The Young Governess

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The Young Governess Page 12

by Phoebe Gardener

  Later, much later, after Robert had rung the bell and a flustered Mrs Beveridge herself had brought them a cold collation and a decanter of claret, after they had eaten and drunk and the afternoon sun cast long shadows on the carpet by the bed, they had made love again, more tenderly, less energetically perhaps, but no less intensely. As she climaxed, Kate threw her head back and wrapped her long, lithe legs around Robert’s waist, pulling him deep into her.

  Afterwards, they slept, rising only so that Kate could change in time for dinner.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning found Kate and Robert in their separate beds, slumbering late after a night of unbridled, passionate lovemaking; for whilst most adventures of the flesh were tolerated, and, indeed, on some occasions positively encouraged, by the Fordhams, a veneer of respectability had to be maintained for the benefit of the staff who were not aware of the true Walthrop morality.

  In the conservatory, her preferred location for discussions of a serious nature, Alice Fordham was discussing with her husband this unexpected romantic union of her brother and the new governess.

  “It shall not be!”

  Sir Bradley looked mildly alarmed. He had seldom seen his wife so annoyed.

  Alice Fordham’s eyes were flashing with rage. When her younger brother had taken her aside and announced his love for Kate, she had appeared to greet the news of this romance with remarkable equanimity, however under this façade she seethed with anger. Her own, darling brother! With that little slut of a governess! Besides, she wanted young Kate Spencer as her own plaything. It was a disaster – her brother was hotheaded enough to marry the little baggage. But she would never be accepted into polite society, a common schoolmaster’s daughter! Alice knew that she must keep this last reason as her trump – for her other two motives were less easy to defend.

  “And so, my dear, what shall you do?”

  “What shall I do? Why, I’ll make the scales fall from my beloved Robert’s eyes… I’ll make him see her for the depraved, dissolute little slut that she is…”

  A plan began to form in her mind, and slowly her smile turned into a vicious smirk, transforming her anxious, angry expression into one of malicious cunning.

  * * * * *

  Kate was uneasy. Robert’s unexpected departure after lunch – on an urgent matter of business that requested his presence in London – had left her, once more, feeling vulnerable and exposed. Intuitively, she knew that Alice Fordham disapproved of her liaison with Robert. It was time to be diplomatic, to be discreet. And above all do nothing to irk her mistress or master. Perhaps in this way she could bring Alice to take a more sympathetic view of the romance with her brother. Accordingly she immersed herself in her duties as governess: Ellie’s tutelage had been sorely neglected in the past few days. However Alice, too, seemed to go out of her way to be pleasant and avoid any reference to Kate’s experience at the Old Stables.

  It was for that reason that, two days later, Kate was surprised to receive another invitation to the Hall of Worship: that evening there was to be a meeting of the Followers ‘and a few of our oldest friends’. Alice stressed that she was under no obligation to come, and if she did, she could attend merely as an observer. So Kate accepted, albeit not without a few qualms. It might have seemed churlish not to.

  After dinner that evening, Ellie, Alice and Kate set off for the Hall of Worship. Ellie was in a state of high excitement, and even during the short carriage ride she was unable to sit still, her thighs rubbing against each other in a state of nervous arousal. The girl was addicted to sex, thought Kate.

  The lanky Reverend Pike and his button-eyed wife were at the door to welcome the Walthrop party, Bella Pike as effusive as ever. As usual, the Hall was ablaze with the light of a hundred candles, their golden light playing over the naked bodies of the Handmaidens and the half-dozen or so Followers some of whom had, rather to Kate’s dismay, already disrobed. Alice handed her a glass of red wine.

  “Kate, my dear, I know you will be taking a back seat in tonight’s revels, for you are no doubt keeping yourself for my brother. And so you should! But I am so happy that you have agreed to join our fun tonight, if only as an observer. After all, you are nearly one of the family now!”

  Kate thought that she could detect a certain tightness in Alice’s voice that made her wonder about the older woman’s sincerity. But she decided to let it pass. Surely there was no harm in being here, in watching. It might be fun, and besides, she could chat to some of her new friends from the Old Stables. She took a comfortable seat at the back of the hall and looked on, slowly sipping her wine.

  * * * * *

  How could it have happened?

