Seduction (Club Destiny)

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Seduction (Club Destiny) Page 1

by Edwards, Nicole


  A Club Destiny Novel

  Nicole Edwards

  Copyright © 2012 by Nicole Edwards

  All rights reserved.

  Seduction – A Club Destiny Novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book may not be resold or redistributed without the express consent of the author.

  ISBN: 978-0985059163

  Cover Image by: © Doodkoalex |

  Chapter One

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  No one would ever accuse Ashleigh Thomas of being spontaneous. At least not anyone who knew her well.

  If there was something that needed to be done, she planned. Usually weeks in advance and in frustratingly thorough detail. Follow that up with final preparations and then finally, once there was enough forethought and design, she just might make a decision.


  Good God yes.

  Which could only mean this was one of those times when Ashleigh was setting herself up for potential disaster.

  Her house was packed up, her things already loaded into the moving truck, a handful of capable men having spent the morning doing backbreaking work as they filled the enormous metal container with everything that was near and dear to her heart. This was it. One final goodbye to her beloved two bedroom house before she was on her way.

  Back to her roots.

  Back to the place she had called home for most of her life.

  Granted, she had taken her own sweet time getting to this point, but nonetheless, she could no longer procrastinate. Getting back to the hustle and bustle of Dallas was the next step. Leaving behind the slow, easy going life she had built on the bank of Lake Whitney, just outside of Hillsboro, was not going to be easy yet it was inevitable.

  Relocating her life wasn’t the difficult part. As a writer, she could easily pick up her office – also known as her laptop – and go just about anywhere. That was one of the many perks of her job.

  Since she had grown quite fond of her current office space – her back porch which overlooked the rippling waters of Lake Whitney – she had worked hard to convince herself this move was for the best. Being able to wander out of her house in her pajamas, watching the random vacationer as they attempted some sort of water sport, had become one of the highlights of her day.

  Somewhere in between all of the fresh air, sun and people watching, Ashleigh actually managed to write. Thirteen books in total between her two personas and she wasn’t doing all that bad actually. The children’s books were enough to pay the bills, as well as a convenient story to sell her grandfather. Not that he completely believed she was making a living at it.

  Since he was partly right, Ashleigh never bothered to argue with him.

  Her bills might be covered from her various tales of farm animals, fairy princesses and the like, but her savings was being built from the other genre she moonlighted in.

  Smiling to herself, Ashleigh turned from the back windows that overlooked the serene view of the lake and went to get the last of her things.

  The movers had already headed out, on their way to Dallas, so she wasn’t going to put any more thought into whether her stuff would make the journey in one piece. The only thing left was to get her laptop and her purse and say one last goodbye to life as she knew it.

  “Goodbye, little house. I’m sure going to miss you.” Ashleigh said to the empty room, nothing but bare walls and carpet, as she put the key in the door for the last time. In a week, the new owners would be moving in, taking over and filling the small house with their own memories.

  With her personal effects in tow, Ashleigh ventured down the front steps and across the small walkway to her Chevy Tahoe sitting in the driveway. Feeling a little melancholy, she looked up at the sun, letting the bright Texas sun warm her.

  The late January morning wasn’t as cool as the weatherman predicted – Texas weather didn’t usually go with the norm – but the wind off the lake was a little brisk. Thankfully she’d remembered her jacket just in case.

  Those were the sort of things she planned for.

  Not the sort of abrupt change which resulted in her going back home to Dallas.

  Shrugging her shoulders, figuring she had already set out on the path, might as well be in it for the long haul, Ashleigh climbed into her SUV. With a flick of her wrist, the Tahoe roared to life, the interior of the truck filled with a country song.

  How appropriate.

  Turning the radio up, she tried to drown out her thoughts.

  Within minutes, she was on the two lane highway heading for the main interstate where she would be on her way.

  Though leaving the comfortable life she had gotten used to made her nervous, there were some positives that she would be looking forward to.

  Being close to her family one of them. Although only a forty five minute drive on a good day, her family was still far enough that she didn’t get to visit as often as she’d like. Having lived a solitary life for so long, she was actually looking forward to being close to those she loved.

  She had talked to her brother Dylan just that morning. He was essentially doing the same thing she was, packing up and getting ready to head out. With her niece, Stacey, having been accepted at the University of Texas at Dallas, Dylan had reluctantly let her move at the beginning of the semester. According to him, he was worried about her – though Ashleigh figured that was a convenient excuse – and now, he was moving back to the big city to be closer to his daughter.

  Even though Stacey would have been in capable hands living with her great grandfather, Ashleigh found she couldn’t argue with Dylan even if she wanted to. Since Dylan’s wife passed away, her older brother had never been the same. Figuring a change might do them both some good, Ashleigh had encouraged him as much as he had encouraged her.

  When a familiar tune blasted through the car, Ashleigh gave herself up to the music, singing slightly off key - ok, who was she kidding, there was no slight about it, it was severe. There was a reason Ashleigh didn’t make a living as a singer. The thought made her laugh and sing even louder.

