The Resurrection of Josephine

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The Resurrection of Josephine Page 6

by Melinda Barron

  In between work, there was Rumer and Noah. Martin no longer stayed at his own house, spending every night in his lovers’ bed, laughing and making love with them until early in the morning. When Rumer and Noah had to work the next day, they curtailed physical activities, instead talking and learning each other's stories, likes and dislikes.

  Martin found out that Rumer hated peas, and she detested rudeness. Noah loved peas but hated spinach, and when people were rude, he was rude right back, something Rumer sometimes had problems dealing with, and would cause many an argument.

  Several times they got together on a “threesome” couples’ night with Fletch, Dev, and Quinn. Martin was thrilled his friends were getting along so well.

  During her off hours, Martin would take Rumer to visit Sandra, where the older witch taught Rumer the spell they'd used to bind Josephine to the crypt. With each visit, Martin could see Sandra sliding downhill, and it seemed to him as if she were only holding on to life until Samhain, so the final destruction of Josephine could take place.

  He mentioned as much to Rumer one night and she'd nodded her agreement. “Her breathing was so irregular today. Tori told me she's not sleeping very well, either."

  "I hope she makes it through,” Martin said, saying a silent prayer for Sandra, and for Mary Elizabeth, and Lola, who had all done their best to rid the world of a terrible evil.

  Three days before Halloween they met with Fletch's Aunt Margrette. They'd had lunch with her a week previously, feasting on crawfish that Fletch had prepared and listening to her idea for killing Josephine without her having to find a human host first. It involved things that Martin didn't quite understand, something about dolls and binding spells.

  Once Josephine was bound to the doll, it would be lit on fire, Margrette said. “A fitting end for her, a truly evil witch."

  Martin had agreed, but there was still a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach that something would go wrong. Josephine was strong now, he was sure of it. Martin and Rumer had gone out of their way to avoid the cemetery, for fear she would somehow find a way to get to them, and slip away before the final ritual could be completed.

  Dev had gone by everyday, though, and he said he could still sense her there, and that the equipment still connected with her presence. And since Sandra was still alive, Martin had no doubt Josephine was still there, waiting for her chance at resurrection.

  The night before Halloween, Martin stood with Rumer in line at a local deli, waiting to buy food so it would be ready for Noah when he got off work.

  "When are you going to give up your house?"

  Martin turned a curious gaze on her, the matter of fact tone of her voice making him smile slightly. “Just like that?"

  "Yes. You know Noah and I don't want to let you go."

  "No, I don't know that.” Martin cleared his throat. “We've never really discussed it."

  "I thought every night we went to bed together was discussion enough. We don't even question it anymore, none of us. You've noticed that, haven't you?"

  Martin nodded. “Just because it's a habit doesn't mean it's a fait accompli. I want it to be, yes, but how arrogant would it be of me to just say, ‘here I am, I'm moving in?’”

  "Very well, consider this a formal invitation.” She lifted on her tiptoes and kissed him gently, her mouth lingering right next to his. “Will you move in with us?"

  Martin's heart beat increased, and his eyes softened at the look of need and acceptance on her face. “Yes."

  "Good. Now feed me, I'm hungry."

  * * * *

  Martin shivered against the crisp, October air. They'd walked to the cemetery, Martin and Rumer both using the time to gather their thoughts, and the energy they thought they'd need.

  They'd spent last night moving Martin's meager number of belongings into their home. Martin had assured Janice he'd return to mow her yard every week in the summertime, and had promised he'd come to visit for coffee at least three times a week. His landlady had been upset, but understanding, and Martin had made her promise she would let him check out any potential tenant before she signed any papers.

  They waited now for Margrette, who was set to arrive in half an hour. Martin could feel Josephine's energy, swirling inside the graveyard. The spirit knew something was about to happen, and her anxiety was thick, dusting the air like syrup, sticking to everything.

  Martin pulled on the neck of his shirt, then took several deep breaths. “We need to hurry. If this doesn't work, we'll have to try to figure something else out, and I'd rather be done with it tonight."

  "You're right,” Rumer said. “I still think my idea—"

  "No!” Noah stepped forward, pointing at Rumer. “I'm warning you, Rumer, if you think—"

  "Don't you dare point a finger at me, Noah Hopper. If I think—"

  "Stop it,” Martin stepped between them. “She'll feed off your negativity. Positive, happy thoughts everyone."

  Silence took over for a few minutes, and then the sound of a car pulling up made all six of them turn their heads.

  "That's not Margrette's car,” Fletch said, frowning.

  "It's Sandra,” Rumer said, walking toward the vehicle where Tori was now helping her mother out. “What are you doing here?"

  "I came to help,” Sandra said, standing up straight, her hands shaking. “This is my mess, and I want to see it taken care of. We should have done something years ago, instead we let it linger, and now she's about to be unleashed, again. I won't last much longer."

  "No,” Rumer said. “Don't do it. We'll take care of it. Go home and rest."

  "Why? So I can die and be well rested? No, I'm staying.” Sandra walked toward the open gate and strolled through, using a cane for support.

  "Don't go in there, not yet! We're not ready!” Rumer turned to Tori. “Take her home!"

  Fletch and Dev went after her, trying to block her path, but were magically deflected, both men falling down.

  "Crap.” Rumer turned to Martin, who uttered the word again, then took off after Sandra, pleading with her to turn around. The woman ignored him, signs of her frailty disappearing with each step.

  The group followed her and as they neared the crypt, Martin stopped. Josephine watched Sandra with greedy eyes, an evil smile on her face.

  "Welcome, sister. So nice of you to come and visit me. It's a bit overdue, though, don't you think?"

