Captivating the Doctor

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Captivating the Doctor Page 8

by Lily Thomas

  Her plan was pretty simple. Seduce Je’lak, then escape from the ship while he was passed out. She’d feel better if she were able to ensure his slumber with a dose of the drug he’d given her, but when she’d gone through the medical bay this afternoon, she hadn’t been able to find any sedatives at all. Zoe assumed that Je’lak had removed them, probably to prevent her from what she was currently planning to do.

  Zoe tossed her hair as she began to strip off her shirt and pants. Well, there was more than one way to knock out a man. Zoe smiled to herself. She’d just have to make sure she didn’t pass out alongside Je’lak after they were done.

  Zoe heard Je’lak approaching along the outside corridor. His confident stride sent her heart racing. She only hoped she could pull this off without making him suspicious.

  Zoe left her clothes strewn on the floor and jumped into the lush pile of pillows, clad only in a deep purple lace bra and panties. Zoe smoothed the delicate material with a satisfied smile. She was glad Je’lak had stolen her bag when he had kidnapped her.

  The footsteps stopped at the door and paused. Zoe pushed her thoughts from her mind and positioned herself carefully on the bed. She folded her legs over each other and leaned back on her hands, pushing out her chest.

  Butterflies skittered around inside her stomach. She was about to have sex with Je’lak again, but this time it would have a very different outcome.

  The door slid open, and Je’lak stopped short. His silver eyes took in the changes to the room, then landed on Zoe. He took in her nearly naked form lying in splendor on the erotic bed. His voice, when he spoke, came out roughened with desire. “What’s this?”

  Zoe smiled seductively. “I thought I’d surprise you after a long day on the bridge.”

  “Consider me surprised, then.” Je’lak strode into the room, closing the door and shrugging out of his shirt.

  Zoe bit her bottom lip, as rock hard muscles greeted her eager eyes. She might be doing this as part of her plan, but she also knew she was doing it because she found him extremely attractive. He may have kidnapped her, but she was coming to enjoy their verbal and physical sparring.

  Zoe’s heart fell along with Je’lak’s pants as she realized that she had been slowly falling for her captor. She wasn’t going to stay with a man who could kidnap women and sell them, but it would still hurt to leave him behind, more than she had thought.

  Je’lak looked up, and a wicked smile spread across his lips. Zoe pushed her worries aside as she raised an eyebrow flirtatiously in response. Her legs spread, and she wiggled her hips. “Well, what are you waiting for?” she asked.

  Je’lak didn’t need any encouragement. He pounced on her eagerly. Their mouths melded together, and his tongue swept out to play tag with hers, slipping in and out playfully. His hands slid down to caress her breasts through her bra, and he squeezed them gently, drawing a moan from between her lips that he covered with another kiss.

  Zoe giggled, and he gave her a small nip on her plump bottom lip. Zoe’s hands roamed restlessly over the strong muscles of Je’lak’s back, and she sighed with contentment. There was nothing better than the feel of his muscular back under her fingertips.

  The moment broke when Je’lak let out a growl of frustration. “How do I get this off?” he demanded, pulling at the back of her bra impatiently.

  Zoe laughed. “I didn’t realize my bra would be such a challenge.”

  “Daen’su don’t have bras, and I want to see your breasts.” Je’lak placed hot moist kisses across the tops of her delicate flesh, drawing a flush to her skin.

  “Here.” Zoe undid the clasp hidden at the front of the bra and let him fling it across the room.

  “Beautiful.” A growl escaped him, and he nuzzled her breasts before he sucked one of her nipples into his searing hot mouth. His teeth scraped against her nipple, and a moan slipped from her lips.

  Je’lak brushed the proof of his desire against her thigh, and Zoe felt herself moisten in response. Oh, but she was going to enjoy one last night with her Daen’su captor.

  Je’lak still couldn’t believe she’d been waiting for him in her undergarments, but he wasn’t about to complain. The very sight of her with her blonde hair loose around her shoulders and those purple undergarments against her light skin had him hard as a rock.

