The Young Governess

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The Young Governess Page 5

by Phoebe Gardener

  And then it came!

  Her muscles contracted tightly around his plunging cock and she cried out wildly thinking the end was here, but soon his strong rhythmic strokes set off another explosion of delight that she had never dreamed possible. Her buttocks rotated against the carpet like a helpless ship caught in the vicious waves of a driving storm. She arched her back taught, her head buffeting against the ground, her hair fanning out, her full quivering breasts pointing to the sky, trembling and swirling in jerking circles as she quickened her movements to meet the mounting urgency she could feel pulsating through the head of his throbbing rod sunk so deep inside her hungry vagina.

  It was gentle at first, preceded by a soft, inhuman gurgle from deep within his chest. And then he let out a might roar as he withdrew and held his quivering cock over her defenceless, vulnerable torso. Hot white jets of his sperm erupted, splashing the skin of her belly and breasts with a warmth and sensation beyond all description. She could not resist snaking a hand between her legs and coaxing her battered sex, jerking her own legs uncontrollably out in the air on either side of his as a great flash of erotic fire leaped up inside her and exploded in the volcanic eruption of another orgasm for, after all, this was the fulfilment of such great expectations, and the memories of Joss and Rosie came flooding back; finally all was resolved – she knew now what the butcher’s daughter had experienced that day in the fields, the last piece of the puzzle fell into place and now it all made perfect sense to her.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh!” She moaned, her head turning from side to side, her hair beating the ground like a soft whip. The muscles of her hips and belly contracted in rolling waves of spasm, the pulsating walls of her hot, juice-filled fanny sucking at her delving fingers, until finally, weak and exhausted, she stopped and fell back limply.

  They lay for some time, panting and gasping in the smell of her wet orgasm and the odour of the perspiration which coated their bodies in a light dewy film, while above them, the almost-forgotten Alice Fordham’s fingers strummed and flicked a wet, hungry sex in a desperate quest for her own releasing climax while the fingers of her other hand squeezed and pinched the inflamed, swollen nipples of her lewdly exposed breasts.

  “Oh, oh yes, my dears… I am spending… I am spending…oh… now!” she shrieked ecstatically.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Kate awoke with a splitting headache. As it was Saturday, she reasoned, there would be no lessons for Ellie, at least. She tried to review the events of the preceding evening but could only remember the main incidents with any clarity. Her disgraceful, drunken state… Sir Bradley deflowering her… taking her maidenhead… Alice looking on as if she approved of the whole shocking thing. She felt between her legs, where she was still sore. At least she was a woman now, she thought, ruefully. But this whole family seemed to be obsessed by… carnal knowledge! Sexual intercourse seemed to be their staple diet! Or had it been her fault again? Had she been too forward with Sir Bradley? Encouraged him? She was so unsure. Again, she thought of flight – of packing her things and leaving. But it was not as simple as it had been yesterday. Firstly, there was the contract she had signed – it lasted for a year. Then there was the whole sorry incident of the stolen miniature, even though she knew herself to be innocent, her innocence would be impossible to prove. And then there was the physical problem of her departure – she could hardly walk to Windsor as it was a very considerable distance on foot.

  Kate smiled bravely to herself. She must make the very best of it. From now on she would simply avoid situations that might lead to… that sort of thing again.

  Breakfast in the Fordham household was the least formal meal, for though Sir Bradley was to be found at the head of the dining room table, immersed in his newspaper with a young footman in attendance, Alice and Ellie put in no more than token appearances. Kate was grateful, in many ways, that Sir Bradley gave her no more than a curt nod when she appeared to take her place; when she enquired about the possibility of a church service, he became more animated.

  “There are two possibilities,” he told her, “but only one that I would recommend to you: that of the Reverend Pike – his place of worship is but a stone’s throw from this house.”

  Sir Bradley seemed disinclined to continue the conversation much further and Kate held her council accordingly. Later she found his wife in the kitchen garden gathering sweet peas in a flower basket.

