Marrying the Billionaire (Bishop Brothers Book 2)

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Marrying the Billionaire (Bishop Brothers Book 2) Page 18

by Allie Winters

  It’s a picture of… us. The one from last week where we were kissing. The one that wasn’t at all appropriate to post on social media. Was he looking at that on his way home or something? I’d assumed he’d deleted it since we couldn’t send it to Angelina.

  But he kept it. Even a week ago.

  Joy bubbles within me and I turn my head to look at him, just able to make out his outline in the dim light from his lit phone screen.

  I trace a hand down his jaw, his stubble prickly, and he shifts slightly under me, releasing a sleepy sigh. I should let him sleep a little longer. It’s only been four hours since he came in. He must be exhausted. There’s no way I’m letting him get up to exercise for an hour.

  I wiggle over to my side of the bed, his arm still dead weight atop me, and reach for my own phone, setting an alarm for seven, then drift off and back awake in cycles, unable to truly rest for fear I’ll oversleep.

  I eventually give up and simply savor this moment lying here with his body wrapped around mine, safe and secure in his hold. I run a hand along the light dusting of hair on his forearm, traveling up to shape the defined muscles of his bicep, loving the freedom to touch him however I want.

  Turning in his arms, I face him, his bare chest right there, and caress him, starting at the broad shoulders and heavy pectorals, working my way down to the flat ridge of his abs, his body radiating heat.

  He lets out a deep mmm sound, but I can’t tell in the darkness if he’s awake yet or not. I whisper his name, the only response I receive being a slight shift of his hips, pressing further against me. I press back for just a moment, imagining what it’ll be like the first time we’re truly together, our bodies intertwined, exploring each other, free to do things in a way we haven’t before. Him sinking into me, his hands roaming my body, bringing me to those heights only he’s capable of.

  My alarm goes off and he finally loosens his grip on me enough for me to easily roll over and shut it off.

  “Is it six?” he asks, his voice hoarse.


  He groans and presses the button on the wall that opens the curtains just a bit before he stops it, a ray of light coming in for us to see without it being overwhelming.

  “Thanks for letting me sleep,” he says, shifting up on one elbow to face me.

  “Can you go in later today?” I reach out a hand to run down his chest, enjoying the view. I still don’t think we’ve seen each other fully naked. And his bare torso is really tempting me.

  “No. We’re back at it at eight.”

  “I’ll see you tonight?”

  He brushes a few strands of hair from my face, tucking them behind my ear. “I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep, but I’ll try my best.”

  I nod, leaning in close to give him a light kiss, heat sparking between us the moment our lips touch.

  He cups the back of my head, my mouth opening under his as he rolls over so he’s on top of me, braced on his elbows, all that delicious weight just above me pressing me down into the mattress. His kisses are intoxicating, each one putting me further under his spell.

  “I wish I could stay here all day with you,” he whispers against my lips.

  I smooth my hands up over his shoulders and down his broad back, reveling in the feel of him. “And what would you want to do?” I move my mouth to his neck, reaching up to nip at his earlobe.

  “Don’t tease me,” he groans, even as he arches his neck to give me better access. He lifts himself off me after a moment, his breaths coming faster. “You know exactly what I’d want to do to you.”

  My breath catches at the blatant lust in his tone, but there’s something else lurking there too. Tenderness? Affection?

  I tug him back down, cupping his jaw, kissing him wholeheartedly, wanting him even though it’s not the right time.

  He stops reluctantly, panting now, a wince crossing his face. “I can’t. I’m already on Dad’s shit list. If I’m late again…”

  My heart races as I work to get myself under control, inhaling and exhaling in a steady rhythm. “I understand. As long as you make it up to me later.” I grin, the flash of heat in his eyes sending shivers throughout me.

  “It may not be tonight, but that I can promise.” He bends down to nuzzle my neck briefly, his lips like heaven on the tender skin. “Our first time won’t be a quickie before work. I want a whole night with you.”

  A rush of arousal fills me, so strong I nearly wrap my legs around him so he won’t leave. But he’s right. The thought of uninterrupted hours with him is incredibly appealing.

  “I’ll be waiting then.”

  A small smile flirts along his lips. “I’ve never had a problem with self-control before I met you.”

  I can’t help my answering smile as he leans down to give me one last kiss before getting off the bed and heading into his closet.

  I really affect him that much?

  Good to know.

  Chapter Twenty


  I rub at the back of my neck, wishing like hell I had Serena here to give me a massage. The stress of the last day and a half combined with the lack of sleep has given me a tension headache to rival all others. Her fingers could knock this out with no problem, though. I swear she has magic imbued in them or something.

  I attempt to refocus on what our head of legal is saying, but it’s clear I’m not the only one who’s having trouble paying attention. Most everyone currently in the meeting was here with me through the middle of the night, and there are more than a few stifled yawns and drooping eyes around the boardroom table.

  To my left, Dad surveys the group impassively, but the tic under his right eye tells a different story.

  He’s majorly displeased.

