Alpha Bait

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Alpha Bait Page 7

by Sam Crescent

“You better be ready for this, baby. Once I start fucking you, you’re mine.” He stopped and grabbed her wrist. “I want you to be aware of the fact that once we cross this line, you’ll be agreeing to be my mate for the rest of your life.”

  “What?” she asked, pausing in her attempt to undress him.

  “Chain sent you here as alpha bait, but I’m going to claim you as my mate. I was going to wait until you accepted your place within my pack.”

  She released her hold on his jeans. “I can’t be the queen in your pack. They all know why I was here.”

  “No, they don’t. They will all know the truth about you helping me. You haven’t put me in any danger, and I think you forget that fact. I’m alive. You’re alive, and we can do this. I promise you we can fix this.” He held her hand in his.

  Looking down she saw how much bigger he was than she.

  “Our wolves are destined to be together.” He drew her close rubbing his cheek against hers. “Feel them, Tori. Feel how much they want each other.” She closed her eyes feeling her wolf close to the surface.


  “See, I can feel her as well, Tori. She wants me, and she’s very possessive. I bet she would hate Lidia.”

  Victoria couldn’t stop the growl of anger at his assessment. She hated the thought of the other woman knowing anything about Scorch.

  He’s ours.

  “Agree to be my mate and I’ll give you everything.” He took her mouth, plundering her mouth at the same time he cupped her breasts in his palm. Her body no longer felt like her own.

  “Yes, I’ll be your mate.” She reached for his belt, tugging down his jeans. Scorch reached for her tearing the shirt from her body.

  In no time at all they were completely naked.

  Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she felt the heat of him pulsing against her palm.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” he said, groaning.

  He covered her hand with his own.


  She held him tighter in her fist, pumping the length. “That’s right, baby.” His hands caressed up and down her back. “Enough.”

  He tugged her hand away, leading her to his bed. Climbing onto the bed, she circled his neck and slammed her lips down on his. They both moaned.

  “God, I love your curves.”

  His hands gripped her hips, reaching around to squeeze her ass. Scorch looked taken by her body.

  Loving the feel of his arousal against her, she took his lips once again. He kissed down her neck, sucking on her flesh until he marked her. Teeth bit down into her flesh marking her with his alpha bite.

  “Now you’re real bait I’ve taken a bite out of.” Down he kissed until he teased her breasts. His palms cupped her mounds, tweaking the nipples before his lips took over, biting down on the buds. “Such pretty tits.” He spent equal attention between the two, sucking, licking, and nibbling.

  Her body became his to please at his will.

  When he was finished with her breasts he kissed down her stomach until he went down further to kiss her rounded stomach. Heat filled her cheeks as the embarrassment washed over her at the size of her stomach.

  Scorch opened her legs wide. She felt him tease the lips of her sex, exposing her clit.

  “I’m going to fuck you soon, Tori. You’re going to be filled with my cum and know who you belong to.”

  She didn’t feel scared, excited more than anything else. “Please.”

  “This is going to be a long night for you, baby.” He stroked her clit with his tongue.

  Crying out, Victoria wasn’t ready for the sensation of his tongue on her body. He was burning her alive from his touch. He teased the entrance of her pussy without entering her. His fingers held her open to his mouth. Biting down onto her lip she tried to contain her screams.

  “I want the whole pack to know what I’m doing to you. Scream, Tori. Let them know who owns you.” He nibbled on her bud, and she couldn’t stop the scream pouring out of her mouth.

  The pleasure of his lips intensified making it hard for her to focus on anything else. Panting, she gripped the sheet beneath her as he brought her to the edge of orgasm. He kept the peak from her only allowing her to dangle on the edge.

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “I’m yours.” She agreed with him, hoping he would stop the burning inside her.

  “Good.” He threw her over the edge of bliss.

  Victoria screamed and shuddered as her orgasm slammed through her taking her into an entirely different world. Throughout it all, Scorch held her tightly working her clit with his fingers.