  “Aren’t they pretty, Kate? I always think that they are the most feminine of flowers…”

  “Lady Fordham… Alice… I… I am so very sorry for what happened last…”

  “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “Yes, very much, but…”

  But Kate was cut short as Alice Fordham replied brusquely, “Nonsense, my dear girl. No ‘buts’, if you enjoyed it, then there’s no need for anyone to apologise. Think of it merely as a new and salutary experience.”

  Kate smiled her brave smile, but inwardly she thought that it was all very well for Alice to make so little of the lewd behaviour of the previous night that had led so inexorably to her defloration, but she surely realised that this was a momentous event in her, Kate’s, life. Her emotions were running feverishly high and she was in great need of a sisterly shoulder to lean, if not cry, upon.

  Alice must have felt some of Kate’s inner turmoil, since she spoke in a softer, more solicitous tone when she said, “Dearest Kate, when we attend the Hall of Worship this evening, you will no doubt have an audience with the good Reverend. He is a little eccentric, perhaps, but a visionary in his own, peculiar way. And then there is his special little welcoming ceremony – all new members of our small sect enjoy it immensely. Quite apart from the spiritual comfort that I sense you to be in need of, I am quite sure that you will see things more in proportion after your initiation. And you will also find life here at Walthrop far, far more agreeable once you feel yourself to be more a part of our local community.”

  Kate received Alice’s little speech with mixed feelings. In part she was even more troubled that such a momentous rite of passage for her could be made so light of, in part she was mightily relieved that once more, such a major moral transgression seemed to have been commuted to a minor incident, a ‘salutory experience’ no less. Perhaps she was out of touch after years of rural exile. Perhaps it was time to adjust her simple moral code so that it was more in tune with that of these patently more sophisticated folk.

  The rest of the morning passed uneventfully for Kate. The service was to take place at six and therefore, after lunch, she spent a pleasant afternoon reading. Ellie took her for a walk in the grounds. A little way from the house she saw an imposing new pale brick building. Kate enquired what it was.

  “Oh that is the Hall of Worship. You know, the Reverend Pike’s place. Well, actually his house is nearby, there – you can just see it; it’s called the Rectory, but I don’t think there was ever a pastor here before Papa built the Hall for the Reverend and Mrs Pike only a few years ago. It’s in the Gothic style, I think.”

  Indeed, Kate recognised the popular ecclesiastical style, but there was no spire, no crosses, indeed there were no external signs of the Christian religion whatsoever. It must be a very low church, she concluded. Just behind this modern building was a fine Regency house with some sort of long, low farm building hard by, a byre or stables, she guessed.

  Kate tried to ask Ellie about the Lord’s Handmaidens and the mysterious Reverend and Mrs Pike, but she was uncharacteristically evasive and would not be drawn,

  “It’s a sort of wonderful surprise, Miss Spencer. But everyone loves it. I did, I know.”

  * * * * *

  As the weather was unreliable, Alice, Ellie and Kate were driven the short distance by coach. On the way, Alice Fordham had once more mentioned ‘the little acceptance ceremony’ in which all Handmaidens and Followers must participate. Kate tried to elicit more information, but the older woman merely gave her a serene smile and said, “My dear, it would spoil the surprise. Yo
u must wait and see!”

  Ellie nodded vigorously and smiled.

  “The Handmaidens will take care of you. They won’t let you do anything wrong. Just do what they say, Miss Spencer, and you will fare very well, I assure you,” explained the young girl earnestly.

  Outside the Hall of Worship several more coaches were drawn up, and Kate recognised Mary Beveridge and one of the prettier housemaids from Walthrop; evidently they had walked. A line of attractive girls between the ages of fifteen and twenty and dressed in white, flowing cassocks greeted each new arrival and led them inside. These, Kate supposed, were the Handmaidens of the Lord.

