Heavy darkness outside the window to my right slowly turned to little streaks of sunlight creeping across the table. The sounds of Nina and LJ fussing as they awoke reminded me that before long, the rest of my family would be up.
Granddad’s words echoed in my mind. I walked into the living room and fumbled about in our writing desk, searching for a pen and paper.
I scribbled several lines and folded the paper in quarters then handed it to Granddad.
“Please go wake Tristan and give this to him. Tell him to pack a bag. I want him to track down Daniel and give him this letter.”
Without another word, I grabbed Kylin's jacket off the back of the chair and took off. In an apartment several miles east of here, a human man would also be waking soon and I had much to say to him.
About me:
Pennsylvania native, dreamer, explorer.
I write because I like talking to the voices in my head. They are (usually) good company. I love to travel (when I have the $ for it). My family is everything to me.
Get updates and all the latest on my blog, http://annalisegrey.wordpress.com/
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