Sleepless Fate

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Sleepless Fate Page 21

by Janae Keyes

  “How about you get out my house,” I shot angrily.

  “Brielle,” he started.

  “Of course you are going to take her side. I’m sure you have no idea what she even said to me,” I retaliated.

  “She told me that you brought the food to her and she kindly asked you for some water because she was feeling overheated.” As soon as he finished I burst into laughter. Veronika really played a good game and had Patrick convinced of her innocence. “That’s not what she said?”

  “Of course not, Patrick. She told me that I’m a slave first of all. I’m some sort of sex slave for you for the time being. Though she did get one thing right. She said that she has you wrapped around her finger and that is completely true. You bend to her every need and will. Then she demanded that I get her water like some servant. So yes, I went off on her and I don’t regret it,” I explained in detail. Patrick just looked at me. He seemed to be trying to process what I told him. Veronika acted like an innocent princess around him when she was really just a witch.

  “Babe,” he said softly. He put his arms around me and like that my hard demeanor softened. He has this way about him and I was weak to it. “I’m sorry about all of this. You know that, but I just keep thinking. If this baby is mine, I have to do everything in my power to love and care for him or her. I can’t be like my own father who abandoned my mother. I need to stand up and be a real man, and that means doing right by Veronika. I hope you and I can come to an understanding when it comes to it.”

  “I understand your position and I understand why. I applaud you for being a stand up guy and taking care of yours… or possibly yours. I’m just… I don’t know… I’m tired of the drama that this situation brings and I’m tired of Veronika using you. You may not see it, but I do. I hate sitting back and watching the man I love get used like that.” I looked at Patrick as I spoke. I could see him processing my words. He pulled me in closer to him and planted a kiss on my forehead.

  “Bri, I love you so much. If we can set some ground rules and find a way around everything. Will you take me back?” He asked. I looked up into his pained honey eyes. I couldn’t help, but give him a small smile.

  “Okay,” I answered before he roughly pressed his mouth to mine. I didn’t know how I would survive without his kisses. Patrick was a good guy, a real gentleman, but the thing was I knew Veronika would stop at nothing to stake her claim on him.

  Chapter Sixteen


  OUR PROJECT AT work kept us pretty busy and that helped keep my mind off the Veronika situation. September rushed away and it was already October. I sat on the couch in Patrick’s office while he paced the floor. Tomorrow we would be launching and everything in the Core Solutions offices all around the world would change. I was pretty confident in everything, but Patrick was a nervous wreck.

  “Patrick, can you sit down, please?” I asked of him for the millionth time. I looked at my phone to see a text message I’d been waiting for. It was from the manager of a club here in San Francisco. Patrick’s birthday was this coming weekend and I was throwing him a huge surprise birthday bash.

  “Did you talk to Eve down in IT?” Patrick suddenly asked while I was texting the club manager back.

  “Yes, I did. She is sure the bugs that we experienced last week have been ironed out,” I informed my very stressed out boyfriend.

  Since the Labor Day insanity, we’d set some more rules and I spent less time at Patrick’s house and he spent more time at my house. I wanted to distance myself as much as I could from the entire situation and it was refreshing.

  “Paddy Baby, everything is going to be fine. We’ve worked so hard and thought of every possible thing that could go wrong and figured out ways to fix them. The launch tomorrow will be great and Core Solutions will be better for it. I know it.” I was trying to make him feel better about everything. I knew that we did a kickass job on this project and it would be a success.

  I watched Patrick walk to the door of his office. I was confused to where he was going. Only he didn’t go anywhere, he simply locked the door before giving me a look, I knew that look. He walked over to me on the couch and took my phone from my hands and closed my laptop. He placed both items on the table before pulling himself over me.

  “You make everything better don’t you?” He questioned in a husky voice.

  “Maybe.” I answered sweetly as my hands were on his belt, working to get it undone. His hands slid under my skirt and I shivered at his touch.