  She felt him settle between her thighs, rubbing her clit throughout her orgasm.

  “I’m sorry, baby. This is going to hurt a little, but soon it will feel so fucking wonderful.”

  Through her orgasm Victoria felt something probing her pussy. Then she realized it was the tip of his cock pressing against her core. His hands left her pussy, and then he thrust deep inside her. Scorch broke through the thin barrier of her virginity claiming her body for his own.


  Her screams of pain echoed around the room. Scorch’s wolf knew they were claiming their little wolf for their own and didn’t try to break free, which he was thankful for. Being forced to turn right now wouldn’t suit either of their needs. Her tight cunt gripped him, and he forced himself to stay still inside her.

  “Baby, I’ve got you,” he said, soothing her.

  Tears shone in her eyes as she stared up at him.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know. It hurts for most women the first time.”

  He took each of her hands, pressing them to the bed beside her head. Leaning down he kissed her cheek, going to her neck and stroking his tongue along her collarbone. Her pussy rippled around his shaft. Closing his eyes, he focused on her body drawing out her arousal.

  “I’ve got you, Tori. I’m going to make you feel so good.” Taking one of her nipples into his mouth, he sucked the bud in deep. She arched into his touch.

  “Please, Scorch. I’m ready for more.”

  Her slick heat was nice and warm coating his shaft.

  “Then thrust up to me. Fuck my cock.”

  Scorch stayed still as she started to move and fuck herself on his shaft. He turned to her other breast, lavishing the bud with more attention. She worked herself into a frenzy, and only when he was sure that she no longer felt pain did he draw himself back. Releasing her hands he stared down at where his cock was visible inside her.

  “You’re so tight.” He pressed his thumb against her slick clit.

  Her pussy clenched like a fist, squeezing him, increasing the pleasure. Moaning, he slowly drew out of her pussy and slid back inside. All the time he played with her clit, watching her lose control as he fingered her.

  “Please, Scorch,” she said, whimpering.

  “You want me to fuck you hard?”

  “You’re teasing me.”

  Smiling, he swiveled his hips filling her up differently.

  “I’ll always tease you. Beg me to fuck you, Tori. I want to hear the words spill from you lips.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  Her checks were flushed. He imagined part of the flush was down to arousal while the other reason was because of embarrassment. “I’m not going to go faster or give you what you want until I hear you beg me.”

  Slowing down his thumb, he made sure every move, every single caress took her closer to what she needed but always held back from her being satisfied.

  She hit the bed, growling out her frustration.

  “Say the words, and I’ll give you want you want.”

  Another growl emitted from her lips. Chuckling, he stopped teasing her pussy, watching her splinter apart under his control instead. She didn’t want to give in to him, yet the only way she could achieve pleasure would be to give him what he wanted most.

  “Fine. Scorch, please, fuck me. Give m
e your cock. Make it hurt, fuck me hard.”

  He didn’t give her chance to finish her statement. Scorch pulled out of her and then rammed in hard. She screamed. Her hands went to his arms as he fucked her hard with several deep strokes. Scorch wasn’t touching her clit as he went in hard.

  She thrust up to meet him, surprising him with her need. Victoria succumbed to his passion, opening her body up to him.

  “Please, I can’t stand it.”

  Reaching down, he teased her clit, and within seconds of touching her clit she exploded around his cock. He drove in to her, over, and over again, slamming inside.

  His balls tightened unbearably, and with one final thrust he slammed inside her, his cum spilling into her waiting cunt. The grip he had on her hips tightened, and he growled through the pleasure.

  Stars appeared before his eyes making him feel weak from the sensation.

  Scorch held himself up on his arms even though he felt weak from what had just happened. Opening his eyes, he stared down into her bright green ones. A smile appeared on her lips, and he couldn’t stop himself. Leaning down, he claimed her lips, cementing his need for her once more.

  “That was amazing,” she said. She reached up, stroking his cheek with her fingers. When she caressed across his lips, he teased her by biting down and growling.

