Seduced by the Heir

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Seduced by the Heir Page 19

by Pamela Yaye

  “Yes.” To convince him, she squeezed his forearm and faked a confident smile. “Dad, don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”

  Resigned, Mr. St. Clair threw his hands up in the air. “Fine, have it your way.”

  Relieved that he and Rafael wouldn’t be trading blows, Paris sighed in relief.

  “I’ll be back at nine-thirty.” Mr. St. Clair returned to the desk and grabbed his briefcase. “If you need me for anything...” he paused and studied Rafael “...just call. I’ll be in the hotel restaurant.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Remember what I said.”

  Paris gave a solemn nod. “I will.”

  “Don’t let him pull the wool over your eyes,” he warned, wagging a finger in her face. “He’s a liar, just like Winston. You’re better off without him.”

  Was it true? Was Rafael cut from the same cloth as her heartless ex-boyfriend?

  Her dad stalked out of the suite and slammed the door with such force the balcony doors rattled.

  Paris wrung her hands, nervously shifting her feet, looking everywhere but at Rafael. They’d made love dozens of times, and she often sashayed around his Georgetown home naked, but she suddenly felt uncomfortable in his presence. This isn’t how things are supposed to be, she thought sadly, feeling her eyes sting and burn. We should be in the kitchen, feeding each other breakfast, not on the verge of breaking up.

  “Where are you going?”

  Paris chanced a look at him, trying to make sense of his question.

  “Your dad said you have a flight to catch at noon.” He coughed and slid his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. “Where are you guys going?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  His eyes narrowed, and his lips hardened into a line. Stunned by his expression, she glared at him. He has nothing to be angry about. I’m the one who’s been publicly humiliated, not him!

  “We’re flying to Miami tomorrow morning on the Morretti family jet. Did you forget?” he asked.

  “Take Cicely and the baby with you,” she snapped, raising her voice.

  He grimaced and swallowed hard.

  “I’m not interested in meeting your parents—”

  “But we’ve been planning this for weeks,” he argued, interrupting her.

  “That was before I found out about your baby mama. Now that I know you’re a lying bastard, we’re through.” Pausing to catch her breath, Paris took a moment to gather her thoughts. She wanted to hurt Rafael, to get back at him for deceiving her, but she just couldn’t do it. He was a remarkable man, the kind of person she’d always envisioned herself marrying, and she loved him. More than she’d ever loved anyone.

  “Paris, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” she challenged, her voice rising to dangerous heights. “For lying to me all these weeks, or for neglecting to mention that you were having a baby with your ex?”

  “Hear me out.”

  “Why should I? We’re over, and I don’t want anything more to do with you.”

  His face fell. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Rafael stepped forward, his hands outstretched, but Paris spurned his advances. “Don’t touch me.” Backing away from him, she slid behind the sofa and folded her arms across her chest. Deep down, she longed to touch him, to kiss his cheeks and lips, but knew it would be a mistake to act on her feelings. If she did, they’d end up making love, and Paris wanted to get to the bottom of things. “I was worried sick about you,” she confessed, shouting her words. “I must have called you a hundred times, but you never picked up!”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. My cell phone died while I was at the hospital.”

  “Likely story,” she mumbled.

  “I wanted to call and explain what was going on, but I never got a chance. Things were crazy in the delivery room, and I didn’t want to leave Cicely....”

  Paris winced.

  “When I finally left the hospital, I came straight here.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Am I supposed to forget how you deceived me?” Hearing a knock on the door, she broke off speaking and glanced at the wall clock hanging above the entertainment unit. Her dad had obviously had enough of waiting, but Paris didn’t mind the interruption. Listening to Rafael talk about Cicely hurt like hell, and she feared if the conversation continued she’d end up getting physically sick.

  “Hotel security! Open up!”

  Rafael marched over to the door and yanked it open. A short, stocky man wearing a navy blue uniform peered inside.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked, his gaze scoping out the elegant surroundings.

  She nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  “Someone overheard loud voices coming from this suite and rang the front desk. The caller feared the female occupant might be in danger.” The security guard dropped his voice to a whisper. “Ma’am, are you all right?”

  Paris felt her cheeks flush with heat, and she smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry for disrupting the other guests. I assure you it won’t happen again.” To make amends, she unzipped her purse and took a fifty-dollar bill out of her wallet. “Here is something for your trouble.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” He straightened his shirt and gave a curt nod. “Enjoy the rest of the day, and if you need anything don’t hesitate to call the front desk.”

  Could this day go any worse? she wondered, turning away from the door. Feeling dejected, as if the universe was out to get her, Paris considered the events of the past twenty-four hours and decided it was the worst day of her life.

  “I know you’re upset,” Rafael said. “But I never meant for any of this to happen.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell me your ex-girlfriend was pregnant?”

  “Because I didn’t know.”

  Paris rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

  “I’m telling you the truth. I swear.”

  “How could you not know? Wasn’t it obvious?”

  “Cicely splits her time between Washington and New York. And after she gave that tell-all interview to Celebrity Scoop magazine I cut all ties with her.” Rafael sat down on the couch. He looked defeated, as if he didn’t have any fight left in him. “Before yesterday I hadn’t seen or talked to Cicely in months, and that has suited me just fine.”

