Felstar Lysentoc - [FELL-star LIE-sin-toc] - A Master Shaper and instructor at Chandril’elian in Mocley
Fessio’tar - [FESS-see-oh-tar] - An Essence enhanced painting that can record an image from someone’s mind
fielder - A person who works the fields
firstmeal - The first meal of the day
Flinnok Nime - [FLIN-nock NIME] - A Guarder Captain in Hild’alan
Foretelling - An ability some Humans have to foretell possible futures for an individual
(Gurtred’San) Frinly – [GURT-red-san FRIN-lee] – Charver Vimith’s nanny in Mocley
Glonlore Bay - [GLAWN-lore] - Located on the south-west coast of Ro’Arith
Gralet - [GRAY-let] - A derogative term used when referring to a Gralet’nar
Gralet’nar - [GRAY-let-nar] - The Warrior Servants of the Elmorr’Antiens
guarder - A person who is employed as a guard
halfmeal - The mid-day meal
Hath’oolan - [hath-OO-lawn] - A port city in north Elmorr’eth
hearder - A person who tends animals
Hek’kie - [HECK-keye] - Meaning ‘Of the People’ The Warrior class in Silaway
Hezmire - [HEZ-my-er] - The God of Fallen Warriors
Hild’alan stead - [HILD-a-lawn] - The birthplace of Alant and Arderi, located north-east of Mocley
Hinden Brue - [HEN-den BREW] - A Captain of the Third Watch in Mocley
Hobbswords - [HOBB-swords] - Guards of the Shapers in Mocley
Holiday - The last day of a tenday usually reserved for rest
Hon’nar - [ON-nar] - Meaning ‘Honored Servant’
Hon’Vanria - [ON-van-RE-ah] - Meaning ‘Honored Teacher’
Inner Sanctum - The center core that makes up the Priests of Fatint
Jarill - [ja-RILL] - A slaved used to train Elith
Jerith De’thane - [JER-ith DU-thane] - A Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Silaway
Jinro (Farlith) - [GIN-row FAR-lith] - A birdman in Bin’Satsu
Jintrill Deln - [GIN-trill DELN] - A Shaper in Mocley
Ju’kagi - [jew-Kah-gee] - Meaning ‘Jailer’s Keys’
Julitan - [jewl-EE-tan] - The title given to the people who run the Games of Mocley
Ju’nar - [JEW-nar] - Meaning ‘Worthless’
Ka’gana - [KAH-ga-na] - A Crystal that allows physical entities to link directly with Sujen
Ka’ilyth - [KAH-eel-yeth] - Meaning ‘Test of Power’ A device that tests the ability to manipulate the Essence
Kasu’yama - [KAH-sue-YA-mah] - A small village in central Silaway famous for its warriors
Katsujai - [CAT-sue-jie] - A port city in north-east Silaway
Keitory - [key-EYE-tory] - The island home of the birdmen
Kisu - [KEY-sue] - A Continent south of Silaway
Kith - [KITH] - A derogative term used when referring to a Kithian
Kithian - [KITH-ee-an] - A lion-like race that inhabits the north part of Ro’Arith
Klain Kanon - [KLANE KA-non] - A Kithian raised as a slave and gladiator
Komar Isle - [KOH-mar] - A set of hundreds of islands off the south-west coast of Ro’Arith
Krugour - [CREW-ger] - A large, cat-like creature common throughout Ro’Arith
Larith Rine - [LARE-ith RINE] - A Brother of the Tat’Sujen Order in Bin’Satsu
lastmeal - The last meal of the day
Latore - [la-TORE] - A continent west of Silaway
League - [league] - The distance a man can walk in an aurn
Lilaith Rillion - [LILL-ayth RILL-ee-on] - The wife of Clytus Rillion and mother to Sindian Rillion
(Tasik) Lith - [TAY-sick LITH] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley
Magistra - [ma-GIS-tra] - A building within a stead that holds the Regent and their administrative staff
