Billionaire Bear Brotherhood Box Set

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Billionaire Bear Brotherhood Box Set Page 28

by Lily Cahill

  Bear shifters had long been investigating their roots. The Brotherhood scientists had compared shifter DNA and human DNA, and found one small difference. Caleb wasn't a biologist, but from what he understood, shifters lacked a simple protein that caused fungal allergies.

  Like an allergy to mold.

  He didn't know enough to determine if shifter DNA was somehow related to the Yursui's use of black mold. Kam was convinced that the mold had caused the Yursui to hallucinate shifting into a bear, but she was missing one very pertinent fact--bear shifters actually existed, and he was one of them.

  How did it get so messy? He had held off telling her that they were fated because he didn't want to scare her off. But that also meant that he couldn't show her his bear side, and so couldn't tell her that there was a chance the Yursui hadn't been hallucinating.

  And now she was upstairs, having some sort of serious conversation with Alex and Marley about their relationship that she didn't want him to be part of. And he was down here, telling Pablo everything they discovered.

  He felt distinctly like he was ratting her out.

  "I think this is interesting enough to warrant a meeting of the council," Pablo said, jarring Caleb out of his thoughts.

  "The full council?"

  "Those who can't make it in person on short notice can teleconference in," Pablo replied. "If what you're saying is true, then it might mean we've found our shifter ancestors. When can you get back to Seattle?"

  It was all happening so fast. "There's a ... complication," Caleb said, unsure of why he was so nervous. "One of the archaeologists on the project, Dr. Hutchinson, she's ... she's my mate."

  Pablo blew out a breath. "You're sure?"

  Caleb thought about how he wanted to spend every minute with Kam, how he couldn't get enough of her body and mind. "I've never felt anything like this before. If this isn't what being mated feels like, I don't think I could survive the real thing."

  For the first time in their acquaintance, Pablo chuckled. "I remember that feeling."

  Caleb thought about his own parents. They had been a fated match, but if they felt the sort of passion for each other that he felt for Kam, they had never shown it. "Does it go away?"

  "No, but you get used to it," Pablo said. "Well, that's solves one problem. If she's your mate, she'll have no problem keeping her findings secret."


  "Of course. We can't have it getting out that a Native American tribe discovered the secret to shifting."

  Caleb thought about the emphasis she placed on her professional reputation. "She's not going to like that."

  "Well, too bad," Pablo said dispassionately. "We're funding her dig."

  "InTech is funding the dig," Caleb reminded him. "I'm not going to pull the rug out from under her."

  "Are you going to reject the will of the council?"

  There it was--the juncture of rock and hard place. He couldn't risk going up against B3; if he was kicked out of the Brotherhood, he would lose all the connections and contracts that made InTech successful. But he couldn't ask his mate to give up the chance to tell the world what she had learned.

  Not only that--even if she was willing to give up the chance to publish her findings, she would have to convince Alex to do the same. She would have to conceal the connection between the Yursui and modern day shifters. Members of the Brotherhood were forbidden to show anyone their bear side except for their mates.

  Kam would hate lying to her partner. And it would be his fault.

  "I haven't told her yet. About the shifting, B3 ... any of it."

  "Well, you're going to want to take care of that soon."

  Caleb choked out a laugh. "I've just barely gotten her to accept that she wants me."

  Pablo sighed. "Look, I know it can be difficult when you first meet your mate. They don't have the context that we do, growing up as shifters, and it's harder for them to accept their fate. And it doesn't help that most of the time, our mates are strong women with their own minds."

  "Tell me about it," Caleb muttered.

  "It's best to tell her all at once. Just get it over with as soon as possible so you can bring her to this meeting. Can you be here on Friday?"

  That was only three days away. But Pablo was right--he needed to tell Kam the truth, and B3 needed to decide how they wanted to proceed.

  "All right, Friday," he agreed. "I'll bring her with me."

  Just then, he saw a pair of long, dark legs descending the stairs. Alex knocked on the wall, one eyebrow raised in confrontation.

