Captivating the Doctor

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Captivating the Doctor Page 4

by Lily Thomas

  Luckily, the doctor didn’t seem to have noticed Ji’hun’s slip, absorbed completely with the final touches to Kynt’s bandages.

  Je’lak drummed his fingers against his leg. Ji’hun was right about one thing. This woman really needed to stop dissing his ship. He’d cared for it for years, slowly turning it into the best ship of its kind. It was like a part of him. Calling it an old rust bucket was the same as insulting him directly.

  Je’lak observed the doctor, truly in her element, as she moved efficiently from Kynt to Ji’hun and began attending his injuries next.

  She really wasn’t frightened of him, was she? Or perhaps she was simply focused, in her element, and she didn’t have time to fear him. Maybe he had picked the right doctor for their mission after all. Practical, down to business. He had to admit he enjoyed that about her. Her physical attractiveness didn’t hurt, either.

  “When will they be back on their feet?” he asked.

  Kynt, eager to please, jumped up. “We’ll get back to the bridge right away.”

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Zoe put a hand on the Daen’su man’s chest and pushed him back down onto the table. “You stay there until I say so. I don’t need you causing more harm to yourself.”

  Je’lak struggled not to laugh as Kynt sat down hard and gaped in surprise at the doctor. Kynt was strong enough to push her out of his way, but he obviously didn’t know how to deal with an assertive woman like the doctor. Her attitude left no room for argument.

  “So who was firing at us?” The doctor finally stepped away from her patients, glancing up at Je’lak as she cleared away her medical supplies. “I know it wasn’t just turbulence bouncing everything around the medical bay.”

  Je’lak hesitated, then spoke. “Your government found us.”

  The doctor turned fully toward him, brown eyes wide. “The Guit’re government came for me?”

  “No. The human government from Earth is after us. Your co-workers either haven’t sent up the alarm about your disappearance, or the Guit’re government doesn’t have the time to invest in searching for you,” Je’lak informed her while her eyes grew wider with every word.

  The doctor shrugged, and Je’lak thought she was trying hard to appear unconcerned. “Ok. No need to spell it out for me. I understand I’m stuck here for the foreseeable future.” She crossed her arms. “You really need to tell me what is going on, though. Who is that woman, and why is Earth after you?”

  Her eyes lost some of their sparkle, and he could tell she was wary of what he wasn’t telling her. Now that she was stuck on his ship, it wasn’t like telling her would do any harm, and yet he was still resistant. There was always the off chance that she would try to save the Ambassador.

  Zoe might not currently live on Earth, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t loyal to her people. The Earth Ambassador was second only to the president of the Earth Federation, and she might feel obligated to take action. With her medical knowledge, and the right opportunity, Je’lak didn’t doubt that the doctor could kill his men just as easily as she was helping them right now.

  Je’lak pushed away from the sink. “Just heal my men,” he ordered.

  The doctor cast him a scowl, but she kept her eyes on her patients. “I want them to remain here, at least for a few hours. Better to be careful than to have their burns get worse.” She raised an eyebrow, almost challenging him to defy her.

  “I’m fine,” Kynt interjected. He squirmed on the table, clearly still full of energy from their encounter with the war ship, but reluctant to defy the doctor directly.

  Ji’hun leaned back comfortably against the wall. “I’m fine waiting here, while my wounds heal.”

  Je’lak pointed at Kynt. “You can go back up to the bridge, but leave the ship on autopilot. You can keep an eye on it while resting up there.” Kynt jumped up and stepped lightly out the door, careful to give the doctor a wide berth.

  Je’lak turned to Ji’hun. “You can replace him in a couple of hours.”

  Ji’hun nodded and laid back across the narrow medical bed, pillowing his head on an elbow and closing his eyes.

  The doctor pursed her lips, but listened without comment while he directed his men. After Kynt left and Ji’hun settled down, the doctor turned to him.

  “While they recover,” she said, “I wouldn’t mind getting some rest of my own. It’s been a while since I got any decent sleep, and you wouldn’t want me making any mistakes because I’m tired.”