Mah’Sukai - [MAH-sue-keye] - An evolved Shaper who can meld directly with the Essence
Maja’Kasta - [MA-ja-CAWST-ah] - The God of Protection and Peace
Mash’ayel - [mash-AYE-el] - The God of War
Matoe - [MAY-toe] - A small red fruit that grows on a vine. Very tasty in a bowl mixed with chopped greens
Mel’Ona Cor - [MELL-OWN-ah CORE] - The wife to Tanin Cor and mother to Alant and Arderi Cor
Melisian Bathooll - [mel-ISS-ean bath-OO-l] - Delmith Bathooll’s mate
Merchantillian - [mer-chan-TILL-ee-an] - An area of Mocley housing the best merchants
merkswords - [MERK-swords] - Elite guards who patrol the Merchantillian in Mocley
Mermidians - [mer-MID-ee-ans] - A race of beings who live in the seas and oceans around Talic’Nauth
Millitinia - [mill-i-TEEN-ee-ah] - Military barracks or stronghold within a city or stead
Mi’nathe Blade - [MY-nawth] - An Essence enhanced sword designed to fit a Kithian’s paw
Mir’am - A honorific used when addressing an elder man
Mis’am - A honorific used when addressing an elder woman
Mocley - [MOCK-lee] - A large port city in south-west Ro’Arith
Morlis Mountains - [MORE-liss] - A large mountain range running along the south coast of Ro’Arith
Mu’shadar - [MOO-sha-dar] - Meaning ‘Shelterers of Life’ Ruling class in Silaway
Mullsith, Plane of - [MULL-sith] - The Plane of the damned where tortured souls wander aimlessly for eternity
Nad Grith - [NAD GRITH] - Teamster for Rohann Vimith
Narian - [NAR-ee-an] - Meaning ‘Gold’
(Jaim) Narn - [JAME NARN] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley
Nektine Mountains - [NECK-tine] - A large mountain range cutting through the center of Ro’Arith
Nithshilo - [nith-SHY-low] - A port city in east Silaway
Niyoka - [nigh-YO-kah] - A large black snake that can grow to ten paces or more in length. Extremely poisonous
northron - In the north
O’Arkin - [OH-are-kin] - A barbaric, pig-faced race that inhabits the mountains of Ro’Arith
Oolant - [OO-lant] - An Essence enhanced drink that can heal most injuries and illnesses
Orlis - [OR-liss] - A large trade city in the center of the south half of Ro’Arith
painstick - An Essence enhanced staff that can deliver a controllable jolt of pain
Palintium - [pa-LIN-tee-um] - A temple dedicated to the Twelve Gods of Man
Patill (Tame) - [pa-TILL TAME] - Guarder Captain in Mocley
Pents - [PENTs] - A coin made from copper
Pirra (Millen) - [PEER-ra MILLEN] - Night watchman at the Rillion Villa
(Sam) Poltin - [SAM POLE-tin] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley
Priests of Fatint - [FAY-tint] - A mysterious holy order based out of the Komar islands
Pyne - [PINE] - A coin made from silver
Quay’ka’gana - [kway-kah-GA-na] - Meaning ‘Travel into Essence’ A stone that allows transport over great distances “A Sending Stone”
Ques’lian - [KWESS-lee-ann] - Meaning ‘Great Hall’
Quiln Garfer - [KWILL-n GAR-fur] - Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Ro’Arith
Ragnor De’haln - [RAG-nore dee-HAL-n] - A Leftenant in Clytus Rillion’s mercenary troop
Ramdin - [RAM-din] - An ancient warrior king used by Mash’ayel to destroy the armies of Bathane
Ramstone - [RAM-stone] - A constellation of stars known as the bear
(Dart) Ratilian - [DART ra-TILL-ean] - The captain of the Hunter
Raynan Yhan - [RAY-nan Yawn] - Head servant in Bin’Satsu
Raz - [RAHZ] - A cold drink that Elmorr’Antiens enjoy made from the root of a stubby tree that only grows on Elmorr’eth