  When the head of legal herself yawns widely mid sentence, Dad stands up, everyone suddenly fully awake. “Let’s break for lunch and meet back here in an hour. For those of you who need a nap, take one.” His lip curls the slightest bit, which for him in a room full of people is tantamount to screaming in rage. He usually only leaves the actual screaming for Gabriel. Although now that he’s disowned him, it seems I’ve taken on that role.

  “Archer, you can stay here,” he says as everyone files out.

  Damn. I was actually contemplating a nap in my office.

  He drums his fingers on the table as we wait for the room to clear, sighing as the door shuts behind the last person. “All right. There’s no easy way to say it, but you’re going to the Philippines. Connor can’t handle this on his own.”

  My mouth opens and I immediately shut it, afraid of how I’ll instinctively respond, hell no being the first thing that comes to mind.

  “I need boots on the ground,” he continues, “and it’s a good opportunity for you to showcase your leadership skills.”

  This isn’t leading. This is cleaning up his mess. There’s a big difference. As a leader, he shouldn’t have gotten us in it to begin with.

  “With all due respect, I’m not sure what I can do over there that I can’t from here in New York. I’m unfamiliar with the project, the local authorities, or the intricacies of the legal issues. My background is in finance.”

  “And now the SEC is involved. You know about them.”

  What the- “Yeah, how to stay off their radar. By not bribing people.”

  His lips thin. “I expected that kind of talk from Connor. Not from you.”

  I stare at him, unsure how to take his comment. He wouldn’t expect me to call him out because I usually know better than to argue with him? Because he thinks I’m like him? Because I have shadier morals than my brother?

  “Dad, I-”

  “You’re going, okay? You’re supposed to be my number one and a chief of this company. End of discussion.”

  My jaw clenches, but I nod, accepting it. “I’ll see if Serena can take time off from-”

  “She’s not going with you.”

  My hands grip each other tightly under the table, nails digging into knuck
les. “She’s my wife.”

  “This is a business trip. And I said I want you distanced from her. Speaking of-” He pulls out his phone, navigating on the screen until he finds what he’s looking for. “What’s this?” He turns it toward me to show some paparazzi shot of me outside Capital West with Serena, my mouth on hers, cradling her face tenderly before she got in the car.

  I clear my throat, trying to find the right way to phrase I’m not ignoring my wife just because you said so. “We had lunch in the private dining room there. I was kissing her goodbye.”

  His phone clatters onto the table loudly. “You two aren’t playing house. This marriage is part of a business deal. And more importantly, the agreement was meant for your brother, not you.”

  “Well, it’s mine now. I’m taking responsibility for it.”

  He squints closely at me. “Don’t tell me you think it’s real?”

  I grit my teeth, silent. Does he realize how much I’ve given up for him? Any kind of say at my own choice of career, a stronger relationship with my brothers, a chance to live outside his shadow. And now that I’ve somehow miraculously found something for myself, he’s trying to take it from me?

  I’ll admit, Serena and I haven’t known each other long, but she’s already proven herself to be on my side over and over. Looking out for me, doing things for me, encouraging me. Showing genuine interest in me, not just what I can do for her. When was the last time Dad did something for me that didn’t benefit him in some way?

  The silence stretches on, but when it’s obvious he’s not talking first, I admit, “We have real feelings for each other.”

  “Well, unfeel them. There’s no room for feelings in business.”

  “It’s not just business anymore.” I touch my thumb to the band encircling my ring finger, recalling the minister’s words. These rings are a symbol of your union. “She’s my wife.”

  “And she’s not accompanying you to the Philippines. You’re traveling for work, not a tropical vacation. Moving on.”

  I’m obviously not getting anywhere with him. I only hope Serena understands. “When am I leaving?”

  “The sooner, the better. I was going to charter a plane, but Vivian found a commercial one taking off at five.”

  I check my watch. “That’s in four hours.” My mind immediately goes into planning mode. I’ll need to be at the airport two hours before the flight departs, plus I have to go home and pack, say goodbye to Serena, drive there…

  “Then I suggest you leave now. You’re wasting time arguing with me.”

  What the hell is his problem? Has he always been this bad? Or did I never notice? “And how long will I be there?”

  “Until the problem’s fixed,” he replies icily.

  I stand and nod, leaving before I blow up at him. He’s still my boss, I remind myself, not only my dad. People have issues with their bosses all the time.

  I just haven’t before now.

  I make a few quick calls as I walk back to my office, first to James to pick me up, then to Lori to pack me a bag for a week. I meet with Tracy briefly to coordinate the logistics of how I’ll work remotely from halfway across the world in an opposite time zone, then grab my things out of my office.

  My headache lessens slightly as I ride in the back of the town car to my apartment to collect my suitcase, but the next call I have to make is a little harder.

  “Hey, I was just thinking about you,” Serena answers, her sweet voice already sending a pang through my chest for the news I’m about to give her. The muscles in my upper back and neck tighten more, and I do my best to consciously relax them. How am I supposed to tell her I’m leaving for who knows how long?

  “Can I see you?” I ask instead of spitting it out. Maybe it’ll be easier in person.

