Sweet as Sin

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Sweet as Sin Page 5

by Felix Baron

  When he obeyed, she took one hand from his wrist and left the other to urge it. Her free hand insinuated itself between their bodies. Fumbling fingers found the tab of his fly’s zipper. It hissed down. Her hand worked into the front of his pants, into the fly of his boxers, and pulled his burning flesh out into the open.

  ‘We’ll manage,’ she hissed. ‘Ankle or no damned ankle, if we’re careful, there has to be a way.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘We’ll try . . .’ She swung around in his lap to face away from him and lifted herself. Perhaps it was to get purchase, but her feet flattened on the floor in front of the chaise. Trixie yelped, winced and sobbed. ‘Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!’

  Rolf patted her shoulder. ‘It’s OK, Trixie. We don’t have to.’

  ‘Let me lie down, please.’

  Gingerly, they both manoeuvred until she was flat on her back and he was perched on the edge of the chaise, half turned towards her, his cock drooping as it deflated.

  ‘It’s OK,’ he told her again.

  She gave him a wry grin. ‘Tell your poor cock that.’ Her hand snaked over to wrap around his shaft.

  ‘That doesn’t help,’ he said.

  ‘It will.’

  ‘What?’ His shaft was lifting and stiffening again.

  ‘I can’t leave you in this condition. Stand up.’


  ‘Just do it.’

  Rolf stood.

  ‘Lean over me. Rest your hands on the back of the chaise.’

  He obeyed, quivering with anticipation. Looming over Trixie like that, his cock was bobbing less than a foot from her luscious lips.

  ‘You have a magnificent cock,’ she told him.

  He husked, ‘Thanks.’

  ‘Someday I’ll take full advantage of it, but for now . . .’ Her eyes fixed on his rigid flesh, Trixie started to slowly pump.

  He managed, ‘Do you have a tissue or something?’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘For when – you know.’

  Her eyes hooded as she looked up at him. ‘Rolf, let me explain in words you can’t misunderstand. I’m going to jerk your gorgeous cock off. When you come, I intend your cock to be in my mouth. I’m not going to spill a single drop of your cream. I’m going to swallow it all. Do you understand?’

  Rolf nodded, speechless. His dear wife, the only woman he’d ever made love to, had never talked like that. Come to that, although she’d occasionally taken him into her mouth for special treats, on his birthday or at Christmas, she’d always been sure to pull his cock out well before his climax. She’d never even wanted to sleep on the wet spot.

  Trixie pumped harder, licking her lips as if in anticipation. Rolf was in a delirium of happiness. How lucky he was to have met this incredibly beautiful and sexy woman! Pressure built.

  ‘I’m close,’ he gasped.

  Trixie pulled herself up, mouth open wide, flattened tongue protruding.

  The phone rang.

  Trixie said, ‘Damn!’ With one hand still caressing him, but slowly, she reached for the phone with the other. ‘Yes, Penny. Of course it’s OK. Come on up.’ She hung up with a sigh. Her hand stilled.

  ‘It’s the kids. Penny doesn’t feel well. I suspect she’s had a drink or two too many.’

  Rolf felt numb. It’d been so close – the erotic event of his life – and now it had been snatched away from him. He considered asking Trixie to continue, though faster, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to climax with the arrival of Penny and Andrew imminent. With a sigh, he staggered back.

  Trixie quickly adjusted her clothing. ‘You’d better sit at the table,’ she told him. ‘We don’t want to shock our children with that.’ She nodded in the general direction of his cock.

  Rolf tucked in, zipped up and sat. There was a knock at the door. He growled, ‘Come in.’

  In a stage whisper, Trixie told him, ‘I owe you one.’

  Rolf didn’t scowl at his son when he came in. Instead, he told the young couple, ‘There’s some chocolate dessert left, if either of you are up for it.’

  Penny peered at the chocolate confection, mumbled something about needing to lie down and left, presumably to her bedroom. There was an awkward pause. Andrew looked embarrassed. Rolf considered sending Andrew away, hanging in long enough for Penny to fall asleep and then resuming where he and Trixie had left off. He decided it was neither right nor feasible. Instead, he poured two martinis and handed one to Andrew. ‘Pass this to Trixie, son.’

