Ghast Me Gently (Wicked Good Witches Book 4)

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Ghast Me Gently (Wicked Good Witches Book 4) Page 2

by Starla Silver

  I wasn’t thinking with my head is why.

  How did I do all those things with her, and not even know her last name?

  I let myself get carried away. Again. I’m such an idiot.

  I should have known it was all too good to be true. She couldn’t be so perfect…

  Of all the women I could have met… shit.

  This is not going to end well…


  It’s over.

  And it shouldn’t have ever started!

  So why was it the feeling he got sometimes, the one that told him there was someplace he needed to be… why did it lead him to her? So they could fall head over heels in love only to have it stripped from them? So his heart could get broken again? What was the fucking point of it all? His feeling had never let him down so badly before.

  Melinda was the most incredible and unexpected thing that had ever happened to him. Especially after begrudgingly coming to live on the Isle with his brother. The thought of being here with her, made it survivable.

  And now…

  He turned his ashen face away, saddling his motorcycle. He’d fallen for the one forbidden thing he could not have. He just hoped things didn’t get ugly, or even dangerous, once his brother, and her brothers found out. He hoped it didn’t start a new war between their families.

  Melinda didn’t stop running away until she’d gotten home and into her room. She had thrown herself onto her bed and wept, all night long.

  How could she have been so blind?

  Could she be anything but blind?

  Not only had she missed that William did have feelings for her (though he had yet to admit it), and she had crushed him, but now she had dated… no, not dated. Fucked. Gotten felt up by… and totally fell in love with, Riley Deane.

  Did falling in love with Riley make her a bad person? Or at the very least, a terrible judge of character? All these thoughts kept her in tears the entire night. She locked her door, refusing to let anyone come in until morning.

  Even then, she refused to leave her room or speak about what was keeping her in there. Melinda dreaded their disapproving looks upon finding out what she’d done. The how could you be so naïve scowls…

  She had finally ventured into the world and her first big move was to sleep with a member of the Deane family. And now it was day three of her newly self-inflicted prison sentence. It wasn’t possible to stay locked away forever, but she wasn’t ready to face the situation, or Riley, yet.

  There was a soft wrapping at her bedroom door. She hurriedly wiped her eyes with her bed sheets and sniffled out a, “Come in.”

  William entered with a tray of food and a hot pot of tea. Upon seeing her face, his perfectly placed smile dropped. “I brought you lunch. You need to eat.” He set the tray atop her dresser.

  “I’m not really hungry, William.”

  He sat at the foot of her bed, eyeing her. “You realize how much you’re worrying your brothers right now, don’t you?” And me, he left out.

  Melinda sighed. “Yes, I know. I’m sorry, William. I just… I just…” she stopped. The words were on the tip of her tongue but would not come out. She could not say I met a guy, he is the most amazing guy I’ve ever met, and he’s a Deane… our sworn enemy. She especially could not say this to William. It was too uncomfortable to discuss the guy she liked, with the vampire she loved.

  “Melinda?” wondered William. “Where are you right now?”

  She knew he didn’t mean literally, but she did not reply, just shrugged. She wanted so badly to tell him but the words refused to escape her lips.

  He debated slipping into her mind. He’d done it before, and once the connection was made it became easier to do. It was also an invasion of her privacy, and something he did not want to do, unless it proved necessary; they were precariously close to necessary. He wouldn’t allow her to spiral backwards, losing herself in another breakdown. But he also didn’t want to subject himself to more of her dreams. He already struggled with the ones he’d seen.

  He sighed. “Melinda, I’ve told you this a thousand times, but I will remind you again that you can tell me anything. I am a judgment free zone. You will not disappoint me. I will not be angry with you. I will even keep it from your brothers if you prefer.”

  She let out a whimper. Which was worse, telling William, or her brothers? She reached out and touched his pale, chilled hand. “I just can’t. Not yet.” Her facial expression begged him to understand.

  He pulled his hand away, clearing his throat. “I know the last week has not been… normal… between us. I hope this hasn’t made you uncomfortable, or made you feel you cannot tell me what’s going on, Melinda.”

  She could attempt denial, but the lies were piling too high.

  William knew that his moment of weakness, and her dreams of him, had changed the dynamic of their relationship. He had hoped with a little time it would return to normal. Now, he feared the change was irreparable.

  William continued, seeing she wasn’t going to divulge her secret.

  “I just want you to know that I’m always here for you. As always. Whenever you’re ready. That will never change, Melinda.”

  His personal calling card fluttered just inside her chest. That heart rhythm that was utterly impossible to ignore. And belonged only to him. Mine… his brain rattled with a silent groan. This was a dangerous way to be thinking.

  Melinda heard the jeep screeching out of the driveway and turned her head to the window.

  “Your brother’s presence has been requested. The Mack line,” William explained.

  “What happened?”

  “It appears that Eva Jordan’s father is missing, and they are assisting in the search to find him.”

  Melinda nodded, more guilt piling on top of the mountain already threatening to crush her. She should be helping too. Doing her job. Like her brothers.

