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Howl Page 9

by Annalise Grey

  “What?” I did a double-take. “Who did you say it was?” I asked, too surprised to be more eloquent. Hadn’t Daniel left? I don’t want him buying me flowers.

  “Some guy over at Mrs. Tanner’s booth. He’s probably still there if you want to go thank him. I’ll watch your station.” He smiled at me and took the banana nut bread from my hands.

  I took off my long maroon apron apprehensively. I looked all around Mrs. Tanner’s booth but I couldn’t find anyone other than a small group of older ladies debating over whether or not to buy the marigolds or dusty millers. I stood by the booth for a few minutes feeling like an idiot when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to the right through the back door.

  The sun shone blindingly bright in my eyes. For a fraction of a moment I wasn’t sure who had grabbed me.

  Jaime spun me around and planted a soft but heated kiss on my lips.

  As rapidly as I succumbed to his kiss I jerked back, eyes darting around the empty patch of grass and trees behind the market.

  “The coast is clear, I promise.” Seriousness hardened Jaime’s face.

  I let out a slow breath. “Thank you for the roses.”

  “You’re welcome. I thought you needed roses today.” The tense muscles of his jaw slackened then slid into a grin. His face was too perfect for words. His sparkling bright blue eyes matched the smile on his face. They warmed me more than the sun ever would.

  “I can’t stay. I just stopped by for a few minutes.”

  “I’m glad you did.” I didn’t want the pain to show on my face. There was never enough time. “I’ve missed you.”

  He wrapped a muscular arm around my waist and brushed my hair back from my face. Jaime pressed his lips against mine, soft as velvet. The little black cloud of melancholy evaporated as he held me tighter. This is why I stay.

  “I’ve missed you, too. Any chance you can get away after work? Just for an hour or so?”

  “I doubt it.” I whispered.

  “Maybe next time.” He grumbled and broke free of me.

  “This Friday.” I spit out the words before I could realize what I had said. “I’ll find a way. I promise.”

  Jaime planted a kiss on my cheek. “See you then.”

  I walked back into the farmers market a little lightheaded. As I tugged my apron over my head I caught a glimpse of a dark ponytail out of the corner of my eye. The ponytail was gone by the time I turned to look. Daniel? I mentally replayed in my mind Daniel taking his bag and money and turning to leave. He did leave, didn’t he? I had thought so. But then Brad said about the flowers. Daniel could have turned back. Did he see or hear anything? What if he told on me? My chest seized and I couldn’t breathe. Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod.

  The rest of my shift went by like molasses in January as these questions, and the possible answers, strenuously played out over and over in my thoughts. I was half-tempted to skip out of work early, tell my manager I’d taken ill, until I realized that it would only bring the inevitable to light that much sooner. Which was worse – the unveiling of my double-life or waiting for the reveal?


  I left for home at the end of my shift with worry so fierce it felt like giants crushing my stomach. I pulled my car over twice out of fear that I’d vomit on myself. The pretend illness I’d considered faking was making a very real appearance.

  As I crept into the house, dinner was in full swing. Mom and Ethan served lasagna while others helped themselves to salad and garlic bread. The acidic smells of dinner filled my nostrils and turned my stomach. My mouth was parched as I attempted a swallow, silently begging my stomach to stay in place as I slid wordlessly into my seat next to Kylin.

  “Sophie, grab a plate!” Ethan called above the bustling table.

  “I got it.” Tristan set a plate down in front of me in time for Ethan to scoop some lasagna onto it. I picked up my fork and pushed it around the plate for a minute or two, not particularly interested in actually putting food in my belly.

  “How was work Sophie?” I nearly jumped out of my skin at Gavin’s inquiry.

  “Good.” I returned feebly.

  “Honey, are you not feeling well? You’re not eating.” Mom asked.

  “Upset stomach.” I bobbed my head slightly.

