Boss Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 4)

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Boss Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Reestrian Mates Book 4) Page 3

by Sue Mercury

  “Reestrian males often behave erratically when the time for their mating arrives. It is taking all my strength not to claim you right now, right here on this table. I suspect Alice thought we might have time to get to know one another, but now I’m afraid there’s not much time for that. I have to choose a mate soon, and I hope, very much, that you will accept me as your mate, Gina. Alice said you were her very best friend in the whole wide world, and if you’re such good friends, do you think she would try setting you up with a male who wasn’t worthy of you?”

  “This is crazy. You don’t even know anything about me. You’re only physically attracted to me, and as flattering as that is, it’s also a little offensive. I happen to be more than a piece of ass.”

  “I sense you have a gentle, kind soul, Gina. I sense you would be a wonderful mate, and a wonderful mother. Our life together would be a happy one. Do you know about the mating bond?”

  “I know a little bit about it. Alice says it’s so powerful that it can turn strangers into instant soul mates. Sounds a little bizarre to me though, and besides, she loved Klemm before they became mated.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned back as the server approached and sat their food on the table. Steam rose up from the fish and vegetable dishes, sending ribbons of white dancing in front of her face.

  “Doesn’t the idea of a mating bond appeal to you more than a traditional human relationship? I’ve heard many of your marriages end in divorce, and many human-human marriages are troubled. Alice told me your last boyfriend cheated on you, and that your previous boss propositioned you even though he had a female at home, a wife. I assure you that infidelity never occurs in a Reestrian union.”

  “I can’t believe we’re talking about this like it might really happen.” Gina took a sip of iced tea and sat her glass down with a clink. “Look, I’m sorry, Jax, but I wasn’t planning to date anytime soon, let alone join in a permanent mating bond with a Reestrian.”

  “Ah, but you are tempted,” he said, probably too smugly. “You are tempted and your body yearns for my touch. I can sense that too. Do you normally squirm and blush so much, Gina?”

  “One more inappropriate comment from you and I’m getting my lunch to-go.” She flushed and her eyebrows bunched together, but he sensed she wasn’t truly angry with him.

  No, this little human was angry with herself. She wanted him, maybe not as much as he wanted her, but she still longed for his touch. The scent of her feminine essence reached him, and his nostrils flared as the satisfaction of knowing he’d incited her arousal filled him.

  “Very well.” He picked up his fork. “Let’s finish our lunch and perhaps we can resume this conversation later.”

  “Don’t count on it, Mr. Jax.”

  ~ ~ *

  Three days after her arrival in Rahatha, Gina was settling into her new life. She loved exploring the city, adored the lush, colorful plant life that grew everywhere, and found the residents, both the Reestrians and the humans, quite welcoming. Alice brought her belongings from her old apartment, little by little, and they got her situated in her new place, a fully furnished apartment in a building only two blocks away from Jax’s hovercraft dome.

  The work part of work was a piece of cake, but the dealing with her sexy boss part was a whole different story. Since her first day on the job, his eyes hadn’t returned to their normal shade of blue. Every time she looked at him, his gaze glimmered dark and lustful, and pretending she wasn’t the least bit attracted to him was proving difficult. He’d started trying to court her, to try to win her affections, but she kept pushing him away, insisting that she was only here for the job.

  She arrived at work every day to find dozens of fresh cut roses scattered over her desk, and he showered her with all sorts of gifts too, from jewelry to candy to artwork. She tried to refuse each gift and didn’t take any of the items home with her, lest she give him the impression that she would mate with him, and now the office was cluttered with all the tokens of his affection. Alice thought his gestures to be romantic and kept pressuring Gina to consider becoming his mate.

  Why not? Who are you holding out for?