  Paris’s curiosity rose. “What happened yesterday? Why was Cicely at Morretti Incorporated? Is it true you delivered the baby in your office?”

  “The story’s not as exciting as the media makes it sound....”

  Rafael spoke in a soft, measured tone as he recounted what had happened twenty-four hours earlier. Paris found herself enthralled, caught up in the excitement and drama of his tale. He told her about Cicely’s unexpected visit, her jaw-dropping pregnancy announcement and the pandemonium that had ensued once her water broke.

  “All I did was call 911,” he explained with a dismissive shrug. “The paramedics arrived in less than five minutes, and I wisely stepped aside.”

  “How are Cicely and the baby doing?”

  “Noah had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck....”

  Rafael’s voice broke, and Paris rushed to his side. She wanted to comfort him, the way he’d comforted her so many times before. She clasped his hand as she sat beside him on the couch.

  “It was touch and go for a while, but the doctors are confident he’ll pull through.” Sadness flickered across Rafael’s face. “He’s a little wee thing, only five pounds, so they’re keeping a close eye on him in the NICU.”

  Paris weighed the truth of his words, giving serious thought to what he’d said. She believed him, and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, he’d done the right thing yesterday. But it didn’t surprise her. Rafael was an upstan
ding guy who put others first, and she loved him all the more for being a kind, compassionate soul. Paris heard her cell phone ring, but ignored it. She wasn’t ready to leave his side, not yet. “I hope that everything works out for you, Cicely and the baby,” she said quietly. “You deserve to be happy, and I wish you nothing but the best.”

  “Don’t talk like that. My future is with you, and I want us to—”

  “Rafael, there is no us. I don’t do secret babies or baby mama drama. And it sounds like your ex-girlfriend is obsessed with you.”

  “I had a DNA test done this morning but the results won’t change a damn thing.” Rafael clasped Paris’s hands, holding them tight. “You’re the only woman I want. My feelings for you are stronger than they’ve ever been.”

  Paris felt her heart swoon inside her chest and excitement dance along her spine. His words gave her a rush, set her heart ablaze with passion and desire, but she wisely bit her tongue. She had to know where they stood or if the article she’d read that morning in The Washington Post was true. “Are you planning to marry Cicely so the baby can have the Morretti name?”

  “The only woman I’d ever want to carry my last name is you.” Gazing at her, Rafael cupped her chin gently in his palm. “Paris, I won’t let you walk out of my life again. The last time almost killed me....”

  Bowled over by his confession, she stared at him in stunned disbelief. Paris wanted to tell Rafael everything that was in her heart, but she didn’t know where to start. He had opened up to her, freely sharing his thoughts and feelings. Paris felt closer to him than she ever had before. The more he talked, the less she worried about their future. What he said touched her deeply, and it took all her effort not to burst into tears.

  “Two nights ago, while making love, you said you loved me.”

  Paris felt her eyes widen and embarrassment stain her cheeks. She remembered losing control of her mouth, remembered pouring out her heart and soul as she’d climaxed for the second time. But she faked amnesia now. “I did?”

  “Yes, it was one of the happiest moments of my life.”

  His soft words were enough to make Paris cry.

  “You’re not wearing your diamond ring,” he noted, tenderly stroking her fingers.

  “I decided to sell it and donate the money to Soldiers’ Angels.”

  Rafael cracked a smile. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  “I knew you’d say that!” she said, laughing.

  “I love you, and only you,” he whispered, placing light, tender kisses across her cheeks, nose and lips. “We’re destined to be together. You know that, right?”

  Paris nodded and raised her eyes to his face. They had lots of obstacles to contend with, but she was confident they could overcome every hurdle. Her heart guided her to tell him the truth, and tears spilled down her cheeks as she spoke. “I love you, too, Rafael, more than you will ever know, and I don’t want to live without you.”

  “Good,” he said with a chuckle. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  He kissed her then, slowly, thoughtfully, like a man hopelessly and desperately in love.

  Chapter 21

  Rafael opened the hood of the stainless-steel grill, doused the rib-eye steaks with his secret barbecue sauce and flipped them over. The outdoor kitchen at Nicco’s Coral Gables mansion felt hotter than a furnace but Rafael was having fun making lunch.

  Blowing out a deep breath, he cleaned the sweat from his brow with the back of his cooking mitts. Rafael loved being at Nicco’s lavish estate, and for the second time that day considered extending his trip.

  The breeze ruffled the palm trees dotting the expansive estate, birds chirped and squawked, and the intoxicating scent drifting over from the botanical garden made Rafael think about his beautiful lady. It was another sunny day in Miami, a scorching ninty-five degrees and rising, and humid. Yet Rafael didn’t mind the heat.

  Hell, the hotter the better.

  The record-breaking temperatures had brought out the inner vixen in Paris, and since arriving in Miami they’d taken their relationship to lusty new heights. They’d made love everywhere—in the pool, in the rental car, in the VIP room of her favorite downtown nightclub. The more spontaneous they were, the hotter the fire burned.