  I caught Daniel’s gaze several times over the course of the evening. He was acting fine – smiling, sharing jokes with Gavin, and complimenting Mom on her cooking. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with him. Perhaps he hadn’t seen anything. I prayed. Maybe I’d imagined it? Relief tiptoed into my thoughts a little at a time. My nerves, which spent the majority of dinner on the verge of hysterics, began to calm just enough for my thoughts to focus on what to do next.

  “Sophie, help me with dishes?” An impish grin played on Daniel’s face as he called across the table to me. A massive floodgate opened and panic drowned my insides once again.

  Trembling, I forced my lips to move. “Sure.” I was certain what little dinner I choked down would come back up. Whether consciously or not, Daniel didn’t make eye contact with me again until everyone was leaving the table.

  “Hey gorgeous.” He flashed his devilish, lopsided smile.

  “Hi.” I croaked.

  “So here we are. Alone. With dirty dishes to wash again.” He grabbed a stack of utensils and dropped them into the empty bread dish.

  “Hmm.” I nodded as I stacked cups and plates.

  “It was great to see you today. You know, at the farmers’ market.”

  “Really?” Was he toying with me? Where was this going? Please just get it over with.

  “I enjoy your company, Sophie. You’re pretty funny when you want to be.” The sincerity in his voice disarmed me. I nearly dropped my stack of dishes in the sink. “Easy killer. Those dishes didn’t do anything to you.”

  My face burned as I checked a few plates for chips and cracks.

  “Actually, I meant to ask you what your schedule is for the next few days. I was hoping we could hang out. There is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Did his voice just quiver? Is Daniel nervous?

  “What?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could muster though the room started spinning around me.

  He laughed out loud. “Just something. But it requires some time alone. Actually alone not just in the kitchen with the rest of your family in the next room.”

  “Okay.” I muttered.

  He shifted gears. “Have you seen LJ blow raspberries yet? He just started yesterday and it’s the cutest thing.”

  “No, I haven’t seen that yet.” I struggled to make my voice light and more cheerful.

  “And I swear he tries to reach for me. When I’m nearby, he gets all excited and wiggles frantically.” He chuckled. “I love that kid.”

  The spinning stopped and I felt infinitely more relaxed the longer Daniel talked. As he spoke on about my nephew, I studied his face. The dark stubble on his chin accentuated the rugged appearance he presented but his eyes were gentle and sparkling, seemingly lit with a soulful fire. He was incredibly handsome.

  “Actually I want a dozen kids myself. Maybe more.” Daniel placed the last glass on the drying rack and stepped closer to me. Without warning his hand swept back a lock of my hair from my cheek, sending a ripple down my spine. “Thank you for doing the dishes with me.”

  “It’s nothing.” I stammered as my cheeks lit up again.

  “I’ll leave you alone now. But maybe you could make some time for me this week?”

  “Alright.” I murmured as he grinned again and left me at the sink, leaning for support.


  I had the following day off work though Mom kept me plenty busy with work around the house. Daniel, I realized, had spent most of the morning in his room. I managed to slip away from Mom around eleven. I carried a basket of veggies in from our garden and washed my hands in the sink, mentally preparing for our ‘big talk’. Maybe it was just my imagination getting the better of me and he hadn’t heard a word of my meeting
with Jaime.

  “Oh good, you’re here!” Lorelei, who I hadn’t seen when I came in, sat at the dining room table while I made my way toward the steps. “Can I ask a favor?” Seeing my chance slip away, I unenthusiastically headed to the table. Both LJ and Nina had a ton of stinky yellow baby food smeared across their faces.

  “Do you mind feeding Nina? She’s getting impatient and John is at work.” Lorelei handed me a tiny jar of the same smelly goo. I looked at the label. Yellow squash? Yeah right. I thought. Making airplane sounds I moved the spoon closer to Nina’s mouth. She giggled and opened up for the icky yellow mush. Apparently the stuff tasted better than it smelled.

  Lorelei looked really tired with dark circles permanently painted under her beautiful eyes, which I assumed was because of the babies keeping her up at night. Though John was an equal partner when he was home, Lorelei still did most of the night duty since John had to work during the day.

