Conquering the Dark Axe

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Conquering the Dark Axe Page 10

by Amber Dane

  She would be pleasant and try to discuss things with him as soon as he showed himself. She could have made it easier and told Camm to tell him that she wished to speak with him. But she would not. Let him come to her. He’d made her a true prisoner. She would not beg or ask him of anything. She needed no favors from him. Anxiety filled her gut as another thought came to her. What if he never came to her again?

  She walked to the area by the window and stretched her body this way and that. She was only allowed a few minutes a day to be free of the chains to exercise and see to her toilette and nothing more.

  She knew Camm worried over her because she did not eat. She couldn’t, her appetite had left her. Alexa could not bring herself to share her inner thoughts with her maid. Even if she had wanted to, she did not know what she’d say for she was unsure herself what truly was going on inside her or what would happen next. She only knew that she wanted to see her husband. Why? She was not quite sure on that either, she just did.

  She’d not thought of escape since that eve and had even put those thoughts aside. She would not run from her home or be run out. Nor be a prisoner in it. If he was going to be the Lord of the Manor, her home, then she wanted to be present as he did it.

  She knew there was more to it than that, but she refused to look further at those thoughts. She was going crazy in her sister’s chamber and becoming prisoner to her melancholy. She walked to Lisbeth’s chest and picked up one of her sister’s bracelets.

  It was a set and she looked for the matching one among Lisbeth’s other jewels on the silver tray on top of the wooden chest and was unable to find it. They had buried her sister with a few of her favorite and special pieces. The cuff would never fit over Alexa’s wrist. Lisbeth had always been so frail, dainty like. Mayhap that was part of the reason she’d not been able to fight off the sudden illness. As Alexa sorted through her sister’s things, she noted other fine pieces were missing too.

  Two more days passed and Rourke gritted his teeth as he impatiently waited for Camm to finish her report on his wife. He sat on a bench in the room off the hall, his brooding face turned toward one of the windows. Goran stood at the door.

  Camm could not halt the tremors in her voice, “She still refuses to eat, my lord.”

  Rourke rose abruptly and stood in his war stance. “Then she shall starve.”

  Camm’s gasp was heard at his back. But Rourke walked past her and Goran without a spare look. What did he care if the hellion did not eat? She spited only herself and since she was not yet breeding, there was no child of his loins to hurt. Camm had delivered the news of her menses yester morn. ‘Twas just another way for her to get under his skin. Fine!

  He stomped his way out of the hall and headed towards the rise where the workers were busily building, constructing his masterpiece. Rourke shook his head after standing there for a long while, and then he turned and walked back toward the manor.

  As soon as he entered the great doors, he spotted a carafe filled with wine on a nearby table. Just what he needed, some mulled wine would rid him of these haunting thoughts.

  Lina sauntered past just then with a swish of her hips and Rourke found his lingering gaze following her from view down the long hall. He needed something, someone to get the hellion’s scent out of his blood. Out of his soul. And he knew just the thing. Rourke snatched up the carafe with a grunt and went in the direction Lina had taken.


  He was unlike any Norman she had ever seen, his long golden waves loose flowed over his shoulders and two tiny braids hung on either side of his cheeks this day, no doubt to control his unruly bangs. Alexa was so glad he was not fond of one of those rat nests of lice for a beard as most Vikings and Normans usually favored.

  Aye, Alexa thought as she watched him enter the room, she could have done a lot worse. Although he was covered from head to toe with dust from the field or a ride, she could see the cleanliness beneath. Just as she could read the keen and knowing intelligence in those striking green and all-consuming eyes, that now watched her face with an amused expression on his beautiful face.

  Nigh a sennight had passed and he had finally come.

  She let out the painful breath she held. What she yearned for she knew not, but she did know it came from him and when he turned away from her, the disappointment nearly choked her. When his husky voice came, she closed her eyes and savored it. Telling herself madness and loneliness were the blame for such thoughts.

  “You bleed and do not carry my seed. I come to give you warning that I will be here when it ceases.” Her gasp made him turn back to her for a brief moment. Those eyes pierced her soul. “Twill be quick enough so that you will not suffer nor derive any pleasure from the ghastly deed. Let us both pray it does not take long and perhaps we both will survive it.” Rourke finished as he stood near the window, his back to her once again.

  Alexa was glad. If he’d meant to shock her and inflict pain with his cruel words, he’d no clue how easily he’d just accomplished that feat. She worried her bottom lip over why his uncaring attitude bothered her so. He looked uncomfortable and restless standing there. She quickly shook that thought away. ‘Twas just what she wanted to believe. She watched him seeking more from him. More did not come and as he walked back to the door without looking in her direction, she called out, desperate. “A word, Nor-“ he whirled and Alexa caught her breath. The look in his eyes savage. She swallowed, continuing softer, “A word. Just a word.”

  He arched a brow and she bit back a curse. He’d not approached the bed once. He looked healthy and robust. Nay, her confinement bothered him none at all and his distance spoke volumes.