  A second later the song was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone, the sound coming through the speakers thanks to the Bluetooth connection in the car. Hitting the button on the steering wheel, she allowed the call to connect.

  “Hey, Pops.” Ashleigh greeted her grandfather cheerfully, his name coming up on the small touch screen in the dash.

  “I hope you aren’t driving while you talk to me.” Xavier Thomas’ laid back drawl drifted through the car, and Ashleigh smiled.

  “You’re the one who said I needed to be home before dark.” She chided him as she flipped on the turn signal. “I’m just leaving, so it’ll take me close to an hour to get there.”

  “Well, you be careful and call me if you need anything. What time did the moving truck head out?” Xavier asked.

  “Not too long ago. I figure they might beat me by half an hour. They’re going straight to the house to unload.” Once Ashleigh had gotten a contract on her lake house, she wasted no time finding a house close to her grandfather’s. It was either that, or take the chance of Pops giving her a hard time about moving back to his house.

  Since Stacey and her brother, Nate, would be living in the eight thousand square foot mansion, Ashleigh figured her grandfather would have plenty of company. Dylan had insisted on moving into the guest house, rather than into the main house, so Ashleigh had opted for something just a little farther out.

  Not that she mi
nded so much living with her grandfather and her niece and nephew, but living on her own for so long, Ashleigh had gotten used to the solitude. She thrived on it. And since her schedule was usually so out of whack, sometimes her days and nights entirely flip flopped, she wanted to have her own space.

  “Nate and I will meet them over there. You just take your time and be careful.” Xavier drawled.

  “Thanks, Pops. I’ll call you when I get closer. Maybe I can pick up something for dinner though we won’t have a place to eat at my house.”

  “We’ll figure it out. See you in a little while, baby girl.” With that, the line disconnected.

  Baby girl.

  At twenty seven years old, Ashleigh figured she was too old for the nickname her grandfather had been calling her since she was just that. Not that she wanted him to stop, because secretly she had always reveled in being his baby girl. Since he had single handedly raised her and her brother after their parents’ tragic death, Ashleigh figured he could call her whatever he wanted.

  Another reason she wasn’t too upset about moving back to Dallas. She needed her family. Since she and Dylan had been living in the past for far too long, Ashleigh knew he was right. It was time they move forward.

  Insisting on going home in a better mood, she turned up the familiar song, once again singing loud and off key. There would be plenty of time later for her thoughts to intrude. For now, she just needed to relax.

  Chapter Two

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  Alex McDermott was pacing the floor for the hundredth time, and based on the glare he was getting from Veronica, Xavier’s assistant was running out of patience. Alex could relate. He’d run out of patience first thing that morning when he woke up to the shrill ringing of his cell phone. Damn that Logan McCoy. For some reason, that man lived to irritate him.

  Just because he had found a woman didn’t mean Alex deserved the other man’s constant harassment.

  Ever since the night of the XTX Christmas party, Logan had been ribbing him every chance he got. Apparently Logan didn’t get the memo. The one that said back the fuck off.

  Obviously Xavier Thomas didn’t get the memo either because he had summoned Alex about an hour ago. And now he was making him wait.

  “He’ll see you now.” The irritation in Veronica’s sultry voice was evident, and Alex shot her a glare.

  Pushing open the massive wooden door, Alex stepped inside, his eyes landing on Xavier sitting behind his lavish desk, a mischievous grin tipping the corners of his mouth.

  “Thanks for stopping by on such short notice.” Xavier said, his severe Texas drawl coming out aloof and disinterested.

  Alex knew better. Xavier Thomas was anything but.

  “Not a problem. Is something wrong?” Alex didn’t know whether to stand or sit, so he opted to stand.

  “As a matter of fact, things couldn’t be better.” Xavier stood from his chair and walked around the desk.

  At seventy, Xavier was an impressively fit man, dressed impeccably in slacks and a crisp white shirt, accented by one of his many favored ties. Today’s was a shiny red.

  “I just got off the phone with Ashleigh. She’s on the road as we speak and the movers should be here within the hour.”

  Alex did his best not to give away his thoughts, especially to Xavier.

  Ashleigh Thomas was the bane of his existence, and from what he could tell, everyone he knew was well aware of his infatuation with the woman. Seemed that no matter what he did or said, those closest to him knew exactly what she did to him.

  “Dylan mentioned it to me.” Alex admitted, knowing he couldn’t get anything past Xavier.

  Alex was well aware that Ashleigh was permanently moving back to Dallas, although he had thought she would’ve done so months before when the rumors started flying. No matter how long it took her to get back, he was quite fond of the idea, but he also knew she didn’t want anything to do with him. Apparently Xavier hadn’t gotten that memo either.

  “I need a favor.” Xavier leaned against the front of his desk, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at Alex. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Alex felt the scrutiny in the other man’s gaze.