  “The woman? How is she?” Je’lak asked. He didn’t need the Ambassador dying on him while his doctor was snoozing.

  “She is stable, and I’m ninety percent sure she will make it through with nothing to worry about. The burns looked worse than they truly were.”

  “So no hospital will be needed.”

  His doctor hesitated. “No, no hospital will be needed at this moment, but we’ll keep an eye on her as she recovers and see how she continues to heal.”

  Je’lak nodded in satisfaction. “I’ll show you where you can get some rest,” he said, and Je’lak ushered her out of the medical bay.

  The tall Daen’su guided her out of the medical bay and through the corridors of the ship. Zoe couldn’t believe she was about to get some well-deserved sleep. Finally! She may have been drugged, but that didn’t count as a good night’s rest.

  Zoe glanced at the light-haired figure strolling along beside her. He really was quite an attractive man – tall, strong, and definitely confident. Pretty much everything Zoe looked for in her bed partners.

  As they walked along, she thought she caught a hint of a masculine scent, and Zoe thought briefly of John, back on Guit’re. She sighed. They hadn’t had a strong connection, but spending the weekend with him would have been infinitely preferable to getting kidnapped and playing ship’s doctor for a black market Daen’su.

  The criminal in question looked down at her, a question on his face in response to her sigh. Zoe shook off her funk and tried to distract him. “So what should I call you?” she asked. “I keep thinking of you as Daen’su, but I can’t call you that when there are at least three Daen’su on the ship. It would get confusing.”

  Her companion raised an eyebrow, as if he knew she wasn’t telling him what was really on her mind. He shrugged his shoulders, though, willing to let it go. “You can call me Je’lak.”

  Je’lak. That was the name one of his men had used. Well, if she acted friendly and let him use her name, maybe she could get on better terms with him. She was still his prisoner, after all, little better off than the woman in his medical bay.

  “You can call me Zoe,” she offered.

  Je’lak gave her a nod and stopped in front of a door.

  “You will stay here when you need to rest.” Je’lak stepped back and allowed Zoe to enter the room.

  She glanced around the spartan room. It seemed familiar. Then Zoe remembered – this was the same room she had been in when she woke up. Well, at least she knew the bed was comfortable. Strangely, though, Zoe didn’t feel ready to close the door and be alone in this room.

  You’d think, after getting kidnapped, attempting escape, and healing patients, she’d be ready to fall into that bed and sleep everything off. Instead, she felt oddly restless, out of place on this strange spaceship hurtling off to only Je’lak knew where.

  Trying to stick to her plan to be polite, Zoe turned back to Je’lak. “Thank you,” she said.

  To her surprise, Je’lak strode past her and sank onto the bed with a sigh of contentment. Ignoring her, he began to take off his boots.

  Zoe’s stomach sank.

  “I thought this was my room.” A moment before, she hadn’t wanted to be alone, but now she was reconsidering. She didn’t like Je’lak assuming they were going to share the same bed. She might be his captive, but she was not his sex slave.

  Although, Zoe had to admit to herself that there could be far worse men to sleep with. She watched Je’lak straighten and admired the stretch and pull of h
is muscles, the strong jaw that he rubbed with a callused hand as he turned his head her way, the silver eyes alight with intelligence and humor as he smiled in amusement.

  “It is your room, but it’s also mine, unless you want to sleep with one of my other men. There are only enough quarters for my crew on this ship. You’ll have to choose one of them.”

  Zoe grimaced. The other Daen’su appeared to be of a good nature, but she didn’t want to sleep with them, either.

  “I could sleep in the medical bay,” Zoe tossed out. A medical bed wouldn’t be comfy, but it would be enough to get some rest on, and it would apparently be more private than this room.

  Her captor raised an eyebrow. “What? Are you planning on another foolish escape attempt? Did you know that you would have died in the middle of space? The pod would have run out of air long before anyone else came along.” Je’lak eased back onto the bed, settling comfortably into the mattress.

  Zoe huffed. “I wasn’t thinking clearly, having just been drugged by an idiot,” she bit back sharply. She strode across the room and pulled the pillow out from behind his head, letting his head fall hard onto the mattress before smacking the pillow across his face repeatedly.