  She toasted Rolf over her glass, with a wink and a blown kiss. The phone rang. She picked it up. ‘Hello?’ Trixie nodded, said, ‘Yes,’ and ‘No,’ and ‘I’ll get back to you.’ When she hung up she looked ready to cry.

  ‘What’s the matter, Trixie?’ Rolf asked, his erection forgotten in his concern.

  ‘That was my broker. There’s a problem with the co-op. They need two local New York references, one personal and one business. I don’t know anyone in New York.’

  Andrew said, ‘Yes you do. You know us, right, Dad? You can take care of it, can’t you?’

  Rolf nodded. ‘No promises, but I’ll see what I can do. Who’s your broker? How do I get in touch with him?’

  It happened that Trixie had left her broker’s card on the credenza, beside her open purse. She directed Rolf to it. He didn’t mean to pry but there was a crumpled tissue with lipstick stains on it in her purse. He remembered her wiping his mouth after their passionate kisses. Could she be keeping the tissue as a souvenir? His heart melted.

  ‘Come on, son. The lady needs her rest.’


  Andrew had called Penny to check that she was OK and had been told that she’d be looking after her Mom for the morning but that they’d both be happy to meet him and his Dad on the beach, after lunch. His father had skipped the sumptuous buffet breakfast that was served in the dining room. He’d settled for coffee and an apple Danish from room service while he worked the phone.

  Andrew was on the beach by ten, corralling the best spot and setting up two lounge chairs, two beach towels and the three biggest umbrellas he could find. He lunched in the private nest he’d built, on tacos and cola and a pack of breath mints.

  He was rewarded at two, when his Penny arrived, supporting Trixie from one side while his Dad helped her on the other.

  Rolf eyed the patch of seclusion that Andrew had contrived and told him, ‘Well done, my son.’

  ‘Were you able to help Trixie with her real estate problem?’

  ‘It’s all taken care of. My banker has agreed to be the business reference, on my say-so, and I’ll be the personal one.’

  Penny said, ‘So we’ll all be able to get together, for bridge and – and so on, very soon.’

  Andrew pouted. ‘I’ll be away in another few weeks, back at university.’

  ‘But there’ll be vacations,’ Rolf said.

  ‘I guess.’

  Trixie laid a hand on Andrew’s arm. ‘Penny and I owe you and your Dad, big time, Andrew. Anything we can do to repay you, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask, please.’

  Andrew could think of a number of things Penny could do to repay him but he wasn’t about to tell Trixie what they were. ‘Ready for a swim, Penny?’

  She stood and dropped her wrap. Her bikini was brief, but of course it wasn’t the secret one that she’d worn for him the day before. ‘OK, Mom?’

  ‘Of course, but please don’t go too far.’

  ‘Just out to the raft,’ Andrew said. Mentally, he added, ‘And round to the other side, where you can’t see us.’

  Trixie frowned. ‘Oh, that’s such a long way. Please don’t. Can’t you have just as much fun closer to the shore, where I can see you?’

  Penny said, ‘Of course. Don’t worry, Mom.’

  Andrew bit his lip, took Penny’s hand and tugged her towards the ocean. When they were in the shallows, out of earshot of the beach, he turned to her but she spoke first.

  ‘I’m sorry, Andrew. My M
om has a thing about me and the water. It’s the way my Dad died, you see. We were at the lake, just him and me, and he got tangled in the weeds, or something. He never was a strong swimmer.’

  Andrew wanted to hug her but her mother was watching. ‘I’m so sorry, Penny. Certainly we can stay close to the shore.’

  ‘We can go out a little way,’ she said, and dived.

  Andrew swam after her. When he came up, chest deep, she wasn’t in sight. Before he had a chance to start worrying, he saw her swimming under water. Penny gave him a wicked grin and accelerated straight at him. Her hands caught his knees. Using them for leverage, she sat on the bottom, her legs wrapped around his ankles. Her left hand yanked his Speedo down. Her right gave his cock three quick strokes before she eeled off, to surface a decorous ten feet away from him.

  ‘Two can play at that game,’ he warned her. He was underwater and heading her way before he realised that he couldn’t very well do to her as she’d just done to him. Yanking her bikini down and giving her sex a quick grope just wasn’t on. He settled for taking hold of her leg and daring to lick her thigh.

  When he came up, Penny scolded, ‘Andrew!’

