Marrying the Billionaire (Bishop Brothers Book 2)

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Marrying the Billionaire (Bishop Brothers Book 2) Page 22

by Allie Winters

  “I understand.” Going from completely closed off to open isn’t something you can switch on and off at will. “I really do.”

  “And I want you to say it to me, if that’s what you’re feeling. Don’t hold anything back.”

  I stretch up to kiss him, the meeting of our lips brief before he pulls away. “Once I get started with you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop.” His gaze rakes me up and down, a lingering wildness behind his eyes that sends a satisfying shiver through me. “Is there somewhere we can go? Other than the street?”

  I finally take stock of our surroundings, realizing that, yes, we’re still standing on the sidewalk near the open doorway of the shelter.

  “I-” Oh God, I have to admit I’ve been sleeping at my desk upstairs, don’t I? “Can we go back home?”

  “No. I don’t trust it. The lobby staff would see us. And once Dad finds out I’m here in New York, we’ll only have a short window.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I haven’t officially confirmed it, but based on what’s happened and the conversation you had with him, my gut tells me Dad wants you out of the picture. And not just for the last few days if he never took care of legalizing our marriage. He said he’d do that weeks ago.”

  A stab of pain runs through me at the reminder that we’re not actually married, that our relationship has only been us playing pretend.

  “I need to get everything I can together in case he does anything else,” he continues. “All our stuff we want out of the apartment, start selling my stock in the company, looking for another place-”

  “Whoa, what?” Is he being serious right now?

  “Just as a precaution. Once he finds out I came back here without telling him, that I’m staying with you, he might try to pull the same thing on me he did to Gabriel.”

  My lips part, staring at him. “You’re talking about potentially changing your whole life. I can’t ask you to do that. I never meant to come between you and your family. I can’t be the reason-”

  He cuts me off. “It’s not just you. I can’t trust him anymore. Not if he did all this behind my back, after I told him I had real feelings for you. Not if he’s keeping me out of the loop about not buying Montague Media. Not if he’s making decisions that affect my whole life with no notice. Things will never be the same.”

  His thumb sweeps over my bottom lip. “You were the catalyst, yes. You made me realize I want more in my life. To feel. I’ve felt more with you in the past weeks than I have in the last decade.”

  I grip his forearm, savoring his words, his closeness, the tender look in his eye.

  “Serena, even if all this stuff wasn’t happening with my dad, you’re still worth everything. I somehow have this amazing, gorgeous, caring woman that loves me. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

  I sniffle, too far caught up in his wonderful words to say anything.

  “He’s not dictating my life anymore. I’m ready to start a new life. With you.”

  I bring him close, tugging his head down until my lips meet his, pouring all the love I have for him into my kiss. He groans his approval, backing me up until I reach the doorframe, his mouth hot on mine, the spark between us stronger than ever.

  His hard body presses into me, and though it hasn’t even been a full week we’ve been apart, I’m starved for him.

  “We need a hotel,” he murmurs between kisses. “Where’s the closest one?”

  It takes me a moment to process his question, my head still caught up in the taste of his lips, the feel of all that muscle underneath my fingertips as my hands roam his torso. “Um, down the block. I pass by it all the time when I take the dogs on walks.”

  “You ready? Need to grab anything inside?”

  “Give me a second.” I press one last kiss to that delicious mouth before I rush upstairs and gather the few essentials I bought today, stuffing them in my purse.

  We walk hand in hand down the sidewalk, the place strangely empty this time of night. The only sounds are the wheels of Archer’s suitcase on the cement and the occasional car that passes by. He tells me his version of events from when he discovered his phone wasn’t working, his brother covering for him as he left, his plane ride here. It’s hard to believe this is really happening, that Mr. Bishop is this hell bent on sticking it to my dad, if that truly is his motive for breaking us up. And most of all, that Archer chose me. That he would willfully defy his father like this. This could change everything. Archer’s standing within his family, his job, his home, his money. The consequences are serious.

  I peek over at him, his face set in concentration as he looks ahead, the dark slash of his brows, his full lips, the stubble he doesn’t normally sport. The lines bracketing his mouth are more prominent than usual, a tiredness lingering around his eyes. He must be exhausted from the plane ride, from dealing with this whole situation. But he made the effort anyway. And we’ll figure something out. I want to spend my life with this man.

  The hotel lobby is quiet as we enter, the woman behind the counter’s eyes flaring in recognition as she spots us. She thankfully stays professional and treats us like any other guest, but I can’t help but feel on edge, hoping she doesn’t report us to some gossip site if Archer wants to stay under the radar. At least it shouldn’t be too suspicious. There’s definitely one reason a couple would check into a hotel in a city they already live in.


  And I can only assume that’s what’s on the agenda for tonight. It’s on mine, at any rate.

  A tingle races down my spine as he books a room for Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, pulling out a card I’ve never seen before to pay.

  “It’s my own account,” he says when he catches me looking. “Dad’s not linked to it at all. I’ll get you your own card tomorrow.”

  I nod, a small part of me easing knowing he’s looking out for me, but the bigger part is ramping up in anticipation for what’s to come as the clerk hands us each a key to our room on the fifth floor.

