Dire Sparks (Song of the Aura, Book Five)

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Dire Sparks (Song of the Aura, Book Five) Page 18

by Gregory J. Downs

  Gram: Self-styled Pirate King of South Vast, also known as the Lord of Rogues. He is the father of Gribly and Gramling, two of the most powerful Striders in the world. He is the founder and ruler of the Alliance, a loosely-bound brotherhood of miscreants spread throughout Vast. His Stone Striding is increased tenfold with the use of his mighty war hammer, which was forged by the Red Aura himself. He commanded the rogue force in the Battle of the Gray Cathedral.

  Gramling: A Pit Strider, and brother to Gribly. His master, the mysterious Golden One, originally tasked him with either converting or killing the young thief. When he failed to do this, he was brought back to the Golden Nation to oversee Elia’s breaking, questioning, and subsequent training as a Pit Strider. He has developed feelings for her, similar to his twin brother’s, though the extent of these feelings is not known fully, even to him.

  Gribly: A street thief, formerly of Ymeer. He has manifested extraordinary abilities in Stone Striding, and is rumored to be the Prophet of the Aura. He is revealed to have originally been named Gramlen by his mother, Alwene, and his father, Gram. He is one of the few beings in all history able to Stride Spirit in addition to his natural World Element.

  Kalzikir: The M’tant cleric. Due to his failure in converting the wood-nymphs, the nymph man suffers from deep depression and melancholy, leading many to suspect he has lost his mind. His control over the element of Spirit is very weak as a consequence.

  Karanel Winter: The youngest Windmaster in Vastion’s army. Later referred to as “Karanel One-hand,” she eventually takes on a leading role in the Vastic Remnant. She is also present at the Battle of the Gray Cathedral, fighting with her brother Marvol’s White Wind troop.

  Karmidigan: A prodigiously powerful Reethe Frost Strider.

  Kell: A silverguard of Ymeer, who accompanies Gribly and Lauro on their journey to the Inkwell. Presumably killed in a Sea Demon attack.

  Kinn, The: The black-skinned inhabitants of Nation, the continent where the Golden Nation holds sway. They seem to speak a similar language to the Nymphtongue, and many know the Commontongue, yet they are of neither men nor nymphs. Among them, Pit Striding is much more common than any other kind of Striding. Next is Stone; Sea and Sky are almost totally absent.

  Kite S’wrath: One of the few female pirate captains to gain influence with the Alliance.

  Larion Vale: King of Vastion, the last surviving kingdom in Vast. With the advent of increasing Strider power everywhere, he has begun to thrive as none before him… however, it is rumored that this has also caused a lack of sanity in his leadership and personal behavior.

  Lauro Vale: Prince of Vastion, and Gribly’s uneasy friend. He was exiled for refusing to execute a prisoner, and is entirely focused on winning back the honor his father feels he has lost. With the finding of the Midnight Sword, he may have succeeded in his quest… but only a confrontation with his father will decide the matter permanently.

  Leafly: A Haedus in Wanderwillow’s entourage at the Swaying Willow inn.

  Legion, The: Nine Archdemons bound in the underworld of Kerbus at the beginning of time. They were once Aura, but became corrupted with pride in their own power. They wished to rule the world, and were banished for it.

  Lithric: The nymph cleric of Mythigrad.

  M’tant, The: A mysterious tribe of Wood Nymphs residing in the Blackwood, Northeast of the Grymclaw. Avarine eventually takes her father’s place as Tannarch of the M’tant.

  Magnin: One of the craftiest, most experienced rangers under Arlin’s command.

  Margry: A female Elder of South Village.

  Marlo the Fool: A rogue lord from the South, and a master of disguise. He is somewhat crazed, but a cunning leader nonetheless.

  Marmat: A silverguard of Ymeer, who accompanies Gribly and Lauro on their journey to the Inkwell. Presumably killed in a Sea Demon attack.

  Marvol Winter: Brother to Karanel Winter, and Lord of the White Wind, King Larion Vale’s personal bodyguard force.

  Medlore Hallifar Silverpaw: Also called simply “Mudlo,” he is one of the youngest rangers in Vastion’s force. He also bears the name Hallifar, though his relation to Byornleo Hallifar and/or Avarine Hallifar is distant, if it really exists at all. He is not the most serious person, unless under combat stress, in which case he can be deadly. Currently he is presumed dead after a ferocious fight with Steamclaw in the Red Aura’s forge.

  Morr: A sly ranger under Arlin’s command; formerly a bandit. He is also one of the older rangers, and extremely skilled with his fire-hurler.

  Murie: A Vastic Ranger stationed in Ymeer. Called “Old Murie” by most of the inhabitants, she disguised herself as a gypsy to blend in, allowing her to care for and protect Gribly as he grew older and learned to use his gift. She was killed by Gramling.

  Norne: The legendary Aura of fate. She is one of the few characterized as female, and is said to sit in Halla, holding the threads to which the fate of every living person is tied. In some controversial sources of lore, she is said to have the power to snip and tie these threads, granting life and death wherever she sees fit. Much of her true nature, however, is simply not known.