  Kate found herself as naked as the rest of the company! She stood, noticing that her clothes were lying on the pew beside her, neatly folded in the way that she would normally leave them. Had she undressed herself, she wondered vaguely? If so, she could not remember doing so.

  The Handmaidens were busy.

  There was Molly, servicing a plump woman in the soixante-neuf position, their buxom bodies beautifully matched. There were Susan, Meg and Annie attending to various gentlemen and ladies that she had never seen before. There was Irish Bess rising and falling in the lap of none other than Vincent Barchester, and there was sloe-eyed Ruth, servicing another matronly Follower, as the slim, pretty girl knelt between the woman’s widely splayed thighs, her head bobbing up and down.

  And there was little Ellie… dear God, she was being buggered by the Reverend Pike! And she looks as if she is loving every second, thought Kate, as she watched her pupil thrust her pert bottom back at the randy old goat.

  She heard groans and squawks of pleasure behind her and turning saw that Bella Pike was on all fours and gratefully accepting the hard thrusts of Alice Cordham as she knelt behind and rammed the Punisher into the scrawny woman’s tight quim by hand. The obsequious pastor’s wife quivered with delight.

  Looking over Bella’s head, Alice’s eyes met those of her employee. She raised an eyebrow as if to say, ‘are you ready for me now?’

  Kate nodded. She was. Every nerve in her body called out for sexual release, for sensual pleasure, every square inch of her body wanted to be caressed and stroked, squeezed and licked. Her mouth opened and closed, her tongue traced a sensuous path around the inside of her lips. Oh, she was ready… ready to love.

  Her employer cast Bella Pike aside as a spoilt child would an old, used toy. She moved over to Kate. Once more, Kate was able to see how beautiful she was: a fine figure of a woman clothed, Alice Fordham was positively beautiful in the nude. Well, almost nude. She still wore her boots and stockings, tied with red garters. Her figure was voluptuous without being in the least bit plump, every single curve and every declivity was positively luscious to the eye. Her large breasts were still up-thrust and firm and her dark nipples exquisitely prominent and well defined. A deep, concave navel sat in the gentle swell of her belly and below that grew a dense bush of the blackest, softest hair that Kate had ever seen.

  When Alice lightly pinched the sensitive tips of Kate’s breasts, she almost climaxed there and then. She let out a deep, shuddering ‘Ohhhh!’

  Alice Fordham continued to stroke Kate’s beautifully shaped tits and her pointed nipples lovingly, fantasizing over the things she could have Kate do to her and the things she could do to Kate. Ellie came over to join them. Kate kept on thinking of the passionate picture they made for Ellie as Alice felt her young body, while the older woman contemplated just what she would instruct her keyed up young governess to do.

  Alice remembered the way she had seduced her governess, had commanded her to do such excitingly humiliating things before, whilst under the influence of laudanum – and whilst not.

  She knew that Kate was primed. So well primed, indeed, she reckoned that the young governess would do anything that she was told to do. An idea suddenly came to her: it was time to make her lazy daughter sing for her supper.

  “Ellie!” she called

  “Yes, Mother?”

  “Come and lick your pretty governess’s cunt!”

  “Oh Mother!” Ellie reproached her, “must you always use those vulgar words?”

  Lady Fordham merely grinned wolfishly at her daughter and, pushing Kate into a supine position onto her back, pointed to the junction of Kate’s thighs, and uttered one word.


  Ellie was already between Kate’s legs and had hungrily glued her wide-open mouth to her pink, needy cunt, as if to devour her. Within seconds, the Fordham governess was bucking and writhing, her mouth uttering little moans of intense pleasure, under the intense and skilled cunnilingus that her virtuoso pupil gave. While her daughter took care of her at one end, Alice squatted at the other, lowering herself gingerly onto Kate’s upturned face. Kate had no choice but to kiss and tongue the deliciously musky wet flesh and swallow the outpouring of sex juices that issued from the woman’s aroused vulva. The realisation that she was acting as a sort of incestuous bridge between mother and daughter had not escaped her and she derived an illicit thrill at the thought. Alice shuddered briefly with a small preliminary orgasm and then slowly got to her feet from her squatting position. She substituted her own fingers for Kate’s mouth and started to gently frig herself, knowing exactly where this action would lead: faster and faster she strummed her red, engorged clitoris as she groaned and bucked in ecstasy: then she uttered a sharp cry and, quivering from head to foot, squirted a powerful jet of clear liquid that splashed onto Kate’s face and chest, covering her breasts and belly.