  He wraps his arm around my waist as we walk over and wait for the elevator, his palm hot through the thin cotton of my dress. “I’m guessing all your sexy lingerie is back at home?” he murmurs in my ear.

  I grin, loving his teasing. “Other than the set I’m wearing.”

  His breath tickles my neck, a wash of goosebumps racing across the area. “I’m taking it off you as soon as we get up there.”

  A deep ache pulses within me as we step on the elevator, and I don’t wait for the doors to close before I reach up and kiss him. He crowds me into the back of the elevator car, bracing his hands on either side of me as he takes my mouth roughly, no preamble to how much he wants me. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than here right now, surrounded by him.

  I match him kiss for kiss, reaching our destination too soon, and have to pause as we find our room. The green light flashes as he swipes the lock, and he opens the door wide, surprising me when he picks me up to carry me inside.

  “I never did this last time,” he murmurs, bringing me over to the giant king bed. He lays me down, stepping back for a moment to look at me, heat in his gaze.

  It feels a long time coming to this point. Agreeing to this deal two months ago thinking I’d be marrying him, pleasantly surprised when I actually did get to marry him, growing closer, discovering our mutual attraction, falling in love with him. And now, finally, consummating this marriage, despite us technically not being married anymore.

  His big body covers me and I relish his weight atop me as his mouth meets mine once more, his kisses drugging, building me higher. I hitch a leg over his hip, tilting my own to better rub against him, wanting more.

  His palm skims down my thigh, my overheated skin tingling where he touches, until he reaches the curve of my ass, squeezing lightly. “I meant to go slow with you. I promised our first time wouldn’t be a quickie.”

  “But I want you.” I kiss his jaw, the arch of his neck, behind his ear, anywhere I can reach, impressing the taste
of him on my memory. With the way things have been lately, I’m half afraid he’ll somehow be ripped from me again.

  “Serena.” He twists to the side, the loss of his body turning me cold. “You have me. All of me.” He leans in, gentler as he kisses me softly, teasing me, cupping my jaw to keep control. “And I plan on discovering all of you. Slowly.”

  He reaches a hand down, his fingers featherlight as they drift up my other thigh, dragging my dress up until it’s pooled around my waist. “I don’t know if I’ve seen these before.” He strokes soft fingers over the side of my lace panties, too far from where I want him. “Does the top match?”

  “You’ll have to look to find out.”

  He grins, leaning in to kiss me again, his hand delving under the bottom of my dress to trace my stomach, everywhere he touches branding me, marking me for his own. He travels across my torso, light caresses that tease, my thighs squeezing together to relieve the growing ache.

  When he gets to the undersides of my breasts, I let out a groan. “Strip me. Please.” I can’t help how breathy my voice sounds, but it seems to have the intended effect as he shifts, his hands spanning my ribcage as he peels my dress off me, revealing my pink lace lingerie.

  He pauses a moment as his gaze rakes me up and down, pure lust shining through. “You have the most amazing body. That first night you came into my office with that skimpy robe…” He bites his lip, shaking his head. “I didn’t know it, but you had me then.”

  Well, mission accomplished. “Let me see you too.” I tug at the hem of his dress shirt. “You’re the one with the amazing body.”

  His daily time in the gym proves evident as he unbuttons his shirt, revealing those hard pecs I love so much. A shudder runs through me as I trail a hand up his abs to his chest, circling a nipple with my thumb.

  “I’m supposed to be teasing you,” he says, even as he clearly enjoys what I’m doing.

  “I want you to do more than tease.”

  “All things in due time,” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss me once more, his lips moving south over my jaw, my neck, my chest, flirting with the edge of my bra cup.

  I strain upward, needing more contact, and he finally gives me what I want, peeling the cup down, sucking my nipple, his tongue hot on me. I pant his name, digging my fingers through his hair, holding him in place as he tortures me in the sweetest way possible.

  He pulls the other cup down, repeating it on the other side, lapping at my nipple till it’s a hard bud, the action tugging at the invisible string within me running from my breasts straight to my pussy.

  “More,” I beg, craving him.

  He looks up at me, a wicked glint in his eye. “I’ll give you everything.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I take my time traveling down her body, sipping at her sweet skin, enjoying the way she strains toward me, the sounds of encouragement she makes, how she keeps running her hands through my hair restlessly, needing that contact.

  I whisper kisses along her inner thighs, rubbing my thumb softly over her panties, her little twitches making me grin.


  I meet her eye, her hair spread wildly on the pillow, cheeks pink, lips slightly swollen from my kisses. The need to keep her like this every day tugs at me, wanting this connection between us. “You said on the phone you wanted me at your breasts first, then to finger you.”

  “You remember that?” she pants as she lifts her hips so I can remove her panties. I unhook her bra too, sliding the straps down her arms until she’s completely nude for me, an erotic dream come to life.

  “I can’t stop replaying every bit of that conversation in my head.” I shuck the rest of my clothes and bend down to slowly enter a finger in her, finding her already deliciously wet for me, and drag my thumb slowly over her clit, her thighs tensing in response.

