Deviant Attraction: A Dark and Dirty Boxset

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Deviant Attraction: A Dark and Dirty Boxset Page 15

by Bene, Jennifer

  “Are you kidding?” Colby put a finger under her chin so she looked into his baby blue eyes again. “Feeling you begging with my cock in your throat was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever done, and — well, I’ve done a lot.”

  “Let’s try something new then. What did you put in that goody bag of yours, Colby?” Eric was crouching behind her, loosening the ropes on her ankles, and a fresh rush of anxiety flooded her.

  “Ohhhh, that.” He grinned at her before standing and tucking his still hard cock back into his boxers. Instead of pulling his jeans back into place he just kicked them off with his shoes and walked around the workbench. “Let’s get her up on the table for this.”

  Megan stood, stretching her back and flexing her feet now that she was free of the rope. When she looked down it was clear the gauze had done the trick of protecting her skin even though the strain of her pulling had still turned it red. Her ass was more than tender though as she reached back to trace the fresh welts with her fingertips, wondering what on earth Colby had in his head.

  “How are you doing?” Eric slipped up beside her and his voice was a quiet rumble close to her ear that sent a shiver over her. His hand joined hers in moving over the marks on her skin when she turned to look at him.

  “I’m okay, but you are a lot more… intense.”

  His dark eyes ran over her bare back and her ass before returning to meet her gaze. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  She swallowed, pushing down her nerves and the trickle of old emotions that tried to surface as he looked at her with that same powerful stare he’d first captured her with. “I think it’s good.”

  “You’d tell me if we were playing too rough, right?” The concern that flickered over his features made her heart leap before she snagged it and mentally tied it back down in her chest.

  No. This was just fun. She was not going to fall for him all over again.

  They were just having fun.

  “I promise, you’d know if I wasn’t okay with it. I’d be a hell of a lot less well behaved.” She grinned before she added with a wink— “…sir.”

  “Good girl.” Eric pinched one of the welts hard and she yelped, lifting onto her toes as she tried to squirm away from the zing of pain. “Now, I think Colby told you to get up on the workbench, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, sir!” Megan gave a fake salute and hopped up onto the wooden surface, wincing when her tender skin made contact. Eric didn’t miss the sarcastic response and he bent her back with a hand in her hair, forcing her to lie back as she hissed air between her teeth.

  “We may want to tie her up for this, too.” Colby held up a wide, lit candle and her mouth dropped open.

  “Good idea, you do her hands.” Eric grinned as he released her and moved to renew the ropes at her ankles, spreading her legs to the edges of the workbench.

  “Could you hold this for me, Megster?” Colby set the candle on her stomach, just below her breasts, and she immediately grabbed for it to steady it. He laughed and took her free hand to begin wrapping her wrist in gauze. “I think you’d better figure out how to keep it steady without that hand, because as soon as I’m done here, I’m tying that one up too.”

  “Jerk.” She mumbled, and Eric landed a hard spank on her pussy that made her jump and she almost spilled the melting wax on her skin. “Hey!”

  “Tsk, tsk… you’re going to want to hold still better than that, Megan.” He smiled deviously and she groaned as she dropped her head back against the wood. A moment later Colby was reaching for her wrist and she held her breath, balancing the wide candle as best as she could as he moved her wrists above her head. Her pulse was making the candle jump and she forced herself to take little sips of breath in an effort to keep the hot wax from spilling — which was pointless. There was only one reason Colby had stolen the candle from one of the tables at the party, and only one reason he had lit it… and it wasn’t for mood lighting.

  “Now, this is a very pretty sight.” Colby stood to her side and Eric stepped up next to him, both of their eyes moving over her body spread out on the workbench. A blush flushed her skin, but it didn’t keep her from taking in the deep V just above Colby’s boxer briefs or the broad strength of Eric’s chest and shoulders. It was incredible that they both still looked so hot. Why couldn’t they have at least added a few pounds in the decade they’d been apart? Eric had filled out from the young boy she had known into a tall, powerful man. Colby had always been able to build muscle no matter what he ate, but she was sure the personal training had a lot to do with just how ridiculously hot he looked. They smiled at each other and she groaned.