  William stood at the entrance of her bedroom as if to leave, but stopped.

  He needed to ask her a question. An uncomfortable question, but it might just answer why she was locked in this room. William suspected he was the last person she wanted to discuss her predicament with because it had to do with the man she was seeing. And she feared this would make him uncomfortable. Which it would, but he needed to know regardless.

  He stepped closer. “Melinda, please tell me truthfully… does this have anything to do with that young man you’re seeing?”

  She cast her glance away attempting to hide her reaction. But she didn’t fool William.

  In a flash he was on his knees at the side of her bed, his arms grasping her shoulders gently. His voice came out in strained control. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No-no,” she stammered. “It’s not like that, William. I swear.” Which was mostly truth, seeing as Riley had not known who she was, and therefore had not intentionally caused her heart to shatter into pieces.

  William stared into her eyes. He didn’t appear satisfied with her answer, but after a minute he stood and backed away. The glint of dark intent that flittered through his eyes caught her breath.

  She opened her mouth to try to explain, but the words just would not form. She lowered her head, disgusted with herself.

  William struggled to remain calm and controlled. But this pathetic excuse for a man had done something to her, whether she’d admitted it or not. He worked hard to contain the inevitable fury forging into his veins at the thought of someone hurting Melinda, in any manner.

  Outwardly, he gave her a tight nod that he understood, but said no more and turned to leave. If he ever found this man…

  “William,” Melinda called out.

  “Yes.” He turned, giving her his full attention. Perhaps she would reveal her secret.

  “Be careful today. Please tell Michael and Charlie, too.”

  He sighed disappointedly, but nodded and left the room at vampire speed.

  She put her head in between her hands and let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I gotta get wi
th it! I should be out there helping.”

  She dragged herself off the bed and into the shower. Once washed up, dried off and dressed, she stood at the entrance of her bedroom. She reached out her hand to open the door but stopped.

  “What if I run into Riley?” Her heart ached at the thought of seeing him.

  How would she react? What would she say? Or do? She panicked that she could not trust her body or her heart to do the right thing. That even after finding out he was a Deane and knowing how her family would react… she still wanted him. She wanted to pretend that nothing had changed, that everything was perfect. To let her hands run all over him. To disappear in those lips and molasses eyes.

  Melinda closed her eyes.

  She could not, and should not, want to see Riley again. Never mind her brothers would never allow it.

  And William… shit! He’d probably tear Riley’s head off!

  She returned to her bed and fell back onto it, staring up at the ceiling. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, heartbeats slowing. It was impossible to avoid the inevitable confrontation with Riley, but there was no reason it had to be today…


  Charlie stepped into the sheriff’s office. Mack was leaning against the edge of her desk, phone to her ear. She nodded at Charlie and mouthed she’d be just a minute.

  “Charlie,” a voice spoke from behind him. He turned around. It was Eva. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course.”

  Eva’s long white hair accentuated her red puffy eyes.

  “How are you holding up?” Charlie asked her, instantly regretting his choice of words. “Sorry… stupid question.”

  “I’m okay,” she insisted at first. “I guess I’m freaking out… a little. Dad’s never vanished before, he always checks in, especially if he’s going to be late.”

  Charlie nodded, listening intently.

  “He was taking a tour of the Demon Lights yesterday and he never came home.”

  “The Isle’s lighthouses… there’s five lights, following the most outer points of the Isle,” recalled Charlie. “Did you hear from him at all?”

  “No. He left home around nine in the morning and I didn’t have any contact with him after that. His intention was to start at the light closest to our house, and he’d planned to loop around the island until he’d made it to all five, ending up back home. We even talked about meeting up for lunch but he never called, and I got busy and forgot. I didn’t start to worry until last night when I realized it was dark and he still wasn’t home. I tried to reach him repeatedly but he isn’t answering his cell.”

  She paused, smiling fondly.

  “Dad may check in with me, and has never disappeared before, but he does tend to run late and is easily sidetracked.”

  Mack finally got off her phone and stepped over to the duo.

  “Eva called me early this morning, Charlie. She’s already checked the lighthouses. No sign of him.”

  “I asked anyone I came across near the lighthouses. It was just after sunup this morning though, so mostly fisherman going out to catch. No one had seen him,” Eva explained.

  Charlie stroked his stubble covered chin, wondering what could have happened to Anthony Jordan. He dropped his hand, gazing at Eva. “So what makes you think there’s a supernatural cause behind his disappearance?”

  Eva dropped her gaze, apparently reluctant to answer. Damn it Dad! Once I find you, I might just kill you for putting me in this situation… seeking out the Howard Witches for help. Exactly what I don’t fucking need… she sighed, outwardly.

  Again, Charlie found himself in the position of doubting her. His wolf senses tingled, much in the same manner it had when he’d first met Eva in Bloodsucker Bay. They’d tingled in the same way when the mermaids had first sought out his help, before tricking him into trying to take off the Guardian ring he now donned. His wolf had been right to doubt the mermaid’s true purpose. Was it also right about Eva Jordan?