  ‘I thought . . .’

  ‘I’m teasing. Let’s see what kissing underwater is like, huh?’

  Trixie didn’t see that the youngsters were disappearing underwater for minutes at a time and emerging flushed and breathless. Her eyes were closed. Her head was lolling back, rubbing sensuously against the bulge in the front of Rolf’s swimsuit. He was standing behind her, massaging sun-block into her neck and shoulders, although the umbrellas they were under cast deep shadows. From time to time, he arched over her and they’d touch tongues. Once in a while, his caressing fingertips slid into the neckline of her swimsuit and brushed her nipples.

  ‘Your ankle,’ he asked, ‘do you think it’ll be better soon?’

  ‘By tomorrow, I think. It’d better be, for travelling.’

  Rolf felt a cold chill. ‘Travelling?’

  ‘Didn’t you know? Didn’t I tell you? This is our last day. Tomorrow, Penny and I are on the noon flight back to Seattle.’


  Rolf had their new address. He drove to the high-rise complex. It wasn’t exactly ‘a few blocks off Park Avenue,’ but then Trixie didn’t know Manhattan. A hundred dollars secured the concierge’s promise that he’d make sure the women’s move went smoothly. Another hundred guaranteed that when they arrived, Rolf would be called immediately.

  A week later, Rolf got the call. Andrew was on a day-trip upstate with some buddies. He’d have wanted to be with his Dad on their first visit but Rolf couldn’t bring himself to wait. There was Cristal champagne in the fridge and a cooler-pack under the kitchen counter but Trixie liked her martinis so he’d take both. He filled a thermos with icy gin and added a splash of vermouth. He ought to have flowers but stopping would take time. Rolf called a florist and ordered delivery of two arrangements of orchids, one for Trixie and one for Penny. That wasn’t inappropriate, was it? It wouldn’t betray his lust for Penny – a lesser desire than the one he felt for Trixie – but a perverse passion that was strong enough to be undeniable?

  What next? Another pass of the razor over his chin. Another gargle with mouthwash. Another spritz of cologne. Tan cashmere pants, beige silk shirt, parchment suede jacket, no tie, to keep it casual. He was as ready as he could be. The traffic was damnable. He jumped lights and cut cabs off to make it in just under an hour. The concierge saluted him. Rolf dropped a fifty on the man’s desk and touched a finger to his lips, to be answered with a nod and a wink. The clevator crawled. Rolf found the door to eleven-sixty-eight. With the thermos under his left arm and the cool-pack of champagne in his left hand, Rolf rapped on the door and tried it, and it opened for about eighteen inches before knocking against something that wobbled.

  Penny said, ‘Whoops! Careful!’

  Through the gap, Rolf saw a plank at the height of his groin and Penny’s pretty bare feet, ankles and knees. His eyes travelled up her slender legs. Her cut-off denim shorts covered no more than bikini panties would have, and fitted just as closely. Her midriff was stretched, elongating the round dimple of her navel into an oval. Her ribcage was arched. The paint-splattered cut-off cotton top she wore was lifted enough to expose new-moon slivers of her delicate little breasts’ undersides. Belatedly, Rolf croaked, ‘Sorry!’

  From somewhere inside the hallway, Trixie said, ‘What a lovely surprise!’

  Penny said, ‘Minute.’ She squatted to set the roller she’d been using on the ceiling into a paint tray on the plank, and dropped lithely to the floor.

  Rolf handed his packages in to her and squeezed through the gap. Trixie was sitting cross-legged on the floor opposite, painting a baseboard. Her white shorts were neither as short nor as tight as her daughter’s but their legs were wider and the way she sat, Rolf’s eyes could follow the curve of one thigh into the shadows. Her floral shirt was unbuttoned, just knotted below her breasts, cradling them.

  The women couldn’t have looked more alluring if they’d expected him and posed carefully, awaiting his arrival. Trixie writhed to her feet. ‘You’ve caught us looking our worst, Rolf. You might have called ahead.’

  ‘Your phone isn’t on yet. Besides, you both look lovely.’

  ‘You’re forgiven.’ Trixie spread her arms.

  Penny said, ‘Mother, you’ll ruin his clothes,’ before Rolf could hug Trixie.

  ‘Silly me! Sorry, Rolf.’

