Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1) Page 8

by Williamson, R. G

  Susie was kind enough to do a deli run for me and has just delivered my lunch. I sit back and relax with my feet crossed on the edge of my desk and stuff my face with the biggest sarnie in the world. It’s barely touching the sides, I’m absolutely wolfing it down like it’s my last meal. Success makes me hungry and it has been a very successful morning.

  Leaning forward I grab the pile of envelopes off my desk and rest them in my lap. I start working my way through them, I get about half way when I pick up the next envelope and spot the one below has familiar writing on it. Miss West has sent a reply! Or maybe she has sent a letter bomb. I pick up her envelope and hold it up to my ear to check for ticking but everything seems quiet. I’m laughing that I just checked that but I’m also a little wary of what’s inside. Oh well here’s goes nothing. I slide the blade of the letter opener across the back of the envelope but it seems empty. I take my feet off the desk, sit upright and shake the envelope upside down to see what's in it. I watch as tiny pieces of torn up paper fall out. What the fuck is this? Ahh the penny has just dropped. It’s my business card, shredded. Oh Miss West what on earth am I going to do with you? I have half a mind to march into her office and do a Richard Gere on her and sling her over my shoulder and take her to dinner because once she’s in the restaurant, surely she wouldn’t bolt. Hang on, I have an idea.


  Men in the toiletries section in a department store isn’t really a normal thing. It’s certainly something I’ve never done before. One of the assistants has spotted me wandering round like a lost soul. She’s either taking pity on me, or she is already adding up her commission. I’d like to think it was the former. She does spend some time and help me choose some relaxing bath products including scented candles. I take my items to the till and ask the girl to wrap them, which she does remarkably quickly. She also sings out a good luck greeting to me as I’m halfway out the shop.

  Now should I drop this into her building myself or send a courier? Oh a note! I almost forgot a note. As I walk back to the car, I’m already working out what to put on the note.

  I’m pulling up near her building so I keep my eyes peeled for a legitimate parking space to avoid another parking ticket. I make a mental note to remind myself to pay the one I got last time I was here. This dinner invite is working out to be rather expensive and a pain in the fucking arse!

  I walk into her building, straight up to the reception and notice it’s the same girl manning the front desk as before.

  “Hello again, could you make sure this gift gets to Miss West and could you pass on the message that this one is non-returnable?”

  The girl looks at me, goes all doe-eyed and breaks into a massive smile. “You are very persistent Sir. I hope she appreciates this gift, for your sake! Your chocolates were delicious.” Her eyes widen as it dawns on her what she just said, she looks at me a little sheepish.

  Ah so not only is Karina committing common assault on my gifts, it seems like she’s doing it with an audience and help too! “I hope so too, don’t forget to tell her its non-returnable and definitely non-shareable, well unless it’s with me.” I wink at her and start walking out of the building grinning.

  I swear I hear an audible swoon from her as I walk away and I smirk.


  I’m walking back to my office. I’ve just been in our legal practice library checking up on a legality issue I may have found in one of my current cases. This case also happens to be Mr Dare’s too so I’m super excited to have discovered what I know. Yes I could get Tara to research it, but like I said, it’s his case too, so there’s no way I’m leaving it to chance. This is personal. Ok it’s really not, but to me it definitely feels it.

  As I’m about to reach my door, Nicole comes rushing up to me and is looking slightly flushed.

  “Oh Miss West. Guess what just arrived for you, another gift! It was him again too. I swear he gets better looking every time I see him.” God is this woman excited or what!

  Whereas me on the other hand, not so much. “Argh what is it now?” I exclaim. Then a little shocked I say, “Wait, you say it was him again too? Did he deliver the last one? I thought you fancied the delivery person not him! Has it been him hand delivering all the gifts?”

  “Erm, well I did, I mean I do think he is good looking. And yes I think it’s him in person delivering them, well the last two anyway, and yes, well, I’m pretty sure it’s him. No way is he a courier, or a Royal Mail minion. He’s too dashing in his suit and all commanding like, he’s got that...” Nicole finally manages to hold her babbling tongue as she spies my not so happy face glaring at her. Running off about him like that, to me, well, not happening Nicole, loyalties woman!

  “Where’s this new parcel?” I ask her politely.

  “Oh right, here you go. He did ask me to mention that it is not returnable and something about it being non-shareable.” She then pulls her arm out from behind her back. What am I, five and playing lets hide the gift and surprise her? She hands me an oblong box, again it’s beautifully wrapped. The plain cream box is held together by a bold, wide, violet satin ribbon that has been delicately tied and arranged professionally. It looks a very expensive gift again.

  Nicole hovers. She’s waiting to be invited in to see what’s in the box, this time though that’s not happening. I’m going solo. “That’ll be all Nicole. Thank you.”

  Her shoulders stoop at the dismissal and she looks a little forlorn and dejected as she makes her way back to reception.

  I clutch the gift, go into my office and using my backside, I shut the door. I’m shocked as hell to have received another present. I thought after sending him back his personal number, which I had found ripped up on the bed Saturday morning, that it would be end of any chance with Mr Dare. He didn’t exactly look my way in court this morning either, but then I honestly don’t think he saw me. I had got the case adjourned, I was relieved at the time and still am that I wasn’t going to be facing off with him. One reason being, I’m pretty certain I haven’t got my armour fully in place yet.