  “I love the way you react to my touch,” he whispered before pressing his lips to my own and kissing me softly. My mind was exhilarated and bewildered. I was a strong and professional business woman, but here I was about to have sex with my boss, who was also my boyfriend, in his office.

  Patrick hiked my black pencil skirt up as high as he could get it, and I yanked my black and white striped peplum shirt over my head before working at the buttons of his shirt. I needed him. The last couple weeks had been so busy, that all of our time together was spent on work. I wanted to feel that connection I felt with him when we were making love. I craved it badly.

  Patrick hooked his fingers in my panties and yanked them forcefully down my legs. I finally finished with the buttons of his shirt, and run my hands down his chest and into his open pants taking his length into one of my hands. A hiss escaped Patrick’s throat and I grinned at him.

  I caressed him slowly, his eyes closed, obviously enjoying what I was giving. I was enjoying giving him as much satisfaction as he gives me.

  After a few minutes he pushed my hand away before he laid me on the couch. He left kisses on my neck, and trailed them down between my breasts and continued his wicked way down stomach. His hands forced my legs open. I knew I was ready for him as his caresses continued. He planted soft kisses on my thighs, obviously torturing me on purpose.

  “Patrick,” I groaned softly, begging him to give in.

  “Tell me Brielle…” I could feel his warm breath on my thigh. I wiggled under his touch. “Are you wet for me?” I’m sure the answer was obvious to him, but he was enjoying this.

  “Always,” I breathed out and just like that his mouth was on me. I gasped out before quickly covering my mouth with my hands. I bit my lip to keep quiet. Patrick was an expert at making me feel good. I kept my eyes shut as I focused on what he is doing to me as well as staying as quiet as possible, but it began to get difficult as I found myself on the edge of reason. His tongue was lapping at me eagerly when I grabbed my discarded shirt and shoved it in my mouth to prevent myself from screaming out as I came.

  My head was spinning as Patrick planted kisses back up my stomach. He removed my shirt from my mouth and gave me his signature sexy smirk before slamming his lips onto mine. He slipped one of his hands under the lace cup of my bra and squeezed at my pert nipple. I gasped into his mouth. He pulled away and settled himself above me. I could feel him at my entrance. I needed him desperately at this point. I whimpered out in need. He gave me a grin as I wiggled in anticipation and impatience.

  “Tell me what you need,” he demanded.

  “I need you to fuck me,” I whispered out breathlessly.

  “That’s not very polite,” he teased. I let out a frustrated groan.

  “I need you to fuck me, please.” I corrected and at once he plunged into me. I let out a squeal before once again covering my mouth. Patrick thrust into me hard. I closed my eyes once more taking in the feelings. I was connected with the man I loved and he was giving me what I needed. There was nothing better than this. “Oh please, It feels so good,” I whispered.

  All of a sudden I could hear the sound of his intercom on his desk. It was his receptionist Layla, “Mr. Bailey, your 4 o’clock is here,” she announced.

  “Bri,” he grunted out quietly.

  “Please don’t stop,” I begged in a mumble. “Please don’t…” I was so close that he couldn’t just stop now. Patrick upped his speed. Every sense in my body was on heightened alert.

  “Come for me, Bri,” Patrick hissed and with that I was done. I gripped onto his shoulder and bit my lip to keep from screaming out. I could feel Patrick at his point as well. He collapsed on top of me. Both of us were completely out of breath.

  “Mr. Bailey?” Questioned Layla over the intercom. Patrick groaned and pulled himself off me before going to his desk.

  “Yes, sorry Layla. Ms. Elliot and I were just finishing something up. I will be ready in a moment.” I smiled to myself as I pulled my panties up my legs and my skirt down. Patrick came to me and worked to get himself dressed as well. He planted a kiss on my lips as I grabbed my laptop and phone.

  “I’ll see you later?” I questioned.

  “Of course. I’m coming over. Don’t worry about dinner, I’m cooking,” he informed me and I grinned. I was excited about what goodies Patrick would have in store.

