Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

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Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? Page 22

by Jami Davenport

  Harlee didn’t recognize the woman the mirror. The gorgeous, sophisticated lady staring back at her didn’t resemble the overwhelmed blonde who’d found herself in the evil ones’ clutches an hour ago.

  The classy little dress offered tantalizing views of bare skin. The mid-thigh skirt revealed shapely legs. It hugged her bottom without being crass, just sexy. The silky fabric caressed her body with every move she made. Harlee secretly dubbed it her sex dress because it almost felt as good as sex. Almost. In fact maybe better than sex with most men—except Jake.

  Harlee spun around, loving what she saw. “I don’t look like me.”

  “You do look like you. You’ve outgrown that trashy look,” Mariah insisted.

  Harlee laughed. “This is hardly me. I’m not sophisticated.”

  “You are now. Outer appearances are a façade. Eventually, if you play the part long enough, it becomes a piece of you. Harlee, you can be anyone you want to be. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re changing, growing.”

  “You sound like Bridget.”

  “She speaks the truth,” Bridget defended herself.

  “Well, the attention of a good man helps, too.”

  “I don’t have the attention of a good man.”

  “But you do, Harlee. Jake watches you all the time. He’s taken. We’ll seal his fate.” Mariah smiled with wicked intent.

  “There’s no fate to seal. It was sealed long ago. He’s not serious about me.”

  “If all he wanted was a fling, he’d have flung you long ago and moved on. Nope, he’s fighting it. Just like you are. Believe me, men like him are infamous for this type of behavior. They hate falling in love, losing control. I know, I married one.”

  “Rico adores you.”

  “Yes, but he put me through hell before he admitted that to himself and then to me.”

  “I look really good, don’t I?” Harlee eyed the mirror with smug satisfaction.

  “Of course, you do.”

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay…”

  “You don’t have to repay us. Besides, you have to look the part tonight if we’re going to make this work.”

  Harlee continued to stare at the stranger in the mirror. Bridget had cut her hair so that it was blunt behind and fell softly around her face in front. Her honey gold locks were streaked with a darker gold. Mariah’s makeup job enlarged her sapphire eyes and enhanced her creamy complexion. Her bright red lips were enticing.

  Jake wouldn’t know what hit him. But then, Harlee wasn’t sure what hit her.

  * * * *

  A half hour later, Harlee clung to Brad’s arm as they entered the large ballroom in the swanky downtown Seattle hotel. Amazing.

  The orgy of red and green decorations put the downtown department stores to shame. Christmas lights dripped from every available surface. Real fir trees adorned with ornaments filled the room with that indescribable scent of Christmas. Hints of cinnamon and nutmeg peppered the air. Classical holiday music floated through the large room, courtesy of the live band in the corner. Harlee expected to see Bing Crosby step up to the microphone any minute. After all, when you had the Reynolds’ money, you could do anything.

  “Your family never does anything halfway, do they?”

  “You just figured that out?”

  “This is incredible. I feel like a cat in a dog kennel.” She smoothed her dress and checked her cleavage to make sure she was decent.

  “A cat in dog kennel?” Brad looked down at her, amusement softening the lines of his face.

  “Yeah. You know. Out of place. I don’t fit in.”

  “You don’t blend into the woodwork, if that’s what you mean. You look great, Harlee. You’re the most beautiful woman in this ballroom.”

  Brad’s admiring brown eyes gave her courage. She squeezed his arm and allowed him to lead her around the room as he made introductions.

  She spotted Jake easily. Surrounded by adoring women, he stood a head taller than his admirers. Decked out in a black tux, he looked incredible. It emphasized those broad shoulders and slim hips she loved so much. He’d tamed his dark hair so it didn’t stand up on end. Even so, a rebellious lock fell over his forehead. He bent his head to listen to one of the women then laughter crinkled the corners of his eyes and dimpled his cheeks. Her heart accelerated, and she fought to keep it under the speed limit.

