Seduction (Club Destiny)

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Seduction (Club Destiny) Page 17

by Edwards, Nicole

  “Shut the hell up, McCoy.” Alex muttered, taking a long pull on his beer. “That’s for my eyes only, and you know it.”

  “Is that right?” Logan chimed in. “From what it sounds like, you’ve got a wildcat on your hands. She might just push those boundaries you’ve put in place.”

  He didn’t have boundaries.

  Ok, he had a few.

  “You telling me you want to watch?” Alex pushed.

  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Cole said, grinning.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Alex asked. “You telling me you’re into watching? Or being watched?”

  How they hell they’d ended up on this subject, he had no idea, but he hoped it would change soon.

  “Both.” Logan confirmed. “And if you’re girl is anything like ours, you’re in for it, so you better be a little more open minded.”

  Open minded? Hell, Alex had probably done things these three had never dreamed about. Not that he would tell them that. And not that he would try those same things with Ashleigh. He was all for getting her worked up and making her come, but with as little experience as she had, he couldn’t push her too quickly.

  “What’s everyone doing here?” Alex asked, hoping to change the subject.

  “Sierra and Sam are reading Ashleigh’s manuscript. We thought we’d come along. You know. Moral support.” Logan smiled.

  Apparently Ashleigh’s secret was out.

  “And what type of moral support are you providing?” Alex inquired, glancing from one man to another.

  “Shit, Sierra’s so damn excited when she reads one of those books, we wanted to make sure we were here for her. You know... if she needed us.” Cole said, straight faced.

  Luke and Logan laughed.

  Good grief. What the hell did these people do? Alex suddenly felt left out of the loop.

  “Are you going to the club on Tuesday night?” This time Luke asked the question, directing it at Logan and Alex had no idea what they were talking about.

  “Sam is hoping to. Tag had to go out of town for a few days, but she’s hoping he’ll be back by then.”

  Alex must’ve had a questioning look on his face because Logan followed up with, “You know. The monthly get together at the club. Turns out Sam has a fascination with it.”

  Alex did a double take. Seriously? The club?

  “Sierra’s been begging for the last two days,” Luke added. “I think she’s still mad at us for not taking her last month.”

  “You were all there at the same time?” Alex was suddenly intrigued by the idea. He hadn’t considered taking Ashleigh to the club yet. Since she wasn’t a member, he’d have to work on that in the meantime, but until then, it was definitely something to consider. He had a room after all.

  “Yes.” Cole said. “Definitely nothing like I expected it to be.”

  “I hear Ashleigh’s been hitting Sierra and Sam up for information on threesomes.” Logan said, leaning back in his chair. How the man could appear so confident when they were talking about the women sitting only a few feet away inside the house, was beyond Alex.

  “What?” That was news to him. And something he would have to set her straight on. He was not into sharing. Hell no.

  He was too damn possessive for that. But there were other things they could engage in if her curiosity was that strong. He dared a glance back at the house to see Ashleigh sitting in the living room with Sam and Sierra.

  “Does she know you’re not into that?” Luke asked, sounding serious now.

  “It’s not like we’ve talked about it, no.” Alex said, suddenly worried about Ashleigh’s fantasies and how far she might try to push him.

  “Well, you might want to set her straight, man. Before you find yourself doing something you swore you’d never do.”

  Alex was beginning to think Logan was right.


  Ashleigh couldn’t believe her ears.

  “I’m serious.” Sierra stated insistently. “Being with two men is unlike anything else. Two pairs of hands, two mouths, two... well, you get my drift.”

  Laughing, Sam turned to Ashleigh. “She’s right you know. That doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. But, you did a fantastic job capturing the allure. I think your readers will be extremely happy.”

  Ashleigh was grateful for that because as far as she was concerned, that lifestyle wasn’t for her. She was more than satisfied with having Alex and only Alex.

  For the next half hour, Ashleigh listened intently to the feedback her friends gave her. Finally, when she worried they were getting entirely too worked up, they all ventured outside to join the men.