  Receiving another parcel has really taken the wind out of my sails. I really wasn’t expecting another one. I sit down and slide my chair forward so I am very close to the desk. I place the box down in front of me and tentatively put my hand on the end of the ribbon and gently tug to undo. I feel like I’m sweating and I’m nervous as to what he’s sent this time, but I have to admit it’s exciting too.

  I place my hands both ends of the box lid and prize it up. I resist the urge to pull one side higher and take a sneak peek. I pull the lid up with level hands and then quickly place it next to me.

  My nose is assaulted by the heady scent of lavender. I’m gazing down at a box filled with all things wonderful for a relaxing evening in the bath with some amazing products.

  Wow, I’ve half a mind to keep this gift in its entirety.

  But first, crunch time, I’ve got to read the card. My good mood may well be about to wither and die.

  Here goes…

  Thanks for the confetti, was that a hint? I was only offering dinner!

  You seem stressed, hope this helps you relax. Apparently the bath bombs fizz in a place other things would like to reach...

  ~ Connor Dare.

  Well Mr Dare, should I send you something borrowed or something blue this time, would that have you giving up your chase? Why me anyway? He really doesn’t seem the type that would chase, so is he enjoying this?

  I think I must have thawed a bit because I found myself laughing out loud at the bath bombs comment. I’m not finding this note as annoying as the first two. Shocking right! And heck decision made, I am absolutely not sending this box of delights back.

  I hold a candle up in salutation and say out loud, “Many thanks Mr Dare.” I really ought to thank him personally, but I decide he can stew. Making a man wait never hurt them anyway did it. I do wish I hadn’t ripped up his personal number though so I could use that.

  ***r />
  As it turns out Wednesday is the first chance I get before I get an evening at home that I can put my gift to good use. I was also delighted to see a mood CD in amongst the bottles, candles and beauty items.

  I’m not even going to bother with dinner, I had a late lunch and that’s good enough I just want to sink into the bath and enjoy some R&R time.

  I pop the CD into the player, and head for the bathroom. The soft strains of a light beat accompanied by soothing music soon fills my ears. I run my bath and pour in a heavy dose of the expensive bubble bath and swirl it around. As it fills, I place the candles about and light them. The scent and music are already working their magic and relaxing me. I pull out the eye mask and rest it on the side of the bath, I’m looking forward to soothing my tired eyes. Ah this really is pure heaven. I have to hand it to Mr Dare, on this occasion he got everything right.

  I rush off a quick text to Emily.

  Me - Having a major pamper and long soak, all thanks to Mr Dare and his latest box of goodies.

  Emily - Really? When did you get another gift?

  Me - Monday, at work.

  Emily - Did you ring him after he left his card?

  Me - No, I found the card ripped up in the morning. Don’t remember doing it but I sent the remnants back to him ☺

  Emily - LOL - What are you like!

  Me - Hey, he caused my drunkest night ever!

  Emily - Well I take it you’ve kept this gift?

  Me - Yes, was too good to send back! How bad is that!

  Emily - You should say thank you.

  Me - Well I will tomorrow when I can phone his office. I’ll leave a message with his assistant or better yet the receptionist.

  Emily - Chicken!

  Me - Hey it’s not my fault he paraded his antics in front of me. I don’t think I can speak to him!

  Emily - Well go enjoy your bath. I’ll phone you in an hour to make sure you’ve not fallen asleep!

  Me - Hahaha!

  I get undressed and slip into the bath, sinking into its heavenly depths. I hear my phone chirp another text. So much for relaxing! I sit up and lean over. It’s Emily again.

  Emily - Think you should use this…. be brave! 0789666000

  OMG! That must be Mr Dare’s number! When and how the hell did she get that? I try hard to remember Friday night but nope I can’t remember her being anywhere near him. I stare at the digits, oh God. I really should ring him and thank him. Actually no can do. I can only be as brave as a chicken, it’s going to be a text. So I do as Emily says and start typing his number in.

  What the hell is this? Why is his number coming up on my phone as I punch each number in? I haven’t called him… have I? I’m worried as heck as to what I may have done Friday night. Could this be why I felt he was acting so frosty Monday morning? I force my fingers to continue with the text, no matter what I may or may not have done on Friday, I do need to thank him. Here goes nothing.

  Me - Mr Dare, thank you for your thoughtful gift. I am currently …...


  It’s been a couple of days since I sent the pamper shit to Miss West and as I haven’t had anything melted and mangled sent back to me, I’m presuming that finally I may be sensing a thaw from her. My final gift should arrive in the morning and this is really a make or break idea. Either my plan will work and very soon I shall be wining and dining the woman who has driven me mad for a couple of weeks or I will be moving on to pastures new. If that’s the case, I might even take George up on his suggestion to visit the club he keeps harping on about. I’m still intrigued about that to be honest but for some reason I can’t seem to get past my fixation with Miss West. I have absolutely no idea what it is about that woman that has got me so intent on getting her to agree to dinner. It’s not just a physical thing. I have fucked many beautiful women but for some unknown reason, I actually want to know more about Miss West. And obviously sink my cock inside her.