  Jake’s head turned as if he felt her presence. Their eyes met, and he directed that lady-killer smile toward her. He gave her a once over then raised his thumb in acknowledgement. The petite woman next to him linked her arm in his and pulled his attention back to her. Harlee’s gut tightened with jealousy. She jerked her head away from the scene.

  On the opposite side of the room, a strange man watched her. Her skin crawled at the malevolent expression on his face.

  “Who is that?” She pointed him out to Brad.

  “Ah, that would be Warren.”

  “Your cousin? The one that stole Rosehill from Mariah?”

  “One and the same. You don’t want an introduction, do you?”

  “Not in this lifetime.” Dismissing Warren, her eyes drifted back to Jake. The woman at his side leaned closer. Harlee frowned.

  “Hey, Harlee, you’re crushing my big ego,” Brad yanked her attention back to him.

  She called upon her meager acting talents and pretended he was the most fascinating man in the room. Out of the corner of her eye, Jake stiffened and clenched his fists. His eyes never left her. He was jealous. Reenergized, she tossed her blonde hair back then rolled her head forward to let it fall back across her face. She peered at Brad through a curtain of hair.

  Brad laughed. “What the hell are you doing? Got a crick in your neck?”

  “No. I’m trying to be sultry. Look at me like you’re interested.”

  “Oh.” Brad glanced over his shoulder and caught his brother’s murderous gaze. “Any greener and we wrap a few strands of lights around him and add him to the Christmas decorations.”

  “He deserves it.”

  “Yeah, he does.”

  They continued working the room. Brad didn’t seem to notice or care that Harlee’s attention wandered, because his own had the same wanderlust.

  Clarice Reynolds glided toward her, gracefully maneuvering past several guests. “Harlee, darling, how nice to have you join us.”

  “Thank you. I was happy to accept Brad’s invitation.”

  “You look dazzling. Is that a Valentino?”

  “Armani.” Mariah appeared out of the blue. She shook Clarice’s hand and smiled. Harlee admired her easy elegance and composure.

  “Mariah, how pleasant to see you. I’m so glad you made it tonight.”

  “Clarice, it’s been so long. I wouldn’t miss this event. You know it’s near and dear to my heart.”

  “You know Harlee?” Clarice sounded incredulous.

  “Harlee is like a sister to me,” Mariah said.

  “I had no idea.” Clarice studied Harlee as if seeing her for the first time. “Harlee, I wanted to apologize for that unfortunate incident at Thanksgiving dinner. I guarantee you it’ll never happen again.”

  Of course, it wouldn’t. Harlee would never be invited to another Reynolds family function.

  Brad stifled a yawn. “Mom, Mariah, keep Harlee company. I’ll be back.” Brad made a break for it and disappeared in the crowd.

  “Your date seems to be interested in another woman.”

  “I know. We’re not really here together. Jake wouldn’t ask me so Brad invited me.”

  “Why wouldn’t Jake ask you?”

  “I’m not up to his high standards.” Now why did she feel the need to admit that to Jake’s mother?

  “Honey, you look wonderful. There’s no reason for you to feel that way. And as far as Jake is concerned, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

  “I know, but I don’t belong here.”

  “Of course you do.” Mariah gave her a sharp nudge in the ribs.

arlee winced then looked wistfully at Jake. “I could never be the woman he needs.”

  His mother lowered her voice and leaned closer. “Do you think I was born into this?”

  “Weren’t you?”

  “No. I was from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. We married young. I’m sure I wasn’t his parents’ choice; but to their credit, they always treated me well. I learned the rest, and so can you.”

  “Jake and I aren’t forever.”

  “My son is in love with you. Of course, he doesn’t know it yet.”

  Mariah nodded smugly in agreement.

  “How do you know?”

  “I saw that same look in another man’s eyes once upon a time.” Clarice’s eyes sought her husband in the crowd, and she sighed. “You and Jake, you can have it all, marriage and love. What a novel concept. Don’t blow it, my dear.”

  “I didn’t think you approved of me.”

  “Harlee, I don’t get a vote when it comes to my children’s relationships, no matter how much I want one. That’s between Jake and you. He loves you, you make him happy. When it comes down to the basics, that’s all that matters.”