  A short while later, the seven of them were still sitting outside, laughing and joking when Sam captured everyone’s attention with her sudden outburst.

  “Truth or dare.” Sam exclaimed, sitting on Logan’s lap.

  No way. There was no way Ashleigh was up for a game like that with this group of people.

  Especially not after they’d been sitting outside talking so intimately about anything and everything. As it seemed, they didn’t have any secrets. At least from each other.

  “Woman, you’re entirely too open for your own good.” Logan stated, kissing his wife’s neck.

  “I’m game.” Sierra chimed in, sitting on Luke’s lap across from his twin brother.

  “Of course you are.” Luke groaned.

  Alex glanced at Ashleigh before that seductive grin tilted his lips. “And what about you?” He asked her, apparently leaving the choice up to her.

  “I don’t know.” She muttered, glancing back and forth between Sierra and Sam. “I’m not sure I’m in the same league as you two.”

  And that was the truth. Sam and Sierra were far more open about their sexuality, something Ashleigh hadn’t gotten comfortable with entirely. Hell, she was new to sex, even if she’d been writing about it for years.

  “Oh, come on. It’ll give you some good material for your book.” Sierra coaxed. “We’re all friends. Just don’t choose a dare and you won’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

  Right. Because choosing truth would be the simpler way to go. She knew better. Not with the devious way Sam’s mind worked.

  “We don’t have to play.” Alex contributed.

  Oh, he wasn’t going to put this on her. No way.

  “I’m up for it. What about you?” She asked him, smiling.

  This would likely push every boundary she could have ever dreamed up, but suffice it to say, she was actually intrigued by the idea. And Sierra was right; it would likely give her some hands on experience that she wouldn’t have another chance at getting.

  It was just the hands on was the part that intimidated her.

  “Ok. I’ll go first.” Sam exclaimed. “I’ll make it easy on you this go round.”

  Ashleigh didn’t believe her for a second.

  “Wait.” Ashleigh said before the freight train known as Sam took off and would likely get entirely too out of control. “If we’re going to do this, let’s move it inside. I’m not sure my neighbors can handle the likes of you.”

  “Good idea.” Logan said. “Baby, I think she knows you well.”

  Fifteen minutes and another round of drinks later, everyone was situated in the living room. Sam was once again seated on Logan’s lap in the oversized chair, Sierra on Cole’s lap with Luke close by on the couch, and Ashleigh and Alex were sitting on the floor. At Sam’s insistence, they had moved the coffee table out of the way.

  The only person who looked excited about this game was Sam. Ashleigh was beginning to wonder whether anything was off limits with that woman.

  “Ok.” Sam said getting everyone’s attention. “Cole, you’re first.”

  “Fuck.” He groaned, but Sierra ruffled his hair and he smiled up at her.

  “Truth or dare?” Sam asked.

  “I’m screwed no matter what I do here, aren’t I?” He asked. “I might as well enjoy it. Dare.”
He told Sam, wrapping his arms around Sierra.

  “Hmm... Ok.” Sam acted as though she were pondering what she would have him do. “I won’t go overboard just yet. Show us how you kiss Sierra when Luke isn’t watching.”

  Cole grinned and Ashleigh couldn’t help but laugh. When Cole turned Sierra’s head to face his, he wrapped his fist in her long, shiny, black hair, pulling her down to him before locking lips with her. They obviously didn’t have any issues with having an audience because Sierra began to moan relentlessly as Cole plundered her mouth.

  The sight of it was hot enough to make Ashleigh squirm. She glanced over and noticed Alex was watching her closely.

  “Damn, baby.” Cole released the words on a sigh when he pulled away from Sierra. “I’m thinking Luke needs to be away more often.”

  “Your turn.” Sam said, obviously anxious to keep the game on track.

  “Alright.” Cole said, glancing over at Luke, then back at Alex. “I’ll pick on Alex first. Truth or dare?”

  Alex didn’t hesitate. “Truth.”