  His chest filled with pride. It always did when he thought about his girlfriend and their passionate, red-hot relationship. Paris made life interesting, and kept him guessing in the bedroom, and never failed to make him laugh. They were closer than ever, had a rock-solid bond and were committed to making their long-distance relationship work. There was no question in his mind that Paris was the only woman for him, and now that Cicely had permanently relocated to Los Angeles, he didn’t have to worry about her causing problems. The DNA test had proved that he wasn’t the father of baby Noah, and these days he was happier than ever. Weeks earlier, he’d accompanied Paris to her sister’s anniversary party, and she’d proudly introduced him to her family and friends.

  If he could now find out a way to win over Paris’s father, life would be perfect. He’d visited Excel Construction several times but the businessman still hadn’t warmed up to him. Rafael hoped he came around soon because he needed Mr. St. Clair’s blessing before he popped the question to his daughter.

  His smile widened. The big day was fast approaching, and he couldn’t be more excited. With Paris’s birthday only weeks away, he was more confident than ever that she would accept his marriage proposal. What if she doesn’t? his inner voice asked, vocalizing his deepest fear. What if Paris rejects you in front of all your friends and family? What then?

  “Then I’ll keep asking her until she says yes.”

  Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Rafael dropped his head to his chest. Nicco and Demetri stood on each side of him exchanging bewildered looks. “Bro, you have to quit talking to yourself,” Nicco said, his tone stern. “It’s creeping me out.”

  Rafael chuckled. “My bad. I was just thinking out loud.” He shrugged, wearing a sheepish smile. “You guys are in love. You know how it is.”

  “We sure do!” they answered in unison.

  Demetri spread a crisp white cloth over the patio table and set a vase filled with long-stemmed red roses in the middle. “Angela has me wrapped around her finger, and I can’t do a damn thing about it,” he confessed. “Last week she forced me to watch the Dating in the City marathon and now I’m hooked. Nelson Hamilton is a smooth, charismatic dude. Just like me!”

  Laughter flowed across the spacious backyard.

  “I just realized something.” Wearing a pensive expression, Nicco slowly stroked his jaw. “This time last year we were all bachelors, and now we’re all in serious relationships with feisty, headstrong women.”

  “I know. Crazy, huh?” Demetri shook his head. “If I didn’t know better I’d think Mom had something to do with it, because she’s the most determined woman I know. What Vivica Morretti wants, she gets!”

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” Nicco said. “I wonder how she pulled it off....”

  Rafael burst out laughing. His family was in Miami for the weekend to celebrate Nicco’s thirty-fifth birthday and for the first time ever, they’d all have a significant other with them. His mother was good, but not that good. He enjoyed listening to his brothers’ outrageous conspiracy theories, however.

  “Shoot!” Nicco snapped his fingers. “I forgot to get the merlot from the wine cellar.”

  “Since you’re going back inside, grab the garlic chicken for me.” Rafael picked up a bottle and took a swig of his beer. “It’s in the glass container at the bottom of the fridge.”

  “And bring me another beer,” Demetri called over his shoulder. “But hurry. I’m dying out here! This heat is insane!”

  Rafael turned his attention back to the grill. He finished the steaks, while Demetri ch
opped the vegetables and prepped the appetizers.

  “Are you nervous about Paris finally meeting Mom and Dad tonight?”

  Rafael shook his head. “Not at all,” he said, lowering the temperature on the gas grill. “Paris is a dynamic woman with an amazing personality, and I’m confident they’ll hit it off.”

  “I’m glad you guys reunited in Venice. You two make a fantastic couple. It’s obvious Paris loves you very much.”

  And I love her even more. I’m finally living the American dream, and I can’t wait to mak Paris my lawfully wedded wife.

  “Damn, what’s taking Nicco so long?” Demetri opened the oven and slid the garlic bread inside. “This is what I get for sending a boy to do a man’s job!”

  “Watch the steaks. I’ll be right back.” Rafael leveled a finger at his brother. “If they burn, I’m going to kick your ass and post the video on YouTube.”

  Despite himself, Demetri chuckled. “You guys are never going to let me live that video down, are you?”

  “Nope,” Rafael said, struggling to keep a straight face. “It’s not every day we get to see a woman ream you out, and Angela gave it to you real good that day!”

  Rafael entered the house and headed straight for the fridge. Opening it, he took out the glass container, another bottle of his secret barbecue sauce and an ice-cold beer. Realizing Nicco probably needed a hand carrying the wine bottles up from the cellar, he left the items on the counter, and jogged upstairs to the second floor.

  “I lost everything because of you!”

  His blood ran cold. Cranking his head to the right, he listened intently for a moment.

  “You wouldn’t be shit without me. I put Dolce Vita on the map. Not you.”

  A suffocating knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Rafael slumped against the wall and pressed his eyes shut. He recognized the man’s voice instantly. It was Tye Caldwell, Nicco’s former business partner. They used to be thick as thieves but everything changed when Nicco discovered Tye had embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from Dolce Vita. Instead of pressing criminal charges, Nicco had fired Tye, and the last they’d heard he was backpacking through Europe.


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