  “But Jill…”

  “I can’t stand that little twit. Don’t care for her mother either. She always thought she was better than me because she’d been born into money, and I’d married into it.”

  “But you encouraged his relationship with Jill.”

  Clarice shrugged. “I kept making excuses for that girl and her mother. Frankly, there really isn’t any excuse for cruelty.”


  Clarice spotted an acquaintance across the room and waved. “Harlee, excuse me. I need to attend to my hostess duties.”

  Harlee watched Jake’s mother flit away to her friends. Clarice’s words rang in her ears. The woman was a hopeless romantic. Jake couldn’t be in love with her. His mother mistook the lust in his eyes for love.

  * * * *

  Harlee snaked her hand through Joe Reynolds’ arm. “Mr. Reynolds, just the man I’ve been looking for.”

  Joe Reynolds smiled down at her with the same laughing brown eyes and dimpled cheeks that Jake had. He was an incredibly handsome man. Jake would look like him in thirty years, not that she’d be around to witness it.

  “Harlee. How nice of you to attend.” He spoke the part of the polite host, but she didn’t believe for a moment that he was happy to see her there. He snagged a glass of wine from a tray as a waiter hurried past and presented it to her.

  “Thank you.” Harlee took a sip and pretended to appreciate the bitter liquid. Personally, she preferred the wine-in-a-box. This stuff tasted like cough medicine. “It’s wonderful.”

  “A perfect wine for a perfectly beautiful woman.”

  “Mr. Reynolds, you’re a charmer. I can see that your sons come by it honestly.”

  “Except Carson,” Mr. Reynolds said wryly. “Brad must have gotten his share. I admit to being surprised to see you with Bradley tonight.”

  “Oh, well, those things happen.” Her flippant remark didn’t seem to satisfy him, but he didn’t probe any further. Good. She needed to discuss other issues with him, not his sons.

  “Mr. Reynolds, could we talk business for a minute?”

  “Business?” His mouth quirked with amusement.

  Harlee stood straighter, trying to project a more professional manner. “Have you heard of Rosehill?”

  “Of course. Warren, Carson, and Jake have plans to turn it into a five-star resort.”

  “I was speaking of the camp.”

  “I see. I understand you don’t agree with the boys’ plans for it.”

  They were hardly boys, but Harlee kept that thought to herself. “I’d like to talk to you about it. You are aware of their high success rate with severely abused children by the utilization of cutting-edge equine therapy combined with outstanding counseling.” She rehearsed this speech several times, but somehow it didn’t seem nearly as convincing as she’d planned.

  “I’m well aware of it. I’ve read the literature on the camp that Mariah sent to Clare and me.” He smiled. “Harlee, I applaud your concern over the welfare of that camp, but you need to discuss your issues with Jake.”

  “You have a great amount of influence.”

  “Perhaps, but I don’t think my interference would be timely at this point.”

  “At what point would it be timely?”

  “Were I to interfere, it would be a time of my choosing. If you’ll excuse me, I need to attend to my guests.”

  Harlee sighed and scanned the room. Her eyes tripped over Warren and stalled. His lethal expression sent a thousand spiders creeping across her skin. She shivered and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.

  * * * *

  “Jake, who’s that with your brother?” Arnie Lopez, Jake’s college frat brother sidled up next to him.

  Jake’s gaze swept around the room and settled on a sequined Harlee enchanting his oldest brother and some colleagues. Someone had dressed her up, done her hair, but the makeup, well, that was another story. Brad was nowhere to be found. Carson, on the other hand, appeared to be charmed. Go figure. “Harlee?”

  “Your brother is one lucky stiff.”

  Jake nodded. That was pretty much the way he felt about it, too, but stiff didn’t come close to defining his physical state. None of the men in this room would ever know the pleasures of Harlee’s body, not as long as he drew a breath. He watched as she batted her eyelashes and flirted with men old enough to be her father, and some, her grandfather.

  Mariah, Harlee, and Bridget seemed to have formed an alliance. That being the case, his worst nightmare may well have come true. They’d been working the crowd all night. Call him paranoid, but something was going on.