  They were apparently the last to arrive, for the heavy oak doors were shut and bolted behind them. Kate paused and surveyed the interior. It was unlike any church that she had ever visited: more like a meeting hall than a place of worship. There were several rows of pews, it was true, but these were ornately carved and luxuriously upholstered in burgundy velvet; instead of an altar there was only a semi-circular dais with a lectern. At the back of the hall, by the entrance door, no font or organ could be seen, only a rather curious arrangement of settees and chaises longues, also upholstered in dark red crushed velvet. To left and right there were doors leading to smaller rooms, and it was to one of these, which appeared to be a vestry, that two smiling Handmaidens now led her. As they parted, Alice Fordham gave Kate an encouraging kiss on the cheek and her arm a reassuring squeeze.

  In the vestry two more Handmaidens greeted Kate with beatific smiles and now the oldest of the four whispered gently in her ear that they must help her to disrobe, so that they could dress her in the ‘Supplicant’s’ robes for the ceremony. Kate began to be rather amused by the whole performance, which she found a little ridiculous, and happily entered into the spirit of the game, allowing the four girls’ delicate hands to strip her naked. Then a simple calico apron or kilt was tied around her hips with a drawstring, only just covering her sex and her bottom. Over this a black velvet cassock was placed and she was led, barefoot, back to the dais in the main body of the Hall.

  Here there stood a tall, forbidding man, also dressed in purple ecclesiastical robes. Tall, slightly stooping and grey-haired, the Reverend Edgar Horace Pike had a long, horsey face with craggy eyebrows and abundant side-whiskers. He certainly looks the part of a man of the cloth, thought Kate. Even so, she noticed that the clergyman’s solemn features had a sensual, somewhat dissolute cast to them.

  The four Handmaidens brought her to a halt in front of an unusual piece of furniture that had replaced the lectern: a strange chair-like contraption similar to an elongated prie-dieu, made of carved oak and upholstered in red leather. As she turned to face the congregation she was surprised to see that it was composed solely of women, some young, some older. For the most part they looked like gentlewomen, well-dressed ladies of quality, perhaps a dozen or so. There was also a more humble contingent, servants such as Mrs Beveridge and the housemaid from Walthrop. To Kate’s left, in the front pew, was a thin, fierce-looking woman in an old-fashioned coalscuttle bonnet, dressed entirely in a forbidding black. Her gimlet eyes also shone black and they seemed to penetrate and devour poor Kate’s very soul as she stood there. Kate wondered, due to her placing in the Hall, whether she might not be the Reverend’s wife. On the other side of the short aisle in the very front pew sat Alice and Ellie who both smiled at her encouragingly.

  The Reverend Pike turned towards her with a benign, half-welcoming gesture, raising his beetling brows and baring his large, horselike teeth. Kate smiled back nervously.

  The Reverend surveyed his victim appreciatively. There had been so many lovely flowers, he thought, each one more rare than the last, it seemed, but this one... this gorgeously sublime creature surpassed all. He nearly laughed aloud as he thought of the sport Mrs Pike was going to have with her. Surely, his beloved wife’s first thought when she saw her would be of the Punisher, that splendid instrument of pain and pleasure combined. He peered in his wife’s direction and thought that he could detect the ghost of a smile play around her thin lips. As the Handmaidens led Kate to the prie-dieu, he smiled again and then he intoned in a loud, scrannel voice, “Divest the Supplicant of her outer raiment!”

  Before Kate could fully comprehend the enormity of what the Reverend Pike had just said, two Handmaidens had deftly removed her black cassock, and two more either side of her each firmly grasped an arm. Acutely aware that she was now the focus of attention, Kate blushed furiously. But for the little white cotton kilt, she was naked, only her sex hidden at the front and the lovely globes of her buttocks at the back. Kate stood, her superb breasts proud and naked in front of the small congregation of women. Never had she felt so very exposed, and she blushed continuously.

  The Reverend Pike paused to watch the embarrassed, slightly awkward movements she made, the contours of her voluptuous body increasingly arousing the licentious excitement within him. In his debauched lifetime, he had never laid eyes on such perfect breasts... so pointed, full and erect, such erotic, pleasure-filled hips, such exquisite, perfectly formed thighs and legs... all these plus a face truly meant to excite the passions of a saint. Ah, that rosebud mouth, those small but sensuous lips, those serious grey eyes... what a rare, rare gem he had been granted! And how prettily she blushed!

