The Young Governess

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The Young Governess Page 10

by Phoebe Gardener

  With a growling, rasping sound, the Frenchman buried his immense prick to the very end in her cunt. A broken wailing cry came from Kate when her epic orgasm finally burst. Her body was wracked by fearsome spasms as the savage contractions of her cunt sent the most agonizing thrills through her. True to his word, the Frenchman wrenched his cock from the clasping confines of her sex and spurted again and again, his semen splattering the entire length of her shuddering, rippling, sweat-shining back.

  She could feel each spurt of the Frenchman’s scalding spunk on her back as if it were the delicious lash of a silken whip; his huge, slowly softening cock still twitched as it drained the remaining drops of his heavy, sperm-laden balls onto her sensitive skin. Kate fell forward on the floor, almost unconscious but thoroughly satiated by the tremendous fucking she had just received.

  Hearing the wet slurping sounds of Molly actively sucking Lord Barchester off caused Kate to look around just as Lord Barchester stiffened and a string of lustful obscenities poured from him as he came. Just as he did, Molly pulled her mouth off his pulsating shaft and leaned back so that his thick white spunk splattered all over her heaving stiff-nippled breasts.

  Transfixed, Kate gaped wide-eyed as the excitedly moving Molly's hand smeared Lord Barchester’s spunk all over her tits, one of her hands spreading the thick cream all over those swollen mounds and especially around the thick erect nipples while she frigged herself energetically with the other. A low sobbing scream rose from Molly’s throat and her body shook as she experienced another shattering spend.

  Later, when they had all recovered, Lord Barchester suggested a drink for them all. He produced a silver flask of brandy and poured a large measure of the restoring spirit into small silver cups which he handed to each of them.

  The wanton Molly smiled and turned to Kate as she wiped Lord Barchester’s spunk off her tits with her fingers, then licked each one clean in turn. “Did you enjoy getting fucked by Henri, Kate? Isn’t he a caution, just? That prick of his! Did he fetch you well and good?”

  “It was out of this world,” Kate replied fervently. “I’ve never been so beautifully fucked before.”

  “Then here’s a toast to fucking and sucking,” Molly proposed. “To the beautiful Frenchman who sucks and fucks cunts so well and to Lord Barchester’s cock that tastes so good.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” said Lord Barchester wearily, but happily, raising the flask to his lips and draining the remainder in one long, gulping draught.

  Kate swallowed her drink thirstily even though it burned her throat. The entire experience of having had Henri lick her cunt, of Molly eating her fanny, and vice versa, plus the unbelievable fucking she had just gotten, had exhausted her. Sipping what remained of her brandy, she replaced her calico apron and, after kissing each of the company, returned to her own stall and lay down to rest, contemplating all that had happened in the last few days. Soon she fell asleep.

  There were no more visitors that day and when Kate awoke, she helped the Handmaidens in their more menial tasks. She enjoyed talking to the girls: Molly, her new friend, and happy as a girl could be, for Vincent Barchester had tipped her another sovereign; Meg, a pert little street urchin from Rotherhithe with a mouth as foul as any bargee; Annie, a jolly, bouncy, seventeen-year-old lass from Lancashire; Susan, an astonishingly pretty, waif-like blonde whose willowy looks belied a character tougher than nails, and Bessie, an Irish girl who at first viewed Kate with suspicion but soon became a fast friend with all the Celtic warmth and whimsicality of her race. Finally there was Ruth. Ruth was just sixteen, a sloe-eyed beauty, the daughter of an immigrant tailor and his wife who had died of cholera in one of the recent epidemics. Despite her relative youth, in Ruth Kate found a kindred spirit, and she could not help but make comparisons between this girl and another sixteen-year old: the far less intelligent, but amiable, Ellie. After supper she felt tired once more and was quite happy to return to her stall and fall into a deep, satisfying slumber.

  * * * * *

  Next morning, the girls were up early, ready and available. Kate had awoken refreshed and with a more positive outlook on the ordeal that she had so feared to begin with; indeed, it was becoming more like a visit to some erotic paradise. She ate a hearty breakfast. At eleven o’ clock, the first visitors started to arrive at the Stables.

