Deviant Attraction: A Dark and Dirty Boxset

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Deviant Attraction: A Dark and Dirty Boxset Page 6

by Bene, Jennifer

  Finally, she felt Adam’s thrusts increase, his fingers tightening painfully around her waist, moving down to her hips to drive her hard back against him. Her orgasm made her cry out loudly, moaning against the flesh on her tongue, he pushed her head back down and her cries were swallowed against his skin as Adam’s growl of satisfaction behind her and his cock kicking deep inside her meant he had followed after her. Adam leaned back and she felt his lips and teeth trace over her hip, leaving gentle bite marks that had her moaning against the cock that pushed into her throat before it pulsed and she felt the heat of his come and swallowed. When she lifted her mouth, careful with the too sensitive skin of his head, she was gasping. Tender, and electrified with the orgasms she’d been given. Adam pulled her dress down and tugged her backwards so she leaned against him, breathless.

  “You did beautifully, Cara.” He brushed her hair from her face, his thumb wiping her mouth gently. Then he pressed a kiss against her. “How did you like it?”

  “That was… amazing. I’ve never—” Her mind whirled. Three men. She’d been spanked while she’d given one blowjob, been fucked from behind while she gave another. And her body was alive, electric, energized with the actions she’d taken.

  “New isn’t always bad. If you liked it, then you liked it. Try not to overthink it.” Adam gave her a small smile. “If I see you again, I’d like to show you more than just my hand. The way you reacted, I think you’d enjoy quite a few things.”

  “Would she?” The low purr of Saif’s voice had her snapping her head up. A blush flooded up her chest and into her cheeks and she sat up. Adam’s arm was behind her on the couch, and he pulled her back by her shoulder. Saif’s eyes moved to Adam’s hand and there was a subtle shift in his stance before he chuckled low. “Cara, would you enjoy other things than just being spanked?

  “She’s new, Saif. Look at the mark on her hand.” Adam spoke almost protectively.

  “I know she’s new, Adam, I’m the one that found her and invited her.” Saif spoke calmly, but he once again sounded like he was lecturing, as if Adam were in trouble. Adam’s arm lifted from her and she felt like she was about to watch two alpha males go at it — over her. The sheer surprise that idea wrought over her almost kept her from interceding as Adam moved to stand.

  “Adam, wait, if I see you at another event… I’d like to have you show me more.” She smiled and he looked at her, his expression softening from the tense one he’d developed when speaking to Saif.

  “I would too, Cara.” Adam’s voice maintained that clear tone, but it had an edge to it now.

  “I had promised to see Saif tonight, since he invited me, would you mind if I talked to him?” The words tumbled out of her like she was a diplomat. When had she learned how to talk to men like these? The tension in Adam’s shoulders relaxed slightly and he nodded. He got up to leave, but not before leaning down and craning her head back and kissing her. His lips felt like they bruised her, his grip on the back of her neck strong, making her head spin. When he let go and turned to leave she was a little breathless, but she tried to remain composed when she looked at Saif.

  He smirked at her. “Clever girl.”

  “I—” she started, but he continued.

  “I asked if you were interested in doing more than just being spanked?” Saif’s voice was low and he moved closer to her. The room seemed to fade, she was dimly aware of cries from around her. The snap of paddles, the slap of skin, the groans of sex. She was so awake, and the man who had woken her up was in front of her.

  “Yes. I am.” She tried to sound brave, fearless.

  “Do you want me to do those things to you?” Saif stepped even closer, so close she couldn’t stand up from the couch without him stepping back first. Looking up at him made her squirm, despite already having two orgasms. He’d been the star of her fantasies for several days, and now he was in front of her, gorgeous, and strong, and incredibly hot.

  “You told me you wouldn’t hold back.” Cara surprised herself by how confident and in control she sounded.

  “I did promise that, Cara. Are you sure you can take it?” His voice was all challenge, but she wanted to meet it.