  “You once said I could gain a boon.” She hated the sound of herself begging, but she was going mad locked in this room. He said nothing. A man of few words. What had she expected? Him to say he was sorry. Him to fight with her and ridicule her for him being right? In that moment she hated the word never. She started to pant with worry. “Does it still stand?”

  His expression did not change. At least he’d not gloated. His eyes made her stomach flip and his answer was a long time in coming, but finally he said, “Aye.”

  “More time to exercise. Please.” She implored him.

  That look in his eyes caused her to choke on a broken sob and she wished she could stomp her foot, but she could not as all four of her extremities were locked in these blasted chains. How she hated talking to him from this humiliating position. He stared at her for a long time and at first, Alexa thought he’d deny her, but with barely a visible nod he gave her his silent answer before he left the chamber.

  The sob left her throat at the sound of the door closing, her thoughts on a discussion with him forgotten. He’d not remained long enough for her to say anything more. Alexa could no longer blink back the tears and their warmth soothed her as they ran in rivulets into the strands of her hair.


  A few days later he still had not come and her menses had stopped a day ago. Alexa forced herself not to dwell on it or how much she hoped he’d come and tried to concentrate her energy on the extra time he allotted her to be free. He’d given her longer than she had hoped. She picked up an unlit long taper and began her movements of sword practice. A pang filled her heart as she wondered what he may have done with her sword. He’d not done anything or meted out any punishment to Camm yet for returning it to her the night of her escape. Rourke probably had melted her precious weapon down to nothing. Her heart sunk at the loss of her treasured weapon, but she pined for the strip of black and red cloth he’d taken from also. No doubt, it too was thrown out along with everything else.

  Alexa whirled and fought an invisible opponent fiercely as tears blinded her for a moment. After a few more thrusts and jabs into the air, she released a sigh of relief, and some of the tension unfurled in her tall frame. Her strength was coming back. She had started to eat after he’d come that day. Why should she waste away when he looked healthy as a horse? Plus she needed her wits abo
ut her.

  The moves calmed her nerves as they always did. Her thoughts turned back to her husband. Aye, she would not give up. Memories of that week he’d held her nightly in his arms, chasing away her night terrors came back to her and heat washed over her. Rourke could pretend as much as he wanted that he was an unfeeling, cold and soulless bastard.

  But a cold man, Alexa stopped her quick movements, breathing heavy, would not have held the woman he so despised in the way that he’d held her. His scars ran deep from something she still had yet to reveal, but Alexa believed she could find that gentle part in him again somewhere. Or at least a part that showed he had half a heart beating in that chest of stone.

  When he finally came to her the first night she'd been in such a deep sleep and woke with a startled gasp to feel his soft caresses upon her flesh. He did not clamp the irons around her feet, but did so around her wrists. Their gazes had held, no words spoken between them in the semi-darkness of the room. His full lips pulled into that hard line. Aye, he was more stubborn than she! And his blatant fight only recharged her own anger.

  One low candle burned, illuminating the strong planes of his handsome face as he lay above her. He did not kiss or fondle her breasts. His hand only moved between her legs until he produced what he sought.

  Just as his movements upon her started to kindle the desire he denied her, he’d lift his head and glare down at her with a look close to one of violence as if she'd done something wrong. Then he would quickly finish, climb off her and leave the chamber without a word. It frustrated Alexa to no end and she was ready to scream.

  By the fourth night of this unbearable and barbaric treatment, words still unspoken betwixt them, with neither willing to give in, Alexa was nigh tears. The deed was over almost as quickly as it had begun and still he left her lying there further frustrated.

  On the fifth night, she found she looked forward to him coming even though she told herself she didn't.

  She was wound so tight and furious over the myriad of turbulent emotions coursing through her. Sick unto death of the deep frustration he had caused to build in her body from him taking from her, filling her with his hardness and leaving her aching.

  She’d prayed for numbness, but it eluded her. Just as what he wrought and what she sought eluded her all the same. But tonight she had made a vow that she would get what she wanted. It hurt her that he refused to speak to her and used her body without care.

  Nay, ‘twas a lie. Although the act had been quick, his lingering and soft caresses bespoke something else.

  He would not leave her wanting his hard body anymore. He said he’d not give her pleasure and he had not. He never broke his word, his own words. Alexa’s inner thoughts mocked him. But she was determined to see that his word was broken this night.

  When he came, she was not asleep as he'd expected and when his fingers slipped between her thighs, she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  Aye, she was ready for him. Her thoughts all day had built and settled there in her core in anticipation. She felt her body spasm under his fingers and she could not stop the deep groan that escaped her lips as he withdrew his fingers from her moist heat.

  Alexa cursed him aloud, “Damn you.”

  He said nothing and she could see his dark angry gaze beating down on her for a silent moment. Would he not speak a word to her? Nay!

  This was utter madness what he was doing. He rose and removed his long tunic as he did every night to reveal that magnificent and powerful body that made her mouth water. Alexa readily spread her thighs.

  She would no longer be denied.

  She would have release this night.

  When he probed at her entrance, she waited and held her breath. His hardness slid into her, filling her and her cry of satisfaction rang loudly in her ears as the sound escaped her lips on a breathless cry. She shook and did what she hadn't since their wedding night. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Rourke roared above her or roared. “Nay!”