  "Oh lord above,” Rumer skidded to a halt next to Martin pulling on his shirtsleeve. “I can hear her. We've got to get Sandra out of here."

  "No,” Martin said. “It's too late. Sandra feels this is the only way, and she may be right."

  "I'm not afraid of you anymore,” Sandra said, stepping closer to the crypt. “Come and get me."

  Josephine's snort of disbelief sent chills up Martin's spine, and the gasps from the assembled group let him know everyone had heard her.

  "You? Why would I want you when I have other, more succulent offerings? The young witch will do nicely, and her gorgeous body will serve me well."

  Martin and Noah stepped in front of Rumer, pushing her back. “Go, Rumer,” Martin said, jerking his head toward the gate. “Get out, now."

  The sound of another vehicle pulling up to the curb let them know Margrette had arrived. “Fletch! Hurry.” Martin tried, and failed, to keep Rumer from running in front of him. He grabbed her when she tried to leave and she fought him off. She didn't get far before Martin and Noah both clasped an arm.

  Sandra's laughter mixed with Josephine's, bringing everyone to a halt. “She may be young, but I'm stronger in ways that will serve you. Once you have my magic, mixed with your own, you can use it, can't you?"

  Martin realized Josephine was considering the other woman's words very carefully. It was probably true that Sandra's magic was stronger than Rumer's, and Josephine would know that. And in her greed and eagerness to gain corporal form again, she might not realize Sandra was dying.

  Sandra narrowed her eyes at the spirit, then laughed, a fu
ll-bloom explosion of sound aimed at making Josephine angry. And it worked.

  "Come on, witch, have you lost your nerve? Afraid you can't live outside the stone you've called home for the last fifty years."

  Martin could tell it took all of Sandra's strength to say the words. It hit him then that while she seemed stronger than she had the last time he'd seen her, her hands shook, and it wasn't from fear.

  "No.” He shook his head in disbelief and looked to Tori, who stood nearby, tears falling from her eyes. He could tell the woman wanted to run to her mother, to pull her back, but he also knew it was too late.

  There was a burst of sound as Josephine screamed, and Sandra's whole body shook. The spirit form of the witch disappeared, and then Sandra fell to the ground, writhing in pain. When Noah made to run toward her, Martin held him back.

  "Don't touch her. She's poisoned herself.” He looked to Tori for conformation. The woman nodded and burst into tears.

  "No!” Rumer rushed forward, but stopped just inches away from Sandra's body.

  Martin could feel the two spirits within the one body, Josephine now fighting to leave, and Sandra fighting just as hard to keep her inside until the flesh gave out and the body died.

  It took two horrible minutes for Sandra's body to fall still. Martin felt the spirits leave, felt Josephine's scream of pain before her spirit disappeared, the evil gone. And then he felt Sandra's yell of triumph, felt her surge of satisfaction, and lifted his eyes to see her floating near her now lifeless body, a smile on her beautiful face.

  "Good job,” he whispered softly, his eyes widening when he saw Josephine coming up behind her. It took him a few seconds to realize it wasn't Josephine approaching, but Lydia. She placed her hands on her sister's shoulders, then turned her gently and pulled her into a hug.

  Tears filled his eyes as he turned to Tori, now sobbing in Rumer's arms. “Your mom's okay, and your aunt is here, too."

  Tori nodded, but continued to cry.

  "We need to get out of here,” Dev said to Martin. “It's going to be hard to explain being in a cemetery on Halloween with a dead body. We've got to get her back to her house."

  "You're right.” Noah stepped forward and gathered Sandra's body in his arms, carrying her gently to Tori's car. Quinn drove as they left, with Dev and Fletch following behind in Margrette's car.

  Martin turned to where Sandra and Lydia still stood, their closeness making his heart swell.

  "I can't believe she did it,” Rumer said, softly.

  "Why. You were you willing to do it, right? She's sick, and she knew she was dying, and this was her way to right something she thought she'd done wrong, and keep anyone else from being hurt."

  Noah stepped up on Rumer's other side. “Is she really gone? Josephine?"

  "Yes.” Martin looked around the cemetery, where a few spirits still lingered. “I need to try and help the souls she's displaced."

  Rumer put her hand on his arm, looking into his eyes. “Will it hurt you?"

  "It might drain me a little, but I can't leave them."

  "Then we'll stay with you,” Noah said. “Cause that's what lovers do."

  Martin kissed them both gently, letting his lips linger on theirs, savoring the feel of their hands on his hips and back as the three of them hugged.

  Then he stepped back and turned to Sandra. “Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. You and your sister need to go, now. Make up for lost time, and don't be a stranger."

  When she was gone, he sighed heavily, then walked toward the first spirit who showed him any recognition. It promised to be a long night.

  He'd only taken a few steps when he stopped, the presence of Rumer and Noah giving him a surge of energy. Usually, a challenge like the one standing before him would be daunting. He knew it would exhaust him. But tonight, instead of seeking solace after his work, he would hold out his arms, and Noah and Rumer would be there.

  That gave him a sense of belonging and of power that he'd never felt before.

  He turned to them and held out a hand, love filling his heart as they both gaze at him. “Come with me."

  And so they did.

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  About the Author

  Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins, play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the comfort of her home by opening a book.

  Melinda is the fourth of five children born to an Army officer and his wife. A longtime newspaper journalist, Melinda has loved to read and write from an early age. Now she lives in the Texas Panhandle with two cats, Amelia and Pippin, and enough books to, according to her brother, open her own library. In addition to reading and writing Melinda enjoys travel, cross-stitching, watching movies and spending time with her friends and family.

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  Table of Contents

  The Resurrection of Josephine

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


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