  I am sitting at my dining table surrounded by mountains of paperwork. Susie told me I need to close down some old files and I thought it would be a simple task so I brought them home. But nothing is ever as it seems. I have been at this for a good couple of hours and I need a drink. I get up and go pour myself a JD, I knock back half of it leaning against the kitchen counter. I’m sure one isn’t going to be enough I grab the bottle, and I hear my phone. For fucks sake it will be bloody George going on about that damn club again.

  I go back to the table, grab my phone and wander into the lounge. I sit down on the sofa and put my feet up on the coffee table, I flick the telly on and look at my phone and I see there's a text message.

  Unknown - Mr Dare, thank you for your thoughtful gift. I am currently benefitting from the contents and relaxing, so as you might imagine the bombs are still in the box ☺ Thank you again. Miss West.

  Fuck me!

  I’m trying to think of some witty reply but to be honest I’m in total shock that she has actually thanked me for the bath shit. In fact I’m fucking shocked she actually texted me at all. Ah sneaky women and their visual gestures. She may have ripped up the card but not before she had kept my number.

  Me - The ice has melted!

  George - Hahaha you’ve got it bad mate

  Me - Was only a matter of time

  George - Saturday? Club?

  Me - Think it’s a dead cert I’ll be busy!

  George - Lol well if she blows you out instead of blows you off, come on down.

  Me - Lol ok mate


  I wake up Thursday morning and I’m raring to go. His gift worked like magic and no, I still hadn’t used the bath bombs! The soothing eye pad had done its work, the lavender scent had sent me into an unhindered sleep and the lotions had left me feeling gloriously pampered and smooth.

  It’s a shame I didn’t have a Dare case to deal with, I could win anything today!

  I arrive at the office bumping into Tara at the entrance to the lift.

  “Are you feeling alright?” I ask her, feigning shock.

  “Yes why?”

  “You do realise it’s only eight o’clock?”

  “Damn it’s not is it,” she replies poker-faced.

  I chuckle. “Well good morning Happy. I hope you left Dopey and Grumpy at home.”

  Tara growls and I laugh some more.

  “What’s got you all good moody this morning?” she asks grumpily.

  Ah so Grumpy wasn’t left at home this morning, I smile, “Not saying,” I mess with her, “but it will take a lot to rile me today.”

  “Ooh a secret is it? Well then I won’t tell you what I know then.”

  “Tara, it won’t work. I’m not falling for that old trick.”

  We get to our floor and she rushes to get out of the lift first, child! “You’ll never know whether I did or did not know anything then will you,” she childishly teases.

  “Well you still don’t know why I’m happy.”

  All I hear is, “ARGGGGHHHH,” from round the corner and it makes me laugh even more.


  I’ve been stuck on the phone all morning and even that has not lessened my good mood. Tara has just popped in and put the post on my desk so now is a good a time as any to go through it. There’s the usual bumph and then I spy an envelope addressed to me Private and Confidential and amazingly Tara hasn’t opened it.

  I pull at the edge and thumb along the opening and then pull out the contents. I smile, as now in my hands, I have an information pack and voucher for a,

  One day exclusive Spa Day


  Tranquil Days Luxury Spa Resort.

  Okay, so it would seem Mr Dare likes to relax his lady friends. I read through the paraphernalia and learn that I need to telephone and confirm my attendance and let them know exactly what treatments I would like to book. I spy yet another business card from Mr Dare and dubiously start to read it.

  Saturday - Barnham’s Bistro - 9pm

  ~ Connor Dare

  For something with so little on it I have to read it several times. Why? Because there’s nothing wrong with it and I mean at all! I keep looking for the joke, twist, hidden meaning, waiting for the letters to Harry Potter into a different sentence. But no it never changes. Okay this dinner date just might possibly be happening.

  The accompanying gift of the spa day is not something to pass up and to be honest, I’m slightly embarrassed at how much this guy has spent already just for a dinner date.

  He’s definitely persistent, I’ll give him that.


  Houston We May Have Lift Off

  It’s Saturday night and I can’t believe Karina hasn’t replied so I have no idea if she’s actually going to fucking turn up. Maybe the prepaid wax session was pushing things slightly too far but nothing ventured nothing gained eh. I figured it will go one of two ways. Either she just won’t fucking turn up or if she does turn up, she will be nice and tidy down below! There’s nothing worse than hooking hairs out of your teeth.

  I have no idea what sort of food she likes so I thought I’d play safe and made a reservation at Barnham’s Bistro. They do all sorts of food so there’s bound to be something on the menu she will like. The Bistro usually goes down well with the ladies I’ve taken there before and the ambience is always just right for a seduction.

  I just hope she isn’t a salad kind of girl that spends the evening pushing lettuce round her plate. I hate that. It’s such a waste of time going to a restaurant if you’re not going to eat. It’s not as if she needs to watch her weight. I think she looks pretty damn perfect the way she is. I think of her banging body and wonder if she works out or if she’s naturally slim and toned?


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