  Her first ‘visitor’ was a pleasant enough man. Reasonably good-looking and young enough to be her elder brother, his only shortcomings were the less-than-impressive size of his penis and the wedding band that he wore. There was little in the way of conversation between them. Since she was now quite certain that she was at a safe stage of her cycle, Kate allowed him to fuck her without a prophylactic, and relished the feeling of his pounding cock as it stiffened within her tight, juicy cunt and started to pulse its passionate emission into the depths of her sex. She herself found that she was unable to spend, although the sensations thus generated were most enjoyable. The news soon spread that ‘the new gal’ was pretty as a picture, well spoken and fucked like a Whitechapel whore. Within ten minutes another had taken his place and thereafter she scarcely had time even to wash herself between fucks. Still, she failed to reach a satisfying climax. By lunchtime she had had seven more ‘customers’ and her near-virginal cunt was awash with sperm. The pretty young governess had also sucked her first man to spending in her mouth. The taste was not quite as bad as she had expected it to be.

  There was a long lull during the period of luncheon and then the men started to arrive at the Stables once more. Molly’s prediction of Kate becoming ‘toast of the swells’ proved to be correct. Indeed, Kate soon became so much in demand by the top-hatted, aristocratic, moustachioed gentlemen that a sort of informal queue formed, the men chatting amongst themselves in a clubbish sort of way and looking on in amusement while they awaited their turn with ‘the new young filly’. Many did not even bother to undress, but simply unbuttoned themselves and took her while still fully clothed. Despite her efforts to enjoy being the centre of so much attention, Kate began to find their lack of imagination and finesse more irksome than exciting. There was no time to enjoy the individuality of each man, nor any time to find pleasure in these rapid, peremptory couplings.

  Towards the end of the day however, after a longish quiet period, a man entered Kate’s stall and asked politely if he could ‘avail himself of her bottom’. As an antidote to the parade of uninspiring copulative experiences she had endured that long day, Kate consented almost eagerly. Suitably lubricated with finger and tongue, as well as a little oil that had been provided for that very purpose, the pretty governess quickly scrambled to a kneeling position with her buttocks high in the air and braced herself for what she hoped would be a pleasurable assault on her nether hole. Not entirely to her surprise, the experience was so much all she hoped it would be that she was quickly transported to a plateau of sensual delight and then, when her imaginative sodomite used his skilful fingers upon her responsive little nub, he contrived to bring her off so violently that she scared the poor man half to death with her joyful shrieks and brought her new-found sisters running to her stall in alarm. All was well, however, that ended well, with little Meg squatting down behind her hero and administering such an enjoyable tonguing to his own bottom, interspersed with the most foul-mouthed commentary on the act that he had ever, or was ever, likely to hear, that he was able to continue to the natural conclusion of his buggery: he fairly exploded into the very depths of Kate’s rectum.

  Chapter Six

  On the morning of her last day as a provisional Handmaiden, Kate looked forward to the day with mixed feelings. On the one hand, she revelled in her newfound sensuality and her proficiency as a courtesan; moreover, she heartily enjoyed the camaraderie of her Handmaiden sisters. But equally, she began to wonder where all this would lead. Although she looked forward to returning to the certainties of her life as governess at Walthrop, her position there seemed insecure and fraught with dangers. A practical girl at heart, she realise
d that she was no nearer to her goal of finding a suitable mate for matrimony. She realised, too, that she still lacked the experience to venture out into the wide world without more than a few pounds to her name.

  The answer to her dilemma came in the shape of a tall, sartorially elegant, dark stranger. Kate could not help herself: as the good-looking young man walked towards her, his handsome features were so genial and so full of good humour that she found herself smiling despite her gloomy musings.

  “Miss Spencer, I believe?” he said.

  Kate was covered in confusion. How could he possibly know my name, she wondered? Suddenly she felt very under-dressed in her little calico apron, and in a fit of irrational modesty, she had an almost unbearable desire to cover her breasts.

  “To whom do I owe the pleasure, Sir?” she asked, blushing furiously and resisting the impulse to bring her hands up in order to shield her vulnerable bosom.