  She walked through the horde of waiting hovercraft passengers and entered the office, finding it empty. A glance at her watch showed she was thirty minutes early. She slumped in her chair and spun it around a few times, her thoughts conflicted. Alice had told her all about Jax’s promised mate, Tias, and how the female had publicly humiliated him on Reestria by choosing another male and breaking their mating contract. Perhaps Jax wasn’t so different from her after all. He’d also experienced rejection, pain, and loss, maybe even more than her.

  She blew out a breath and peered out the window. The morning sun reflected off buildings and illuminated the city in an ethereal glow. This was her home now, this beautiful city. Jax had lifted his thirty day trial period and told her the job was hers, for as long as she wished to stay in Rahatha. The alien-human city was cut off from the rest of society, with tall, impenetrable walls surrounding it, but she didn’t feel like a prisoner here. For the first time in a long time, she felt free and hopeful.

  No more struggling to pay rent. No more worrying about missing the return bus because Mr. Grabby Hands made her work late and having to walk home after dark, clutching a can of pepper spray while praying no one bothered her. Rahatha was Utopia on Earth, and aside from her dilemma about how to respond to Jax’s attentions, she no longer had a care in the world.

  Three large crafts shot across the sky, drawing her out of her musings. She rushed to the window for a better look. They were much larger than hovercrafts. Americans were forbidden to enter Rahatha airspace, but she didn’t think these ships belonged to humans. A fourth and a fifth ship joined them, coming to drift over the city.

  The sudden blare of a siren made her cover her ears. Panic filled her, and she glanced into the open dome area to find passengers and pilots rushing from the building. A blast sounded and the ground shook. She fell to the floor and winced, her knees scrapping the hard surface.


  She looked up and had never been more relieved to see Jax. He rushed toward her and scooped her up in his arms, and before she could ask what was happening, he carried her out into the street and down an alley. His masculine scent surrounded her, comforting her amidst the chaos that had broken out in this once peaceful city. She clung to him and closed her eyes as a bright light blinded her. The ground shook again and again, and the continual blare of the siren was broken every few seconds by an even louder blast.

  Then all the noise ceased and she only heard the beating of Jax’s heart and the sound of his footsteps. She peeked out from his embrace. They were in a small living area with no windows. It resembled a tiny one room apartment, aside from the alien décor and the three wide screens that were lit up with images of the city, displaying the destruction that was taking place.

  Jax sat her down on her feet and they both stared at the screens.

  “What’s happening?”

  “The Ettalians are attacking us.”

  “The who?”

  “Several months ago, a new race of aliens known as the Ettalians attacked one of our ships as it was preparing to travel to Reestria from Earth. Only a handful of humans are aware of the existence of Ettalians, though I suppose after today their existence will become common knowledge. The emperor of Reestria was trying to negotiate peace with them and establish trade, however it seems they are intent to conquer.”

  A new fleet of ships appeared on the screens and shot green balls of fire at the Ettalian crafts, and in a matter of seconds the attacking ships exploded and debris rained down on the city.

  “Those are our Warrior Reestrians, from the Giamot Clan. They must have been tracking the Ettalians to have gotten here so quickly. Do not be afraid, my dearest Gina. The battle is over, and the Ettalians have been defeated.”

  She glanced around the tiny room. “What is this place? Your own private bunker?”

�This is the lowest level of my house. Many of the buildings here have such structures beneath them.”

  “Well, that sure is good to know, in case any warmongering aliens I’ve never heard of decide to say hello again.” She glanced down and realized her hands were shaking, and she clasped them together and took deep breaths. As the smoke cleared on the images displayed on the screens, she realized with a sigh of relief that the city wasn’t too badly damaged. The hovercraft dome stood strong, and most of the houses and business around them only had broken windows. The Warrior Reestrians had arrived just in time.

  “I have to go make sure Alice and Klemm are all right.” Gina started walking to the door, but Jax blocked her path.

  “There’s no need to go outside yet. I can contact them from here.”

  When she nodded her assent, he moved to a panel on the wall and pressed buttons, until finally Klemm’s voice filled the room. “Jax. We’ve been calling the dome and were starting to get worried. Are you and Gina safe?”