  Lorelei and I sat in silence, feeding the babies so fast I wasn’t sure they could even taste the food we gave them.

  “Life must be pretty sweet as a baby.” I mused out loud. “So simple, so easy.”

  In no time at all Nina and LJ were finished eating. I tossed the baby food jars into the recycling bin and bolted up the steps before Lorelei could ask for more help. I brushed off a twinge of shame. I should have stayed to help her clean up.

  “It’s open.” He called. I pushed open the door to Daniel’s room. He was sprawled out on the too small bed, shirtless, a battered book in his hands. Upon seeing me, he put the book down. “Hey cutie.”

  I really hated how adorable his smile was. It was nonchalant and extraordinarily attractive. I had a thing for sexy smiles and Daniel’s definitely topped the list. More so than Jaime’s.

  “You said yesterday that you wanted to talk to me about something.” I looked around for somewhere to sit. The bed was my only option.

  “I do.” Daniel stood up.

  My jaw about hit the floor. His build was flawless. His chest was broad and very muscular with skin so pale it was almost translucent. His long arms, which lead from bulky shoulders, swung gracefully as he walked. His stomach was sculpted to perfection with ripples of muscles. His chestnut ponytail was glossy in the sunlight and highlighted the smooth skin of his back.

  Daniel sauntered over to the overflowing bookshelf where he dropped his book on top. “What did you want to talk about?” I asked as he came near me, his jeans slinking lower as he walked. They might have fallen down any minute. The thought wasn’t comical.

  “You and me.”

  “You and me?” I repeated stupidly.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “Uh…?” I lost my train of thought. Daniel was smoking hot and standing way too close.

  “Let me rephrase: I needed to see you.” Daniel’s eyes seemed to penetrate some shadowy corner of my mind – a section in which sinister desires lay hidden, with good reason. Leaning toward me conspiratorially, he whispered, “I miss the sound of your voice when you're not around. I miss your scent and even your temper when you are annoyed at me.”

  Daniel took a half step closer. His bare chest was mere inches away from mine. “You're nervous.” The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. There was a glint in his eyes.

  “Daniel, I….” I put a hand to his chest and stepped backwards, stammering as I spoke. “I'm not...” What's the word I'm looking for? “Ready… for anything like....” He disregarded my words.

  “Do you know why I’ve stayed?” Daniel placed one hand in my hair, the other pulled me nearer. “Because of you. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I belong here Sophie. I belong here with you. And you don’t have to be ready yet. I am very patient and I’ll wait until you say it’s time. But I don’t want another wolf snatching you away from me. So say you’ll be mine, even if it’s months or a year from now. Because I need you for my own.”

  “I haven't... I mean I didn't....” My mind clawed helplessly for something to say.

  “What a pair we'll make, don't you agree?” His fingers encroached under my tank top and caressed the small of my back. Those lips that hinted at a smile now disappeared from my view. They occupied themselves with tender inspection of my skin. Daniel’s kisses, gliding from my neck to my cheek, sent a not unlikable chill down my spine. Their destination was clear.

  Don’t do it, please don’t do it.

  “I can’t.” I shook myself free of him and dashed out of the room.

  ~Some legends refuse to die~

  “So there will be a hayride at the Johnson’s tree farm in Mt. Jewett this Saturday. I thought it would be fun for us to do.” Jaime’s hand stroked the back of my head as we watched television on his couch. I had finally caved and told everyone my boss had hired me to help him clear debris around his yard and then I offered to help him build and paint a new wrap around deck as a gift for his wife. Ironically, lying in such magnitude eased Tristan and Lorelei off my back. It bought me several weekends’ worth of days free to spend with Jaime without interrogation or guarded eyes.

  “And, it would be out of Kane.” Away from Kane meant little chance of getting caught.

  And away from Daniel. Though he never mentioned my rejection, I saw it on his face everyday. I wounded his pride and as a result, something dark simmered underneath Daniel’s confident exterior. More than a few times I had to weasel my way out of being alone with him.