  "Pablo, I have to go," Caleb said.

  "I'll be in touch," Pablo replied before breaking the connection.


  When Caleb had imagined Alex, he'd tortured himself with images of a man who was bookish, handsome, and just as brilliant as Kam. Caleb knew he was smart, but Kam knew so much about things he hadn't even known existed. Surely the man she had called her partner would meet her intellectually in a way that Caleb could not.

  He had not imagined a tall, muscular black woman with dreads cascading down her back. Her face still looked a little hollow from her recent illness, but he could see she would return to health quickly. Her features were elegant, even if they were set in an imperious scowl.

  "Dr. Winter," he said, standing to shake her hand.

  "Caleb Ingram," she said coolly.

  Most of the time, when he dated a woman, her friends were thrilled to meet him. Yet another way Kam kept him on his toes.

  "I'm sorry that we had to meet under strained circumstances," he said, "but I want to tell you before we go any further that I admire your work. I'm very impressed by what you and Kam have accomplished with this dig."

  She lifted her eyebrow. "Thank you. And I appreciate your assistance with the LiDAR, as well as the additional funding. Let's talk business first. Are you funding this dig because you are sleeping with Kam?"

  "No," he said. After the conversation he had just had, he was fairly certain that this dig would be fully funded for years to come. "I've told Kam this a thousand times, but I'll tell you: the money is meaningless to me. I'm interested in the project, and that's completely separate from my interest in Kam."

  She studied his face. "Okay. So, tell me about your interest in Kam."

  He sat on the couch and gestured for her to join him. "What do you want to know?"

  "Are you going to hurt her?"

  He appreciated that she got right to the heart of it. Even if he was afraid the answer was yes. "I'm not the sort of guy who hurts women."

  She frowned. "Kam's not the sort of woman you're used to."

  "What sort of woman is that?"

  "Starlets, celebrities, socialites. The sort of woman who are just as casual about their relationships as you are."

  "You've been reading the tabloids, haven't you?"

  Embarrassment flickered over her face before she haughtily tossed back her hair. "Of course I have. I've been stuck in a hospital for weeks, what else was I supposed to do?"

  "You have to know that those stories are exaggerated. Every time I have dinner with someone, or talk to someone at a party, the press speculates that we're lovers."

  "Still. You're in a world where the press speculates about you. Kam isn't like that. She would hate that."

  "Do you see any press around right now? I'm telling you, that's not how I live my life."

  She nodded thoughtfully. "And what part do you see Kam playing in your life?"

  Caleb curbed his temper. It wasn't her business, but he understood why she was asking. "That's really up to me and her."

  "Kam is my best friend."

  "I get that. And she's special. Do you think I can't see that?"

  Alex still wasn't convinced. "Kam said that the two of you agreed to keep things casual."

  His feelings were anything but casual, but he shrugged. "If that's what Kam said, it must be true. Where is she?"

  Alex waved a hand. "Talking to Marley. It always upsets him when his litt
le girl acts like a woman."

  "Does he hate me again?"

  "Did he hate you before?"

  Caleb thought of the RV incident with a wry shrug. "He thinks I've got more money than brains. But I've been winning him over with pancakes."

  Reluctantly, Alex smiled. "You found his secret weakness."

  "I hope so. Kam loves you both."

  She studied him. "I heard you made lasagna."

  Caleb smiled at her. He'd not known what to make of Alex at first, but it seemed they'd come to an agreement. "There's leftovers in the fridge."

  "Really?" She glanced toward the kitchen. "Personally, I'm partial to Mexican food."

  "Oh really?" He mentally ran through the food in the fridge. "I could make enchiladas for dinner."

  Above them, Caleb heard the sound of footsteps and the basement door opening.

  Alex grinned at him and stood. "I like a man who knows how to use an advantage."

  "Alex, what are you doing?" Kam said as she came down the stairs. "I told you to leave Caleb alone."