  Her fingers grip my hair as she tilts her hips forward, gently rocking against my hand. I add a second finger, pumping in and out of her, the breathy gasps she makes revving me up.

  “Do you remember what you asked for next?”

  “My pussy,” she breathes, the word even better seeing it fall from her lips. “Lick my pussy.”

  I lean in, giving her a long lick, and her hips buck, immediately returning down for more. I bring my hands to her knees, parting her so she’s wide open for me, leisurely nuzzling her, savoring the honeyed taste of her.

  “Every day from now on,” I tell her. “I want you like this every day.”

  She nods, readily agreeing, and tilts her hips up, wanting more. I give her little nips and licks, building her up, and when she shifts restlessly under me, her fingers tightly gripping my hair, I bury my tongue in her, finding her clit with my thumb and rubbing.

  “Yes,” she pants, arching her back. “Oh God, right there.”

  I keep going as her cries rise in volume, and I have to palm my dick in relief, loving how vocal she is, how responsive. She crests the edge, coming gloriously for me, rocking her hips against my face in abandon until she comes down from her high.

  She reaches for me, gripping the back of my neck as she kisses me, her tongue meeting mine, intertwining. Her hands roam my shoulders, her legs locking around my lower back as my body settles next to hers.

  “That was amazing,” she murmurs against my lips. “You make me feel so alive.”

  No, she’s the one who does that to me. I swear I haven’t really lived before the last couple weeks. “It’s the same for me. Everything’s better since you’ve come into my life.”

  The dreamy haze leaves her. “Archer, you’re on the verge of possibly being disowned, losing your job and home.” Her face takes on a worried cast, tugging at my heart. “You can’t say that everything is better.”

  I cradle her jaw, her luminous green eyes looking back at me, porcelain skin flushed, blonde brows knit in concern. I smooth the wrinkle there away with my lips, shaking my head softly at her. “Those things were never really mine. They were decided for me. But I want to choose my own path now. And that involves you. If Dad can’t respect that, I’m cutting ties. I’m honestly fine with it. It’s been a long time coming.”

  She strokes a hand down my back. “I just want you to be sure.”

  “I’m sure. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever been so sure about anything.”

  Her lips curve up, a gasp escaping her as my dick brushes against her core. “I want you,” she whispers. “All of you. I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

  I leave her briefly to grab a condom out of my suitcase, glad I had the foresight at the airport after landing to buy a pack. I roll it on, watching her stretch languorously on the bed, her natural sensuality urging me to hurry and join her.

  I move to the bottom of the mattress, kissing my way up her body, exploring her thoroughly until she’s squirming underneath me, her breaths hastening.

  “Are you ready?” I ask her, positioning myself at her entrance.

  “I’m so ready for you.”

  I savor this moment as I enter her for the first time, her tightness gripping me.

  Her eyes squeeze shut, lips parting seductively. “I love you. I love you so much.”

  Warmth radiates through me, her words a balm to my soul now that I’ve had time to process them. How did I ever get so lucky? What are the chances this business deal would turn into the real thing?

  I sweat, going slow for her, letting her get used to my size. Her nails dig at the back of my neck, her face set in concentration as I push in until I’m all the way seated.

  “You okay?”

  She nods, but it’s not convincing.

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’re so big.” She shifts under me, searching for a different position, and it nearly kills me to hold still and not madly pump into her the way my body’s aching to.

  “Here.” I flip over so she’s riding me, her hands bracing herself against my chest. “This should be easier.” I grip her hips, encouraging her
to move, captivated by the expression of bliss that crosses her face as she moves up and down my length, slowly at first, and gradually picking up in speed.

  “It’s never been like this before,” she breathes in awe. “I didn’t know it could be this good.”

  A burst of pride runs through me, my fingers digging into her before I remember myself. “It’s because it’s you and me. It’s never been like this for me either.”

  She has no idea what she does to me with the way she arches her back and shakes her hair out behind her shoulders, putting her breasts on display. They bounce gently, the nipples beaded with how aroused she is, and I reach up, shaping her soft weight, flicking the tips.

  She groans, biting her lip as she looks down and watches me do it again. “Harder,” she whispers, almost like she’s afraid to say it, and I comply with her request, a thrill racing down my spine.

  “You like that? When I’m a little rough with you?” Honestly, it shouldn’t surprise me after that phone sex we had.

  She nods enthusiastically, unable to hide her reaction as I do it again, throwing her head back as she sticks her chest out farther, lips parted seductively. “You make me so hot,” she moans, her movements atop me growing more erratic as I lightly pinch her nipples next, still pumping into her from below.

  “Touch yourself.” I grab one of her hands and guide it to her clit, the area slick with arousal, then scoot us further up on the bed so I can lean against the headboard, tilting my head down to suck a nipple as I pinch the other.

  She grasps my shoulders to brace herself as I switch breasts, biting gently now, her low groans incredibly hot. She works herself on me, fingers flying frantically over her clit, the sight so fucking sexy I can’t hold myself back from coming any longer.


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