  “I’ve never been on a hayride.” I mused, realizing how strange that probably sounded to him. Normal people do things like that, right?

  “Well then, we have to go. Hayrides are supposed to be kind of spooky because they take you through haunted woods and fields. You never know what might happen.” The emphasis Jaime placed on ‘haunted woods’ made me laugh out loud.

  “So am I supposed to be worried that evil spirits and psychopaths with chain saws might jump out and get me?”

  “Something like that.” Jaime whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

  “Honestly, I’ve never done any of that Halloween stuff. Ever.” I grimaced as I took in his surprise.


  “My family is kind of Amish-like in our separation from the rest of the world. I mean, we don’t have a problem with Halloween; we just didn’t really get into the whole hu- “I startled myself as the first syllable of human escaped my lips. I quickly moved back several inches from Jaime who stared at me, completely confounded.

  “I’m sorry, what was I saying?” I slapped my forehead a little too hard.

  “What?” Jaime’s face contorted from confusion.


  “Ok-ay. Let’s start this conversation over.” He spoke to me slowly, like I was a vacuous two-year old. “So we are going on the hayride, correct?”

  I nodded just as slowly as he spoke.

  “You’re so odd sometimes.” His voice was light as if my little anomalies were to be expected by now. “Come here, you.” Jaime drew me into him, kisses pouring over my lips and neck. Taking his collar in my hands, I pulled down onto the couch with me.


  The Saturday of the hayride was far chillier than normal. I bundled myself in a wool sweater, jacket, and hat, a scarf, and stuffed gloves in my pocket for good measure. Satisfied that I would be warm enough, I made my way outside.

  “Sophie! Wait up!” Tristan’s voice called from behind me.

  I waited as Tristan, trailed by Daniel, stepped out of the house. “Heading out?”

  “Yeah.” I replied. Going out for a hike, maybe catch a movie.

  “We’re going out as well.” Tristan piped up. “Want a ride into town?”

  “No thanks, I’m good.” I turned quickly and got to my car before another word could be said. That was close.

  Jaime was sitting on his steps waiting when I pulled into his driveway.

  Dark purple and pink colors streaked across the sky as we arrived at the Johnson tree farm. We arrived in time to watch the first tractor pul
ling away with its metal wagon filled with people sitting on straw bales. Jaime and I piled onto the second wagon with about ten other people.

  “Sophie!” I had just taken my seat near the back when I heard the deep but soft voice. My head snapped around so fast I think I gave Daniel a start. “What are you…?” His voice trailed off. His eyes darted to the man sitting down next to me.

  Tristan shot me a pained look that turned into an emotionless stare as Jaime put a hand in mine and kissed my fingers, apparently oblivious to the unspoken conversation between me, my brother, and wanna-be lover. My heart dropped into the rocky, jagged pit of my belly. The edges sliced through the soft muscle of my heart, tearing it more every moment I sat there thinking of something to say, some way to explain why I was sneaking and lying still.

  Daniel turned to Tristan and suggestively nodded my way. Daniel left his spot next to my brother and sat down on my left. Reluctantly, Tristan joined our uncomfortable grouping.

  “So.” Daniel began, leaning over to get a better view of me and Jaime. “This is a lovely surprise.” His voice dripped of saccharin pleasantry but there was a shadowy expression across his face. I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes.

  Just stop Daniel.

  “Last minute change of plans.” I said, glancing tentatively at Jaime, whose breathing became uneven and the distinct scent of apprehension hung about him. He wasn’t oblivious anymore.

  “I’m Daniel Poirot, a friend of Sophie’s family.” Daniel held out a hand to Jaime.

  “Jaime Robertson.” He seemed unsure of how to proceed. The cat was definitely out of the bag now.

  Tristan leaned over to extend a hand as well. “Tristan Matthews. I’m Sophie’s twin.” He gave Jaime a satisfying smile. “It’s nice to meet you finally. Heard lots about you; good things, of course.”


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