  Old Pickpocket, The: A former thief and black market trader specializing in strong drink. He is crippled from the waist down.

  Patnel: A Reethe nymph in charge of guarding Mythigrad’s armory. Secretly a Frost Strider.

  Raenin: One of the few woman rangers under Arlin’s command.

  Ragan: A mancaptain of Vastion, under command of Karanel Winter and Captain Yotun.

  Ranathin: Also known as “Ran.” Grandson of Elder Donovan, and friend to Calloway and Cramner.

  Randale: Another male human known as “Ran.” A Wind Strider messenger in the Vastic Dalheim commanded by Captain Yotun.

  Reethe, The: The northernmost of the three Sea Nymph tribes. Their Second Form resembles the icy snow they inhabit. It is stronger than the Second Form of the Treele, and most often used in combat or in the harsh winter storms that often lash the Inkwell.

  Roko Smallword: Head Cook in Vastion’s capital city.

  Shele: A mysterious woman living in the underbelly of Ymeer. Her brother Crutus pressured her to put her martial skills to use in the fight pits, which she reluctantly agreed to. Her recent losses have put the freedom of her only daughter at risk. She goes by the alias “Shadow.” At the fall of Ymeer, she acquitted herself valiantly, and now leads a portion of the Blast refugees at Dunelord Argoz’s side, titled as the “Duneshadow.”

  Sheolus: The cursed name of the Golden One.

  Slere Math: A former cleric, and now one of the most powerful rogue lords in Vast. He, like most, has sworn allegiance to King Gram.

  Sotheland Vath: Last surviving Vastic High Cleric. His first name is sometimes abbreviated “Sothe.”

  Steamclaw: A pit draik of Blast; called Nebulekef in the Nymphtongue. His service eventually passed from Gramling, to Gribly, to the Red Aura, who was revealed to have been his creator and master all along. He was killed by the ranger Mudlo, who in turn died fighting him.

  Tannarch, The: Father of Avarine, former lover of Avarine Hallifar, and leader of the M’tant. He was a powerful Stone Strider, coming into greater abilities just as many of his brethren during the troubled days leading up to the Day of Norne. Lauro Vale slew him in the Battle of Hawks and Ravens.

  Traveller: One of the many names taken by the Gray Aura. Commonly called Viator among the Sea Nymphs of the Inkwell. He is most powerful in the realm of dreams.

  Treele, The: The easternmost of the three Sea Nymph tribes. Their Second Form is watery and translucent, much like the waves they commonly inhabit.

  Trekno: A Kinn male of the Golden Sepulcher. He is a Malcyte, a newly-raised Pit Strider, and secretly a rebel under command of Lordyte Zonder.

  Tressa Kinn: A young Coalskin girl enslaved to the Golden Nation’s “Institution” in Manlyn. She aided Karanel Winter in her escape before being severely chastised and sent back to the Golden Nation homeland, where she eventu
ally became a Pit Strider Acolyte.

  Understone, The: The semi-sentient shell of what was once a Wood Demon core. It has corrupted the M’tant city of Mortenhine and brought most of the inhabitants under its pulsing, half-living thrall. Avarine may have destroyed it entirely during her escape, or it could simply be in hibernation. The truth is not currently known.

  Vail Kammerdan: A Sky Strider apprentice from Vastion, and one of the first to die in the Golden Nation invasion. His master was Windmaster Karanel Winter.

  Varstis: Raitharch of Mythigrad, Lord of the Sanquegrad, King of the Reethe. He is a nymph of more than respectable reputation, though there are rumors he had dealt with pirates in his youth. He led his people to the Grymclaw upon the second invasion of the Golden Nation.

  Wanderwillow: The commonly used name for the Brown Aura, who is rumored to reside in the Grymclaw. He sometimes goes by the name Swaying Willow, identical to the name of the enchanted inn where he is innkeeper. He is the Nympharch, the patron of the Nymph race. During the Last War, he has created a haven of safety called “The Grove.”

  Windfellow: A falconhorse under the service of Traveller, the Gray Aura. Wendfilo in the nymphtongue.

  Windwing: A far-eagle used by Karanel Winter and Vail Kammerdan.

  Winden: A Vastic warrior, and Captain Yotun’s second-in-command.

  Yan: A nymph, a friend of Captain Berne, and first mate on the Suthway Cath.

  Ymorio Highfast: Dunelord of Ymeer. Ruthless, intelligent and handsome, Ymorio kept himself in power far longer than any previous Dunelord; partially due to his more than competent Sand Striding abilities.

  Yorun: A mancaptain of Vastion, under command of Karanel Winter and Captain Yotun.

  Yotun: Captain of a Southern Dalheim, and a Wind Strider. He gave his life in defense of Vastion.

  Zain, The: The southernmost of the three Sea Nymph tribes. Unlike their brethren, they are restricted to a single mortal form. This may be due to the long periods of time spent on the land, or on the crafted wooden ships they use for trade.