  “Then all you have to do is obey me.” He leaned down over her, his dark eyes filling her vision.

  Chapter Six

  “Be a good girl, and I won’t have to punish you any more than I already plan to.”

  Her heart stuttered in her chest. “Punish?” The word came out on a squeak.

  “Not your fault, not completely, but I did invite you, and I expected to at least be able to watch when you had your first encounter.” His fingers traced the neckline of the dress he had bought her, and then his hand slid up her neck, wrapping around it gently. “But I got here a little late, and you were already quite busy.”

  “I—” She whimpered, she hadn’t known he wanted her to wait for him. He hadn’t said!

  “Like I said, you didn’t know any better, but I’m a little possessive and a punishment is just what we need.” He tilted her head back. “And you did say you wanted to try more? That you didn’t want me to hold back?”

  She nodded.

  “This is me not holding back, little one.” His other hand came forward and he handed her a glass. “Here, it’s a cape cod. I think you’ll like it.” He watched as she drank it fast, too fast really. It was good, and cold, and let her nerves steady for a moment.

  “Thank you.” Cara’s eyes lifted back to his and the edge of a smile tilted his lips as he took the glass and sat it aside.

  “Ready?” He asked, his fingers brushing across her collarbone. She nodded, and felt something change in him. “Good girl.” Saif’s hand slid into her hair and pulled her to her feet, his other hand grabbed her arm and held it behind her back, not painfully, but with the hold it was easy for him to move her across the room, and her heart rate spiked as he controlled her movement around sets of entwined people and into one of the side rooms. A small “Reserved” sign had been tacked outside of it. On the inside was a huge king sized bed, and the walls were completely lined with toys and other things. He released her, and stepped in front of her. “Strip.”

  “What?” Cara knew he had seen parts of her body, but never nude. And he wanted her to just—

  “Strip. Now.” His voice held an edge and his promise of punishment echoed in her ears. Her hands moved to the zipper at her side and she slid the dress down smoothly.

  “No panties?” Saif asked, his brow lifting.

  “Adam and Samuel, they—”

  “I see.” He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. “Continue.” She reached back and unhooked her bra, sliding it down her arms and letting it drop. He stalked forward and grabbed her arms, pushing her back against the wall, she moaned as his hand slipped between her thighs, her head dropping back. In a moment he had her soaked, her body thrumming with each rub of his fingers across her clit.

  “Oh— oh my God, Saif, please!” Her hips rocked against his hand and he thrust three fingers inside her without warning. She was sore from Adam’s hard use of her, and she whimpered even as pleasure flooded inside her.

  “Say my name again, Cara.” His voice growled against her skin, his teeth biting into her shoulder, and her legs almost buckled as pleasure slammed into her.

  “Saif! Saif please!” She begged, her hips lifting against his hand, she was so close.

  “No.” He took his hands back and stepped away from her. He was completely calm, while she was squirming, and breathing hard as the tension inside her strained. “Ready for your punishment?”

  “But—” Cara started to talk and he shook his head. “Yes, Saif, I’m ready.” Her body responded, tightening even further as her imagination took off with the variety of paddles, crops, canes, and toys around the room.

  “Good girl.” His voice almost made her melt. “Kneel.” She was grateful for the command, because her knees were shaking. She knelt in front of him and he slowly opened the
top of his pants. “So you like sucking cock, Cara?”

  Her blush rocked her, and she looked up at him, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. How he could say things like that, in that smooth, cultured voice, with a straight face — she didn’t understand. But, their rules had all been about honesty thus far, right? “Yes.” She mumbled, heat burning in her cheeks.

  “Show me.” Saif kept his arms at his sides and so Cara lifted her hands to his zipper and lowered it, tugging his pants down enough that she could see the distinct bulge through his boxers. His stomach was ridged with muscle when she slid her hands up, but he caught one of her wrists. “I gave you permission to touch just one part of me, or do you really want the other half of the punishment to start so quickly?” His mouth ticked up into a smile and she found her pulse racing. He was intense, and hot, and — oh shit — really well endowed.