  “You two are fucking trouble.”

  “Language, Megan.” Eric leaned forward and pinched one of her nipples between his fingers, twisting it until she was whimpering and struggling to keep the candle still.

  “You want to do the honors, Eric?”

  “Oh no, the candle was your genius idea. Please, go ahead. I’ll figure out how to entertain myself.” Eric smiled and released the vice-like grip on her nipple to trail his hand down her stomach while she tried her best to stay still. When Colby finally lifted the candle from her she took a deep breath in relief, but it was short lived.

  “New rule, Megster. Make too much noise and we punish you. No screaming, okay?” His blue eyes were dancing with mischievous glee, and she gritted her teeth before nodding. There was no denying the excited ripple that moved down her spine as she waited, clenching her hands as she prepared herself for the ride. The first tilt of the candle sent a searing shock of pain through her and she jerked against the ropes as the hot wax slid over her skin and began to harden in the cool air. She managed to keep her mouth closed against the whine, and Colby just tilted his head as he watched her adjusting to the new sensation, endorphins flooding back in to fill the mental space as the pain faded.

  “Good girl, Megan.” Eric growled as his hand brushed between her thighs, one finger sliding between the lips of her pussy as if to remind her of just how wet she was.

  “Oh, fu—” she cut the curse off, biting her lip as Colby spilled more wax over her breasts. The heat was vicious for a moment, but it quickly cooled and left her nipple taut under a case of dark blue wax.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been a bigger fan of our school colors than right now. What do you think, Eric?”

  “Hmmm, I’m not sure. I think we need a little more on her before I make a decision.”

  “I agree.” Colby smiled and repeated the motion, dripping the wax slowly over her other breast. She bucked against the bonds, pressing her nails into her palms as she waited for the scalding heat of the wax to fade and leave her gasping. “Hmmm, this is so pretty, but we need to wait for a little more wax to build up. It’ll be too hot right now. Know anything we can do in the mean time?”

  The guys looked at each other over her and then Eric slid a finger inside her, followed quickly by another that had her arching off the table. “Oh my God…” she whined, tilting her hips up towards his hand.

  “Here’s a good rule we can add. No coming without permission, Megan.” Eric smiled as his thumb landed on her clit and began slow, torturous circles that had her whimpering. “Ever played with orgasm control?”

  “If by orgasm control you mean see-how-many-times-she-comes-before-she-begs-you-to-stop, then, yeah.” Colby laughed and Eric rolled his eyes before tormenting her even more by increasing the delicious pressure over her clit.

  “I was actually asking Megan, but I’m sure she’d like to play that game with you when we’re done with this one.” Eric grinned, keeping his eyes glued to her as she pulled against the ropes and gasped as another wave of pleasure rolled up her spine.

  “I suck at this game, Eric, seriously! Please!” She arched hard off the workbench when he curved his fingers to rub against her g-spot, and her rambling pleas were impossible to stop as she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Tsk, tsk, Megster. Didn’t Eric say to refer to us as ‘sir’?”
Colby’s voice was the only warning she got before another streak of fire landed on her belly. A half-scream escaped her before Colby’s hand clapped down over her mouth, and her eyes popped open to find him grinning madly above her. “Shhhh. Good girls stay quiet.”

  “And bad girls get punished,” Eric finished and slid his fingers from her to spank her pussy hard. She yelped against Colby’s hand, but then Eric’s returned between her thighs and she was tossed back into the thrum of pleasure each rhythmic movement created inside her.

  With her eyes closed tight she felt like a boat being tossed on an ocean of sensation. The constant rubbing of her clit compounded with Eric’s very talented fingers meant she would rise to the top of a wave of pleasure, tensing as she felt it was about to crest and throw her into oblivion — and then Colby would pour a trail of hot wax over fresh skin and she’d be jerked back from the edge. It was a dizzying back and forth, and it was the kind of ride she wasn’t sure if she wanted to stop, or beg for them to keep going.