  “I beg your pardon, Miss. My name is Robert Harcourt. I am Lady Fordham’s brother, and to me has fallen the happy duty of escorting you back to Walthrop.”

  Despite her surprise at this news, Kate’s eyes could not withstand the temptation of looking at Mr Harcourt’s groin: here she saw an impressive bulge that seemed to grow as she watched. Tearing her eyes away, she drew herself up to her full height and, breasts proudly out-thrust, said, “Very well, Sir. I shall prepare to leave.”

  Just at that moment, Mrs Pike, a very humble and ingratiating Mrs Pike, arrived with Kate’s clothes.

  “Here you are my dear. I’m so sorry, I was to have given you these earlier, before… before Mr. Harcourt arrived here. It seems that your time with the Handmaidens is over. We shall all miss you until your return, which we hope will be very soon.”

  Kate accepted the small bundle with a murmured thanks and went to her stall to dress. When she emerged, the transformation from fille de joie to demure governess was complete.

  * * * * *

  As they walked slowly back to Walthrop, Kate gave her saviour a sidelong glance. He really was very handsome indeed, she thought. Colouring a little, but taking her courage in both hands, she asked him, “Why has your sister decided that I may return?”

  It was Robert Harcourt’s turn to look uncomfortable.

  “Oh,” he replied vaguely, “I believe that my young niece was made inconsolable by your absence.”

  They walked on in silence for a few moments. And then he quickly overtook Kate, standing in front of her and seizing both her hands in his, letting her valise fall to the grassy path.

  “No, Kate, if I may be so bold as to call you thus, the truth is that I begged my sister to be allowed to rescue from your terrible ordeal. You did not see me but I was there… there in the Old Stables, yesterday. I saw how… how they used you… it was…”

  His earnest voice died to a whisper and he found himself at a loss for the right words.

  Kate Spencer looked at him from beneath her long lashes and gave him a slightly arch look.

  “It wasn’t so bad, Mr. Harcourt. Why, in fact, I think that I rather enjoyed it. It was certainly most… salutary, as your sister might say,” Kate said, gently disengaging herself from his fervent grasp.

  They walked a little way on.

  “And did you… did you like what you saw of me in the Old Stables, Mr. Harcourt?” She wanted to ask him if he had found any of the other sights in the Old Stables to his liking, too, but her instincts were to leave this question for another time. Whatever he was, Robert seemed no prude, of that she was sure.

  “Please, call me Robert. Yes, very much, Kate. I did, very much. Indeed, if the eyes can fall in love, mine have fallen head over heels with you.”

  “Sir… Robert… you flatter me.” Now Kate was enjoying her flirtation immensely. It appeared that she would soon have this handsome young man wrapped around her little finger. And what a perfect revenge on the treacherous Fordhams! “But I am puzzled as to why you did not take me when you had the chance, for so many others enjoyed me that day.”

  “Oh, I desired you, of course, but I could not bring myself to share you with those coarse yahoos… those boors!”

  Kate looked down, surprised to see that he again was holding her hands. She looked up at him and suddenly he took her head in his hands and kissed her, long and hard. She felt a surge of exultant love and hope in her breast; she hardly knew this man, but already she sensed her motives for revenge evaporating; she could feel herself falling passionately in love with him.

  “Oh Robert,” she gasped, laughing with pleasure, when they broke the kiss in order to regain breath, “have you come to rescue me?”

  By way of an answer, Robert kissed his damsel in distress once more, and she could feel his impressively large manhood press urgently against her thigh.

  When they arrived at Walthrop, apart from the odd housemaid going about her duties, the place seemed almost deserted.

  They went first to her room, which seemed to be just as she had left it, in order to leave her valise; then they repared to his. They looked at each other almost shyly as they stood in front of the large four-poster bed.

  “Come, Mr. Harcourt,” said Kate teasingly, “I see you need some encouragement.”

  She undid the top button of her dress.

  * * * * *

  Robert saw her face flushed and excited and heard her moaning and gasping as she engulfed his swollen cock in her mouth.

  He watched contentedly. His cock felt wonderful in that hot, velvety mouth. She was as wildly aroused by their encounter as he; just as promiscuous and just as daring, he guessed, and he had never found anyone that could suck his long, thick cock as tenderly as she could.