  “Saif, I—” Cara looked up at him and she could see the small smile on his face, as he watched her realize just how difficult it would be to have him in her mouth. He was thick and long, and she wondered how it would feel when he, or if he, fucked her.

  “Problem, Cara?” He was toying with her. This was why he said this was half the punishment. Well, she wasn’t backing down. She would show him what she was capable of.

  “Not at all, Saif.” Cara wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and squeezed, drawing her hand towards the head where she flicked her tongue out to taste him. He groaned, and she watched his hands tense as he fought the urge to touch her. Cara drew him into her mouth, focusing her tongue on the sensitive underside, continuing to pump her hand back and forth until his hips were keeping time with her movements. Every few dips of her head, she took him just a little deeper. When he finally reached her throat she tried to swallow against him but he was too big. Cara moaned in frustration, and the vibrations against Saif’s flesh had him hissing through his teeth. She refused to give up, to give in to his bravado, and continued to push herself, using every trick she’d ever learned, or read in a magazine, or on a website, and after a few minutes the head of him slipped into her throat. Cara wanted to cheer, but then Saif grabbed her hair and pulled her back. His eyes were blazing, scorching lines down her body. A tremor moved through him, the only outward display of his need, and then he was once again cool, calm, and collected.

  “Up.” His voice sounded rough, and inside her own head Cara was throwing herself a parade. She’d ruffled his feathers! This man. This mysterious, cultured, sex god who had ruled her fantasies since she met him. Cara pushed herself up until she stood naked in front of him, with him a few inches taller, and still clothed. Slowly, Cara used her thumb to brush the wetness from her bottom lip, and then she grinned up at him.

  “Why did you stop me? Weren’t you enjoying yourself?” She could play too, if he wanted to tease her. A real smile flashed across his lips before he composed himself again.

  “Oh, little one, I enjoyed that quite a bit. But letting you taste me? That doesn’t sound like much of a punishment.” He tilted his head and stepped closer to her, invading her space, his shirt brushing across her hard nipples and making her shiver. “There is a metal hoop embedded in the wall behind you. Face the wall and stretch your hands up towards the loop.”

  Cara obeyed, feeling her muscles strain as she stood on tiptoe to try and reach the hoop. Saif was suddenly behind her, his hands trailing down her calves to take off her high heels. He stood back up and pushed down on her shoulders until her bare feet were flat on the floor.

  “Can’t have you on your toes like that.” His confidence in how her body should be positioned for whatever he had planned made the heat between her legs pulse with need. She couldn’t figure out why she trusted him, but she did. It only increased when he slid soft, nylon cuffs around her wrists and ran the attached straps up to the metal hoop and locked them on with carabiners. He adjusted the tension of the straps until her body was pulled forward against the wall, but her feet were still firmly planted, hip’s width distance apart. “Tell me, Cara…” Saif’s voice hummed against her skin and she tugged on the cuffs out of instinct, testing her limited range of motion. “What did you imagine me doing with you tonight?”

  “I— I imagined you to-touching me.” She was grateful to be facing the wall and not his intense, dark eyes.

  “That’s it? Did you imagine me fucking you?” His hands slid down her sides, before digging into her hips right where Adam’s fingers had bruised her. It made her moan quietly. She nodded. “Did you imagine me doing anything else? Using any of those things mentioned on the survey?” His warm body pressed against her back, pinning her against the wall, and she knew she was pressing her hips back against him.

  “Yes.” He pulled a moan from her when his hands slid up and he squeezed her breasts, his fingers plucking at her already hard nipples until she squirmed harder between him and the wall.

  “What was it? What did you fantasize about, Cara?” His mouth came down on her neck and he trailed nipping kisses down her shoulder, he was making it impossible to think. “Tell me, Cara, because I’ve been thinking about you too, and if you don’t answer me soon I’m going to just pick something.” Heat roiled inside her at his words, at his breath brushing over her skin.