  Time seemed to be suspended, but she was losing the battle of controlling her orgasm. With each new switch between pleasure and pain the wax was doing less and less to keep her from that glorious edge. Eric seemed to know just when she got too close and his touch would gentle, the insistent rolling of his thumb over her clit would pause and he’d hold her there with a pressure that had her hips bucking in an effort to find completion. “Please! Please, may I come?”

  “That’s right, beg us.” Eric’s voice was sinfully dark and it made her whine as Colby took the opportunity to land the wax just above her mound, dangerously close to Eric’s busy fingers. It almost pushed her over the edge and she yanked against the ropes at her wrists out of frustration.

  “God! Please, sir, sirs, I need to come! Holy sh— I need to, please! Please!”

  “Up to you, Colby.”

  “Look at me, Meg.” Colby’s voice was low and when she forced her eyes open again, his baby blues were inches above her. “Keep your eyes on me and you can come, understand?”

  “Yes, sir! Please!” she begged, not even capable of thinking of a smart-ass retort as the pleasure became a vicious tension that had her body reaching for that forbidden precipice.

  “Alright, come for us. Let go.” Eric’s command seeped through her consciousness as she fought to keep her eyes open, letting the rhythm of his hands rush through her until her arousal snapped like a cable and her body lit up from the inside. It was heat and heady sensation that had her crying out and Colby’s hand covered her mouth again as she lifted hard off the table. Her skin hummed, but Eric didn’t let up. “Again.”

  Megan murmured pleas against Colby’s hand, but his pupils were growing larger as he watched her writhe and then a new wave crashed over her, and she was drowning in sensation. Her eyes closed tight, and she mumbled incoherently as their hands left her tugging against the bonds.

  A second later the warm swipe of a tongue moved up her cleft and she lifted her head to see Colby’s blond hair between her thighs. He dragged his tongue lazily over her clit and then smiled. “You taste as amazing as you smell, Megster.”

  “Fuck!” She hissed the word as he dipped his head again and his mouth closed over her clit sending a crippling wave of pleasure over her. Just as another orgasm threatened to crest, Eric’s fingers tightened viciously over one of her nipples, cracking the wax into pieces.

  “You always had such a mouth on you.” Eric laughed just before he leaned down to capture her mouth in a kiss, and she moaned against his lips even as his fingers twisted the bud captured between them. His tongue met hers, and she melted.

  How was it possible that he was an even better kisser than she remembered?

  Colby had her body rolling as she strained against the ropes tethering her to the table, but he grabbed her hips and pressed them down as he drew her clit into his mouth again. Her moan was caught in the kiss and Eric nipped her bottom lip before he leaned up to look down at her. His fingers shifted to the other nipple, still encased in the hardened wax, and he paused and watched her for a moment as she gasped and arched off table again.

  “Come.” His command was followed by another sharp pinch of her nipple, but the pain just rolled through her and collided with the incredible pleasure Colby was creating between her thighs and she cried out loudly. Eric caught the half-scream in another kiss, his fingers tightening over her nipple until her moan faded into whimpers against his lips.

  Colby’s teeth trailed over her clit and she was torn between wanting to beg them to stop, to give her a moment to breathe, because her skin was an electric network of sensation that wouldn’t stop humming. Before she could tear her lips away from Eric’s, Colby plunged two fingers inside her and she was already at the edge again. Her thighs trembled from the strain, her nails dug into her palms, and she wordlessly begged against Eric’s mouth because Colby wasn’t stopping and she was going to crash without permission.

  “You’re being such a good girl.” Eric’s dark eyes were locked onto her own when she opened them, and his words only pushed her further towards the edge, urging her to hold on so she didn’t disobey him.

  “Sir, please? I can’t hold it, I can’t—”

  “Shhh, just a few more seconds. You can do it.” He sounded so confident in her, but she was twisting against the restraints, her sweat-slicked skin lifting from the table and resting back as she tried to breathe through the constant waves of pleasure Colby’s tongue was tormenting her with.

  It wasn’t possible.

  She wanted to hold on, but there was no way. No way she could stop it, she’d come too many times and the barriers she’d built up to control the orgasms were crumbling fast. Just as she started to shake under the strain of it, Eric grabbed her hair and held her head back against the table.