  “Speaking of idiots.” Zoe whacked him with the pillow again. “Do you realize how lucky that woman is that you happened to kidnap a doctor with trauma experience?” Je’lak had raised his hands to protect his face, and now Zoe proceeded to hit him with the pillow anywhere he had left unprotected. “You could have kidnapped a pediatrician, or a podiatrist, or any number of medical professionals, and they’d be struggling to keep her alive!”

  On the last outburst, Je’lak grabbed the edge of the pillow with one hand, stopping Zoe mid-swing. Zoe looked into his eyes and caught her breath at the intensity reflected in those swirling silver pools. She released the pillow and fell back, staggering away from the bed.

  Je’lak continued to gaze steadily at her. “And yet, Dr. Anderson, I found you.”

  Zoe licked her lips. Why was the room suddenly so hot?

  Je’lak stood suddenly and stripped off his shirt. Zoe’s eyes went straight to his lean chest, covered with a light sprinkling of hair that glittered in the light as he moved. Her eyes followed the hair down to his abs, which were well-defined, she had to admit. She wanted to rub her hands over his upper body, feel the strength beneath his skin that she knew was there.

  Her eyes caught on the top of his jeans, blocked in their journey downward by the fabric still covering his lower body. Je’lak’s hand went to the zipper of his pants, and Zoe’s eyes widened. Within a few seconds, the pants were gone and on the floor. So, her kidnapper liked to walk around commando. Interesting.

  Zoe raised a hand to her throat as her eyes zeroed in on his cock. Zoe could now confirm that Je’lak was a true silver – no dye jobs for this man. His raging boner was crowned by a patch of deep gray, almost platinum, and Zoe wanted to fan herself as her cheeks heated with desire. His dick was the thing of dreams.

  The area between her legs grew wet, and she could feel an insistent need begin to pool within her lower body.

  Zoe prepared to let Je’lak push her up against the wall. She was willing to temporarily forget that he had pulled her into this stupid situation, in exchange for settling the restlessness she’d been feeling while being around him.

  Much to her surprise, Je’lak turned and hopped underneath the bedcovers. Was he not attracted to humans? No, she’d seen his erection, and she knew she was the cause of it.

  Liquid-silver eyes watched her from the bed, and Zoe realized that he’d laid out a challenge. Was she still willing to get into bed with him lying naked beside her?

  Zoe eyed him for a second, and then made up her mind. Why not throw him off a bit? She was a confident woman. She’d never been with an alien before, but there was always a first time for everything and they were both definitely attracted to each other. Let him see that he couldn’t ruffle her feathers.

  Zoe stripped off her shirt, threw her bra aside, and then stepped out of her pants and underwear in one fluid motion. She felt Je’lak’s eyes skim over her, heating her skin as his gaze traveled up and down her body. His gaze lingered on her breasts before returning to her face, and she sent him a cocky smile.

  Zoe sauntered over to the bed, letting her hips roll as she walked, and then slid under the covers to lie beside Je’lak. The sheets were silky smooth, but even their light touch aroused her as the fabric brushed against her flushed skin.

  Je’lak probably thought stripping down in front of her would make her jittery and frightened, but it didn’t. Je’lak wasn’t about to break her anytime soon, if that was his goal.

  Zoe looked up to find him still watching her with a silver eyebrow raised in question.

  “Like what you see?” Zoe challenged. She hoped she was throwing him off a bit. He’d better realize she wasn’t used to bending to someone’s will.

  He growled a response, and his head slowly dipped down to her neck where he took a deep intake of breath. “You smell delicious.”

  “Delicious?” Zoe laughed, his breath tickling her sensitive skin.

  “Like something sweet and clean, yet with a hint of spice,” he mumbled against her skin. His tongue shot out and licked her neck. “You even taste sweet.”

  Zoe moved her head away, giggling as his touch tickled her skin, but he moved in persistently, letting out a satisfied growl. It was flattering that he liked how she smelled, since she hadn’t had a bath in days and personally thought she smelled like a hospital.

