Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4

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Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4 Page 15

by Janelle Peel

  Why would she do that, he wondered? His Wolf brushed his mind and answered his question with a growl, Her. The image of Èriu followed. Christ, he was an idiot. They did look incredibly similar. He’d grown so used to Nat’s face, he’d failed to see the resemblance. His Wolf snorted at his stupidity.

  Arriving at a door, Julian turned the handle and gestured inside, “Your accommodations.”

  He paused, “Julian, which room is Nat’s? I can take care of the mirror, if you like.”

  Julian frowned, “I am quite busy. You will knock before entering, yes?”

  He nodded, “Of course.”

  “One floor down, fifth door on your right.” He hesitated, “Kane? May I suggest some clothes, first? Master Blaze will not take too kindly to a naked Shifter near Lila’s nursery. Your things are already inside.”

  Cheeks heating, he stuttered, “Y-yes.”

  Julian bowed. Turning on the heel of one shiny dress shoe, he strode back down the hall.

  Being nude was so natural he’d thought nothing of it as they’d paraded through the house.

  Closing his door, he hastily grabbed a black tee and loose sweats from his bag. Pulling them on, he debated what he would say to Nat.


  The evening air was a warm 70 degrees as I stepped outside to release Mel.

  Closing the door, I sighed. This was one conversation I did not want to have. What the hell had gotten into him, anyway? He knew Lila was home. If anything had happened to her, Blaze would have torn him to pieces.

  Thoughts rolling with every possible argument he could make, my bare feet plodded me toward him. Lowering to his level, I looked into his chocolate eyes, “What happened, Mel? I have enough shit to deal with as it is.”

  Whining softly, he lowered his chin back to the ground in defeat.

  Hoping we were actually making some headway, I touched the ground with my palm, “Release him, please.”

  The soil softened. In one massive wave, it belched his large body onto the mat of grass and reformed as if he’d never been trapped inside its embrace.

  Snorting to himself, the large Wolf got to his feet and shook off the mud with a wiggle.

  As the muck flew, it splattered me in the process.

  “Dammit, Mel,” I laughed, wiping the dirt from my face. “You could have at least stepped away.”

  He chuffed once with a snort.

  Bending, I picked up a glob of mud and threw it at him. A wet slap sounded as it made contact with the side of his cheek.

  His lips lifted into a canine grin as he slowly stalked toward me.

  Grinning like an idiot, I took off in a quick burst of speed.

  I’d made it halfway to the house when he tripped me from behind. As I fell, the grass grew over two feet and cushioned what would have been a painful landing. Reclining against the soft cushion, I marveled at my new abilities.

  Mel’s naked shape swaggered into view. Lifting the corner of one lip into a cheeky grin, he rumbled, “I’m very happy to have you home, Nat.”

  The blades of grass slowly retreated back into the soil as I tried to formulate a response. Muck speckled his face in random patches; but instead of laughing, my mouth ran dry. Lowering my lashes, I roved the hard planes of his chest as a delicious heat pooled between my thighs. No matter how much he aggravated me, I wanted him.

  Bending at the waist, he offered me his hand.

  Knowing I’d be a fool to take it, my arm rose of its own accord.

  Faster than I could follow, he pulled me against him. I inhaled his musky scent with wild abandon and allowed myself one moment to savor his embrace.

  His arms tightened in response as he pulled my hips against his hardened member.

  A soft moan escaped my lips as I warred with myself to turn away. Now wasn’t the time. Focus!

  Sensing my hesitation, his grip loosened to leave the decision entirely up to me.

  Heaving a sigh, I stepped back and shivered with the loss of his warmth.

  His chocolate gaze flashed to amber as his Wolf looked at me with an anguished longing.

  Unable to take his stare, I turned on my heel and headed back inside.

  Upstairs, I knocked softly on Sora’s door; half hoping she was inside and half hoping she wasn’t.

  “Come in,” she called.

  Equally disappointed and happy, I turned the handle and let myself in.

  Propped against multiple pillows on the king sized bed with Lila asleep at her breast, she jerked her chin toward the leather wingback.

  Closing the door quietly, I padded over and sat.