  He kissed every cute freckle on her stomach. Each kiss released a gasp from Zoe that sent sensations screaming down to his cock.

  Zoe pushed against his shoulders, and Je’lak pulled back above her. “Let me help you with that,” she murmured coyly. Her fingers brushed over his eager manhood to brazenly cup his balls. She massaged them gently between her fingers, and Je’lak sucked in a breath as he rocked against her.

  With a confident smile, Zoe rolled Je’lak to the side and slid down until her head was level with his twitching member. Je’lak stared down at her golden head and watched as she flicked out a tongue and licked the tip of his cock. Je’lak’s breath hissed between his lips, and Zoe gave a soft laugh.

  Before he could take offense, Zoe had sucked him deep into her mouth, pumping the base of his cock with her hand. Je’lak choked on his breath at the sweet sensation. Throwing back his head, he let a rumble course through his chest.

  “You drive me insane, but I love every moment of it, Zoe.”

  Zoe murmured against him and stroked faster. Je’lak’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he struggled not to come right then and there. Every stroke of her tongue drove the thoughts from his mind, but he wanted her beneath him, wanted to drive into her softness.

  It took all of his strength, but he pushed her away and pulled her up on the bed. He ripped off her lace panties and rose above her, yanked her legs up around his waist, and spread her wide to his gaze.

  He’d never get sick of this sight. Her perky breasts, her glistening center, and those plump red lips of hers just begging to be nibbled. Je’lak couldn’t believe he’d found such a breathtaking and absolutely fearless woman. She was his perfect match, willing to stand up to him, but also willing to submit beneath him.

  Je’lak positioned himself over Zoe’s center and lightly pressed against her opening. He just had to convince Zoe it was worthwhile to stay.

  Zoe held her breath as Je’lak pressed his cock against her wet and aching pussy. She rolled her hips gently against him, and he hissed at the sensation from the subtle friction.

  Je’lak reached down between them and rubbed her clit between his fingers. Zoe threw back her head and let out a moan. Her hips bucked, and at that exact moment, Je’lak drove into her. Her back arched, and he pressed in deeper, filling her to the core. Pleasure soared through every nerve in her body. Her nails scraped down his arms. She gazed into his sliver eyes, and for a brief moment, Zoe couldn’t imagine her life any other way.

  Je’lak gave a growl as he plunged faster and faster inside of her. He lifted her legs up toward his hips, and Zoe cried out as he drilled into her still deeper.

  “Come for me, Zoe,” he urged. “Let me hear you.”

  Zoe’s muscles clamped down around him. “Je’lak!” she cried out. He quickened his pace in response, then stiffened as his own release came. He thrust deep within her and Zoe felt the warmth of his ejaculation fill her. Her muscles clenched rhythmically, milking him completely, and Zoe moaned with unbridled delight at the sensation. Above her, Je’lak let out a bellow. He gave one last forceful thrust, then collapsed onto the bed and pulled Zoe up against him.

  Lightly, he kissed her neck, and she waved him off languidly.

  “We both need to get some rest,” she said.

  Je’lak grunted, already half asleep, but he gave her another kiss and rolled back into the pillows. After a few minutes of waiting quietly, Zoe could hear him snoring softly.

  Zoe rolled her eyes. He might be one magnificent male, but it was good to know he had at least one flaw other than the major flaw of abducting women.

  Ever so slowly, Zoe wiggled her way out of Je’lak’s arms, reached unde
r the bed, and grabbed the cuffs she’d hidden. She’d found these beauties when she’d been digging around in the medical bay. It seemed Je’lak didn’t think these were as dangerous as the sedatives. A perverse part of her was extremely glad to prove him wrong.

  Zoe gazed down at Je’lak. He lay there peacefully, comfortable in the afterglow of yet another round of glorious sex. In a strange way, she felt bad about doing this. He was the one who had kidnapped her, and yet she felt like she was betraying him.