  Ashleigh tensed. After the few things she’d learned about him recently, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know all of Alex’s secrets.

  “Have you ever had sex in a public place? If yes, then where?” Leave it to Cole to break the ice quickly. Ashleigh turned her attention to Alex.

  “Yes.” He said, not looking at her. “I’m a member of the club, aren’t I?”

  Ashleigh thought maybe the answer would suffice, but Cole merely cocked an eyebrow and waited.

  “I’ve had sex in more than one public place. The most taboo, since I know that’s what you’re angling for, was a department store.”

  Cole grinned, apparently content with the answer. Ashleigh held her breath, praying no one would call on her.

  A good forty five minutes later, the game had ratcheted up a notch, and Ashleigh was wondering whether she should turn the air conditioner on.

  She had a feeling they’d toned down the first few questions and dares, for her benefit. And thankfully, she’d only had to answer one simple question. But now, the dares were becoming a little more sexually graphic. Ashleigh knew she should’ve been ready to bolt from the room, but she found herself hanging on every word, watching every movement. Surprisingly, they’d only gotten one more drink each, so she couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol.

  “Alright. I’m through being easy on you people.” Sam said. “If you aren’t game to take this to the next level, I suggest you speak up now because all bets are off. There are no rules. No limitations. So, in other words, it’s going to get hot and nasty in here now.”

  “Lord have mercy.” Logan grumbled. “I’ve created a monster.”

  The room erupted in laughter, but a chill ran down Ashleigh’s spine.

  Sam directed her gaze at Luke, and Ashleigh knew they were about to be in for it.

  “Luke, truth or dare?”

  “Give it your best shot, baby.” Luke pinned Sam with that cocky, no nonsense grin. “Dare.”

  Ashleigh knew that out of all of them, aside from Cole, Luke had the least limitations when it came to sex. He was obviously bi-sexual because he was in a permanent relationship with both Cole and Sierra, which meant they probably did some pretty interesting things if she’d have to guess.

  “I want to watch...” Sam paused, obviously for effect, “while you give Cole a blow job.”

  Ashleigh’s pussy clenched, the idea of what she was about to witness the hottest thing she could have imagined. She’d never taken her books down that path – at least not yet – so, seeing this first hand was completely out of her element.

  “Stay right where you are, baby.” Luke told Sierra when she would have moved. She was still sitting on Cole’s lap, but Luke maneuvered her so she had a front row view of what was about to happen.

  From where they were on the couch, everyone in the room would have an up close view to... oh holy crap!

  Ashleigh could do nothing but stare as Luke eased Cole’s impressive cock from his jeans, stroking him with his large hard before his tongue darted out to lave the engorged head. She couldn’t even breathe.

  Not until Alex moved closer to her, pulling her in front of him, his hands gripping her waist as he leaned in close to her ear. She could feel his erection pressed against her back.

  “You like to watch?” He whispered against her ear. She hoped he didn’t expect an answer because as well as being unable to turn away, she couldn’t speak either.

  Watching Luke ravish Cole’s cock with his mouth, using his tongue and teeth to apply just enough sensual torture to have Cole’s face contorting in both pleasure and what she assumed was pain, was the most erotic thing she’d ever witnessed. When Sierra gripped the base of Cole’s shaft, holding him firmly, sliding his cock between Luke’s lips, Ashleigh gasped, as did others in the room.

  Involuntarily, Ashleigh moved back against Alex, suddenly wanting his hands on her, but knowing she was too engrossed in the erotic scene to so much as notice if he did.

  What couldn’t have been more than two or three minutes felt like hours, before Luke slowly released Cole’s still erect cock from his mouth, licking the head one last time before returning to his seat beside him.

  “Holy shit.” Sam exhaled, “That was so fucking hot.” She was just as breathless as Ashleigh.

  “My turn.” Luke said, staring right at his twin, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Truth or dare, little brother?”

  Ashleigh held her breath, wondering whether Logan would take the easy way out because at this point, there couldn’t be a single secret that would have been harder than what Luke likely had in store for his dare.

