Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

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Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? Page 20

by Jami Davenport

  Harlee wasn’t Tammy, but it didn’t matter. She’d be out of his life soon. Her future was with in California working on Mariah’s farm.

  A sinking sensation filled him with dread. He wanted to keep her here with him.

  But he didn’t see how.

  * * * *

  Riddled with guilt because of her ongoing deception, Harlee sought the refuge and calming influence of the horses. She tied Ferguson in the aisle and groomed his coat. Igor curled in the corner on a horse blanket and snored with contentment.

  Fergie stuck out his upper lip and leaned into her, enjoying his personal massage.

  Harlee laughed. “You spoiled old boy. You love that, don’t you?”

  He shut his liquid brown eyes, rested one hind foot, and snorted in contentment. Harlee didn’t turn when she heard footsteps. She knew who it was.

  “Harlee?” Jake’s normally confident voice was laced with uncertainty.

  Harlee looked at him over her shoulder. “Hi. I’ve been wondering where you were.”

  Jake moved to her side and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I had to pick up some supplies from the ferry.”

  Harlee studied his face. He looked away. “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. Fine.”

  Harlee cringed. Fine never meant “fine.” Usually it meant anything but fine. “I don’t think you are fine.”

  “You’re right.”

  “What’s wrong?” Harlee’s heart pounded in her chest. Was this it? Was he going to tell her it was over? Or had Bridget played her for a fool and sold her out?

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  She didn’t like the sounds of that. A thinking man often thought too much for her liking. She held her silence and waited for him to continue.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “You always have a proposition for me.”

  He didn’t take the bait, which was an ominous sign. “Not that kind.” Jake leaned a muscled arm on Fergie’s back and searched her face. “Promise you’ll hear me out. I don’t want an answer now. In fact, I don’t want one until after Christmas.”

  Harlee nodded. Invisible hands squeezed her throat, and her stomach took a trip to her knees.

  “You told me once that your dream was to own a horse farm and treat horses the way they deserve to be treated. Correct?”

  Harlee nodded again, sensing a trap.

  “What happens to show horses when they grow too old to be shown? Do they get put out to pasture?” Jake placed his hands behind his back and began pacing the length of the aisle, back and forth.

  “The lucky ones do, like your sister’s old horses.”

  “Yeah. What about the ones owned by someone who doesn’t have a benevolent brother with an empty horse barn?”

  “I guess they get sold to someone who doesn’t work them as hard.”

  “What about when they can’t work at all?” Jake stopped his pacing and stood a few feet from her, legs slightly spread and hands still behind his back.

  “They’re put down or sold to a slaughter house.”

  Jake’s eyes reflected an intensity of purpose. “Harlee, we could start a home for retired show horses. I’ve been researching it on the Internet. There are several such places. They’re setup as nonprofits, and they’re tax deductible.”

  “And where will we get the money to do this, Jake?”

  “From what I make developing Rosehill.”

  She should have known. The leopard didn’t change his spots. Rich boys were rich boys, no matter how much she attempted to deny that fact.

  Harlee opened her mouth to protest, but Jake cut her off. “I mean it. Don’t answer right now because it’ll be an emotional answer. Give yourself time to think about it.”

  “Okay,” Harlee agreed with reluctance. She hated to dampen Jake’s enthusiasm, but a retirement home for horses didn’t fulfill her obligations to Rose. As tempting an offer as it was, she didn’t see how she could say yes.

  Jake seemed to sense her indecision. “Harlee, the camp will be demolished. I can’t stop what I’ve set in motion. It would mean certain financial ruin, among other things. Let’s make something positive out of all this.”

  “No, you don’t understand.”

  He put a finger to her lips. “Hush. Save it for later.” The rich boy looked into her eyes. Harlee fell deeper and deeper into the web spun by his words, his expressive eyes, and his charming smile. Part of her wanted to say yes and forget about the camp. If only she could. He took her hands and pulled her close to him.

