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Zephyr Page 9

by K. T. Rombough

  “That was for being late coming home from work, your mother prepared supper and you didn’t bother to show up,” dad said the belt winding up, hearing it sore through the air.

  The second slap this time on my lower back right on the spine, the skin raw from earlier. Wincing in pain, my voice cracking, “two.”

  “Are you crying? You know what happens when you cry,” dad said.

  “No sir,” I replied immediately, gripping the sheet tighter.

  “That was for finding your note book under your bed, how dare you write things like that,” he said the whistle of the belt in the air sounded off, the crap against my ass cheek again.

  The pain was excruciating, holding back the tears was easy through the years, it was the hiding the scars and bruises that was the worst. “three,” I said almost forgetting to count it out.

  “That was for getting the shit kicked out of you again, man up,” he said the whistling again I felt what was coming next.

  The loud snap of the belt hitting my upper back, ripping open the wounds again. I cried out, “four,” my hands digging into the comforter so much I could feel my nails digging into my palms.

  “That was for being brought home by a police officer,” he said his voice sounding calmer, but the belt snapping against my ass again, this time the opposite cheek.

  “Five,” crying out again, this had to be the last one, I couldn’t take anymore after the beating Steven gave me.

  “That was for being the little faggot you are,” he finished the belt falling to the floor, as I hoped he was leaving he made a throat clearing noise and spat on my back. “You better not turn your brother gay,” not entirely sure why he was saying that, my brother was the farthest thing from like me.

  The door to my room slammed closed. I struggled to get to my feet, my backside in so much pin my legs wobbled. Bending down to pick up my clothes, the pain my ribs felt was terrible almost crippling. I could feel my face swelling up. Dropping the clothes in the hamper I grabbed my towel and tried to wipe the dried blood off my back and body.

  Taking a deep breathe sitting up, the water splashed around me. I was in a healing pool, the room was completely black, barely able to see anything in front of me. I laid my head back into the water looking up to the ceiling, the stars shone through the tiny glass windows.

  That was Quart? Was that a memory of his? Or was that what was happening to him now? And why was I seeing that, the hell the he was going through, I couldn’t imagine.

  Closing my eyes, the soothing feel of the water healing my body as it did. The room glowing green with my aura and magic swirling around me. The air in the room cool and damp, it was euphoric.

  Feeling the world disappear again around me.

  Laying in my bed I turned to the wall, my stomach growing for food, my body hurting and aching. I closed my eyes, trying to dream of a world different from my own.

  He was dreaming of my world, my realm. He was dreaming of me, his dream was so vivid, so stimulating. My body fling through the air, as he too flew. The over powering need for him to be accepted no longer in his mind, but peace. Almost like he didn’t care of his past. So strong, such a force.

  Opening my eyes slowly the light from the sun shone through the glass, my heart pounding from the dream, we had to find him, we had to save him and awaken him.

  Chapter 14

  Once Dead

  Piper’s world was magical. Beautiful as she was, blue in color yet so bright and vibrant. The water lapping onto the pink colors sands, with the trees behind supple and alive. Walking along the beach towards her castle, yet realizing it wasn’t on land. I completely forgot how to get to her castle.

  “Kade, over here,” Desmond said waving his hand to me. The water parting slightly as he and Katterina stepped into it. A large bubble of what looked like water surrounded their heads.

  As I walked towards them, stepping into the water nothing happened for me. Feeling a little confused, the water closed around us. Holding my breath looking at Desmond and Katterina. They continued to walk, breathing normally, as if breathing under water was natural for them.

  My breath was starting to burn in my lungs, exhailing as the bubbles floated to the top of the water. I panted trying to catch my breath before I realized I was under water. Choking out what I thought was water, Katterina looked at me with a silly look on her face, almost nonplussed. “Kade, your air, pure air you can breathe anywhere,” she said still looking at me.

  I felt so stupid as it clicked in my head. How stupid could I be. Looking embarrassed at Desmond as he smiled his huge smile to me. He backed up to me, wrapping his arms around me, planting a kiss on me.

  “I was so worried about you Kade, Simone told us what happened. He feels terrible, but we all know it wasn’t his fault, it was only a matter of time. There are only few realms we all can inhabit without tipping the balance in either element’s favor. And thank goodness for Katterina being awakened years ago, she saved your life, none of our magic could bring you back from there,” he said slapping her back just before planting another kiss on me.

  “Yes, thank you Katterina. Can I ask how you were awakened?” I asked looking at her, Desmond still holding tightly on to me.

  “My mother died a couple years back in an attack, she was over taken by a pack of Were’s from the council. She and I had used our powers to help the farms and they didn’t like that so they came in and killed my family. And when they attacked me my powers exploded, the ground shook, swallowing each of them up. Each once crunching and exploding as the ground squeezed the life out of them,” she said her voice tough, almost like she didn’t want to cry again from this.

  “Oh my, I’m sorry Katterina. I shouldn’t have asked,” I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

  “Its okay, I realized once I returned to my realm it had to happen. My true powers and calling were needed. If it didn’t happen who knows what would have happened to you Zephyr,” she said winking her eye at me.