  Looking to Lila, she grinned, “You won’t wake her. Booby time is sacred in our crazy life.”

  I smiled, “I wasn’t sure. It feels like forever since I’ve been home.”

  Lifting a brow, she shook her head, “We both know that’s not why you came in here.”

  Biting my lip, I nodded, “I need help.”

  “With the two Shifters who want you?”

  Closing my eyes, I mumbled, “Yes.”

  She paused, “Nat, you have nothing to worry about. Just because you don’t have their Mating instinct doesn’t mean you have to choose. Take them both, take one. Either way, I only want to see you happy. If they love you, they’ll want the same.”

  My eyes snapped open, “I don’t think that’s how it works, Sora.”

  The stars inside her sapphire eyes began to spin as she shook her head, “Not true. The choice is yours, and yours alone. You don’t have to commit to have fun.” She smirked, “Ask Viv.”

  I giggled. Rumor had it Viv had run around quite a few times in her first life. Maybe I should be asking her.

  “Just so you know, when I met Blaze… I knew. No matter how mad at him I was, there was this chemistry. I can’t explain it. We went through hell together, and you’ve been through worse. Take your time to decide. If neither one likes your decision, fuck ‘em.”

  Grinning, I shook my head and stood, “Okay.”

  “Hey, no matter what, you will always have a place here. You are mine, and if either of those assholes hurts you, there will be hell to pay.”

  My heart pinched at the sincerity of her words and I sighed in relief. It’d taken a few fucked up years to get here, but I would relive it all to have my family. Suddenly exhausted from the day’s events, I whispered, “Love you,” and left the room.

  Thoughts spinning with emotions, I padded to my bedroom in silence.

  Opening the door, a muttered curse sounded from my bathroom.

  Curious, I made my way over and stopped dead.

  Highlighted by the ceiling lights, was Kane. His brow dipped in concentration as he muscled the large mirror hanging over my vanity from the wall. Turning to the side, he nearly dropped it as he met my gaze.

  “Hey. Julian mentioned you wanted this removed.” He paused, “I knocked, but no one answered.”

  I blinked.

  “Um, well. I’ll take it into the hall. Would you mind opening the door for me?”

  Stupidly, I jerked a nod and did as he asked.

  Once he’d settled it against the wall, he turned toward me with a hopeful expression.

  My brows lowered, “Um, what?”

  Moving his large hands in front of him, he fidgeted, “Could we talk? Please?”

  Mutely, I stepped aside and waved a hand toward the chair at the foot of my bed.

  Once he’d seated himself, I closed the door. Padding to my headboard, I sat against the pillows.

  With a deep sigh, he spoke, “So…”

  I tipped my head to the side, “So…”

  Leaning forward, he braced his elbows on his knees, “Well. This is hard to ask, Nat. But, um…”

  My heart rate kicked up as anxiety flooded my veins. I really didn’t want to have this conversation.

  “What do you want to do?”

  Crossing my eyes, I pinched the bridge of my nose, “I’m not ready to take a Mate, Kane.”

  Bobbing his head,
he answered, “No, of course not. It’s, well… Mel... and…”

  Tugging at the ends of my hair, I perused his face. Open and honest, his green eyes begged me to understand. There was no judgement, just a burning curiosity to know what I was thinking. Swallowing my pride, I went with my heart, “I want you both.”

  His face shuttered as he digested my words. Jerking a nod, he slowly rose as his mouth opened and closed, “I-I don’t know if that’s wise, Nat.”

  My heart clenched at the thought of him stepping out of my life, “Wait.”

  He paused.

  Before my courage could fail me, I stood. My bare feet closed the distance between us. Lacing my hands around his neck, I stood on my tiptoes and tipped my face to his.

  His jade eyes glowed like spotlights as a growl began at the back of his throat. Gripping my hips, he pulled me roughly against him. Lowering his face to my cheek, he inhaled with a groan. Shifting his hands to my shoulders, he pulled back and whispered, “I can’t.” Tenderly, he palmed my cheek, “I’m sorry, Nat. You’ll have to choose.” With one last longing look, his eyes memorized my face, and his mask slid into to place. Fisting his hands, he dropped them to his sides and left.