  “I don’t want to lose you.” Emotion choked his voice.

  Harlee swallowed a sob.

  Why did he have to say that?

  Chapter 16—The Stolen Letter

  Brad sank into the big leather armchair next to his brother. The football gamed blared on the TV. He glanced at Jake then around the living room. His restlessness made Jake nervous.

  “Boy, you’ve gotten into the Christmas spirit.”

  “Not me. Harlee. I bought the stuff. She did the decorating.” Jake stroked Igor’s wiry fur as the little rat slept on his lap.

  “Really? Is she living here now?”

  Jake shifted uncomfortably. “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean? She sleeps here, doesn’t she? Her dog seems to think he lives here.”

  “That dog lies.”

  “Yeah? So does she live here?”

  “Uh, sometimes.” Sometimes? Every night since they’d slept together the first time.

  “You gotta do something about Goldie, Jake.”

  Jake bristled like a porcupine. “Brad, don’t you start on me. Besides, I thought you liked her?”

  “I do like her. That’s my point.”

  “I don’t get your point.”

  “You can be so dense sometimes, little brother. My point isn’t what you think it is.”

  “Then what is it? Care to enlighten me? ’Cause I seem to be in a mental blackout here.”

  “No, shit.” Brad grabbed a handful of chips and downed them after loud, obnoxious crunching.

  “You’re a real ass. Know that?”

  “Yeah, that’s why you love me.”

  Jake groaned and rose from the couch, placing Igor on the floor. The rat dog uttered a guttural growl over his disturbed sleep and stalked off.

  “Hey, man, sit back down. We need to talk. Seriously.”

  With a resigned sigh, Jake sank into the chair.

  “What’re you going to do about this situation?”

  “Heck, if I know”

  “You could buy her a ring.”

  Jake jerked his head to stare at Brad. His jaw dropped. “Do what?” He shot a glance toward the kitchen to make sure Harlee wasn’t in earshot. The sound of her sweet voice singing some old Elvis tune as she merrily mixing some outrageously tasty concoction relaxed him.

  “Buy her a ring, a diamond, a big one. Big enough to make our mother jealous.”

  “That’s a pretty big diamond.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “I’m not buying Harlee a diamond.”

  “Why not?”

  “Cause diamonds are forever, or at least till divorce do we part. Been there, done that. I don’t see any reason to relive that nightmare.”

  “Harlee wouldn’t be a nightmare.”

  “I didn’t mean that, but marriage would be. To any woman.” His eyes bored into his brother as he tried to dissect the point of this conversation. “What changed your tune all of a sudden? A week ago you told me to consider the ramifications.”

  “Yeah, well, the dirty deed is done. Might as well move onward and upward.”

  “We enjoy each other’s company, and the sex is mind-blowing. That’s all.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Oh, yeah, and her cooking is almost as mind-blowing as the sex.”

  “I noticed you’d put on a few pounds.”

  Jake stared down at his stomach. “I have not.”

  Brad chuckled a
nd leaned closer to his brother. His face grew serious. “You’re crazy about her.”

  “Our relationship is doomed. Was from the beginning. And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

  “Because of the camp?”

  “For starters.”

  “Then don’t close it. There have to be options, a way to save the camp and still do the resort.”

  “A five-star resort next to a camp for disadvantaged children? I don’t think that’d fly. It’s just not that simple.”

  “Did you ever stop to think that it might be that simple?”

  Jake shook his head. Since when did Brad become his conscience? He found it damned annoying. “I can’t stop it. Even if I wanted to, it’d be financial suicide for ReynCorp.”

  “Yeah, I’m still in denial about that, yet I saw our financial projections a few days ago, pretty bleak.”

  “You were looking at financial projections?”

  “Well, it’s my future, too.” Brad looked miffed.

  “Shit, the world is coming to an end. Brad, the choice isn’t entirely up to me. Dad owns the majority. Carson’s running the business, and he’d never go for it. Then there’s Warren…”

  “Ah, yes, our favorite cousin. Has he paid you a visit yet?”

