentum. The scent of fresh blood littered the air in a coppery tang as it dripped onto the concrete.

  Shaking his head, he growled, “Go back to your posts.” His tone sharpened into a command, “This hall is off limits to every member of the Pack except Justine. Leave.”

  Silently, every Shifter turned and walked in an orderly line back down the hall.

  “That was interesting.” Justine’s soft voice carried from the stairwell. Slapping her sneakers on the hard floor, her hips swayed as she made her way toward him.

  Looking back to where Natalie had collapsed, he replied with sarcasm, “Interesting, yes. That’s one way to put it.”

  “How did she throw off the first dart? Did you miss?” She asked.

  “I never miss, and I don’t know.”

  Raising one sandy blonde eyebrow, she looked at him with a skeptical expression, “Really? She took two darts to drop? You understand how insane that is?”

  He nodded.

  Cocking her hip, her blue eyes met his with impatience. “Open the cell, Kane. Even I wouldn’t have used two darts. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  He knew she was right, but how had she thrown off the tranqs? One was enough to drop even him. Not only that, she had taken control of his Pack with her howl alone.

  Bending at the waist, he picked up the keys. Locating the correct one, he slid it into the slot and carefully muscled the damaged door open. Natalie spilled into the hall in a boneless heap. Having never seen a female perform a partial shift, he gave himself a moment to marvel at her flawless fusion.

  “Quit gawking,” Justine quipped. Settling on her knees, her hands lit with silver flames and hovered over Natalie’s chest. “Interesting,” she whispered.

  Kane crouched down beside her, “What?”

  “I didn’t really believe she had magic. It’s odd, though. Muted.” Her flames cut off, “Probably a side effect of the darts. I do not recommend using them on her again. Typically, they interrupt a Shifter’s innate magic, disabling their ability to shift and knocking them unconscious. She,” her chin dipped toward Natalie, “is different. I also do not sense a twin soul.”

  Kane sucked in a gasp, “That’s impossible! Her howl alone worked the entire Pack into a frenzy. They were ripping themselves apart to get to her.”

  She nodded, “Yes, but it’s the truth.”

  “Well if I can’t use darts, and she’s obviously an Alpha, otherwise her fusion wouldn’t have been possible, then what the hell am I supposed to do with her?”

  Her eyes widened incredulously, “Are you stupid? She woke up in a prison cell, Kane. Who wouldn’t be receptive to a conversation with their captor?” Sarcastically, she added, “Gee, let me think.”

  His brow lowered, “Then what do you suggest? I can’t let her near the Pack, and I can’t return her to her Clutch without explaining myself first.”

  “Shh. Look, she’s changing back.” Standing, she stepped inside the cell and grabbed a rough blanket from the mangled cot.

  Before his eyes, her shimmering black pelt receded back inside the confines of her human skin. Two loud cracks sounded as her knees rearranged and her form shrank. Usually, the process was over in an instant. It seemed that the tranquillizer was indeed, impairing her magic.

  Justine laid the blanket on top of Natalie’s nearly naked form, “Pick her up and bring her to my room. I’ll stay with her until she wakes.”

  With no other option, Kane did as he was told.


  Consciousness came back in stages. I first became aware that I was on a soft bed. Inhaling, I identified the scent of jasmine. Goddess, my head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. Panic came next as I recalled what had happened and reached for my magic. It flickered in my mind’s eye like a newly lit candle wick and I sighed in relief. It was small, but it was definitely better than nothing.

  Prying my eyes open, I took in the small room. Robin blue paint adorned the wa
lls in bright contrast to the dark stained, oak furniture. One nightstand and a small wardrobe filled out the rest of the tidy space.

  The sound of running water drew my gaze to a partially open door.

  “Are you up yet?” A soft female voice called from inside what I assumed was the bathroom.

  Answer or not? Who the hell were these people?

  She spoke again, “I have a hot bath running and clean clothes, if you’re interested. Oh, and a spare toothbrush.”

  The thought of brushing the fuzz from my teeth won me over and I sat up, “Who are you?”

  “Come in here and we can talk,” she answered.

  Left with no other choice, I stood. Clenching my ruined clothes in both hands, I made my way across the hardwood floor toward the sound of her voice.

  Chapter 2


  Rapping my knuckles onto the door, I muttered, “Come on, Nat. Open up.”

  “What’s taking her so long?” Rowe asked, biting her lower lip.

  Rolling a shoulder by way of reply, I decided to go ahead and break in. Concentrating, I imagined the deadbolt sliding over and unlocking. Holding the image firmly inside my mind like Jackson had taught me, I touched the lock.


  Sweet! Good thing it didn’t take a keycard like back in the states. I wasn’t confident that I could manipulate one of those.

  “Nice,” Rowe snickered.

  Turning the handle, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. An empty unmade bed greeted my eyes as I slowly perused the room.

  Rowe wrinkled her nose in distaste, “Goddess, what is that awful smell?” Tossing me a disgusted look, she pushed past me and into the tiny bathroom.

  What smell? Where was Nat? Moving further into the room, I searched through the sheets. Did she leave, I wondered briefly before immediately dismissing the thought. There was no way she’d take off without telling us. Moving a pillow, I located her phone as it began to ring.


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