  “Oh, Mama!” murmured Ellie in awe.

  “That will suffice now, Ellie. You may stay to watch us now, if you wish,” said her mother dismissively, as she removed her boots and stockings. Another idea had formulated. She knelt and started to feel Kate’s sex. Ellie sat close by on the floor, her knees drawn up to her chin, her eyes wide as saucers. Alice withdrew her hand from Kate’s soft, hairy fanny and inserted three fingers into her own gaping cunt. She stroked the wet flesh lightly, stirring up her hot juices, drenching her fingers in her hot liquids. “Did you know that Ellie and I ate all of Lord Barchester’s spunk?” she asked Kate in a low, salacious voice. “No, I don’t think you saw us… you seemed to be far away in your own little world. Never mind. Have you come to appreciate a woman’s juices?”

  “Oh, yes... let me taste yours, Alice... let me taste your fanny,” Kate begged.

  “Here,” Alice responded, presenting her juice-drenched fingers to Kate. “Lick my juices off my fingers,” she instructed.

  Kate complied, licking at Alice’s wet hand, clutching it, running her tongue over every finger then sucking each one of them into her mouth. “Mmm... you taste so good,” she gasped between licks. Alice pulled her hand away again and returned it to her big, meaty, gash, soaking it again in her juices and enjoying Kate’s hungry stare as she did so.

  “Oh, Alice, please let me lick your lovely fanny... let me taste... let me kiss it,” Kate begged.

  “Just do what I tell you,” Alice commanded gently but firmly, “then I’ll let you lick my cunt.” She pulled her wet, sticky fingers out of her hole and angled her hips up higher so that Kate had a complete view of her spread crotch. She pushed her fingers into her arsehole, closing her eyes and gasping from the powerful feeling as she slowly kneaded them in and out of the tight hole.

  “I’ll let you lick my arsehole, too,” she said lustfully, watching Kate’s entranced gaze as she stretched her anus in ever-widening circles with her wet fingers. Once again, Kate was struck by the incongruity of Alice Fordham’s use of these highly vulgar words. But at the same time, they acquired a delicious wickedness when they were delivered from her aristocratic lips in her perfectly enunciated, upper-class tones.

  “Taste them again, sweet one,” she instructed as she pulled out her fingers and once more held them invitingly in front of Kate’s face. Kate was even more passionate this time in her licking and sucking of Alice’s wet fingers. She devoured every drop of Alice’s juices, inflamed by the combined taste of Alice’s sweet and musky arsehole and fanny.

  Alice reached now for Kate’s fanny and buried two of her slim fingers in the tight, young opening. Kate moaned loudly as Alice stroked the hole rapidly, stimulating her flow of juices. Withdrawing her fingers, she spread Kate’s slippery exudate over the large, erect nipple of one of her own magnificent tits. Cupping the juicy tit in her hands, she held it toward Kate’s mouth.

  “Lick my nipple,” she instructed, her voice quivering with lust. “Taste your own fanny ... taste it ... suck it!”

  Kate eagerly obeyed, mouthing Alice’s sharp nipple hungrily, noisily sucking her own sweet juices from Alice’s tit.

  “Aaaaaaahhhhhh... that’s good... suck it, dearest, suck it!” Alice gazed lovingly at Kate’s fresh, innocent face, flushed with excitement at the taste of her own love juices and Alice’s fat nipple.

  Alice pulled her foot up level with Kate’s open slit and began to rub and caress the swollen, wet lips with her smooth, sensitive toes. Kate sighed deeply, leaning back against the couch. She grasped Alice’s warm foot in her hands and rubbed her toes harder against her aching fanny-flesh.

  “Stick my toes in your cunny,” Alice gasped, loving the feeling of warm, slippery little lips against her tender foot. “Fuck yourself with my toes!” Holding Alice’s foot with both hands, Kate began to probe into her cunt-hole with Alice’s big toe, stroking it in and out of her hot slit feverishly. Kate moaned with pleasure at the penetration into her fanny, and Alice felt the warm, wetness of her juices enclose the tip of her foot.

  “Now in your arse... fuck your arsehole,” Alice ordered, watching with delight as Kate obeyed. She felt Kate’s tight arsehole open easily as her big toe pressed against its puckered opening. She was amazed and excited by the ease with which the rosy pink hole accepted the penetration. She panted with lust as she watched Kate jerk her arsecheeks back and forth shamelessly, luxuriating in the feeling.