  Over the years, he and Xavier had developed a strong working relationship, as well as a personal one. However, he had no illusions about how quickly that relationship could turn sour if Alex were to touch one hair on Ashleigh’s beautiful head. It was a given that if Xavier knew the thoughts that plagued Alex where the other man’s granddaughter was concerned, he just might not see him the same way.

  Not that he would ever let on, but the way Xavier’s eyes were focused on him, Alex wondered if the man weren’t just reading his mind.

  Patience undoubtedly wasn’t his virtue, but then again, Xavier knew that. “And that is?”

  “I need a security system installed at Ashleigh’s new house.” Xavier paused without breaking eye contact. “Today.”

  Easy enough, Alex thought to himself. He didn’t actually install the systems, so he could possibly stop by the house before she ever showed up, write up the estimate, and have one of his tech’s back within the hour to complete the job. Or better yet, he could just have Dylan, Ashleigh’s brother and Alex’s new partner, stop by and do the prep work.

  Not that he would do either, but those were options.

  “That’s easy enough to arrange. Have you talked to Dylan? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind stopping by to check it out.”

  Xavier shook his head, before saying, “Dylan’s in the process of helping Stacey move in. And, honestly, I’d prefer that you handle this one. I’m confident in his ability, but I prefer to have your experienced eye on this. You understand.”

  No, actually, he didn’t.

  Bracing his feet apart, feeling a tad defensive, Alex had to work overtime not to give himself away. After the last incident with Ashleigh, Alex had a feeling she wouldn’t agree with Xavier.

  Of course, her preference would likely be for Alex to fall off the face of the earth. Since that wasn’t going to happen, and Alex was inadvertently turned on by her need to avoid him…

  What the hell. Might as well go for broke.

  “Alright. I have a meeting with Sam in fifteen minutes, but after that, I’ll head over. Have Veronica send me the address.”

  “Thanks, Alex.” Xavier stated, going behind his desk once again, sounding even cockier than he had moments before. “I’ll have Nate meet you over there with the key.”

  Alex glanced at Xavier suspiciously. Why did he get the feeling Xavier was up to something?

  Forty five minutes later, Alex was walking out of the main doors of XTX, toward the parking garage. He’d just spent half an hour with Samantha Kielty going over her update for the XTX project secretly labeled WTF by some of her project managers. She was well aware of what they said, and she’d started calling it the same thing, which made Alex laugh. Thankfully she didn’t need much of his time, and just like last week, she advised that she was on target from both a cost and a time perspective.

  Not surprising.

  Alex had taken a gamble last year hiring Sam on full time as his executive vice president in order to alleviate some of the tension provoked by a hot and heavy relationship that Sam and Logan found themselves in. Since that time, she’d married Logan, and the rumors had stopped, however, her innate ability to drive projects to completion hadn’t. Alex would be the first to admit, Sam was a force to be reckoned with, and though skeptical at first, both he and Dylan were excited about the skills she brought to CISS.

  Her reputation preceded her, making a couple of their other clients interested in bringing her on to address some of their project issues, but Alex had been stalling. For the time being, she would remain at XTX, thanks to the contract Logan had insisted on, but there was no telling what the future held.

  Climbing behind the wheel of his two year old Chevy Avalanche, Alex let the truck’s navigation provide him the directions to Ashleigh’s new house.
If he was lucky, which he planned to be, he would still be there when she arrived. She might not appreciate that fact, but Alex was past the point of caring. If she wanted to play hard to get, he could play along with her.

  For now.

  Alex wasn’t sure when it was that he had decided to go after the woman who had made his blood boil for far too long. For years, he’d managed to stay away from her, despite the centrifugal forces that always seemed to draw them together. Ever since the rumors started flying that she was coming back, he’d been hopeful.

  Ten years was a long time to lust after one woman, but Alex had done it. Despite the twelve year age difference, which he felt made her entirely too young for him, Alex had recently found it too easy to overlook that one minor detail. Not that her age, or his, really mattered because Ashleigh had never so much as hinted at any sort of reciprocated feelings on her side. Not that he’d pushed her. Much.

  If it weren’t for the fact that she’d gone out of her way to avoid him for so long, he likely wouldn’t have thought anything of it.

  The final straw had been that damn Christmas party.

  For some reason, Ashleigh had gotten him all worked up, although he wasn’t sure she realized it. He’d asked her to dance, and she had graciously accepted, but when the one song was over, she had excused herself and then smiled so sweetly, he’d felt the jolt straight to his cock. Whether or not she intentionally teased him that night, he didn’t know. Either way, Alex wasn’t about to let her get away with it.

  No, Alex had something else in store for little Miss Sweet and Innocent, which hopefully, would end with her in his bed.

  That’s where his current plan went into play. Not that it was much of a plan. Seduction was the name of the game and as far as he was concerned, the gloves had just come off.

  It had recently come to his attention – thanks to a little investigative work on his part – that sweet little Ashleigh wasn’t all she pretended to be. He’d stumbled across a very interesting fact when he was checking out her highly regarded children’s book series. To be honest, he hadn’t been all that interested in her books... initially.


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