  Je’lak kissed his way from her neck to her lips, and Zoe shivered in delight. Eagerly, she reached out and stroked the strong muscles on his chest. A deep rumble vibrated through her fingers, and Je’lak deepened the kiss. Zoe opened to him recklessly, and their tongues danced a feverish duet.

  Je’lak reached down and lightly brushed his fingers across her nipple. Zoe reacted instinctively, arcing toward his touch, wanting more.

  With an assured chuckle, Je’lak complied, rolling her nipple between his fingers firmly, and covering Zoe’s gasp with another thrust of his tongue.

  Zoe reached down, delicately wrapping her fingers around the tip of his magnificent cock, and stroked the crown slowly. Now it was Je’lak’s turn to gasp as he threw back his head in pleasure. Zoe allowed herself a small smile as she stroked faster, pushing him back against the bed and kissing away his groans.

  Je’lak’s hips bucked involuntarily, and he reached up to grab her ass and pull her tightly against his body.

  Zoe felt desire pooling deep within at his strong touch, and she playfully nibbled his lower lip in return.

  Je’lak growled. Shoving the covers back, he quickly flipped her onto her back, rose up, and straddled her hips. Zoe sucked in a sharp breath. His body was spectacular, all muscle and raw male strength. Zoe’s hands rose to his six pack, and she raked her fingernails over the firm ridges. She loved the feeling of those hard muscles under her fingertips.

  Je’lak caught up her hands and held them above her head, his cock brushing gently over her stomach as he thrust lightly against her.

  Briefly, Zoe wondered if she should stop this. Je’lak was a criminal, willing to kidnap and probably kill her. At the very least, he was a member of the Daen’su black market.

  Securing her wrists with one hand, Je’lak reached down between their bodies with the other. His fingers found the juncture between her legs, and Zoe moaned as her thighs parted without thought. Those nimble fingers zeroed in on her clit, and all reason fled her mind. Her body was demanding satisfaction, and she was in agreement. One night of passion wouldn’t do any harm.

  Je’lak used his fingers cleverly, and Zoe quickly found herself panting, a tight feeling coiling deep within. She was so close…Je’lak removed his fingers, and Zoe let out a whimper of protest. With a confident grin, he slid down her body, then flipped her onto her hands and knees in one smooth movement. His hands wrapped around her hips and pulled her back against his
cock. With quick, sharp movements, he rubbed his cock back and forth across her slick opening. The pressure was maddening, almost but not quite enough friction, and Zoe moaned in frustration. His hands moved up to take hold of her breasts, and he started to play with her already hardened nipples while continuing to thrust against her swollen pussy.

  Zoe arched her back. “More!” she cried out.

  Je’lak reached one hand down to find her clit again, and he circled until the pressure built up inside Zoe. She gasped in pleasure. “Je’lak,” she warned, glancing behind her. Taking her cue, Je’lak positioned himself and entered her in one swift motion.

  Zoe let out a gasp of both pain and pleasure, as he stretched her wide. His rock hard cock pumped in and out of her swiftly, eager for release. His hips rammed into her buttocks, his balls slapped against her sensitive flesh, and the pressure built to a climax.

  “Faster!” Zoe demanded, thrusting her hips back in time with his rhythm, needing more. Je’lak’s hands gripped her waist, and he increased the pace of his thrusts. Stars formed behind Zoe’s eyelids, and she clenched the pillows in a fierce hold. Zoe couldn’t believe she was about to come so quickly and so violently. This had to be the best sex ever! Why hadn’t she been in an alien relationship before being kidnapped?

  “Come for me, Zoe!” Je’lak commanded above her, just as her muscles clamped down and milked him for every ounce he had.

  He roared out his pleasure, and she cried out with him.

  Zoe collapsed onto the bed, and Je’lak rolled off to lie down beside her. His arms wrapped around her waist and drew her into his warm chest.

  Zoe felt completely relaxed, and her body moved lazily into Je’lak. She’d think about what had just happened later, when her muscles were working again. For now, the restlessness had finally calmed, and Zoe was ready for some sleep.

  Zoe woke slowly the next morning. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this comfortable and contented. Apparently really good sex could do that for a person.


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