  “Suck my toes... lick them... lick your juices,” she commanded breathlessly, pulling her toe from Kate’s tight arsehole and moving her foot towards her mouth. If Kate found this request repugnant in any way, she showed no signs of it. She lapped and slurped hungrily at Alice’s lovely toes, sucking them into her mouth and tantalizing them with her tongue, hungrily licking and devouring her own juices. “Oh... you are perfect, quite perfect,” she sighed as Kate continued with her sucking. “Now you may suck my fanny. Put your head between my legs,” she ordered, “but keep your bottom up here by me.” She guided Kate’s head to her crotch and positioned her so that her head was pointing downward between Alice’s thighs and her knees rested beside Alice, her arse high in the air and spread wide open to Alice’s touch.

  “Just take my button, my clitoris, between your lips,” she said hoarsely, her voice thick and breathless with lust. She felt Kate’s hot mouth encircle her clit, sending shivers through her loins. “That’s right... just hold it with your lips... flick it... flick it with your tongue!” she cried as Kate’s hot, quick tongue lambasted Alice’s unusually large clitoris, sending shivers of delight throughout her entire body.

  Savouring the exquisite sensation of her clit trapped and throbbing in Kate’s mouth, Alice turned to Kate’s lovely arse beside her. She spread the smooth young cheeks even wider with her hands and gazed greedily at the lovely sight. Kate’s soft brown pubic hair covered the fat pouch of her youthful fanny. The inner labia protruded slightly from the downy outer folds of flesh, her clit peaking out from its little hood, red and swollen. Clear, syrupy love-juice oozed from the pink flesh at the mouth of her cunt, musky and enticing. Her arsehole was a delicate, pinkish tan in colour and tightly puckered, tightening and slackening, just waiting to be licked.

  “Keep flicking it like that ... uuummmmm... that’s right, dear girl,” Alice moaned as she continued to relish the sensation of her governess’s mouth tantalizing her clit. She began to play teasingly with Kate’s f
anny. She ran her fingertip along the edge of the slick inner lips, then pressed her finger between them and stroked it up and down through the oozing groove of her cunt. She poked the mouth of Kate’s vaginal opening provocatively with her fingertip, eliciting deep, muffled groans from Kate. She plunged her fingers deep into the hot, fleshy hole, feeling the way the strong muscles of the young girl’s hungry vagina sucked her fingers inside and gripped them tightly. Stroking and stretching the soft folds of fanny-flesh for a few moments, she withdrew and gently plucked at Kate’s throbbing clit, stroking it the way she would stroke her own. As Kate’s groans increased with each new move Alice’s fingers made, her arse began to jerk greedily, wanting more and more stimulation. Kate began to remove her mouth from Alice’s clit.

  “Keep sucking!” Alice commanded, enjoying her power to control Kate and to have her hold her clit so excitingly in her mouth. She continued to tease Kate’s fanny as she luxuriated in the feeling of her clit throbbing and warm inside Kate’s mouth, being caressed by her lips and lightly flicked with her hot tongue. Diverting her attention from Kate’s clit, Alice turned her consideration to Kate’s wrinkled arsehole as it now flexed with hunger and excitement. She plunged her fingers deep into the hot opening, once more amazed at the way it stretched almost as easily as did her cunt-hole. She fucked her fingers in and out rapidly before finally giving in to her desire to suck and lick Kate’s luscious pink cunt-flesh.

  She pulled Kate’s thigh across herself, straddling Kate’s spread arse-cheeks over her tits. With a lusty sigh, she began to devour the sweet young flesh with voracious lips and tongue. Pulling her smooth buttocks closer, her movements became wilder and more passionate as Kate began to stroke her own tongue up and down through Alice’s dripping, voracious maw. Their actions became more and more frenzied as each girl drove the other to higher peaks of lust and animal desire. Alice felt herself being completely overwhelmed by the tremendous current of sexual power that ebbed and flowed between them. Their moans became sharp gasps of pleasure and ecstasy as their mutual sucking and licking took on a fevered pace. Their bodies bucked and writhed against each other in total abandon as their pleasure peaked and then began to slowly subside. And playing shamelessly with herself, young Ellie had watched it all…


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