Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 35

by Sheridan Anne

  “Nothing,” I grin, glancing at Milo, who grins right back. “Just thinking about a Widow sandwich and what exactly that would involve.”

  “Girl,” Milo grumbles, his voice low. “If you need any visuals, you just let me know. I’ve got them all stored up in this perfect head of mine. Every position, every angle, anything you need.”

  “Alright,” Colton says, shoving Milo off towards Spencer. “Get out of here before she decides one dick ain’t enough for her.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I pull my towel tighter around me, but seeing the seriousness come over Colton’s face, the laughter fades away. “What’s going on?”

  He holds up his phone. “I just had an update from the lawyers. Nic is playing it smart and only confessing to the crimes that would have him serving a lesser sentence.”

  I let out a sigh, but honestly, I’m not surprised. Nic is a very ‘in the moment’ kind of guy. He may have had a conscience with a gun to his head, but he's had some time to think it over. Apparently, his newest plan doesn't include spending the rest of his life behind bars. One thing I know about Nic is that he’s not stupid. He’s going to play the system as well as he can.

  I meet Colton’s eyes. “What’s he looking at?”

  “Worst case scenario, he’s looking at twelve years, but my lawyers are pretty fucking good. They’ll do what they can to get it reduced, and obviously, with good behavior, he’d probably be out sooner. My guess is maybe he’ll be out after ten.

  I nod my head, lost in thought. Ten years is a long freaking time, but in the end, is that ten years enough to make up for what he’s done? Probably not.

  “You okay?” Colton murmurs, hooking his arm around my waist and pulling me in so that he can press a kiss to my temple.

  “Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “I guess it’s better than the alternative.”

  He nods, knowing I’m referring to having to put a bullet through his head, but nothing else is said on it when Harrison comes striding out the door with burgers.

  “Lunch anyone?” he announces, placing the burgers down so we can help ourselves.

  Fuck yeah. A wide grin stretches across my face, and I drop my towel to the ground before practically barging Harrison out of the way and grabbing a burger. I’ve been so hungry lately. I could eat a supermarket out of groceries right now.

  I start chowing down on my burger, shoving it down as though this is the last meal I’ll ever eat. Everyone starts getting out of the pool, and as they start making their way over to grab their own burger before I clear them out, Milo stops and stares.

  “What?” I grumble around my full mouth. “Quit staring, bitch.”

  “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Slow down. I’m all for loving every body shape, but girlllll, you’re putting on a little pudge down there.”

  “What?” I grunt, my eyes going wide as I glance down my body, taking in the tiniest little baby bump that was poking out just a bit this morning. I guess after adding four glasses of juice and my non-stop eating, it’s all sticking out just a little bit more.

  Fuck. There's no avoiding it now.

  My eyes swivel to Colton’s, and he watches me with a raised brow. He's all for making the announcement so I don't have to tip-toe around anyone, but for some reason, I've been keeping the whole baby thing close to my chest.

  I put my burger down, swallowing what’s left in my mouth, and glancing up at everyone now staring at my ‘pudge’. “So, umm … I kind of have something to tell you guys.” The twins and Drix instantly suck in deep breaths, catching on a lot sooner than the guys. “But,” I continue, cutting them off before they get a chance to get excited. “It’s not exactly what you think.”

  All four of the girls glance around at each other in confusion while the guys just stare, having absolutely no idea what’s going on.

  “So, as you know, a few months ago, after the masquerade party we had here, I was attacked by Jude.” Drix instantly starts shaking her head, figuring it out too soon for her own good, but I continue on, knowing that if I stop now, I won’t be able to get the words out. “He got me pregnant that night, and I found out a few weeks ago.”

  “What?” Casey gasps as Milo watches me with wide eyes, completely speechless. “So … you’re having a baby?”

  “I, umm … technically, I guess.”

  Charlie narrows his eyes, still as confused as ever. “What’s that supposed to mean.”

  I let out a sigh, and as Colton steps into my side, I find the strength to say the words out loud. “It means that once this baby is born, I’ll be giving it to a family who’s been wanting this a lot more than I do. I only just turned eighteen, and right now, the thought of being someone’s mom is kinda terrifying. I’m not ready and the fact that it’s half Jude’s …”

  “Don’t,” Milo says, stepping to me and pulling me tightly into his arms, knocking Colton right out of the way. “You don’t need to explain or justify your decisions to us. Just know that we support you completely. Whatever you want or need is yours.”

  Spencer steps in and joins the hug, and before I know it, every single one of them are crowding around me, huddled in and squeezing me tight.

  Charlie's amused laugh comes from the back of the group and I can’t help but hear the nervousness in his tone, probably doing the math to make sure it’s not his. “No wonder she’s been such a moody bitch lately,” he chuckles, immediately followed by a low groan when Colton’s fist slams into his arm.

  Drix’s head pokes over my shoulder, and I narrow my eyes at her shit-eating grin. “So, I’m just putting it out there that Hendrix is a fucking awesome name, you know, if you felt that way inclined.”

  I laugh as the others all start making their own suggestion, offering their names up like a Thanksgiving turkey. “I don’t think I get to pick the name,” I tell them. “That would be up to his or her new parents. I wouldn’t dream of taking that away from them.”