  She giggled, and the sound soothed the beast within him. “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

  “No, you’re not. Your virginity belongs to me.”

  He slid to the side with his flaccid cock still deep inside her. Scorch lay on the bed holding her close. He didn’t want to move yet or risk his cum leaving her body. Something primal struck him hard. With his cum inside her body every male wolf would know who she belongs to until he could claim her properly. The need to rub his seed all over her body was strong inside him. His teeth lengthened once again with the desire to strike and add another mark to her body. Instead, he stroked her neck feeling her pulse beat wildly against his fingers.

  “I’m glad. You’re the only one who has made me feel like this,” she said, touching his arm.

  “You’re the only woman who has left me feeling like this as well.” He couldn’t describe it, but it was like all other women hadn’t come before.

  “What do you mean? You’re not a virgin.” Her smile was wide and then turned into a scowl. “In fact I recall a woman called Lidia not so long ago who used to be your means of blowing off steam. A fuck buddy I seem to recall.”

  “She meant nothing to me. You can try and keep me at arms’ length over Lidia, but we both know she wasn’t part of my pack.”

  “Lidia wanted to be part of your pack. Actually, she wanted to be your queen.”

  “Then you better be prepared, baby, because you’re the queen I want by my side.” He kissed her lips, stroking a hand down her back and squeezing her butt.

  “I don’t know how you can want me after what I’ve done.”

  Cupping her cheek, he stared into her green eyes. “You’ve done nothing. How can I have a problem with the woman who only wants to protect me?”

  She caressed his lips with the tips of her fingers. “I feel like I’ve entered some kind of dream world. This doesn’t feel real at all.”

  “We’re wolves, Tori. We’re not really living in the real world and haven’t been for a long time.” He kissed her again. “Come on, let’s shower.”

  He picked her up, carrying her through to the bathroom. Turning on the water, he laughed at her squeal as the cold water rushed out of the tap.

  “You did that on purpose.”

  “Of course I did.” Scorch grabbed the soap and started to massage it into her flesh. Her squealing stopped, turning into a guttural moan. His cock thickened at feeling her plump flesh beneath his hands. She was so fucking beautiful she took his breath away.

  Rubbing his hands up and down her body, between her thighs, he felt the excitement start to build once again. His scent covered her pussy. Scorch wanted his scent in her mouth, pussy, and ass. He was possessed with the need to own every square inch of her body.

  “This is insane. You’re ready to go again?”

  Scorch slipped a finger through her folds feeling her arousal coating his digits. “Fuck, you’re ready for me, baby. Don’t deny it. I know what you want.” He groaned sinking two fingers into her sweet tight cunt.

  His control slipped. Pressing her against the glass of the shower door, he tugged on her hips and slid his rock hard cock deep inside.

  She cried out, and he covered her mouth with his hand. “Be quiet,” he said.

  The wolf stood to attention.

  Mark her.

  Claim her.

  Make her ours.

  Ignoring the need, he pounded inside her body. He fingered her clit at the same time as he fucked her. The wolf wanted out, but Scorch wouldn’t let him. They were not one, and he wasn’t hurting Victoria.

  “I’m coming,” she said, gasping.

  Slamming inside her, Scorch pushed her over the edge at the same time as finding his own release, spilling his cum into her waiting depths.

  The only sound to be heard over the rushing water of the shower was the sound of their breathing.

  “I can’t think,” she said.

  “Good, we’re mates, Tori. There is no going back. I don’t look at you and think about what you said. I know you couldn’t lure me to my death. We’re nothing to do with that. This is something new, something powerful. Don’t you feel it?” he asked.

  “Yes, I feel it, but I’m not used to feeling this way at all.”

  Turning her head, he dropped a kiss to her lips. He was a lot taller than she was.

  “You’ll never feel this way again with anyone else. I can promise you that. You’re my mate, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.”

  For both of their sakes, he hoped he spoke the truth.