  "We're just talking," Alex said, giving Caleb a significant look. "About dinner. He's going to make enchiladas."

  "Really?" Kam asked suspiciously. "You weren't down here giving him a hard time?"

  "Me?" Alex said, fluttering her eyelashes. "Of course not. I'm going to take a look at the LiDAR data and work up an appetite."

  Kam watched Alex saunter up the stairs. "I'm sorry if she was harassing you. Alex can be ... protective."

  "I'm glad," he said, pulling Kam down to the couch beside him. He kissed her, just because he finally could. "It's good to know that you have the sort of friends who will look out for you. Speaking of which, is Marley planning to kill me in my sleep?"

  She snuggled into him with a chuckle. "No, if Marley's going to kill you, he'll do it face to face."

  "You're joking, right?" He looked down at her face to confirm. "You're joking."

  "Mostly. He struggles with the idea that I'm no longer a kid in braces and pigtails."

  It felt so good to relax on the couch with her. But he knew it couldn't last. "Hey, so there's something I want to talk to you about."


  He had to tread carefully. He couldn't tell her about B3 until he told her about the rest, and he wanted to wait until just the right time. "There's a meeting this Friday in Seattle with some ... other investors. They are interested in hearing more about the dig. It could result in some additional funding."

  "Additional funding? But you've already increased our budget."

  "You can always use more, right?" He was grasping at straws, and he knew it.

  "I suppose," Kam said thoughtfully. "I'm sure Alex can figure out a way to spend it."

  "And it would mean you could come to Seattle for a few days. I know that you aren't a huge fan of the city, but I can think of a few things to show you that you'll like."

  "I'm sure you can," she said flirtatiously. "With Alex and Marley here, I'm not sure when we'll be able to spend some time alone."

  He knew what she meant. The thought of being alone with her made his cock stir to life. "Then it's settled. You'll come to this meeting with me."

  She shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

  "Good." He felt like shit, deceiving her, but he wanted to tell her everything when the time was right. He was tired of keeping secrets.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The first time Kam had been to Caleb's apartment, she'd been too stirred up to notice much. It had been nighttime, raining, and she'd been so hot for Caleb she could barely breathe.

  Now, as they drove through Seattle toward his apartment building, it was afternoon and overcast. And she was, if anything, hotter for Caleb than ever.

  It had been four full days since the last time they'd made love. Fucked, she corrected herself. Language was powerful; sociologists argued that it created meaning. It was important that she not think of sex with Caleb as making love.

  Whatever she called it, it had been too long. Between Alex, Marley, and researching the mold, they had barely had a moment alone. The days were busy, filled with work and discovery. The nights were long, knowing he was just two flights of stairs away. Her body had hungered for him, her heart had yearned. But as much as she wanted him, she knew she would feel awkward going to him with two other people in the house.

  Four hours in the car hadn't helped. Four hours of smelling his cologne and admiring the way he looked in aviator sunglasses. Four hours of obsessing over the way his white shirt, open at the throat, brushed against his collarbone. Four hours of talking about whatever came to mind--archeology, technology, music, travel.

  It was one thing to lust after Caleb; that was a simple desire, physical satisfaction. It was harder to accept how much she liked him as a person. When he moved on, she would miss their friendship as much as his body.

  Before Alex had arrived, he'd said he had something to tell her. Since then, he hadn't brought it up, and neither had she. She didn't want to have a conversation about the inevitable end of their relationship. What she wanted was to sate the need that had been plaguing her for days.

  "This is it," he said as they pulled up in front of a tall, glassy tower in the heart of downtown.

  A uniformed valet dashed out into the street and opened Caleb's door while another attendant opened the door for Kam. Kam was so surprised it took her a moment to release her seatbelt. "Thank you," she said, stepping out onto the sidewalk.

  A wide awning led to huge copper doors, elegantly hammered and burnished to a gleam. Caleb came around the car and took her arm, leading her inside.