  A low keening from his Wolf followed as he made his way down the hall.

  Flopping onto my bed, I cried for a good hour before my door opened again.

  Multiple steps padded across my carpet as another sob wracked my chest.

  The bed dipped as Bex hopped up and kissed my cheek. Another weight settled before I was pulled from behind into a soft embrace.

  “Shh,” Rowe soothed. “It’s all right. Hush.”

  Sleep slowly came sandwiched between my PackMates.


  Throwing on a bright orange Hawaiian shirt and teal boardshorts, he left his room in search of Kane.

  Following his nose, the testosterone laced musk led him to the third floor of the East Wing.

  His Wolf raked the inside of his ribs in disagreement; unpleased with his decision. Mel had tried to calm the beast to no avail. Nat was his Mate. As far as the beast was concerned, there was no compromise to be had.

  Lifting one fist, he knocked.

  “Come in,” Kane called in a deep bass.

  Gritting his teeth, he opened the door.

  Kane’s brows met his hairline. The bright green of his orbs glowed as his Wolf peered at him with their shared gaze.

  “On the count of three, we both drop our eyes. I didn’t come here to challenge you… But, we do need to talk.”

  Jerking a nod, Kane growled, “One.”


  In unison, they both said, “Three,” and dropped their gazes to the floor.

  Heaving a heavy sigh, he warred with his Wolf. Despite not giving ground, Kane’s presence set their teeth on edge. After a moment, the beast settled. Examining the black carpet as a distraction, he rumbled, “Should we sit or stand?”

  Kane moved toward the head of the large bed, “The chair is acceptable. I will remain here. We count again, then sit.”

  Repeating their dance once more, they sat.

  “Why have you come, Mel?” Kane rumbled.

  Rolling a thick shoulder, he muttered, “You know why. We either come to an agreement, or challenge one another. Nat will not be pleased if we choose the latter.”

  Kane grunted. “No, she won’t. What do you propose?”

  “My Wolf and I know she is our Mate. It is my understanding you feel the same.”

  “Yes,” Kane bit out.

  “The answer is simple; a truce. Otherwise, we will both lose her.”

  Both Wolves grumbled in tandem at the thought.

  After a moment, Mel continued, “We each step back. Patience will be required on both our parts. Your being in my territory is enough to enrage my Wolf, however, Nat’s safety is paramount. If she believes,” his Wolf growled again. Clearing his throat, he shoved the beast aside. This had to happen, whether he liked it or not. “You are needed here, we each agree to step aside and let her choose.”

  Kane’s teeth ground together in the silence. “I spoke to her. She wants us both.”

  “My Wolf will not allow it.”

  “Nor will mine.”

  They sat for a few moments in silence; neither willing to give ground to the other.

  Kane sighed, “We will not pursue her. I will do my best to hold my Wolf at bay, but I am already struggling. After this Fae business is settled, she chooses. If her answer is neither, or if she does choose,” he sucked in a sharp breath, “you. I will take my Pack and leave. Agreed?”

  Mel jerked a nod, “I have your word?”

  “Yes, but don’t ask me to shake your hand. As it is, your welcome has already expired.”

  Standing, Mel walked backward to the door. Grasping the handle behind him, he rumbled, “You have my word as well.” Pulling the door open, he kept his gaze down and exited the room.

  His Wolf raged as he prowled down the hall. They needed to hit the Training Grounds before he lost control.


  I opened my eyes to Rowe’s worried face as she shook me.

  “Wake up. Sora needs you at the perimeter.” Satisfied I was conscious, she ran out of the room like the dogs of hell were chasing her.

  Wondering what was going on now, I sat up. Grabbing a pony tie off my side table, I gathered the tangled strands of my hair and threw it up into a messy bun.

  Rushing downstairs in yesterday’s clothes, I made my way outside.

  The sun was slowly rising as Sora knelt near the fence where our ward had been laid. Meeting my gaze, she tipped her chin to the spot beside her.