  A sniffling sounds behind me, and I look back to find Mom standing with Roman at the back door, watching us all huddled together. She instantly gives me a warm smile, and as the pride shines through her eyes, I find myself walking straight into her arms. “That’s your final decision?” she asks. “You want to adopt?”

  “Yeah,” I say a little nervously. “I hope you’re not upset with me.”

  “Not at all, sweetheart. I’m proud of you. You gave yourself time to really think about it, you considered all your options, and then you made your decision based on what would be best for the baby. You’re giving a gift to a family that they will never be able to repay. You’re so selfless and loving, and I’m so damn proud to call you my daughter. Your daddy would be proud of you, and so will your boys, even Nic.”

  Tears well in my eyes, and I crush my face into her neck, her words meaning the absolute world to me. I stand in her arms, both of us clinging onto one another until we’re finally ready to pull apart.

  Mom gives me a wide smile, before clutching my chin between her thumb and pointer finger. “Look at you getting me all emotional when I was supposed to be coming out here to brag about the incredible honeymoon that I'm about to go on.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Sorry, stealing the show has always been a gift of mine.”

  “Don’t I know it,” she laughs.

  “Ugh,” Drix grumbles from behind us. “Are you old farts still here? Get lost. Go and celebrate your honeymoon already so we can party in your house and trash it every night for six weeks.”

  Roman’s eyes go wide, looking at his daughter first and then at me before going full circle and gaping at his new wife.

  Mom instantly laughs. “Oh, chill out,” she tells him. “Hendrix stirs you up so easily, and you fall for it every time.”

  Roman shakes his head, playfully glaring at his daughter, but the love shining out of his eyes is unmistakable. “Alright,” he says. “You kids behave. I’m stealing my wife and getting out of here before you get yourselves in trouble, and I have no choice
but to stay. You have my international numbers and the neighbor’s. Call them if you get yourself in trouble, and if in doubt, you can always check in with the security or call the police. Stay safe, you hear me?”

  “Yes, Dad,” Drix grumbles.

  Mom looks at me. “That goes for you too, young lady.”

  “Mom, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.” Colton scoffs, and I roll my eyes as Mom chuckles at his reaction. “Fine. I’ll be a good little girl who sits at home and watches Netflix every single night. I’ll have absolutely zero life until you get home.”

  “That’s more like it,” she says, going in for another hug, only Roman pulls her away and throws her over his shoulder.

  “No more of that,” he tells her, slapping a hand down over her ass and making her giggle like a schoolgirl. “We have a cruise to catch.”

  Roman disappears inside with my mother, and just before the door closes between us, I hear her voice calling out. “I LOVE YOU.”


  And just like that, my mother and Roman are gone, leaving us here with nothing to do but have an amazing time, live our lives, and party until we can no longer stand. Which is exactly how my dumbass ends up right back in the bottom of the pool.

  Chapter 38

  Colton’s hand slips into mine before he loops his arm over my shoulder, keeping me right by his side as we walk up the stairs. A yawn tears out of me. It’s well past eleven at night but after the parents disappeared and everyone was celebrating, it sort of turned into a bit of a party.

  Besides, what’s not to celebrate? I’ll be giving a family a baby, I’m on my way out of the Wolves, Nic is going to be behind bars where he can’t hurt anyone, and I have the most incredible people in my life. Not to mention, Colton only just finished telling me how the paperwork for our new foundation just got finalized, and starting next week, we’ll start putting together a team and working on the plans to get this thing off the ground. Hopefully, it won’t take too long because there are children out there who desperately need our help.

  There was a stage where I thought finding this happiness was never going to come. I was so filled with dread, pain, and regret that I could hardly see a single step in front of me. Without Colton there to guide me through, who knows where I’d be now.

  I have to admit, I’ve made a few mistakes along the way, but this is it. I’ve finally reached the finish line, and to be here with Colton right by my side is so much more than I could have ever asked for.

  Hell, for a while there, I thought that I'd never get my happy ending. I was so close to having it all, and then bomb after bomb just kept getting dropped on me, but here I am again, and this time, there are no bombs left. There’s nothing stopping me from having the future I want and deserve. You know, as long as I work my ass off for it.

  I’ve been speaking to Miss Davies about which courses to take once I go to college after this baby pops out. She’s been helping as much as she can, always smiling at me like she’s so damn proud, and honestly, I kinda love it. Though, she keeps asking me about Christian and if I accidentally let any more details of his life slip out, he’ll probably hang me in a meat locker and use me as a human pinata, poking me until all my insides fall out.

  We finally reach the top of the stairs and the exhaustion is creeping in so thick that I can hardly hold myself up anymore. But once we finally reach his bedroom door and it closes behind us, a new energy sinks into my bones, something that I only ever experience with him.

  There’s just something about Colton that I can’t get enough of.

  He walks over to the side of his bed, pulling his clothes off as he goes, ready to sink into the sheets and call it a night, completely oblivious to the thoughts running through my mind. He grabs hold of his belt buckle, and I’m mesmerized, watching as he undoes it. The muscles in his arms and abs flinch with each movement, and for a brief second, I have to make sure that I’m not drooling.