  “Wait you know? Were you fully awakened?” I asked again being rude and intrusive, after making her relive the painful memory of her loss.

  “When I was bound to my mother, I sensed I knew more than I truly did. I had vivid dreams about you guys, like I was connected to you guys. And when my boyfriend and my mother were killed it was like every single memory from our past flooded into me, scattered but they came. When I finally got to my realm, everything started falling into place,” she said now smiling at me.

  “So you know your true name as well?” I asked feeling silly, “Bluedyra,” I added smiling at her.

  “Zephyr, and Vitae,” she said nodding her head to us with a wink.

  As we got to the castle it was stunning, passing Piper’s guardians. Her mermaids and mermen swimming with tridents and armor. They were on high alert.

  The crystal castle under the ocean was magnificent, the towers high, her walls shiny almost reflective. With thousands of smaller orb like buildings connected to the castle, all shooting off into different directions. The earth below showing field, mer-people farming it. It was beyond amazing to see.

  “What happened back in my realm?” I asked Desmond as we leapt off the ground having to swim the remainder of the way to the castle.

  Our feet kicking out, Katterina passing us. She managed to swim faster than we could, but I suspected it was because she was having a hard time in this world. Being earth she may have been close to the earth, but in this realm the earth we saw was a pull for water, even I could feel it. My powers more like water in its cool nature.

  Looking at Desmond in his water bubble, swimming without a care. He seemed happy I survived my ordeal in the Inferno realm. Curiously I don’t understand why I couldn’t last as long. Besides being hurt already there had to be another reason, Simone was able to survive hours in mine before he even felt anything wrong. I couldn’t even get into the portal door without feeling the immense drain.

  The door to the cas
tle was beautiful, the crystal blue in color; the light from the sun above shining off of it. More magical than anything I had seen. The put to the castle was luring, but as we got close, something changed.

  I felt sea sick, almost as if I was being ferociously rocked back and forth in the water. My body and head swished around like the drain of a sink. My body began to ache, my lungs burning. Almost as if the were under so much pressure I couldn’t stand it. My heart pounded harder and harder causing me to feel light headed. I didn’t need the oxygen like Desmond and Katterina did and they looked in worse shape.

  Desmond’s face looking sick, like he was about to throw up. His features changed more human, his face flushing with red, his lips turning blue.

  Katterina too looked green in the face as I felt but she seemed to be able to swallow it better. Her body acted as if she had done this before. Taking each wave of nausea with grace, each wave of dizziness with perseverance. She was trooping through it.

  “Halt,” a large merman said, looking each one of us in the eye. His face not human in nature, more fish like, slits for his nose, with gills on the sides of his neck. His short hair tucked under his helmet with little tuffs popping out of the ears on the helmet. His face green in color with the brightest blue eyes. Before we could say anything, another mermaid came up behind him.

  She lunged forward, her claws out stretched; her face contorted in a terrifying look. Her gills flared out from her neck, her eye almost black in color, her hair standing on edge as if she had stuck her finger in a light socket.

  Katterina, Desmond and I swam back in surprise. As she latched on to Desmond, her claws digging into his skin, his rock hard flesh breaking into pieces, dusting into the water. I threw my hand out in the water, green glowing brightly from my hand and eyes.

  She let out a high pitched cream, the water around her began to boil. Her skin bubbling. “Let him go,” I commanded,

  Her claws released immediately, my magic loosing on her, stopping the water from boiling. As I released her from my powers the merman that stopped us ran her throw with his trident. She let out one final scream before he shook her off, letting her fall to the deep sea.

  “What was that?” Desmond asked, rubbing his shoulders as if he was in pain.

  “Nothing you need to worry about, Masters Desmond, Katterina, and Kade, please join Queen Piper in her thrown room. Supper will be served at seven tonight, Master Kade would you please hold back one moment?” he asked dropping his trident to his belt as Katterina and Desmond swam past him.

  Desmond looked at me with a weird look, curious as to why I was being help back, or rather asked to hold back. As they swam farther and farther away they were barely visible as they reached the castle.

  Turning around to look at me the guard spoke, “Master Kade, we need your help. The Queen seemed off, like she doesn’t remember us. Some of the staff are concerned about the Queens state. Did we displease her? Celia from Zephyr said you remembered them,” His voice full of worry over his Queen.

  It was sweet to see, his face echoing his worry. While his body language sounded off as brave. “Your Keleel, right? Piper’s personal guard,” I asked looking from his response, seeing if his face changes. I knew their secret, it was so taboo back in the twelfth century when it started. He living forever as her creation until killed in her realm or if her realm dissolved. Then her being forced to be reborn every time we died, put a small strain on her relationship especially since we had no control of when we were reborn. We could not be reborn until the last of us had passed or was killed.

  “Yes,” his face turned a color greener, his gills flared out, as his eyes closed lightly as if to cry.

  The look on his face told me everything I needed to know, everything I remembered was correct. He looked at me, trying to hide his feelings.

  “Master Aquaria, the night shift is on duty. The royal guards are still in the realm of the dead with Master Mortuus. Your evening guard Sabastian will be here momentarily, I will fill him in on the days activities and let you get some sleep.” Keleel said standing at attention by Aquaria’s door.