  “Such a very good girl… go on, Megan, come again.” The words had barely left his lips before she had let go, and it was earth shattering. Lights burst behind her eyes to fill her with a sparkling wave of heat. She tried to muffle the cry by gritting her teeth, but her body was overwhelmed. Colby dragged it out, leisurely licking her soaked pussy in long strokes that ended with a flick over her clit. Her body jerked each time and she let out another whimper as she squirmed. Eric leaned over her, bracing his elbow on her other side so he could watch her fall apart, and then he started brushing light kisses across her cheek. His lips trailed down her jaw to her neck, and the gentle nips of his teeth only made the shivers stronger as the orgasm faded like the tide going out.

  Colby pressed a gentle kiss at the top of her mound, and then more on the insides of her thighs before he stood up at the end of the table. When Eric leaned up from her she groaned to see Colby dramatically wipe his chin with his hand and then lick his lips. “I’ve wanted to watch you come like that since… forever.”

  “I—” Megan stumbled over what she wanted to say, her body still riding the afterglow of a series of stellar orgasms, still in disbelief that Colby Warren had just been between her thighs. Hell, her brain was still trying to process that the guy she’d been in love with in high school was standing next to her, watching her with the same devilish expression he’d worn at seventeen.

  “Untie her legs, Colby. We’ll give her a minute to rest up before we have some more fun.” Eric was standing at the head of the table, and she felt his hands work the rope around her wrist, but all she could do was huff out a laugh.

  “More fun might kill me.” Megan sighed as one of her wrists came free and she stretched her arm out before pushing her waves back from her forehead.

  “I think you’re more resilient than you think, Megster.” Colby grinned, and she rolled her eyes as they released the rest of the ropes and took the gauze away. As she pulled her feet up onto the table the two of them stepped away to talk and she strained to listen to their hushed voices.

  “You do?” Eric asked with laughter in his voice.

  “Are you kidding?” Colby laughed too and she propped herself up on the workbench as he gra
bbed his jeans from the floor. Digging in a pocket he took out his wallet, and then a stream of condoms unfolded from it, attached in an accordion of dark foil wrappers. “Please tell me you were not dumb enough to show up here without condoms, Eric.”

  Eric grabbed his dress pants off the floor and yanked his wallet out. With a flourish he produced a single condom wrapper and held it up between his fingers. “I have one. One, Colby, because I apparently don’t whore it up as much as you do.”

  “I believe the phrase is… by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail?”

  “Did you seriously just quote Benjamin Franklin? About condoms?” Megan laughed and lay back against the smooth wood.

  “Is that who said it?” Colby shrugged, and they all laughed. With a roll of his eyes Eric walked over to her, and she watched as the muscles of his thighs moved with each step, enjoying the view. When he got close he helped her sit up and she swung her legs over the side.

  “You are so beautiful when you’re all flushed like this.” He trailed his thumb over her cheek and then dragged it across her lips. “It’s why I could never stop staring at you when we were younger.”

  “I just thought it was because you were making sure you hadn’t imagined the sex.” Megan grinned and he laughed loudly, and Colby coughed and tried to hide his laughter behind him.

  “Alright, maybe it was a bit of that too.” Eric tilted her chin up and she bit her lip, waiting to see what he’d say next. “Speaking of that, I really want to fuck you.”

  “Ditto!” Colby called out.

  “Of course. You ready for more?” Eric smiled at her, all charming dimples again, and she took a breath. Her eyes flicked between the two of them before she made herself nod.

  In for a penny, in for a pound, right? No turning back now, Megan.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Yeah?” Eric raised an eyebrow and she couldn’t stifle the grin that stretched her lips.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “So much better. Okay, wait here for a second.” He turned around and the two guys whispered briefly and then walked off in opposite directions. Colby headed towards the office tucked in the corner, and Eric walked to the other end of the classroom. A moment later and he was hauling back a thick, gray pad marred with dark spots. Megan opened her mouth to ask if he was serious, but then Colby called out to them.


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