  “Nope, but I’m expecting him any day, hopefully, not with Jill in tow.”

  “Oh, man. The two of them at once would be hell beyond my wildest dreams.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “Jake, there still has to be an out.”

  “The most I can do is find someone to buy out my portion. Since it’ll happen with or without me, why shouldn’t I take advantage and reap the profits?”

  “Because you’ll pay for it the rest of your life.”

  “I’ll pay for it if I don’t do it.”

  “Isn’t that the truth? We all will. Monetarily. But what about you, Jake? Let’s stop this development. Let’s do the right thing.” Brad’s voice rose, and he became more animated.

  “Let’s? You and me? Since when are you involved?” Jake’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What’s up, Brad? Who’s been talking to you?”

  Brad ignored the question. “I’ve been looking into this camp. It really has been successful. Did you know that several of the campers here received scholarships to colleges and graduated? Did you know that prominent Seattle businesspeople donate to this camp on a regular basis? In fact, Reynolds Corp has donated money in the past.”

  “Wonderful.” Jake curled his lip in disbelief.

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “I’ll help the camp directors find another location.”

  “It won’t be the same. It’s this location that makes it special.” Brad rose and walked to the window. He encompassed the view with his spread arms. “They’ll never find another place with this view. This magic.”

  “Not you, too.” Jake raised his eyebrows as it all jelled in his mind. “You’re sleeping with Eva.”

  His brother jerked away from the window and faced him, hands on hips. “That has nothing to do with this.”

  “It has everything to do with this. You’re doing her, aren’t you?”

  Brad swallowed and seemed mesmerized by the star on top of the Christmas tree. “I slept with her. Once. That’s all. She made me promise that if I slept with her once that I’d leave her alone.”

  “You’re keeping that promise?”

  “Hell, no. But she refuses to see me again. I asked her to Mom’s big charity Christmas thing, and she flat out said no. Are you asking Harlee?”

  “Uh, no. I hadn’t planned on it.”

  “Why not?”

  “After the Thanksgiving fiasco?” Jake stood and paced the floor.

  “Are you protecting her or yourself? You’re not embarrassed by her, are you?”

  “No, not at all,” Jake snapped.

  “You’re going, aren’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t dare miss it. I’d never hear the end of it.”

  “Hi, am I interrupting something?”

  They both jumped as Harlee walked into the room. “Nothing. Just guy talk.”

  “Are you two ready to eat?”

  “Starving.” Brad jumped to his feet and wasted no time settling in at the table. Jake followed and held Harlee’s chair for her. He ignored Brad’s snicker as he pushed her chair in and sat next to her.

  “My, aren’t we the domestic couple?”

  Harlee looked down at her plate. She folded the napkin in her lap. Jake watched her reaction. The way she chewed on that lower lip of hers made him groan. He wanted to run his tongue over that lip, suck it into his mouth, and make her beg for more.

  Tamping down that vision, he heaped his plate with the roast and vegetables and rich gravy. He didn’t want this fantasy to end. He liked it. He liked her in his home. In his bed. In his life. He liked everything about her. Sighing, he dug into his food even though his appetite had lost its edge.

  The three ate their meal in silence. Afterward, Brad leaned back in his chair and burped. Harlee giggled, and Jake rolled his eyes.

  “Harlee, that was a great meal. You are one talented lady. Sure you don’t want to dump this guy and get a real man?” Brad slid his chair next to hers and made a show of putting his arm around her shoulder. Harlee glanced at Jake. He frowned at her and clenched his jaw. He didn’t appreciate the attention his brother had bestowed on Harlee all night long. Brad was purposely trying to needle him, and it was working.

  “Why don’t you go find Eva?”

  “Why should I? Maybe I want your woman. So, Harlee, has little brother asked you to Mother’s Christmas party yet? Or can I beat him to the punch?”