  Aquaria disrobing, his broad shoulders shaking as the robes slid down his shoulders blades showing off his strong physic. As he turned everything was showing, he was completely naked, but Keleel kept a straight face, not moving or budging in the slightest. Waiting for his orders to leave.

  “Keleel, my faithful guardian. Would you instead keep me company tonight? After almost losing Mortuus I feel worried and want my strongest warrior on my side, guarding me.” Aquaria asked looking at Keleel, smiling at him. His eyes flashed blue, his smile changing slightly almost commanding.

  “Sir, are you sure? Sabastian is trained just as much as I am. He would have just as much ability to keep you safe and keep the kingdom safe.” Keleel said, his face faltering. His face looking confused, his body language changing, no longer guardian but shy.

  “Keleel I am not asking for a replacement, or someone who can do it just as good. I am asking for my guardian, you are sworn to protect me are you not?” Aquaria asked in a commanding tone,

  “Yes sir,” Keleel replied standing straight again.

  “Then please stay the night and watch over me,” Aquaria said again, his commanding voice lowering.

  With his orders, Keleel marched out side the room and disappeared, for a long time. Aquaria walked to his bed, stopping at his night stand as he picked up a stone cup. Sipping out of it, a drop trickled down his cheek falling on to his chest. But before he could realize his body shook uncontrollably, his mouth drying out. His eyes flashed with bright blue colors, and then human again. His body continued to shake, his teeth clentched together, his hand threw the cup against the floor as if to get someones attention. Aquaria could feel his body dying, the powers still flowing, trying to heal him, but nothing this was killing his body. What could have caused so much trouble? What was killing his body?

  Keleel came crashing through the door, slamming it open. Only needing three steps before he was at Aquaria’s side, but he was too late. As he wrapped his arms around Aquaria, his eyes went black as blue aura and smoke drifted from the now dead body, the life and powers of Aquaria were gone. Keleel cried out, screaming for the guards. Crying over the body, he sat there for hours, the body cold as the guardians continued to run around him as if to find a clue to what happened.

  That was the day Aquaria died for the first time. The day one of us dies is the hardest, we can feel it happen, we feel everything that person felt. And then our cycle continues. I took a deep breath as I licked my lips, feeling the poisonous venom of the garganteractina.

  “Are you okay master?” Keleel asked his face confused by what I was doing.

  “Yes…” I staggered, “just a memory my dear boy,” finishing my thought. I could sense his concern for what was happening around him. I took another deep breath, patting him on the back as I continued to swim past him. I need to meet with the others, we had to find Quart, Ashley, Karen and Tyler before something happened to them before awakening, they were sitting ducks.

  Chapter 15


  Simone, Piper, Gabriella and Katterina sat around the large round table in Piper’s dining room. Solena and Selena continued to stand as if confused how to sit at this large table. Desmond gripped my hand pulling me towards two chairs across from Simone. As I sat down, Simone’s face grew red, tears welling up in his eyes. I knew he felt terrible but now was no the time. We had business to discuss, I knew where Quart was but no idea how to get to him or how to awaken him. There would be no way his parents were the holders of his power, they seemed so mortal. Which meant we needed to find out where his powers would be kept.

  Taking a deep breath again, looking across the table, Solena and Selena sat down, as if it was time for them to do so. I raised my hand to gather everyone’s attention, almost like I was back in high school. “I found Quart, we need to rescue him right away,” I said in my now commanding

  “I have found Tyler,” Simone said looking me dead in the eyes, his heart pounding from across the room.

  Some how I knew that doing this was far more important to him than finding Quart, he may be having a tough time, but this was not the way or the right time. We had no idea where to get his powers. We needed to figure out how to accomplish awakening each of them.

  “Who do we go get? And how? Again Kade you were a fluke,” Piper said turning her head to catch Keleel walking into the room from my direction. Her body flushed, the water surrounding us changed, warmed. I felt her heart pulse through the water.

  Her eyes flashed brightly, changing rapidly, her face dropping from the shy smile to a more substantial sorrow. She had remembered how things ended between them. And every time after that, she and him were soul mates. But this was her first time being a female, very other life she was male, her sorrow turned to complete torment.

  As her eyes flashed for the last time, her memories setting in she turned to Desmond and me. Her mouth opening, “Is that what you felt Desmond?” the look of complete hurt smashing into her, destroying her.

  “Yes,” He whispered across the table,

  “What?” everyone started asking, everyone confused as to what just happened in that moment.

  “I remember everything now, its him, Keleel,” She said pointing to him, and as she did everyone turned to him. His face turning green again, scared and shy of what just happened.

  “Its him, he’s the key to me,” She said her face happy, but her voice came out distraught as if she felt udder failure.

  Keleel turned around, facing the door, standing at attention as to guard us from anything coming this way.

  “Master’s you must hurry, there are rumors of something big ripping through the realms, killing off the guardians. Zephyr, Inferno both of your realms were destroyed, they have moved on to Bluedrya, its only a matter of time before they come here.” He said still facing the doors.


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