  Zoe shook her head. This wasn’t just about them; it was also about Mallery, and Zoe was not about to let a woman get sold while she stood by and did nothing. Zoe sucked in a steadying breath, then reached out and clamped one side of the cuffs to Je’lak’s left wrist and the other side to the metal frame of the bed. Zoe hoped that this position would leave Je’lak unable to reach the comm system on the other side of the room, and give her and Mallery enough time to get away.

  Zoe slipped quietly out of the bed and dug through Je’lak’s clothing. She found his communicator in his front pocket, and she took it with her when she left the room. Now she just had to worry about getting off the ship with Mallery.

  “How are you feeling?” Zoe asked, as she came into the medical bay to check on Mallery.

  Mallery looked up. “I’m doing well, thank you. Whatever you gave me has taken all the pain away, and I feel like I could run a marathon again.”

  “I wouldn’t recommend it quite yet,” Zoe said with a small smile. “Your body still needs to have some more recovery time. Maybe taking small walks and then building up for marathons would be best.”

  “You’re the doctor.” Mallery rose carefully and swung her legs over the side of the bed. “What brings you by?”

  “It’s time for us to try an escape attempt.” Zoe grabbed a small bag and stuffed some basic medical supplies into it.

  “What’s the plan?” Mallery stood and helped her with the packing, her voice full of excitement.

  “We take an escape pod and hope for the best,” Zoe admitted.

  “Have you disabled their sensory systems, so they won’t detect the escape pod leaving the ship?” Mallery asked.

  “No.” Zoe glanced over at Mallery. “I have no idea how to do that. Do you?”

  “Get me to an access panel, and I’m pretty sure I can do it.”

  “More training you were given?” Zoe asked, intrigued. “Maybe I should get myself some training, not that I expect to be kidnapped again.”

  “An ambassador has to be ready for anything,” Mallery responded, pretending to be absorbed in deciding between one roll of bandages and the following, identical roll.

  Zoe shrugged. They filled up their pack, and then Zoe led the way out of the medical bay.

  They made their way through the corridors carefully. Zoe didn’t want to run into Kynt or Ji’hun unexpectedly. A few minutes later, though, they made it to the escape pods without coming across any of the Daen’su. Zoe heaved an internal sigh of relief. This would be her second attempt at escaping, and she was hoping it would go better than the last time.

  “Ok. Give me a second here.”

  Zoe watched over Mallery’s shoulder as she used a console to make their escape more foolproof.

  “There.” Mallery turned to her. “Now they shouldn’t detect the escape pod leaving the ship.”

  “You have to teach me this, when we get to safety.”

  “No problem, but let’s see if it even works first. It’s not like I’ve ever had to use this before.”

  Both the women piled into the small escape pod. Zoe looked around, but she couldn’t tell if this had been the original pod she had launched in or not. As they strapped in, she caught herself hoping it was a different pod. The last one hadn’t proved very lucky.

  The door closed as they snapped in their harnesses, and the pod shot itself off into space.

  Through the window of the escape pod, Zoe and Mallery watched the Daen’su vessel disappear into the inky black of space.

  Je’lak tried to roll over in his sleep, but his wrist jerked against something cold and hard. His eyes popped open to find his wrist attached to the bed. What the hell?

  “Zoe?” He glanced around the room, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  Why had she cuffed him? What was going on here? His heartrate skyrocketed for a moment, but he took a deep breath and regained control of it.

  Where were his clothes? He raised himself up on the bed and spotted his clothes lying on the ground. Reaching out a foot, he grabbed onto his clothes with his toes.

  There was a communicator in his pants. All he had to do was get his hands on it. Using his foot, he whipped his pants up onto the bed and quickly searched the pants with his free hand.

  His communicator was gone! A growl rumbled through his chest. This had definitely been a plan by Zoe. He felt insulted she would do this to him, after they’d shared such a special night together. She’d used him, and he’d been a fool not to see through it.

  Je’lak roared at the cuffs in frustration. After breathing heavily for a moment, he repositioned himself on the bed. He grabbed the frame of the bed in both hands near where the joints came together, then pulled on one end with his hands while pushing with his feet against the other. His goal was to pull the bar the handcuffs were looped around far enough away from the rest of the bedframe so that he could slide the chain of the handcuffs through the gap.