  Sitting on my knees, I watched as her hands lit with silver flame. Placing her palms on the ground, she murmured, “Check the ward, Nat.”

  Mirroring her, I called to my well. Silver and gold, it flickered in my mind’s eye. Digging my fingers into the grass, the earth hummed in response. Like seeing a long-lost friend, feelings of well-being filtered through my body accompanied by a sweet melody. I marveled at the glorious sensation when a discordant tone sounded and immediately drew my attention. Closing my eyes, I tunneled through the acres of soil around the mansion in search of the foul note. Instantly, my mind recoiled as it hit a dead zone. Swallowing hard, I fought the urge to throw up as the taste of rot and decay hit the back of my throat. Snapping my lids open, I sucked in a sharp breath, “What the fuck is that?”

  Sora’s brow furrowed, “Blight. Every farm within 250 hundred miles was hit last night. Apples, almonds, kiwi; even the Flower Fields in Carlsbad. All dead.” Standing, she dusted off her hands, “Follow me.”

  A few minutes later, we climbed the stairs to the roof of the mansion. Sora moved aside and I froze.

  I’d been so focused on what she needed, I had failed to see what was literally right in front of me.

  Like a plague, the blight had hit every single plant around the perimeter. As far as I could see, the land was completely barren.

  “Do you see? Everything inside the fence line has remained untouched. I assume it’s because of our ward.”

  Numbly, I nodded.

  Lifting a hand, her fingers turned my face away from the atrocity before us. Using her knuckle, she whipped my cheeks, “Don’t cry, Nat. None of this is your fault.”

  I hadn’t even realized I was crying.

  “There’s something I need you to do, okay?”

  Like a broken doll, I bobbed my head.

  Turning on her heel, she retreated back inside the house.

  I took one last look at the damage that only Èriu could have caused and followed her.

  Our bare feet slapped against the marble floor surrounding the infinity pool as we made our way to the courtyard.

  Gesturing to the grass, we sat.

  “Do you see the bird of paradise?” She pointed to the avian shaped orange blooms. “I need you to find it from here.”

  Woodenly, I dug my fingers into the grass and closed my eyes. The earth
responded instantly and began playfully tugging on my magic. Sifting through the soil, I located the shimmering green roots of the plant she wanted. “I’ve got it.”

  She touched my arm and squeezed, “This will be hard, but I need you to kill it.”

  Appalled, my eyes snapped open, “I can’t!”

  Somberly, she sighed, “You have to, Nat. I need to know if you can bring it back.” Her voice softened, “For me? Please?”

  My mind latched on to her train of thought. If I could bring it back, I could heal everything. Tipping my chin, I frowned, “Why can’t we go past the perimeter?”

  She shook her head, sending her silver braid flopping over one shoulder with the motion, “I don’t want to risk it. Your power is new, Nat. What if the land is hungry? What if it pulls your magic from you? Please, trust me.”

  Biting my lip, I nodded. She was probably right. Closing my eyes again, I threw a tether to the bird of paradise and pulled. The glowing green strands turned a muddy brown before blackening completely with horrific scream. My well filled; pulsing with the influx of magic and giving me a feeling of euphoria. Holding the line, I pushed. Almost instantly, the process reversed and the plant sang with a note of joy that nearly broke my heart.

  “Again, but open your eyes and watch.”

  Opening my lids, I repeated the exercise as Sora watched me with an intense expression.

  “Your eyes change. As you pull, they glow green before darkening to black. As you reverse the process, they brighten to jade. What does it feel like?”

  I gulped, “The pull gives me more magic and I almost feel… giddy. Pushing gives the magic back and the plant… sings.”

  She wrinkled her nose, “It sings?”

  “Like music. It screams when it dies and sings when I bring it back. I don’t know how else to explain it.” Lifting a shoulder, I continued, “Outside, I could taste it.”

  “What did it taste like?”

  Inhaling, I shuddered, “It tastes like death.”

  Chapter 16


  Rotating on the bar stool, I listened with half an ear as Sora explained the situation to everyone.

  “I think she’s gathering power. So far, Èriu hasn’t tried to breach the ward, but I believe it’s only a matter of time.”


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