Renkujie - [ren-KOO-jeye] - A massive empire that covered most of the Plane of Talic�
��Nauth in the last Cycle
Rik Cor - [RICK CORE] - The youngest son of Tanin and Mel’Ona Cor’s
rillball - A game played with a melon-sized ball made from a pig stomach
(Kal) Rilmoth - [CAL RILL-moth] - A Guarder Captain of the Night in Mocley
Riln Toln - [RILL-n TOLL-n] - A farmboy of seventeen winters and friend of Arderi Cor
Rinear Rine - [REN-ear RINE] - The daughter of Larith Rine in Bin’Satsu
Ro’Arith - [row-ARE-ith] - A large continent on the Plane of Talic’Nauth
Ro’Arithian - [row-ARE-ithee-an] - A person from Ro’Arith
Rohann Vimith - [ROW-hawn VIM-ith] - A diamond merchant in Mocley and father to Charver Vimith
Salintine - [SAL-in-tine] - The Mid-summer’s festival
Saltus - [SAL-tus] - The God of Healing
Samlin Vilt - [SAM-lin VILT] - The High Priest - The Highest - of the Priests of Fatint. Answers only to the Revered Father
Saphanthia - [sa-FAN-thee-ah] - The Goddess of Wisdom
Sareeza - [sar-EEZ-ah] - A large black insect that roams the Asgarthian plains. It has two powerful pincers and a tail with a spike filled with a poison that will kill a large animal in moments
Sarshia’Mion Mocley - [SAR-she-ah-MY-on MOCK-lee] - The Princess of the Elmorr’Antien People, Honored One
Sar’Xanthia - [sar-ZAN-thee-uh] - An ancient city lost in the swamps of south Ro’Arith
Satner Timms - [SAT-ner TIMS] - A bodyguard to Rohann Vimith in Mocley
Saven Rine - [SAY-ven RINE] - Larith Rine’s brother
Serota - [sea-ROW-ta] - A thin robe-like garment worn by the Elmorr’Antiens that accentuate their thinness
Shaith Ku’rin - [SHAITH COO-rin] - A Shapers Initiate in the Chandril’elian of Hath’oolan from Silaway High Princess of Mu’shadar, Keeper of the Chalice, Reader of the Scrolls, and Hand of the King’s Justice
Shikalu - [shy-CAW-loo] - Meaning ‘Assassin’
Sier - [SEE-er] - Meaning ‘To Meld’ Honorific used by Human Shapers
Siferious tree - [si-FERRY-us] - A non-poisonous tree that is common in the jungles south of the Morlis Mountains
Silawaian - [SILL-a-way-ee-in] - A person from Silaway
Silaway - [SILL-a-way] - A large continent on the Plane of Talic’Nauth
Siln Cor - [SILn CORE] - The brother between Alant and Arderi Cor
Silrith’tar - [sill-RITH-tar] - An Essence enhanced crystal that can record thoughts and emotions
Sindian Rillion - [SIN-d-an RILL-ee-on] - The only child of Clytus and Lilaith Rillion
Sirran (Hayne) - [SEAR-ian HAYNE] - A girl of the Inner Sanctum stationed at their villa in Mocley
Sorn Toln - [SOREn TOLLn] - A fielder in Hild’alan and father to Riln Toln
southron - In the south
Spectals - [SPEC-tuls] - What Shapers and Mah’Sukai see while holding the Sight of the Essence that is in things
Srit Gowan - [SRIT go-WAN] - A Battle Priest for the Priests of Fatint
Stillwater - [STILL-water] - A large port city on the bank of the Artoc River in Ro’Arith
Strands - [STRANDs] - What Mah’Sukai and Tat’Sujen see while holding the Sight of the Essence that surrounds things
Sujen - [SUE-jen] - A form of the Essence that surrounds things
Tak’ju’nar - [tack-JEW-nar] - Meaning ‘Worthless Spy’
Talic’Nauth - [TALL-ick nawth] - The Plane of existence on which all things reside
Talintithe - [TAL-in-tithe] - The Festival of Creation
ta’narian - [ta-NAR-ee-an] - A coin made from gold