  Chapter Eight

  Scorch had been away for three days, and for three days Victoria couldn’t stop thinking about him. He’d taken her virginity in the most amazing way. After the shower sex he’d spent the whole night making love to her. When it came to morning he wasn’t to be seen. He had left her to go meet with the other alphas. Knowing where he was going and why, the worry set in completely. She hoped Chain didn’t have a clue what he was doing.

  “You’ve done nothing but sit here, biting your nails. It’s a disgusting habit,” Mandy said, handing over a cup of steaming coffee. The morning after Scorch filled her with his seed, the pack looked at her differently.

  His scent surrounded her, protecting her from their malice. Mandy assured her none of the pack felt that way toward her. She didn’t completely believe her. The Clan would have punished her, not embraced her as one of their members.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “You keep it up and I’ll cover your fingers in vinegar. Stop worrying. David won’t let anything happen to Scorch and vice versa.”

  “I can’t help it. I feel like something bad is going to go wrong.” Sipping at the strong black coffee, she wrinkled her nose. “I hate black coffee.”

  “Deal with it. You won’t eat or drink, you get what I give you.” Mandy took a sip of her own, smiling. They sat in Scorch’s study looking at each other. “What was it like in the other pack?”

  “Horrible. It was the worst time of my life.”

  “David told me you lost your family?” Mandy asked.

  “Yeah, my alpha killed them, or at least he sent them to their death.” Wiping the tears from her eyes, she tried to focus on something else beside everything Chain had taken away from her.

  “I’m so sorry. There are no words to speak for losing someone you love.”

  Victoria smiled at the other woman. “There’s nothing you can do. Please, can we talk about something else?”

  “Sure. We need to go shopping later today. Do you want to come?” Mandy asked.

  “I can’t. I’m not allowed to leave.”

  Mandy chuckled. “We st
ill need to eat, and Arnold is taking us. He’s more than capable of keeping us protected. You need to get out before you go fucking crazy sitting here waiting. Scorch and the men will not be back for a few more days.”

  “Why can’t they take cars?” Victoria asked, missing Scorch’s arms around her, protecting her.

  “Where they’re going cars would be useless. They’re going to a neutral territory where no one can hunt or detect them.” Mandy took another sip of her coffee. “I promise, everything will be taken care of.”

  The thought of going shopping cheered her up.

  “Be warned, we’re not going clothes shopping or anything,” Mandy said.

  “Nah, I don’t want to go to the clothes shop.” Standing up, she placed the bitter coffee on the coaster on the coffee table. “I’ve love to come with you. Let me go and brush my hair.” She looked at the long red length, wincing. Parts of her hair looked matted. With Scorch gone she’d not even been bothered to comb her hair. “I look a mess.”

  “Hallelujah.” Mandy shouted the word up to the ceiling. “I was wondering when you were going to start realizing about your person hygiene. Get your ass upstairs and presentable.”

  Victoria walked upstairs, brushed her hair while trying to stop crying out from the pain. Once she had the length back under control, she grabbed a pair of sneakers and headed downstairs. Mandy was standing at the front door with a large man with no hair.

  “This is Arnold.”

  Nodding at him, Victoria smiled. He offered a hand, which she shook. Before she could ask anything else he headed outside.

  “He’s talkative, isn’t he?” Mandy asked.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Nothing. He just doesn’t like to talk.” Mandy walked out of the door. “Are you coming?”

  Victoria followed them out. She wasn’t looking at the scenery. Her thoughts were consumed by Scorch, his touch, and what he was doing.

  “You’re still worried?” Mandy asked.

  “I can’t help it. I know how dangerous Chain is. He won’t give up until he gets what he wants.”

  “Scorch won’t let anything happen to you.” Mandy squeezed her arm.

  “I’m not worried about me. I’m more worried about another alpha. If Chain can’t have Scorch, he’ll find someone else to take his place.” Victoria was so scared of what it all meant.


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