  He enjoyed the show, watching Kate with her hair still tied up in a neat bun, head bobbing up and down on his throbbing cock. He groaned deeply as he watched and felt the bulbous head of his prick encircled by her busy little tongue. The cherry-pink of her lips looked beautiful against the mauve-pink skin of his circumcised glans, and it felt heavenly.

  Robert grasped her thigh and pulled it closer to his head. She was kneeling with her full, pale buttocks facing him. She raised her thigh as he pulled it toward him and straddled his head with her luscious hips, not missing a stroke on his cock as she did so.

  Here was a delightful prospect for Robert – Kate’s fragrant, hot fanny spread out invitingly right in front of his flushed face and hungry mouth. Her dark brown pubic hair was soft and fine, and it framed her plump, downy fanny-lips; above, by contrast, he noticed that her tightly puckered anus was quite devoid of any hair. He stared at the beautiful, juicy sight for a long moment before taking his first taste of her wet cunt.

  Grasping the smooth, soft flesh of her buttocks, he spread her arse-cheeks and exposed even more of her lovely fanny. He saw her cunt open, her arsehole spread, and her swollen clitoris strain from between her turgid fanny-lips as he pressed his face into her steamy crotch.

  Kate released an ecstatic groan as she felt Robert’s skilled tongue touch her excited cunt. She sucked harder on the head of his cock, straining to get more of his massive prick into her mouth as he began to excite her juicy fanny.

  Robert pressed his tongue lightly against Kate’s exposed, pink little bean and licked smoothly up through the humid valley of her cunt, into her dripping hole, and on to her flexing arsehole – where he lingered for a moment to tantalize the wrinkled pucker. He then swept his tongue quickly back through the hot cleft of her cunt, pressing more firmly this time, and plucked the throbbing clitoris into his mouth, sucking hard.

  “Aahh... that’s right... suck me, suck my little nubbin, dearest Robert... suck it hard!” she cried, her mouth involuntarily leaving his cock as the delicious feelings in her loins swept through her entire lithe young body.

  She sucked his cock back into her quivering mouth, pulling him in deeper this time as he continued to tease her clit. He quickly understood the way she liked it. He kept a steady pressure on that swollen bud of clit-flesh, feeling it throb and move,
and then began to flick, lightly and maddeningly, with the tip of his tongue. Keeping the hot little love-button trapped with his lips, he vibrated it expertly with his tongue. He felt the warm sensation of his cock going deeper and deeper into her mouth in return.

  “Mmmm…,” she moaned, her mouth and the back of her throat stuffed with Robert’s cock. She was going wild with lust. She wanted to devour his cock. Robert’s hot mouth sucking and manipulating that most sensitive part of her cunt was unleashing all her passion.

  With her animal desires blazing, she fought back the reflex to gag and pressed her head down farther on Robert’s long cock, letting it slide all the way into her clasping throat passage. Her lips pressed against his pubic hair as she gulped and sucked on his hot prick.

  A gasp of delighted disbelief came from Robert now as he felt her throat consume his entire cock like a velvet-gloved hand. He let her throbbing clit escape from his sucking mouth and began again to lap his tongue through the entire hot, wet region of her loins. He licked in long strokes, massaging her burning crotch from her clitoris to her delicate little arsehole.

  His actions were becoming more and more frenzied, and he could no longer pull his face away from her fanny to look at her erotic image in the long cheval looking glass at the end of the bed. He knew that as they each sucked and licked one another, their sexual bonds were becoming stronger and stronger, binding them together in a cocoon of love and lust.

  Kate was close to spending. Robert could tell by the way his cock was deep in her throat, and by the way her hips were starting to buck and twitch above his face. He could also tell by the way her cunt-hole was squeezing his tongue as he plunged deep into her fanny, and by the way her arsehole was flexing excitedly.

  He knew that now was the time to push her over the edge of bliss – before he came and while she was at the peak of her passion. He again captured her twitching clit between his lips and massaged and pulled firmly on her small pink bud. He felt the tiny centre of passion throb as he pulled, her hot fanny-flesh stretching and straining as he clamped down more firmly.


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