  "Welcome back, Mr. Ingram. And welcome back to you, ma'am," the doorman said, surprise coloring his voice. It was the same man who had greeted them the first night she had come here. Kam felt a twist of embarrassment. How many women had Caleb brought through this lobby? Was the doorman surprised because she was the first to come back?

  In the elevator, she was visited by memories of him pressing her against the wall, his hot breath on her throat, her shocked gasp as he lifted her off her feet. Now, he was standing next to her, cool as you please. He sent a distracted smile her way as he scrolled through his phone.

  Did he not feel this crushing need, this overwhelming passion? Maybe it was happening already. Now that he had her, the thrill was gone. His need was waning. Soon he would tire of her completely.

  Well, she wasn't going to let that happen. Not yet. She gripped the backpack slung over her shoulder, thinking about what was inside it.

  He opened the door to his apartment, ushering her into the foyer. This time, she was clear-headed enough to pay attention to what she saw. It was lined with white marble and antique mirrors, paired with rustic furniture that looked masculine and strong. The short hallway opened up into a living room. She looked right past the sunken living room, the deep couches, and the custom fireplace. All she could see was the view.

  "Mount Rainier," he said casually, gesturing at the skyline. "And over here, you can see Puget Sound."

  It seemed as if the whole city was spread at their feet. She gaped. When she was side-by-side with Caleb, digging in the dirt, it was easy to forget that he could afford the type of luxury she had never known.

  Her overheated loins conjured up an image. Her hands on the window, the city spinning below, as he took her from behind. They were high above any other windows; no one would see. The very idea made her dizzy with desire.

  She turned to him, ready to make it happen.

  "I'm sorry to do this to you, but I need to return this call," Caleb said, finally looking up from his phone. "Feel free to poke around the apartment, get something to eat if you want. I won't be more than a few minutes."

  Just like that, he was gone.


  Kam watched the office door close behind him and huffed out a breath. She reminded herself that his work was important, and he had a right to his privacy. But her hungry body wasn't interested in excuses. She was all
hot and bothered, and now he was gone.

  She dropped her backpack on the couch. Well, if he was giving her free reign over his apartment, she was going to take it. She would think of it as a test of her skills as an archaeologist. How much could she discover about him by simply looking at the space where he lived?

  Twenty minutes later, she had a picture of a man with eclectic and expensive taste. She found a gorgeously appointed guest room, a home gym, and a library bursting with books. Mementos from his travels were scattered here and there--an African tribal mask, a gorgeous chandelier made from coral, a bear carved in obsidian. The furniture was deceptively simple, but Kam knew that the rich woods and clean design spoke of the highest quality.

  There were no family photos, no snapshots with friends. He was a man who lived in the moment, she surmised. He didn't dwell on the past, didn't hold onto his memories.

  One day she would be one of those memories.

  She checked her watch. It felt like he had been gone forever. She had two choices. She could sit out here, moping, wishing they were together. Or...

  She grabbed her backpack and headed for the bathroom.

  It took her another five minutes to strip off her T-shirt and jeans and wiggle her way into the corset she had slipped into her bag. As she tightened the stays, she was reminded why she didn't wear this sort of thing. It was far from comfortable. But when she saw the way she looked in the mirror--breasts brimming over, hips wide and lush--she figured it was worth making the exception.

  She slipped into a pair of lacy panties that matched the gold fabric of the corset. The color looked luminous against her skin. Quickly, she unbraided her hair and gave it a few quick tosses with her fingers. If, one day, she was destined to be relegated to Caleb's memory, she wanted to make sure the impression she made was indelible.

  When she opened the door to his office, he turned his chair slowly to face her. "We'll meet you there tomorrow," he was saying into the phone. "With further experiments, we should be able to--holy shit."

  Kam grinned. His reaction was exactly what she had hoped for.

  "Sorry, sir. No. Sorry. I was just ... surprised by something on my end. I apologize. Ahh...." He trailed off again as Kam began to saunter toward him. "I apologize, but something has come up here, and I have to be going."


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