  FRIDAY NIGHT WAS upon us and I waited patiently for Patrick. We were going out to a movie in San Jose with some friends. I was dressed and ready for our night. Sitting on my couch I texted with April and checked the time. He was late already, but it was Friday and we made our time based on traffic.

  I waited longer, but he hadn’t shown. I texted him a few times to figure out what was up, but I wasn’t getting a response. Texting him turned into calling him. I looked at the clock and it was nearing 8PM, the time the movie was to start. I texted our friends the lie that Patrick had an emergency and we wouldn’t make it. This wasn’t like Patrick at all and I was getting worried. I kept thinking back to the night of Keaton’s accident.

  I was fast asleep, but I was always fast asleep at 6AM on a Sunday morning. After fighting with Keaton, April and a couple other friends came over. We had pizza and wine, and they helped me with some wedding favors. It was a good night with my girls and after I went right to bed feeling much better than I had at the beginning of the evening. The phone rang and awoke me from my dreams. Groggily, I rolled over and picked up my cell phone to see it was the hospital calling. I figured it was Keaton telling me he was working late.

  “Hello,” I answered sleepily.

  “Brielle,” squeaked out a voice.

  “Yes, who is this?” I questioned as I realized it wasn’t Keaton.

  “It’s Angela from the hospital. We… Oh my God… we just got a call. Keaton had just left… he was in a car accident,” she rushed out in a frantic and worried sounding voice.

  “Is he okay?” I asked, sitting up in bed.

  “No… no… from the call, it seems bad. They are taking him to Stanford Medical Center, it’s bad. Um… Oh my God.” she was crying and it only took a second for me to start crying. I was so afraid. I jumped from my bed and went straight to my closet to get some clothes on. I was shaking intensely and I felt like I couldn’t see straight.

  “Thank you Angela… um… I’m going there now.” I threw my phone on the bed and rushed to get dressed. That phone call had changed everything.

  Checking my phone over and over, I waited for Patrick. I was getting eager for him to finally arrive, just so I knew he was okay. I heard the sound of a key in my front door and jumped up. I rushed to the door and there was Patrick. He gave me a sympathetic look, but I wasn’t mad about him being late because I was so grateful he was okay.

  “I know we missed the movie and all,” he said at once as he came in and closed the door behind him.

  “It’s okay, I was worried about you when I couldn’t reach you.” I told him as I walked to him and stepped on my toes to give him a kiss. We’d had a great week with launching our project and everything was going smoothly. We were proud of ourselves and each other for what we were able to pull off. “We can stay in tonight. I’m taking you out tomorrow for your birthday anyway.” I gave him a grin.

  “Yeah, want me to order some dinner?” He questioned as he pulled me into my living room. He sat down on the dark brown leather couch and pulled me into his lap. I leaned into his chest.

  “I’m thinking pizza,” I suggested as I looked up into his eyes.

  “Pizza it is,” he mumbled before planting a kiss on my forehead. “Um… today was busy. Ronnie had an appointment and all. We learned the sex of the baby.” My entire body went stiff. I really did my best to distance myself, but I knew this baby was important to him.

  “What are you guys having?” I asked. His face lit up and he seemed to beam with delight.

  “It’s a boy!” He beamed. I gave him a weak smile. I knew from this moment I’d lost him a little more. He’d spoken a few times about wanting a boy and now he was getting his boy, from her. “After the appointment, we did some shopping and got a little carried away in the store.”

  I felt a pain from deep inside. It was pure jealousy. I wanted to be the woman shopping with Patrick for our baby. I hated this, but I was going to have to get used to the idea of there being this other woman, who had him wrapped around her finger, and now he had a son.

  “Patrick, we need to have a serious talk about this now. What happens if the baby isn’t yours?” I asked, looking into his honey eyes. He frowned, clearly he wanted this baby, badly.

  “If it isn’t mine, then Veronika and her baby will be going back to Germany. Period.”

  “And what happens if the baby is yours?”