  “Dare.” Logan retorted, obviously pushing Luke.

  “I dare you to convince your wife to strip naked so the rest of us can see her amazing body.”

  Ashleigh felt like a bystander, not an active participant in this little escapade. The way Sam was pushing Luke and Luke was pushing Logan, it was obvious they were trying to see who would go the farthest. To her surprise, Sam only smiled as she looked down at her husband.

  “Stand up.” Logan ordered, and his terse words sent a chill racing down Ashleigh’s spine, although he was talking to his wife, not her. Just the dominant tone would have been enough to have Ashleigh jumping to attention, willing to do anything he instructed her to do. It was the same tone Alex had used on occasion, but not nearly enough.

  Sam stood before Logan, her back to the room, obviously waiting for his next instruction.

  “I want you naked. Completely.” He ordered, and Sam grinned yet again. In a record amount of time, Sam was standing before them all, totally naked, and looking more confident than Ashleigh had ever felt, even when dressed.

  “Now sit on my lap, baby.” Logan said firmly.

  With Sam once again on Logan’s lap, his hands lingering on her breasts, teasing her while the rest of the room watched, Ashleigh waited to see who Logan would target next. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to get by with sitting on the sidelines for much longer.

  “Truth or dare?” Logan said, before pinning her with his gaze.

  “Truth.” Ashleigh said quickly, chickening out yet again.

  “Have you ever done anything like this before? And if you say no, I want to know how far you are willing to go.”

  Ashleigh knew this was the opening for her consent for them to include her in this erotic interlude. They’d obviously been leaving her out, probably hoping she’d get her bearings. She had them, alright. “No.” She said, not breaking eye contact with Logan. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” Steeling herself by taking a deep breath, she answered the second part of his question, “And as for how far I’ll go? Try me.”


  Alex knew his exhale could be heard throughout the room. He had held his breath, anticipating what she would say; unsure which way he wanted it to go. Evidently they’d be participating like the rest of them. He was both eager and hesitant.

nbsp; “My turn.” Ashleigh said, sounding more confident than he would have given her credit for. “Sierra, truth or dare?”

  Sierra grinned, obviously hoping someone would call on her. “Dare.”

  Alex waited patiently for Ashleigh to come up with something, and when she didn’t, he leaned in so only she could hear and offered his input.

  Logan laughed while Luke groaned, Ashleigh merely smiled. Alex knew that once Ashleigh did this, it would likely come back on her, but he was tempted to see how far she would actually go. He would be the first to admit that this type of situation wasn’t normally his forte, but seeing Ashleigh open up, watching as she got more and more turned on by what was going on around her, had him waiting patiently for his turn. It was erotic as hell, and yes, he was interested in seeing where it led them.

  “I dare you to get as naked as Sam.”

  Surprisingly, Sierra looked hesitant for a moment, but then she stood from her seat on Cole’s lap, removing every last stitch of clothing and revealing her stunningly beautiful body. Alex was just as consumed by the sight as everyone else in the room, the same way he had been when Sam undressed. Sam and Sierra were definitely attractive women, but neither held a candle to Ashleigh.

  “My turn.” Sierra smiled, looking back at Ashleigh. Or rather, just past Ashleigh as it would seem. “Alex, truth or dare?”

  Since he’d picked truth the two other times he’d been called upon, he knew it was time to up the ante so to speak. “Dare.”

  “Since your girl’s the only female left with any clothes on, I dare you to take them off of her.” Sierra said, mirroring Luke’s words from earlier.

  Ashleigh was close enough that Alex could hear her slight gasp. That certainly wasn’t a dare for Alex, but rather a sneaky way to get back at Ashleigh. He didn’t hesitate before he instructed her to stand up. He also stood, both of them nearly in the center of the room.

  Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he slowly slid her t-shirt up over her breasts, then over her head and tossed it to the floor behind them. With teasing fingers, he slid his hands down her chest, sliding them underneath the lace of her bra, and then circling each nipple once with the backs of his fingers.


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