  Jake looked away, avoiding Harlee’s eyes. Shit. He’d strangle his brother with his bare hands. Brad was setting him up. Why hadn’t his brother kept his mouth shut? Now, he’d have to take her or hurt her fragile feelings. Jeez. Did he dare take her to something like that, especially after the Thanksgiving disaster? This qualified as a much bigger deal. His mother’s huge holiday charity event topped everyone’s list as a must attend. Jake squirmed. So what? Was he ashamed of her? Did he want to hide her?

  “No, he didn’t ask me.” Hurt crept into Harlee’s voice, and guilt crept into Jake’s conscience. “But Bridget was telling me that it’s a ‘can’t miss’ party.”

  “You’ve been talking to Bridget?”

  Harlee shrugged and looked away, hurt in her eyes. “You weren’t going to ask me.”

  “I was too.” He lied. Her face lit up, and he felt like a heel. “But I may not be able to go.” No way was he letting Harlee and Bridget in the same ballroom together. Even worse, he suspected Mariah and Rico were on the guest list also. That was a recipe for disaster.

  Her face fell again, and his stomach churned.

  “I’ll take you, Harlee. We’ll have a great time.” Brad shot Jake a murderous look.

  “You can’t go with her.” Jake fisted his hands to keep from using them on Brad.

  “Why can’t he?” Harlee spoke up.


  “Because why?” She demanded to know.


  Harlee turned her face toward Brad. “Brad, I’d be honored to go with you. It’ll be so much fun.” Harlee rose to clear the table. She squared her shoulders and held her head high, shooting Jake several daggers. After putting the dishes in the dishwasher, she strode into the living room. “I’m going home. Good night, Brad. Thanks again for the invitation.”

  Jake sprang to his feet. “You don’t need to go.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “I don’t want you staying in that house alone.”

  “You don’t get an opinion. It’s my life. Besides, I do have a security system.”

  “I’ll walk you home.”

  “That’s not necessary.” Harlee whistled, and Igor leapt from his spot on the couch to escort her out the door. His scrawny tail waved proudly in the air. Jake scowled. That mutt just flipped
him off.

  He’d hurt her pride and her feelings. Time to do some major making up and making out. Jake grabbed his coat and sprinted out the door. Brad’s amused laughter followed him into the still night.

  * * * *

  Harlee didn’t get more than a hundred feet out the door before Jake caught up to her. “Harlee. I’m sorry. Let me take you to the party.”

  “No.” She wrapped her arms around her body.

  “Come on. Please. I’m sorry.”

  “I told Brad I’d go with him, and I will.”

  “I don’t want you going with him.”

  “Why? Why, Jake? Why do you care?”

  “I just do.”

  “Are you afraid I’ll quit sleeping in your bed? Or that maybe I’ll sleep in his?”

  “I…No. I mean, maybe. Hell, I don’t know.” He raked his fingers through his hair. The short black strands stood on end just like after a rambunctious round of making love. Harlee corrected herself. That would be having sex, screwing. Not making love. Not with Jake. Never again. She knew better. Stick to sex. Love sucked. Big time.

  Harlee walked faster. Jerk. How dare he come begging after her. “Go home.”

  “No. I won’t go home. I won’t leave you alone.”

  “Fine, then sleep on the couch.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Harlee paused on the porch to unlock her door. Jake tagged along behind and locked it. She stomped into the bathroom, got ready for bed, and then crawled between the sheets. She stiffened immediately.

  “Jake. Get out of this bed. Now.”


  “Out.” She gave him a gentle shove.


  He pulled her into his arms. She pushed on his chest but couldn’t budge him. His tongue lapped at her ear. “This bear needs his Goldilocks.” His deep voice rumbled in her ear and warmed her sheets.

  “Jake, please.” If he kept this up, she’d be catering to his every sexual whim in record time. She hated her vulnerability to his charms. The man drove her crazy.


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