  “I was thinking about getting Veronika an apartment not far from my place. I will do everything I can to care for my son. I have to be an active part of his life and I will make sure I am. I’ve already got my lawyers working on a custody agreement for Veronika and I,” Patrick explained to me clearly. I was glad to know he had a plan in place when it came to the baby and to Veronika. Though the thought of dealing with Veronika for much longer than these months of pregnancy were daunting.

  “What happens to us, if the baby is yours?” I needed to know what our outcome would be. I was afraid of what the future could hold for us.

  He took a deep breath. I was afraid of what would come out of his mouth. I was already bracing for the worst. “We will make this work. I’ll just be your great boyfriend, who is also a great dad. I want to be with you Bri, I love you.”

  “I love you too, but I just don’t know how we will do all of this,” I admitted. I would no longer be first in his life, nor second. Veronika and the baby would be everything. I was willing to try though. I would do my best to let them live their lives as parents. I could do nothing else.

  “We will. I promise we will work through it.” Patrick said holding me close. He placed a kiss on my lips and I relaxed instantly. Patrick took his hand and rubbed my arm. I inhaled his intoxicating cinnamon scent. I’d traded in one life complication for another.

  I’D WORKED HARD for the last couple weeks getting this party together. I wanted Patrick to have a blast on his 30th birthday. I’d told him I was taking him out for dinner and dancing, but that was all he knew. I rode in the back of the limo I’d rented for the night. I was heading to pick Patrick up at his place. Pulling in front of his house the driver came and opened the door for me. I stepped out in my short and tight gold dress. The air was chilly causing me to rush towards the front door of Patrick’s house, my gold Louboutins clicking on the pavement.

  Ringing the doorbell, I shivered before the door opened to Veronika. I let out a sigh as I observed her standing there in a tight pink dress rubbing her now very prominent and obvious bump.

  “Hello Brielle,” she said sweetly, but with just enough spite in her voice.

  “Ronnie, is that Bri?” Called Patrick’s voice.

  “Ja, love!” She called putting just enough emphasis on the word, love. I rolled my eyes and walked past her into the house. I spotted Patrick coming down the stairs as handsome as ever in black slacks, black button up, and black tie. His dark hair was slicked back and he looked deliciously sexy. Patrick grinned at me and came down the rest of the stairs before pulling me into his arms.

  “I know I told you on the phone this morning, but Happy Birthday Paddy!” I cheered as I threw my arms around his neck.

; “Thank you Babe. You’re already the best birthday gift I could have gotten,” he growled in my ear as he gripped hard at my backside making me giggle.

  “Well, I have so much planned for you tonight,” I cooed happily.

  “You said dinner and dancing, where?” He questioned.

  “In the SoMa area.”

  “Can we do something?”

  “Um… I guess…”

  “Ronnie’s Soon-to-be-Mom’s group is having something this evening in that area and she needs a ride. Can we drop her off on the way?”

  Instantly, I was frustrated as hell. No one invited Veronika to go anywhere with us. Not for a ride or anything. I looked at Patrick, whose honey eyes were pleading with me. I nodded without any words. I didn’t want to open my mouth.

  “Good, I get sweater,” announced Veronika without the slightest mention of a thank you.

  Going out to the limo, I allowed Patrick inside first. Veronika shoved her way in front of me and entered the limo before me. Of course she took the seat right next to Patrick. I sighed and took another seat. I had to ride all the way to San Francisco with her. I growled to myself as I poured myself a glass of champagne.

  “Oh, Patrick, Junior is kicking,” squealed Veronika. I watched Patrick’s hand go to her belly. His face seemed to light up. Veronika placed her hand on his as she looked me directly in the eyes and smiled. She was pleased with herself.

  “Um... Junior?” I questioned.

  “Ja, we’ve decided to name the baby Patrick Junior,” Veronika boasted.

  “Isn’t that a little premature when it hasn’t been determined that the baby is Patrick’s in the first place?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  “This baby is his and I want to name my baby after his father,” she shot.

  “Babe…” Patrick said softly. He was looking at me, pleading for peace for his precious Ronnie’s blood pressure. “Please, not tonight.”


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