  ‘I’ll take the hug and damn my clothes.’

  Penny wiped her hands on her shorts and moved in close. Trixie came at him from the other side, so that he had to hold one in the crook of each arm, which was nice but a little disturbing. He broke the silence with, ‘I brought champagne and martinis. Glasses?’

  Penny said, ‘It’s a bit early, isn’t it?’

  Trixie’s childish pout made Rolf feel weak and strong at the same time – weak because he was vulnerable to her, strong because he felt he was her protector.

  She said, ‘It’s never too early for champagne. Some people have it for breakfast.’

  ‘With breakfast, Mother. Only you have it for breakfast.’

  Trixie took Rolf’s hand. ‘Come into the kitchen and help me find something to put it in.’

  The kitchen was littered with half-unpacked cartons. Trixie opened one of the cabinets over the counter and turned to lean her back on it. ‘All we’ve unpacked is mugs, so far. Top shelf, Rolf. I can’t reach that high.’ She didn’t move aside.

  When Rolf pressed against her to reach above her head, her arms went around his waist and her head tilted up, lips parted. Fumbling mugs down with one hand, he held her close with the other and stooped to meet her kiss. Her bottom flexed beneath his fingers. Her hips rotated against him. Somehow, he got three mugs to the counter by touch, freeing his other hand. It squeezed her breast through her shirt. She sighed into his mouth. Encouraged, he let his fingers slide onto the smooth soft skin of a half-bared breast.

  Trixie pushed him back. ‘Penny might come in.’

  He said, ‘She knows better,’ but he turned aside to take the champagne from its pack.

  Using the plank in the living room as a table, Rolf popped the cork and poured.

  Penny giggled. ‘Champagne from mugs? How decadent!’

  Rolf toasted, ‘To your new lives, in New York!’

  Trixie asked, ‘Andrew couldn’t come?’

  ‘He’s out of town today. I should have brought him. We could use an extra pair of hands around here.’ He downed his mug and refilled all three. ‘You should have got someone in to do this work, Trixie.’

  ‘I don’t throw money around, Rolf,’ she scolded.

  ‘I’d have picked up the tab as a “welcome” gift.’

  ‘I pay my own way, Rolf.’

  ‘Of course. I didn’t mean . . .’ Embarrassed, he took his jacket off and reached for a paintbrush.

  Trixie put a hand over his. ‘Thanks, but you aren�
�t dressed for this kind of work. You’d ruin your lovely clothes.’

  He dipped a finger into the paint and smeared it down his shirt and pants. ‘Too late! Where do I start?’

  An hour later, Rolf and Penny were side-by-side on the plank, putting the finishing touches to the ceiling, with Trixie standing below, where Rolf could look down into her cleavage, pointing out the spots they’d missed.

  Trixie observed, ‘I think that’s it. Well done.’

  Rolf dropped to the floor. ‘Lunch?’ He fished his cell from his jacket. ‘We’ll get something delivered. Your choice, ladies?’

  Trixie handed a phone book up to Penny, who opened it to restaurants, scanned it and set it down on the plank. She squeezed in between it and Rolf, close enough that her knee touched his hip, and took his phone from him.

  ‘You like Thai, Rolf?’ she asked, nudging him with her leg.

  Rolf cleared his throat. ‘Very much.’

  Trixie tapped his wrist. ‘I can read your mind, you naughty man. Maybe it should be me sitting up there instead of Penny.’

  Rolf went red. ‘I . . .’

  Trixie giggled. ‘I’m only teasing, silly. Penny understands me.’

  He looked from mother to daughter. ‘You two are very close, aren’t you.’

  Trixie squeezed Penny’s knee. ‘I suppose we are. Since my Barney . . . All we’ve had is each other.’

  Penny’s hand covered Trixie’s.

  Rolf cleared his throat. ‘Penny?’

  ‘Yes, Rolf?’

  ‘Me seeing your mother. It isn’t a problem for you, is it? I mean . . .’

  ‘Are you looking for my blessing? Well, you have it. Nothing – no man – could come between my Mom and me, but a woman needs a man in her life.’

  ‘There are those who’d disagree with you.’

  Before Penny could respond, her mother interrupted. ‘Are we going to order something before we’re reduced to eating each other?’

  Penny smothered her laugh with her hand.


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