  “Yes, we’re both fine.” His assessing gaze flickered over her, making goosebumps rise all over her body.

  “We’re both all right, too.”

  “Good. We should postpone our trip tonight and see to the repairs in the city. I hope you can wait that long.”

  Huh? What did Klemm mean by that? She took a step away from Jax and rubbed her arms.

  Jax looked embarrassed for a moment, ducking his head and glancing away from her. “I can wait.” He pressed a large blue button on the panel, cutting off the communication line, then ran a hand through his hair.

  Gina was relieved her friends hadn’t been injured, or worse, but now her anxiety was creeping back in. Where was Jax supposed to travel with Klemm? She talked to Alice daily, so why hadn’t her best friend told her about the supposed trip?

  As if reading her mind, Jax cleared his throat and said, “My fever is at its hottest, my dearest Gina. I must mate soon or The Madness will claim me, and I’ll be shipped back to Reestria to live out the rest of my days in a state of violence and confusion. Klemm keeps trying to take me to a human town outside the walls of Rahatha to search for a mate. I keep arguing with him though and insisting there’s only one human female I want. It’s you, Gina. I have wanted you since the first time I stared into those pretty dark eyes of yours.”

  She felt Jax’s gaze hot on her, penetrating to her core. She stared at him and her heart ached at the sadness she detected in his expression. He approached her and cupped her face, his hands warm and his skin rough.

  “Are you all right? You are shaking, my sweet mate.”

  “Jax…” She had been about to protest his claim on her, but she became lost in his intense, beautiful gaze and couldn’t summon the words. Instead, she said, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “When I heard the siren, I came running as fast as I could. The thought of any harm coming to you fills me with terror.” He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. Waves of heat rippled off his massive form, and she stepped closer, compelled to feel his body next to hers.

  Their legs brushed together, and his hardness pushed against her stomach. Her neck ached from peering up at him, but she couldn’t look away. She could stare at him all day, and damn if she couldn’t remember a single reason why she’d been pushing him away these last few days. In this moment, all that mattered was that he leaned down to kiss her. She wanted it as much as she feared it, because she knew once their lips joined together, neither of them would be able to stop.

  ~ ~ *

  Jax’s cock throbbed against Gina’s stomach, and he pressed harder against her, still holding her face in his hands. Her lips parted slightly and she gave a soft sigh, her eyes darkening.

  “I will love you and care for you until the day I die, my dearest Gina, if only you will have me. Mate with me here, in this room, and we will become bonded for life.” He trailed a finger across her lips and she shuddered. “I’ll even let you keep your job. Whatever makes you happy, my sweet, will make me happy too. Trust the mating bond to bring understanding to our lives.”

  As he spoke, tears shone in her eyes, and she blinked fast several times. Even as she appeared on the verge of crying, a small grin played across her lips.

  “Say you’ll mate with me, Gina. Say you’ll be mine forever.” Waiting for her response was torture, and his soul ripped apart anew with each second she remained silent.

  Finally, her smile widened and she nodded. “Okay. Yes. I’ll mate you with you, Jax. As much as I feel like we’re rushing things, I can’t stand the thought of you hooking up with some random human chick outside the city. But I’m not just saying yes because of how jealous I’d be, Jax. I do like you, and this whole week that I’ve been pushing you away…well, you’ve really gotten under my skin. I hope I will make you happy too, and wow, I should probably shut up. I sometimes ramble when I’m nervous.”

  “I look forward to making you ramble often, my sweet mate.”

  She laughed.

  Joy swelled in his chest, and his heart had never felt so full. His throat burned and he swallowed hard, then leaned down until his mouth was level with Gina’s. Their breath mingled together for several seconds, and after a shudder ran through her again, he claimed her lips with his, delving his tongue inside to taste and explore the sweetness of his mate.

  His mate. She would belong to him forever, and he thrilled at the thought of having her by his side, always. He was proud to call her his mate, this perfect little human who had challenged him that first day in the dome.