  His shout came too late and Alexa did not care. She lost herself in the first crash of the blissful explosion as his body jerked against hers, convulsing violently around him with her pent up climax and soared to the heavens. She could not breathe as she thrashed under him in the throes of the incredible eruption.

  It seemed to go on forever and she reveled in the soul rendering bliss. Damn his Norman hide. The shock waves continued as he started to move inside her.

  Rourke roared again, this time finding his own release triggered by her tightening liquid heat. He’d watched her take her pleasure and had marveled in the beauty of it, thrusting over and over into her satin heat. His release came hard and fast and pulsed out of him.

  He watched the tears leak from her eyes as she cried with her passion against him, her body twisting and arching her loveliness against his chest. Feeling her hardened pebbles was too much for him and he could no longer resist the demons he'd fought and struggled with the past nights and took a hardened peak into his hungry and waiting mouth. A satisfied groan escaped him at the wondrous taste of her. God's Wounds! The hellion drove him mad with the want and need of her. So passionate was she. Her moans increased and he felt himself hardening inside her once more. Would he ever get enough of her?

  Rourke was angry but happy at the same time. Her response to him- undeniable and glorious. It robbed his breath as she met him thrust for thrust, albeit he cursed when he did another thing he could no longer resist and dipping his head, he kissed her parted and waiting lips.

  Her tongue shot into his mouth before he fully covered hers with his and Rourke let out a guttural growl, his body jerking over her as his hot seed spurted out of him again from her movement. The hellion would be the death of him yet!


  Alexa woke from the deep slumber with a content smile on her face. Although her body was sore and her bottom ached, she felt good. The tension had abated and it was all because he slept beside her. He’d not left her after their spent passion.

  His light snores were at her back and unable to resist, she pressed against him. The chains lay above their heads. He had released her so that she could sit astride and ride him. She’d experienced and achieved even more pleasure than she'd believed imaginable at the new position. She’d been more wild and uninhibited and not at all embarrassed as she took of his flesh. Hating each other as they might, she did not hate the fiery pleasure they shared.

  He lay on his side facing her, one beefy arm between them over that massive chest and she reached out and laid her palm there. He moaned, but did not move. Alexa sighed with a smile tilting her lips. He was so handsome when he slept.

  Her eyes took in the features she had come to know so well. She caressed that mouth she longed to kiss and she did, lightly and pulled back when he stirred. She was amazed that he slept so hard, but then again, she had taken quite a bit of pleasure from him and he’d matched her each time.

  She looked down, his organ, now soft, lay still upon the golden bed of curls. She smiled and reached out and touched it. It jumped under her soft touch. He moaned but did not wake. Her curiosity took her fingers over the curve of his hip. When her fingers came to the nasty and angry scar near his navel, she swore she felt a tremor flow through him. But when she looked up, his eyes were still closed.

  She traced the scar around his hip and she did not know that her body followed her arm until his large hand snaked out and grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her. She froze and lifted her head up to look at him. Those green eyes were not foggy with sleep.

  The intensity in his emerald depths chilled her. Alexa wet her dry lips and he made a strangled sound. Her fingers flexed over the puckered scar. He would not say anything, so she didn’t wait and opened her mouth.

  “How did you survive such a wound as this?”

  To her surprise, he gave her a lopsided grin; however it did not reach his stormy green eyes. The silence stretched for what seemed like forever and finally he said with a cold snap in
his tone. “You say it as though you wished I had not.”

  Alexa balled her fist, frowned and said nothing.

  Rourke looked away as if he’d lost interest in her response and dropped his head back down on the pillow. His wary gaze returned to her face. “’Twas a fight with a man I once called friend.”

  Her shocked gasp filled the chamber. “A friend did this to you? Surely he must be an enemy now.” Alexa whispered the last almost to herself as her eyes met his. The wound disturbed her just looking at it. She could only imagine…She noted the cool change in him immediately and wished she’d not brought it up.

  “Aye, he is my enemy.”

  “Why did he do this?” her fingers, as if they had a mind of their own, trailed in a slow caress up his side over the deep puckered scar. He groaned under her touch and when her fingers neared the curls of his nether region, he clasped her hand tightly in his grip.

  “Why else? It was over a woman.” His words were cold and his hands tightened on hers when she went to question. “Enough.” He finished gruffly and shoved her hand away.

  The air shifted to a frost she felt to her gut. She shook off the disappointment that filled her when he’d pushed her away and watched him as he rose. His mood had chilled but his body had not. His hardness was evident as it stood tall. He seemed to not be bothered by it, she thought. For he threw his tunic over one shoulder and strode for the door completely naked.

  It was now or never and Alexa blurted, “I was hoping to discuss a few things with you.”

  The dark look he turned on her made her gasp. “More’s the pity. I said enough. I have business to attend and we both need to bathe.’

  Alexa opened her mouth to protest, but he gave her no chance, he stormed out of the chamber. Her outraged cry followed him. She did not care if he heard her. And he had, for the door to the chamber across the hall slammed with a loud thud.


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