  He’s absolutely everything. How is it possible for a man to look like that? It’s as though he was carved out of stone, so perfectly incredible.

  He drops down into his bed and looks up at me, still standing by the door, my eyes hooded as I bite down on my lip.

  I reach behind me and turn off the light, sending the room into darkness. As my eyes adjust, I find that I can see perfectly well with the moonlight streaming in through Colton’s bedroom window.

  How could anything be more perfect?

  I take full advantage.

  I walk around to his side of the bed, putting myself right in front of him where he won’t be able to miss a thing and put on a show fit for a king … my king. I do a slow spin while taking my time peeling off my bikini top. I feel Colton’s eyes on me, watching, wanting.

  His hand reaches out and skims over my skin as I turn my back on him. I glance over my shoulder, unable to resist watching how his eyes flame with desire. That look is everything to me, it spurs me on and gives me the power to feel invincible.

  Colton is so strong, and the fact that he lets me stand as his equal, lets me make my own mistakes while having my back, and always supports me is the biggest turn on I've ever felt.

  This thing between us is solid. It’s unbreakable. It’s forever.

  Keeping my eyes locked on his, I hook my thumbs into the side of my bikini bottoms and slowly draw them down my legs. I bend low, slowly taking them all the way down to the ground and feeling the goosebumps rising all over my skin.

  There’s something so sexy about exposing myself like this. I love the feel of his eyes burning into my skin, seeing what’s his, but nothing compares to when he tastes it.

  I hear his low growl just moments before his soft fingers brush over my ass. I close my eyes, loving every little bit of it.

  The blankets rustle, and not a second later, Colton is standing behind me, his hard cock already out and resting heavily against my ass. He presses his hand on my lower back, keeping me bent over as his other hand trails over my ass.

  My skin is cold and sensitive from spending the day in and out of the pool, so just the softest brush of his fingers sends my nerve endings into overdrive.

  His fingers brush over the curve of my ass and stop at the base of my spine before making their way straight down.

  I can’t help but suck in a breath as he passes my hole, biting down on my lip in anticipation as he continues down.

  I’m already dripping wet for him, more than ready to go, but as his fingers glide over my center and find my clit, he’s more than happy to spend a few minutes playing with his favorite toy.

  He rubs small, lazy circles over my clit as he kicks out my foot, forcing me to spread my legs, opening me up wide and giving him exactly what he wants. A low moan slips from between my lips. If he’s not careful, I’ll be coming on his fingers though I’m sure that’s not a problem for him. A guy like Colton Carrington is more than happy to start all over. He aims to please.

  Colton drops to his knees behind me, and my eyes roll into the back of my head in anticipation.

  Holy hell. In this position, I'm bound to come before he’s even really touched me.

  His fingers trail back to my entrance, and he slowly pushes them into me once, twice, three times, making me groan out his name. He pushes a little harder, and the movement forces me to put my hands down on the soft carpet, stopping me from toppling over. I use the leverage to push back against his fingers and take them deeper. Only they’re not there for long as he replaces them with his mouth, eager to taste what’s on offer.

  His fingers travel back up my ass, and I feel as he spreads my wetness, making me crave so much more. As his tongue roams over my clit and his lips work my body, his fingers find my hole. He gently pushes them in, and I suck in a desperate breath before pushing back against him, letting him know that I’m ready for more.

nbsp; He reads my body like a fucking book and instantly gives me exactly what I want.

  With my legs spread wide and my head down near the ground, groaning like a bitch in heat, I have a perfect view of Colton behind me, and more importantly, the way he grips his cock and slowly works his hand up and down.

  I fucking drool.

  I finally get why men love watching women touch themselves. Seeing him working his cock is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. It’s so big, hard, veiny, and long, pulsing with need and then as his thumb circles the top … holy fuck. This is my porn right here.

  With this perfect view, it’s only seconds before I come on his tongue, and it tears through me like an explosion. Colton waits until my pussy has finished pulsating before he finally gives in and pulls away, but I don’t let him go far.

  With him down on his knees, I instantly turn and push him back until he’s leaning against the side of the bed. I step into him, placing a foot on either side of his thighs and looking down at him. Colton watches me with stars in his hazel eyes, looking at me as though I'm some kind of goddess, and it makes me feel like the most wanted woman on earth.

  My hands fall to his shoulders, and I sink down onto his cock, completely filling myself until I feel him in my fucking throat.

  His hands fall to my hips, and he squeezes as we both get used to the feel, that is until I start moving. I ride up and down his long, thick cock, listening to his body, and giving him exactly what he wants. He groans, murmuring my name over and over again. His fingers dig in and as my body inches toward another earth-shattering orgasm, I keep myself moving, not daring to come again before he gets a chance.

  “Fuck, Jade,” he grunts as I slowly pick up my pace, riding him right to the tip of his cock before dropping back down until he’s balls deep. Over and over again.

  His hands tighten, and then finally he comes. Hot spurts of come shoot deep inside of me, and the feeling has me clenching down around him and as he murmurs my name one more time. I let go and come harder, calling out his name.


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