  “Sure, do you want to meet for lunch again?”

  “No, I don’t have time. Are you at your shelter?”


  “I’ll stop by in forty minutes, okay?”

  She agrees and I welcome the brief reprieve. I mean, it’s not like she can be mad I’m leaving. It’s for work.

  But she’s not invited. And Dad doesn’t want us linked until we get to the bottom of the investigation of her father. Which I also forgot to tell her about. I promised to make things up to her this morning and here I am leaving the country in a few hours.


  She greets me enthusiastically at the front entrance of the shelter, and I close my eyes as she hugs me, breathing her in, savoring the feel of her. How is it that someone can come to affect you so soon?

  When I open my eyes, I catch Wendy’s gaze from across the room, who this time gives me a small smile. Does she sense the change in me since I last visited? “Can we talk in private?” I whisper. “Just for a few minutes.”

  “Sure.” Serena walks over to the front desk to speak to Wendy, then indicates for me to follow her upstairs. “She said she won’t bother us.”

  A few desks fill the open area, with a meeting room off to the side and a view of the street beyond that. She leads me to a desk in the back, papers piled high on top precariously close to the edge. A small photo frame sits on one clear spot, a bride and groom walking down the aisle in it. Her parents? No, that doesn’t make sense.

  I lean in closer, realizing it’s the two of us.

  “Oh, um, the wedding photos came in. I forgot to tell you.”

  I look over, her fingers twisting together in front of her, and back at the picture, her arm looped in mine as she gazes up at me, a radiant smile on her face.

  “Were you really that happy?”

  She stills, her green eyes darting between mine, like I caught her doing something wrong. “Yes,” she admits.

  I cross the short distance to her, cradling her face, my fingers rough against the smoothness of her skin. “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

  A wrinkle forms between her brows as she looks up at me. “You just got here.”

  I did just get here, didn’t I? To this place where I finally see what could be between us. “I have to go to the Philippines.”

  “What?” She braces a hand on her desk chair. “When?”

  “Today. Right now, actually. I found out less than an hour ago.”

  “Oh.” Her other hand grips the back of her neck, and my heart tugs at how disconcerted she looks. “For work?”

  I nod. “The company is facing some serious penalties and Dad wants me over there to manage it.” Even though we have other people better trained to handle a situation like this.

  “Okay, well, um…” She trails off, such disappointment on her face, it’s hard to look at.

  “I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  She nods, the slightest sheen of tears forming in her eyes. She steps back, wiping at them, and gives me a rueful smile. “Sorry. This is so stupid. It’s not even that big of a deal. People travel for work all the time.”

  “You don’t have to apologize.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “I’m not sure,” I hedge, reaching out to bring her closer, my hands settling around her waist. “But I had to see you before I leave.”

  While it still feels strange to be this openly affectionate, the soft smile that graces her face makes it worth it.

  “I’m glad you did.” She lifts on her tiptoes, not as tall today with no heels on, and kisses me, her lips sweet. “I’ll miss you.”

  It’s the same as she said last night on the phone, but the words punch me in the gut just as hard. When was the last time someone said something as simple as they would miss me? And how did it take till now for me to realize how much I wanted that?

  I lean down and kiss her again, drawing from her, taking my fill. This kiss will have to last me for who knows how long. I deepen it, cupping the back of her neck, bringing her closer with my other hand until she’s flush against my body, her softness inciting me.

  She lets out a small sound of satisfaction, eagerly kissing me back, an
d it only serves to remind me how clueless I’ve apparently been this whole time. She wanted me from the beginning. In hindsight, it seems so obvious. That was the reason I couldn’t separate what was real from acting. There was no acting. And when I think about it, there hasn’t been a lot of acting lately on my part either. It was only an excuse to do more with her.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I reluctantly pull away from her, needing to get a move on if I’m going to make it to the airport in time. “I have to go.”

  She nods, her lips deliciously swollen, and I nearly kiss her again just so I can feel the shape of them. If I do, though, I’ll never leave.

  “I’ll miss you too,” I tell her, trying to infuse as much meaning as I can into the words, trying to tell her what I can’t actually say aloud. Missing others isn’t a normal part of my life. I haven’t let myself be close to anyone in a long time. She hit the nail on the head when she suggested therapy at lunch yesterday. And if she’s there with me, maybe it won’t be quite so terrifying.

  She opens her mouth as if she’s going to say something, then closes it, twisting her lips instead. “Have a safe flight.”

  My heart is suddenly pounding, but I’m not sure why. Was she going to say something else? Would I even want her to say something else? No, it’s way too soon for… something else.

  I leave, my heart not returning to its normal rhythm until I’m in the car and on my way to La Guardia. She wasn’t even going to say anything. Why am I freaking out over nothing?

  And why does a part of me wish she would have said it anyway?

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “I got the flowers you sent me. They’re beautiful.”

  I prop another pillow behind me on the hotel bed, closing my eyes in relief as the dulcet tones of Serena’s voice come through the line. I don’t think she realizes just how much I need to hear her right now.


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