  Regardless, if her father was missing and the cause was supernatural, it was his duty to find out what happened.

  “Eva, whatever it is, I can’t help unless you tell me what you know.” His voice came out more harshly than he’d planned. He softened his tone. “I just need to figure out what we might be up against.”

  Eva blew out a breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she locked her gaze on Charlie’s. “Dad found a map. I didn’t know anything about it until right before he left yesterday morning, and I really didn’t think much of it until after he disappeared.”

  A map he couldn’t even see fit to let his daughter and partner know about until right before he was leaving the house… she expressed in silent bitterness.

  “A map?” questioned Charlie.

  “Yes. I have no idea where he got it, or much about it at all, but my dad claimed the map showed some magical way to travel between the Isle’s lighthouses.”

  Charlie tossed her an inquisitive look. “I know just about everything there is to know about this Isle and I've never heard of such a thing.”

  Eva shrugged, at a loss for what to say.

  “I didn't give it any thought, Charlie. My dad's always off on some crazy research kick. I'm just afraid that maybe, just maybe, whatever this map is, something about it might have been real, and possibly dangerous.” A tear fell down her cheek. Her father had never vanished before. But going to the enemy for help was not something she wanted to do. Unfortunately she had no other option. Her father was lost somewhere, she hoped not injured, or worse… dead.

  Charlie reached up and caught the tear, gently wiping it away. “Whatever’s happened, we'll figure it out. We will find him.”

  His fingers left a sting on her cheek. A trail of heat. She closed her eyes for a second, wishing it away. She’d had to call Charlie. She needed to find her father. That’s all this was. If the Howard’s discovered why she and her father were on the Isle, they’d lock her up, not help. But she had to keep it together. If she didn’t, not only might she lose her father, but everything they had worked for would be ruined.

  It would be his own damn fault!

  This is going to be a very long day.

  Mack’s phone rang again; she hopped across her office to pick it up.

  Charlie leaned in closer to Eva. “After everything I’ve done to you, helping find your dad is the least I can do, whether it’s supernaturally related or not.”

  “Thanks, Charlie. And I’ll consider us completely even after this.”

  “Even would be nice, but I think I still have a ways to go to make up for nearly killing you.”

  She laughed lightly. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t let you off that easily.”

  He grinned and nodded in agreement.

  She sighed and let out a deep breath. “Thanks… I needed a laugh. Even a small one.” Her voice held a slight tone of relief.

  “Just remember we’re on an island. There’s only so far he can go, right?”

  “Right,” she agreed. I can do this. It’s not like Charlie is bad to look at. He’s almost even nice to be around… Ugh. Yeah, this isn’t going to go anywhere good. Keep some distance, find Dad then get back to the plan. Eva stepped to a water cooler a few feet away and grabbed a paper cup.

  Charlie wondered if the map Eva spoke of was real, and if so, why had he never heard about it before? And what purpose would it serve; to have the ability to leap between the Isle's lighthouses?

  Mack motioned for Eva to come to her desk just as Michael and William strode through the door. Mack threw a wink in Michael’s direction and he rolled his eyes in forced amused reaction. He’d prepared himself to face a flux of overwrought emotions, but was surprised that Eva gave him little. Just like her father. A few blips of worry, but that was it.

  How did the Jordan’s keep such control, he wondered? He shook his head. He’d gotten emotions off Eva before. Something felt different today though. Maybe she was just so distraught her emotions were shut down. He’d seen that happen
before, when someone had just suffered something traumatic.

  Charlie hurriedly filled them in on the situation.

  “Have you ever heard of such a map, William?” he inquired when finished.

  “No. Not at all. And I’ve been on this Isle for many a moon.”

  “Sounds like we need to visit The Demon Lights,” said Michael. “I actually can’t recall the last time I went to any of the lighthouses on the Isle. It’s just so… touristy.”

  Charlie nodded in agreement. “I think we were kids the last time we visited. Mom and Dad took us around.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. That was ages ago.”

  Charlie nodded. “Eva’s done her own search already, and I would bet Mack has someone from the department on the case as well, but they may have overlooked supernatural clues.”

  Charlie and Michael stopped and stared at William. His face wore the look of something dawning on him.

  “What?” they asked in a simultaneous chime.

  “It might be nothing...”

  “But?” coaxed Charlie.

  “There was an incident that occurred many years ago, long before even your parents had met and married… a young boy insisted that while playing in one of the lighthouses he was suddenly somewhere else. He said he had no idea where he was, but that he had gone through some door… a door that was never located and considered non-existent. Chalked up to an overactive imagination. The boy was missing for over twenty-four hours before he turned up at the very lighthouse where he’d gone missing. Your great grandfather checked into possible supernatural causes of the incident, but when no such door was located, he closed the case. It was deemed a strange accident and nothing more was ever made of it.”

  “Still,” exhaled Michael, “it makes you wonder if there is some truth to this map thing.”

  “It also sounds like a lot more than leaping between the Isle’s lighthouses.” Charlie wondered what purpose leaping between the lighthouses would serve.

  Mack walked over and joined them, with Eva right behind.


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