  “The paddle!” The words leapt out of her mouth and Saif slid his hand between her thighs, his fingers dipping inside her which only reminded her of just how wet she was, of how close he’d brought her to orgasm before stopping.

  “You know that hurts more than a spanking, right?” His voice rumbled against her ear.

  “Yes?” Her voice was aching with the urge to plead with him again, his fingers were driving her higher and higher. And a distant, unknown part of her lifted its attention at the mention of the paddle hurting more. Why did she feel anticipation instead of fear?

  “Aren’t you a brave girl? Well, I did say it was a punishment, and the paddle is a good introduction.” He slid his fingers from her again, and she couldn’t hear him moving over the music and the sounds of other cries across the party. For a moment she was left staring at the reddish lit wall in front of her, listening to the pulsing music, waiting for Saif’s return. His voice suddenly reappeared just behind her shoulder. “Tell me your safe word so I know you remember it.”

  “Peach! Saif, please, I just need—”

  “Hush, little one, and remember to breathe.” The first smack of the paddle across her ass jarred her more than she thought it would. Her hips swung forward and she found herself bracing against the wall. That was a mistake though as he landed another hard smack and her body had to absorb the full impact with nowhere to move forward. She pushed herself back and the paddle landed again, which stung for a moment before spreading into heat. “Done warming up. Ready?”

  Warming up?

  A sharp smack cracked across her ass and she whimpered, tightening her grip on the nylon straps above her. She could feel the entire outline of the paddle. Another landed, overlaying part of the previous one and she yelped. Her body didn’t respond with fear, but with further lust. She was so wet that when she pressed her thighs together after the next strike, she could feel the evidence of her arousal coating the tops of her inner thighs.

  Saif stopped and chuckled closely behind her. “Cara, I do believe you’re enjoying this. Be honest, are you?” She nodded. “Hmmm. Well, if I weren’t trying to punish you, that would be lovely. However, let’s see how far we can push your body in real punishment.”

  “Saif—” she started but her words were cut short with a hard spank of the paddle across her ass, it lit up her skin and had her straining her arms against the nylon straps. Another followed quickly and she cried out, tears pricking at the edges of her eyes. She shook her head, but she couldn’t talk as another strike landed and her skin was over-sensitive. The skin of her ass turning hot underneath the paddle, and all of that heat pooled between her thighs. Licking up her spine to blend with electric pulses that had her breath shuddering somewhere on the edge between moans
and sobs. “A number!” She cried out before the next paddle strike could land. “Please, Saif, give me a number to count!” Saif pressed against her back, the fabric of his pants roughly moving against the stinging skin, his hand bent her head back by her hair.

  “You’re asking for a number? Who taught you that, Cara?” His voice was growling against her ear and she whimpered. “Did Adam teach you that counting helped? Answer me.”

  “Yes! I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you!” Cara cried out and squirmed. Everything with Aphrodisia Limited, these parties, Saif, and her own sexuality was so new. Too new. Too new for her to have rules to follow that she didn’t understand.

  “I’m not angry, little one.” His hand relaxed in her hair and she felt the leather of the paddle brushing against the inside of her thigh, nudging her legs apart. “I would have happily shared you with Adam, I just wanted to watch you discover these things. Because you respond beautifully.” The loud slap of the paddle dropping to the floor was easily heard over the music.

  “Okay… I get it. Thank you, Saif.” Cara breathed, the longer she spent after the paddle had stopped, the more the heat in her skin shifted into pleasure. Her hips were rolling, and when his touch found her again she moaned unabashedly.

  “Speaking of sharing, I believe you met Ben earlier?” Saif’s voice sounded full of humor.

  “Hello again.” Ben’s playful voice came from her left and when Cara turned her head she found Ben leaning against the wall, openly staring at her. A blush suffused her cheeks as she wondered how long he’d been watching her, listening to them.


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