  After probably close to an hour of pulling and straining, Je’lak managed to drag the restrictive handcuffs through the minimal gap he’d made in the bedframe.

  He glared down at the offending bed for a moment before striding over to the console and sending a message up to his crew on the bridge to reverse course. Then he made his way to the cargo bay to see if there was anything he could use to get the cuffs off.

  He didn’t need his men seeing him like this, because they’d never let it go. He’d be a running joke for years to come.

  Kynt jumped up in alarm when Je’lak stormed onto the bridge.

  “Well?!” he barked.

  Ji’hun swiveled towards the captain reluctantly. “There is indeed another escape pod missing. The ship failed to alert us when it launched, and we have no way of knowing exactly when the humans left the ship, unless you have a guess?” he trailed off.

  Je’lak’s lips were in a thin line. “At least an hour ago,” he replied tightly.

  “Maybe they’re elsewhere on the ship?” Ji’hun suggested, as he scanned the ship for any other lifeforms. “Or not.” he said, when he found no one else’s bio signature.

  Kynt sat back down and turned to his console. “Searching for the missing pod’s trail,” he said.

  Each one of them wanted to get paid, and there were a lot of credits resting on the delivery of the Earth ambassador. With this kind of payday, they could all retire if they wanted. Je’lak personally had no intention of retiring, but this job would give him the means to live a comfortable life should he ever decide to let his roaming days come to an end.

  “Well?” Je’lak pressed.

  “Give me a second,” Kynt grunted as he continued to work at his console.

  Je’lak paced across the bridge as he waited. He couldn’t believe Zoe had fooled him so completely. He had wanted so badly to convince her to stay that he didn’t realize that her eagerness in bed had only been a ploy to get him to drop his guard.

  The sex might be great, but Zoe was turning out to be a pain in his ass. Where exactly did she think she was going in an escape pod? There was nothing around them, no habitable planets, and no safe spaceships to hide out on.

  Maybe it was fate he had picked up the most difficult doctor in the universe. It wasn’t like he was an easy man to deal with himself. Je’lak swiped a hand down his face. Maybe learning the patient was the Earth ambassador had been too much for her. She hadn’t been raised to a life evading the authorities. It made sense that she would be scared to find out her government was pursuing them. He could understand that.<
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  Je’lak sighed. He’d wanted to offer Zoe a place on his crew, but if she couldn’t handle this lifestyle, then he’d have to let her go. His previous work in the black market had left a high price on his head, and it was safer for him to stay on the move. He’d be a sitting duck if he settled down at any of the Daen’su outposts.

  Je’lak paused to take in the bridge and his crew. He couldn’t imagine leaving this life behind, even for Zoe. He loved his ship, and he loved the challenge and excitement of what he did.

  Je’lak sighed again. If they found Zoe, he would try to explain it to her.

  “I found the pod.”

  Je’lak rushed over to Kynt’s side. “How long until we reach it?”

  Kynt smirked. “Our little doctor must have run away while you were sleeping, because it will take us a couple of hours to catch up to their current position.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Je’lak mumbled.

  Kynt set the ship on autopilot, then turned in his chair. He leaned back, threading his fingers together and resting them on his stomach. “The ship has the course laid in for now.” He grinned. “Seems we have time for a story.”

  Chapter 7

  Zoe shook her head. Susan Mallery had been right. She hadn’t really had any sort of plan with this whole escape pod idea.

  After cramming them both into an escape pod, Zoe had ejected them into space and tried searching the area for any planets in range of their tiny escape pod engines. Then she’d realized how screwed they were. According to their sensors, there were no planets nearby. Wherever Je’lak was taking Susan, it was far from any civilization.

  Zoe turned away from the discouraging news on the pod display and regarded Susan. “So who wants you?” she asked.

  “Excuse me?” Susan glanced over at her as she struggled to find a new position in the cramped space.

  “Well, who would be willing to pay millions of credits to get their hands on you? Surely you have some ideas. Maybe an enemy you made during super-secret ambassador negotiations?”


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