  Zonder: A powerful Lordyte, and leader of the Golden Sepulcher rebellion. Formerly a Doomcleric; his dissatisfaction with the Golden Nation religion led him to subvert those around him in an attempt to pave the way for the rebellion.


  In the land of Vast, it is commonly held that the physical world consists of Five Elements. Three are of the World, and Two are of the Otherworld. The three World Elements are Sea, Sky, and Stone. The two Otherworld Elements are Spirit and Pit.

  Occasionally, a man or nymph will be born with the ability to manipulate part of an Element. Such a being is known as a Strider, and their ability is referred to as Striding. Most Striders are born with the ability to Stride only part of a World Element. This ability usually manifests itself sometime in early adolescence.

  The precepts and limits of Striding an Otherworld Element are unknown; however, it is generally accepted among scholarly circles that the so-called sorcerers and magicians are really just common men and women who have discovered some aspect of Pit Striding. The power of cleric “prayers” is sometimes attributed to Spirit Striding.

  In ancient times, Striders could manipulate an entire World Element, and sometimes even combine their power with some part of an Otherworld Element. The abilities of Striding have genetically decreased over time, however, and Striding an entire element was, for a while, unheard of.

  At the time of the events recorded in the Song of the Aura, some of the aforementioned facts have begun to be disputed. It is even prophesied by some of the less orthodox clerics in Vastion and beyond that there will soon arise those capable of surpassing even the most talented Striders of the past.

  And indeed, as time goes on, the power of Striders as a whole seems to be increasing at a rapid and dangerous rate. All but the weakest gain new power and new ability, resulting in many victories… and many deaths. The more power, the harder for those newly come into their power to control it. Excepting Gribly, Elia, Lauro, and Gramling, those who learn to control an entire World Element usually meet serious injury or death from the unclean flow of power. Some, like Karanel Winter, have even managed to “burn themselves out,” resulting in the loss of Striding altogether.


  Well, this book has been a journey. It began as a short book, which became a long book, which became another short book, which became a very long book, which was split into three parts. Eventually it was decided to be a nine-part series… and then, even that changed. What you’re reading is one of what is now six parts, and I have several special people to thank for helping it get to this point.

  Firstly, I thank God. He's given me my talent, and He's swept me off my feet with what He can do.

  Secondly, through God, I've had the grace to work with some amazing people, who I'd like to thank individually.

  My mom: for doing an incredible job refining and pruning my story to a readable point.

  My brother: for being the first reader and the first fan.

  Nathanael: for reading through and pointing out the dumb mistakes that slip by me constantly.

  Thirdly, I thank the teen writing workshop members from the spring program at my library: they don't know it, but without them the character of Gribly would never have been invented... and there would have been no story to tell.

  Lastly, I thank all the people and groups who gave me support and fellowship on the path of writing: my friends, my family, my heroes, my helpers. We're Striders together, all of us…

  ABOUT the AUTHOR and the BOOK

  I’m the author of several novels, including the standalone Arthurian novel Mordred, as well as the Song of the Aura series. Having grown up reading the likes of Tolkien, Jacques, Lewis, and Jordan, it was only a matter of time before my imagination grew too explosive to contain, and one day it spilled out onto paper as the first lines of my first story.

  As far as my life goes, I like all sorts of fantasy games, movies, and books. I’m a soccer player, a wannabe musician, and an active Catholic. I was homeschooled, allowing me to finish my first novel by age 16. By 17, I’d written four. Into college and beyond, I hope to continue writing novels that both inspire and enlighten you, the reader… just make sure to have fun while you’re at it, OK?

  I hope you've enjoyed this book- but whether you liked it or hated it, I value your opinion. Reviews are hugely appreciated. Thank you, and May the great Creator of the world send His Aura to protect you!

  To visit my blog, go to www.epicbloggjd.blogspot.com.

  To become a fan of the Song of the Aura series, go to www.facebook.com/songoftheaura.

  To become a fan of Mordred, go to www.facebook.com/Excather.



  Brother Thief

  Winter Warrior

  Grym Prophet

  Golden Tide

  Dire Sparks

  Storm Kings



  Book Two, coming late 2012


  Dreams of Steel


  Ghostwalker, coming Summer 2012





  Tannarch Avarine, Queen of the Blackwood, stood alone in her tower, surrounded by death.

  No less than five Pit Striders surrounded her, clad in black, with blades that extended from their gloves like claws. Red eyes stared at her from beneath heavy, drooping hoods. Their breathing rasped menacingly as they slowly closed her in, stalking forward with the assurance of victory. Two of them limped slightly… her guards had given a valiant account of themselves.

  A month of conquest, and I hold my father’s throne for only a day, she thought sourly. But this was no time for weakness. It was hold or die. The flickering green light cast eerie shadows of the
Pit Striders across her face. They tightened their circle around her, and Avarine could’ve sworn she heard a hissing chuckle.

  Not today. You will not have me today.

  Avarine bowed her head, letting herself drift into that other place, where the world was a swirling pool of specters, and hard reality was no bond. The Power of Spirit.


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