  She moaned into his mouth and he kissed her harder, deeper, until they broke apart panting breathlessly. His vision blurred but he didn’t care. Now was the time to claim her, when his fever burned dangerously hot, and the bond between them could be forged.

  “Just one moment,” he said, releasing her and rushing to the communication panel. He slammed his fingers over the buttons until Klemm’s voice filled the room again. “Gina and I will be alone in my house for the next few days. We would very much like it if no one disturbed us. Will you check on the dome for me and make sure the pilots keep to their schedule, assuming there’s no damage to the hovercrafts?”

  “Ah, I guess a trip outside Rahatha won’t be necessary after all?” Klemm sounded both amused and relieved. “I will take care of everything. Now go and mate with your Gina.”

  Chapter Four

  Gina heard Alice’s delighted squeal in the background before Jax cut the line to their friends.

  She grinned. This was really happening. Not only was she about to sleep with Jax, but she was committing to him for the rest of her life. This last fact should’ve scared her, but she felt nothing but his love, and his fierce desire to keep her safe spoke of his endless devotion.

  He hadn’t fled to this bunker alone. He’d come for her, and he’d carried her through the streets during the Ettalian attack. None of her former love interests would’ve risked their lives for hers. She’d never believed in soul mates, or in fate, but as she stared into Jax’s eyes, she imagined she had been destined for this strong Reestrian male all along.

  She expected him to pounce on her like a starved lion on a mouse, but he kept his distance for a long minute, and his intense gaze both unnerved her and sent excited tingles rushing through her. Finally, he moved from his place by the panel and started circling her. She could scarcely breathe and felt as if he was indeed a predator sizing her up, getting ready to devour her.

  A deep growl emitted from his throat when he came to stand directly in front of her, and then he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He tossed her atop the covers and yanked at the hem of her skirt. The damn thing didn’t budge and she giggled.

  “It has a zip,” she said with a grin. “In the back.” She turned over and wiggled her butt at him, expecting him to undo the zipper.

  Instead, he gave another growl and ripped her skirt to shreds, ignoring her surprised gasps. His need to have her now, to take her so quickly and during the height
of his fevered mating urge, left her quivering with desire. He shifted his weight off the bed and she heard two loud thumps.

  She rolled over on her back, intending to give him her best come hither look, only to gasp again. Her mouth dropped open at the sight that greeted her. He stood before her in his birthday suit, so gloriously naked and proud, his muscles toned to perfection and his huge cock jutting out from between his powerful thighs. His own clothes, even those delicious tight pants he always wore, rested in tatters at his feet. His boots had been thrown all the way across the room.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been playing hard to get these last few days,” she mumbled. “God, I’m an idiot.”

  He didn’t seem to hear her comment, and he straddled her and made quick work of tearing off her panties, blouse, and bra. She lifted her center to his, and groaned at the sensation of his massive length brushing against her aching entrance. He growled again and pinned her wrists above her head, holding them down with one hand, while he explored her body with his other hand, caressing and squeezing her while she struggled to sink down on his cock. But she couldn’t move more than an inch, and she cried out in frustration.

  Her pussy throbbed, and she met his gaze pleadingly, hoping he claimed her soon. She felt feverish and desperate to be filled up by his hugeness, to finally have him inside her. To finally belong to him.

  “Is my little human mate getting impatient?” One corner of his mouth curled before he leaned down to capture a nipple, giving it a bite and then licking it to soothe the slight pain he caused. She was beside herself with need and she wiggled around underneath him, moaning and even cursing him.

  “Sonofbitch, Jax, would you just fuck me already?”

  “Tsk, tsk. You have quite the mouth on you, my dearest Gina.” He moved on to her other nipple, biting and running his tongue over it, all the while holding her in place.

  “If you don’t take me soon, Jax, you’re going to hear every four letter word in the English language. I can cuss you out in Spanish too.”


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