  “Let the Supplicant kneel and assume the position!”

  Kate frowned in consternation, but she had no choice but to obey, and she knelt on the soft leather, her head pushed down by gently manoeuvring hands until she was helplessly thrusting her buttocks into the air behind her. She sensed the old man approach the prie-dieu and waited nervously.

  “Handmaidens,” he said commandingly, “lift the Supplicant’s apron!”

  Kate felt the two Handmaidens lift and fold back the little kilt so that her buttocks were completely exposed. This was the Reverend Pike, she thought bitterly, the man she had hoped would bring her comfort, spiritual advice and peace of mind.

  Alice Fordham had betrayed her!

  Pike knelt behind the naked young governess; the two Handmaidens tending to him parted his robes, and his erect, heavy cock heaved massively into view, pointing towards the crinkled, tan ring of Kate’s anus so lusciously displayed to him between the full rounded spheres of her splayed buttocks. He leaned forward, probing his saliva-wet tongue upward from the moist flanges of her cunt-mouth, along the spread crevice to her tiny prune-wrinkled, hairless anus where he tried to penetrate with its stiffened tip, but the sphincter was too snug, too tight, and instead, he accomplished his main purpose… to lubricate it well.

  Only Kate’s eyes betrayed her, wide and staring straight ahead as she struggled to understand why she hadn’t leapt to her feet to run as hard as she could through the door of the church.

  Then, he raised, and taunted her cunt with the violent purple head of his prick, the foreskin peeled well back, until her whimpers drifted back to him. He insinuated its head between the moist split of her lips to gently tease her clitoris, and she commenced to moan incessantly and her cunt suddenly began to lubricate copiously. Her eyes half closed and her mouth fell open in pleasure.

  Finally, he introduced the colossal, spongy glans into the viscous coated channel, never stopping, but continuing a constant penetration until its entirety was submerged in slow, tormenting inches into the very depths of her belly, and the half-dozen times she was about to cry out she held herself, not knowing why, only realizing that this devastating, constant plunge into her entrails was what she wanted, what she so desperately needed.

  The massive head of this invading monster was slowly slipping into one of her body’s deepest cavities… and she wanted it so. Suddenly, her own hand slipped between her thighs and spreading the soft curls of her pubic hair, caressed the erect bud of her throbbing clitoris. It caressed, stroked and taunted the already passion-inflamed nubbin as it pulsated lasciviously between her open legs.

  Dear God, I want to die with this in me! thought Kate.

  The Reverend Pik
e slowly withdrew his massive, hardened cock. He raised it until its unseeing eye was level with her hairless, puckered anus. He might have prepared it better by stretching it with his fingers, he thought wistfully, but some pleasures were better unannounced.

  He doubted that she realized he was penetrating her brown star at first try. And then, she must have felt it prodding and working against her tight anus. She would have to decide it was much too big. She would judge that with certainty. He grinned to himself and wormed the tip of it into the snug, resisting little aperture. He could feel the foreskin being stretched back against his long, thick tool and he gave a quick hip-thrusting stab until he could feel it slowly slipping its way into her rectum. She would say to herself, it was all right... it was all right... because she could say nothing else... and by then, he would be well beyond the barrier of the clutching muscle.

  His predictions were correct. As his cock ground its way into her nether channel, Kate was seduced by the delicious feelings that her highly sensitive anus gave to her and lulled into a sense of false security. But then, suddenly, without warning, she felt as if a telegraph pole was endeavouring to burst into her body!

  She pulled away, but he held her fast and continued.

  Her eyes focussed and, to Kate’s acute embarrassment, met those of Ellie. The girl was obviously very excited, the expression she wore was one of great pleasure – a pleasure obviously derived from Kate’s painful experience. The cruel little minx, she thought. Another member of the Fordham family I’ll never trust. At that moment, her tormentor gave another massive thrust and his enormous shaft burrowed even deeper into her entrails.

  “Aaaaaaaggggghhhhhh… God almighty! Noooo, nooo, nooo! It hurts!” she cried.


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