Tanin Cor - [TAN-inn CORE] - The husband to Mel’Ona Cor and Father to Alant and Arderi Cor
Tarsith - [TAR-sith] - A medallion found in Sar’Xanthia that is Essence enhanced
Tary’Ona Cor - [TAR-ee-OWN-ah CORE] - The youngest daughter of Tanin and Mel’Ona Cor
Tat’Sujen Order - [tat-SUE-jen] - A secret organization whose members have a power over Sujen
tenday - The length of a ten day span of time. There are three tendays in a moon, three moons in a season, and four seasons in a year (or turn of the seasons)
Tandeba Mountains - [tan-DEE-bah] - A large mountain range running along the northron portion of Silaway
Terona Yhan - [TER-ona YAWN] - Wife to Raynan Yhan in Bin’Satsu
Theriana (Frath) - [thery-ANNA FRAWTH] - Handmaiden of Sarshia’Mion Mocley in Hath’oolan
Tilly (Ray’nin) - [TILLY RAY-nin] - Initiate at Hath’oolan. Prince Aritian’s first test subject with the Chi’utlan
Toji’ka’gana - [toe-GEE-kah-GA-na] - Meaning ‘Prison of the Essence’ A stone that creates a field that will hold the occupant, outside of time, indefinitely
(Hylar) Tomathya - [HIGH-lar toe-MOTH-yah] - The Captain of the Mocley Royal Patrol called the Black Outriders
Treynor - [TRAY-nore] - A tiny yellow moon that is the first moon in the night sky
tri-feat - A competition held during Salintine where men compete with bows, running, and hurling stones
Traid (Phlyn) - [TRADE FLIN] - A sell-sword employed by Rohann Vimith
Tur’gana - [turr-GA-na] - A Sujen enhanced sword with a Ka’gana Crystal embedded in the hilt
Vanria - [van-REE-ah] - Meaning ‘To Teach’ Honorific used for Elmorr’Antien instructors
Varin Rayn - [VARIN RAIN] - A Battle Priest for the Priests of Fatint
Varishma Mocley - [var-ISH-muh MOCK-lee] - Crown Prince of the Elmorr’Antien
Velvithia - [vel-VEE-thee-ah] - A port city in south Ro’Arith
Wartin’alan stead- [WAR-tin-a’lawn] - The first of the walled steads north of Mocley
westron - In the west
Witlan Singe- [WHIT-lan SINGE] - A Shaper and Hon’nar to Grand Master Grintan in Hild’alan
Maxwell Alexander Drake—or Drake as he is known to friends and fans alike—has been writing professionally for 3 years. He teaches writing at schools and writers conferences across the country as well as holding monthly classes at the Clark County Library District.
Currently, he lives in Las Vegas with his wife and two sons.
Find out more about him and see a schedule of his appearances on his official website, www.maxwellalexanderdrake.com.
The Genesis of Oblivion Saga is Drake’s first major series and has won a 2009 Moonbeam Young Adult Fantasy Award for excellence in literature as well as being named Dragon Roots Magazine’s Best New Fantasy Saga of 2009.
You can read the first four chapters of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga as well as keep up to date on the Genesis of Oblivion Saga at its official website, www.genesisofoblivion.com.
Each of the six novels of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga are scheduled for release each Summer. You can pre-order your copy at our website, www.imaginedinterprises.com.
We here at I.I.I. would like to take a moment to thank all of the fans of the Genesis of Oblivion Saga. It has absolutely blown us away that this series has been welcomed so fast and with such loyalty by so many.
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The I.I.I. Staff
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