  Harlee broke from the group of adoring men and made a beeline for the bathroom. Jake swallowed and bit his lower lip as he watched her gorgeous butt sway to and fro. They’d be burying him in an early grave if Harlee kept dressing like that. He recalled only too clearly what was underneath those clothes. Right now he felt like refreshing his memory. He was a man obsessed. For a month, he’d waited for his preoccupation with her to fizzle out, but so far that hadn’t happened.

  She’d kept him at a distance all week long. Jake grinned as an outrageous idea stole into his mind. “Arnie, buddy, I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Arnie followed Jake’s gaze. “Sure thing.”

  Chapter 18—Love in the Bathroom

  Jake positioned himself opposite the door to the ladies powder room and waited for Harlee. His deceptively casual pose concealed a man desperate to end his sexual abstinence. When Harlee opened the door, Jake blocked her exit. She gazed up at him with a puzzled expression. He took the doorknob in his hand and prevented her from opening it any further. After a quick glance around, he gave her a gentle push back into the bathroom. He followed and locked the door.

  “Jake? What are you—” Jake didn’t give Harlee an opportunity to finish her sentence. He silenced her by crushing her mouth in a searing kiss. She tasted like expensive wine and decadent chocolate.

  His hands roamed everywhere at once. He stroked and caressed with a feverish need, moving her dress aside when it got in his way. Harlee seemed too stunned to react, let alone stop him. Backing up, he pinned her against the counter with his hips.

  “You’re driving me nuts looking like that. I’ve been dying to get you alone all night.”

  “I’m here as your brother’s escort.”

  “Not anymore. I’m re-staking my claim.” He slipped a hand under her skirt and stroked her rounded butt. She felt like silk and smelled like fresh flowers.

  “Go to hell. You have a short memory, Mr. Reynolds.”

  “God, Harlee. I’ve said I’m sorry over and over. What more do I have to do?”

  She bit her lower lip as she appeared to consider the possibilities. He didn’t like her calculating expression.

  “Well, for starters…”

  “No star
ters. Let me be your lover tonight.” He blew on her neck then slid his tongue across her exposed collarbone to taste her sweet skin.

  “And tomorrow night?”

  “Yes, tomorrow night.”

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve.”

  She looked ready to launch a major assault on his ego so he used his next words to deflate her anger. “I miss you.” He touched her lips tenderly with the pad of his thumb. She stiffened under his touch and did that pouty, offended woman thing. He massaged her lips, slow and easy with a feather-light caresses. She softened like butter under his skilled hands.

  With a little sigh, she took his thumb into her mouth and sucked on it. He leaned into her and brushed his hips against hers in a slow, sensuous motion. He’d mark her as his all the way to her core. He wanted her devoted to him. Only him.

  He didn’t care if it would never work. They had today and a few tomorrows left. He tucked his fears and doubts away. They’d surface again at another time and place, but tonight, nothing mattered but her.

  “People might hear us.” She made a last attempt to stop him, feeble as it was.

  “Well, baby, if you didn’t make so much noise.” His fingers slid the straps of her dress down while his mouth did its own convincing.

  “You love it when I made noise,” Harlee pointed out as her body trembled under his expert strokes. “You always beg me to scream your name.”

  “It turns me on when you scream.” He tugged on her dress, and her beautiful breasts tumbled from the confines of the sequined bodice. His hands moved to her aroused nipples. He abraded them with his calloused fingertips.

  “Go ahead then. Try to make me scream.”

  “Damn, I love a challenge. Never dare a bad boy because he’ll make his bad girl suffer the consequences.”

  “I’m ready to suffer, bad boy.” Her ruby red fingernails raked across the bulge in his pants. Hell, he didn’t care right now if the whole world heard them. His hands snaked behind her and pushed her short dress up to her waist. He cupped her sweet ass and ground his erection against her. Taking her lace panties in his hands, he slid the crotch back and forth until the material was wet with her juices. All the while, he kissed her deeply using his tongue, lips, and mouth in that erotic, sensual style he’d perfected to drive this woman wild.


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